Serdyuchenko I.
candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor, department of microbiology, virology epizootology faculty of veterinary medicine Federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "Kuban state agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin»
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
The microbial contamination of the element of the bee hive, namely the wall, was studied. It was found that the general trend in the quantitative presence of microorganisms on the walls of the hive was their maximum content in June, and a minimum in November-December, which is explained by the weather and climatic conditions of the Krasnodar Territory during this period of the year, namely, in summer - enough high, and in winter -low, for the development of fungi and bacteria, temperature.
Keywords: apis mellifera, microorganisms, microflora, an intestines, hive walls, drinkers for singing.
Microbiocenosis of adult bees is formed mainly due to the microflora of melliferous plants, with which insects are in daily contact [1, p. 50], and the microbio-cenosis of the organism of young bees can be formed only due to the food they receive from the nurses and direct contact with adult workers [2, p. 57].
Meanwhile, we believe that the formation of the intestinal microbiocene of young bees can also be carried out due to the microflora living on various components of the internal contents of the hive, with which the young individual contacts, starting from the exit from the pupa, as well as due to the microflora of the water that adult bees deliver in the hive for the purpose of drinking and cooling [3, p. 44].
To prove our hypothesis, we carried out bacteriological studies of washes from the elements of the bee hive [4, p 289].
The research results showed that the microbial composition of the surfaces of various components of the hive during the whole year is rather poor [5, p. 85].
The microflora of the walls of hives was the poorest in composition (Table 1), which was represented by E. aerogenes and P. citrinum. But, in spite of the poor species composition of the microflora of the walls, its quantitative composition was more significant than on
the frames and the bottom of the hive and comparable to the year (2.3 + 0.3 lg CFU / cm2) [6, p. 89: 7, p. 40].
Most of the microflora of the walls consisted of microorganisms of the genus Penicillium, which we isolated throughout the year. The average annual concentration of penicilli was 2.8 + 0.3 lg CFU / cm2. The maximum number of mold spores was found in June and July - 4.3 + 0.3 and 4.0 + 0.3 lg CFU / cm2, respectively, and the minimum in November and December -1.3 + 0, 4 lg CFU / cm2. Bacteria were sown from the walls of the hive only from May to September in the amount of 0.7 + 0.3 - 2.0 + 0.3 lg CFU / cm2. In the remaining months, the bacterial flora from the walls of the hive did not sow.
The dynamics of changes in the quantitative presence of microflora on the walls of the hive depended mainly on the number of molds inhabiting them, the content of which was not subject to sharp changes during the year [8, p. 52].
Meanwhile, the trend was similar to that which we observed in the study of other elements of the hive, namely, an increase in the number of microorganisms in spring and summer and a decrease in autumn and winter (Fig. 1).
Table 1
Species and quantitative composition of the microflora of the walls of the hive during the year
Microorga nisms Total number of microorganisms, lg CFU / cm2 Average
September October November December January February March April May June July August
Enterobact er aerogenes 0,7+ 0,3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,7+ 0,4 2,0+ 0,2 2,0+ 0,1 2,0+ 0,3 1,7+ 0,3
Penicillium citrinum 0,7+ 0,3 1,7 + 0,1 1,3 + 0,4 1,3+ 0,4 2,0+ 0,2 2,3+ 0,3 2,4+ 0,2 2,7+ 0,4 3,7+ 0,5 4,3+ 0,3 4,0+ 0,4 3,7+ 0,3 2,8+ 0,3
Average 1,9+ 0,3 1,7 + 0,1 1,3 + 0,4 1,3+ 0,4 2,0+ 0,2 2,3+ 0,3 2,4+ 0,2 2,7+ 0,4 2,7+ 0,4 3,2+ 0,2 3,0+ 0,3 2,9+ 0,3 2,3+ 0,3
Figure 1 - Dynamics of changes in the total amount of microflora on hive walls throughout the year
Thus, the general trend in the quantitative presence of microorganisms on the walls of the hive was their maximum content in June - 3.2 + 0.2 lg CFU / cm2, and the minimum in November-December - 1.3 + 0.4 lg CFU / cm2, which due to the weather and climatic conditions of the Krasnodar Territory during this period of the year, namely, in summer - high enough, and in winter - low, for the development of fungi and bacteria, temperature.
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