Политологические науки список научных статей
Свобода разума: sine qua non суверенитета в Африке
В данной статье рассматривается феномен расовой колонизации Африки европейцами и последующих продолжительных усилий по деколонизации Африканского континента. Колонизация порождала бедность. Она лишила африканцев прав и суверенитета, она стремилась уничтожить их идентичность и способность мыслить и...
2024 / Мунене МачарияВАК -
Шейх Анта Диоп: выдающийся мыслитель, пробуждающий африканское самосознание
Статья посвящена анализу научной и политической деятельности выдающегося мыслителя Африки ХХ столетия – Шейха Анта Диопа, который считается родоначальником африканской исторической науки и символом африканского возрождения. Она приурочена к 100-летию со дня его рождения. В работе показана его...
2024 / Садовская Любовь МихайловнаВАК -
Деколонизация африканских исследований: теоретическое и практическое измерения
Статья посвящена анализу исторической динамики процессов деколонизации африканских исследований в период с 1960 г. по настоящее время. Тема деколонизации знания в последние десятилетия под влиянием постколониального дискурса приобретает особую актуальность и становится предметом оживленных...
2024 / Хохолькова Надежда ЕвгеньевнаВАК -
Африканские страны в поисках информационного суверенитета: прошлое и настоящее
Данная статья посвящена проблеме информационного суверенитета, попыткам его обретения и поддержания на Африканском континенте. Наследие колониализма и неоколониальная политика бывших метрополий не позволяли африканским странам достичь информационной независимости, без которой невозможны...
2024 / Усачева Вероника ВладимировнаВАК -
Out of Order
Now hegemony is ending, and multipolarity has become real. Yet it is not actually an international order, but merely a new set of conditions under which states must operate. And it is not yet clear whether order is, in principle, possible under these conditions.
2024 / Fyodor A. Lukyanov -
The Paths of Russian Militarism
Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine has generated а resurgence of interest in militarism, which can be defined as a belief system justifying demonstration of a country’s military power by the use of force and measures to strengthen its military capabilities. Militarism arises when...
2024 / Andrei P. Tsygankov -
Five Years Without the INF Treaty: Lessons and Prospects
This article focuses on regional ground-launched missiles in the context of the Russia-U.S.-China strategic triangle. It studies the bilateral nature, limited scope, and asymmetric limits/ reductions of the INF Treaty; considers the military and symbolic significance of regional ground-launched...
2024 / Alexander D. Chekov -
On Ukraine: To Understand before Making Peremptory Judgments
It would be wrong to confine oneself to asserting international law where it is far from the ethnic and human realities. It is not reasonable to insist on historical borders instead of deciding on a ceasefire line, as it only provides a bonus for aggression.
2024 / Jacques De Larosiere -
Military Alliances of the Great Powers
While global geopolitics has undergone a massive transformation since the end of the Cold War, the importance of formal military alliances remains central to the U.S. and its allies. NATO’s expansion and strengthening and the formation of AUKUS, I2U2, QUAD, Squad, etc. manifest unchanged...
2024 / Raza Muhammad -
The Race for the Global South or the ‘Battle for the Global Majority’: Prospects for Russia
The explosive growth of attention to the Global South—a natural result of the past decade’s synergetic trends—is likely to influence the rapid transformation of the world order that is now underway. The mammoth resources, underinvested infrastructure, and huge population (i.e., potential consumer...
2024 / Konstantin V. Bogdanov, Irina Ya. Kobrinskaya, Boris E. Frumkin -
India’s South Asia Policy Revisited: A Role for Russia
India’s policy towards South Asia has undergone a distinct shift in the 21st century: instead of seeking to constrain external powers’ increasing presence in its neighborhood, it has chosen to rely on the presence of other, friendly external actors. This choice is motivated by India’s limited...
2024 / Nivedita Kapoor -
The GCC-SCO Relationship Dynamics
The overlapping economic and security interests of the SCO and GCC members prompt them to strengthen cooperation in those spheres, working to extend it beyond the Gulf and Asia. The two associations have their own political, economic, and security ambitions in their regions, stemming from their...
2024 / Kheir S. Diabat, Mohd Khier Aljarwan, Muyassar Suleiman -
Middle Powers Revisited: “Good Citizens” of the World Majority
Recent international developments have given new relevance to the concept of middle power and necessitated its clarification. The states of the World Majority, with their growing potential and desire for a role in shaping the international order, could be termed as new middle powers or—to adapt an...
2024 / Nikolai Yu. Silaev -
Russia’s Radical Othering in the Global Academic Discourse
Many critical scholars hold that the new Cold War is already more dangerous than its predecessor, partly due to the synergy of Western intelligence services and various hegemonic-ideological institutions—the Censorship-Industrial Complex—in demonizing Russia. This paper is one of the first efforts...
2024 / Olga A. Baysha, Kamilla D. Chukasheva -
Between Cooperation and Alarmism: Problems of Common History Interpretation in Russia and China
Almost all key events of the common past are assessed differently in Russia and China. Political expediency in their interstate relations has almost always “outpaced” real understanding and adaptation of historical experience, and both governments prefer to becloud inconvenient aspects of common...
2024 / Ivan Yu. Zuenko -
The Game Space of “Information Disorder”
Indirect countermeasures against hostile propaganda appear to be more effective than overt struggle and are becoming more common. U.S. digital diplomacy increasingly employs online games that teach players about information manipulation, aiming to “inoculate” them against attempts to change their...
2024 / Mariia M. Bazlutckaia, Anna N. Sytnik -
Trump or Harris: No Difference for Moscow
Trump will not be able to untie the Ukrainian knot absent the necessary conditions, such as the exhaustion of Western resources or Russia’s decisive victory. Trump’s return to power is unlikely to destabilize the American political system, and even if internal divisions deepen, they will not affect ...
2024 / Ivan N. Timofeev -
В данной статье говорится о модели современного государственного развития Туркменистана, который имеет самобытный характер и заключается в том, что в ней органично соединены, с одной стороны, исторические традиции, обычаи, с другой – передовые демократические идеи современной цивилизации. Яркое...
2024 / Имамкулиева Т. М., Мулькаманова М. А. -
Mazkur maqolada Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti doirasida inson huquqlarini himoya qilish tizimining shakllanish tarixi, unga turtki bo‘lgan omillar hamda ahamiyati ko‘rib chiqiladi. BMTning asosiy maqsadlaridan biri inson huquqlarini himoyaqilish va targ‘ib qilish ekanligidan kelib chiqqan holda...
2024 / Mingboyeva Sakinabonu Shuhrat Qizi -
В настоящей статье рассматривается вопрос надлежащего процесса при использовании электронных средств связи при взаимодействии участников арбитража. В частности, проводится сравнительно-правовой анализ законодательств о международном коммерческом арбитраже таких стран как Россия, Узбекистан,...
2024 / Сиддиков Динмухаммад Бахтиёр Углы