THE INFLUENCE OF FEED ADDITIVE \"HYDROGEOL\" ON THE MICROFLORA OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT OF HONEY BEES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Serdyuchenko I., Vasilyev V., Tyutyunik A.

Influence of the fodder additive - gidrogemol break is studied; on quantitative and qualitative structure of microflora of a digestive path of bees. Thus it is established, that a summer residence gidrogemol in a mix with candi causes decrease in pathogenic microflora a digestive path of bees that creates optimum conditions for the further development of beer families

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Serdyuchenko I.

candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor, department of microbiology,

virology epizootology faculty of veterinary medicine

Vasilyev V. first year master's student Tyutyunik A.

first year master's student Federal state budgetary educational institution higher education

"Kuban state agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin»

Krasnodar, Russian Federation


Influence of the fodder additive - gidrogemol break is studied; on quantitative and qualitative structure of microflora of a digestive path of bees. Thus it is established, that a summer residence gidrogemol in a mix with candi causes decrease in pathogenic microflora a digestive path of bees that creates optimum conditions for the further development of beer families.

Keywords: apis mellifera, microorganisms, microflora, an intestines, gidrogemol.

To stimulate the physiological activity of bees, especially in the absence of flowering honey plants, is widely used by beekeepers feeding sugar syrup. However, due to the lack of feeding protein and mineral content and alkaline reaction, bees may experience discomfort, which is manifested by excessive excitation and become dyspeptic disorders. It is therefore recommended to acidify sugar feeding acetic acid and put in her protein-mineral supplements [1, p. 57].

To improve the biological activity of sugar syrup, we used a feed additive hydrogeol representing the acid hydrolysate of animal blood with the addition of lactic, benzoic and succinic acids [2, p. 50].

In their experiments, we added hydrogeol to 50% sugar syrup at the rate of 100 ml hydrogeolo and 900 ml of syrup. This fertilizer gave the bees during February-March 12 times with interval of 2-3 days from the calculation of 500 litres per hive. Families in the control group (n=5) were fed sugar syrup with no additives. Before the experiment and 24 hours later after eating the last bookmark feeding the bees of both groups investigated the qualitative and quantitative composition of intestinal microflora [3, p. 57].

Results showed that changes in the composition and number of microflora in the intestinal tract of bees of the control group correspond to the General trend of seasonal changes, which we set earlier. Namely, at the end of the wintering on the rise, as the total number of microorganisms and its individual representatives. Most significantly increased quantitative presence in the intestinal tract of bees enterobacteria; the number of lactobacilli, staphylococci, enterococci, GNFB and fungi increased. Thus, the General trend of changes in microbiocenosis of the intestinal tract of bees of the control group was characterized by an increase in the number of all components of the followers, but especially enterobacteria, causes, as a rule, the development of intestinal diseases [4, p. 44].

Bees of the experimental group treated with sugar syrup hydrogeol, noted a different trend. First of all, set the reduction in the number of enterobacteria, staphy-lococci, and fungi GNFB 1.4 and 3.4 lg CFU/g. To a lesser extent, decreased the number in the intestinal

contents of bees enterococci and yeast (0.4 and 0.9 lg CFU/g, respectively) [5, p. 288].

Consequently, the use of hydrogeol of 50% of sugar feeding allows to selectively influence the microflora of the digestive tract of bees, constraining the growth of enterobacteria, staphylococci, GNFB, fungi, in contrast, encourage the multiplication of lactic acid bacteria [6, p. 80].

In winter and early spring it is recommended to feed bees is not liquid and pasty feeding - Kandy, which is a mixture of powdered sugar (70-80%), honey or inverted syrup (20-30%) and water (1-4%). The advantage of Kandy before sugar syrup is that his bees take as needed, not transferred and not stored in the cells of a honeycomb. Taken the dough bees immediately used, while they do not have excessive anxiety and years. So it was interesting to determine the influence of hydrogeol on microecological processes in the intestinal tract of the bees when fed to Kandy. For this purpose, in the process of making a dough feeding instead of water used hydrogeol, which was introduced at the rate of 1.5 litres per 35 kg of sugar-honey mixture. The thus obtained Kandy, fed to bee colonies in the experimental group (n=5) 2-fold with an interval of 3 weeks at the rate of 1 g Kandy on the hive. The bee colonies of the control group (n=5) were fed normal Kandy. Before the experiment and after its completion (45 days) was investigated in the intestinal microflora of bees. In the control group of bees, the number of identified microorganisms increased by 0.2-0.6 lg CFU/g. While the number of Escherichia, staphylo-cocci, enterococci, and yeast GNFB was about the same and was at the level of 6 lg CFU/g, but the number of Lactobacillus was 3 orders of magnitude smaller [7, p. 127].

In the experimental group the initial indicators of microbiocenosis was similar to the control group, however, the results after the experience was significantly different. First of all, I noticed a decrease of 2-3 orders of magnitude of the number in the intestinal tract of bees in the number of enterobacteria, staphylococci, and yeast GNFB. To a lesser extent, decreased the number of enterococci, lactobacilli [8, p. 40].

Thus, studies have shown that the use of hydroge-olo can significantly regulate microecological processes in the digestive tract of honey bees and it can be used both with liquid and pasty feeding. However, to ensure a more stable result you should prefer the use of hydrogeol composed Kandy [9, р. 27].


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