THE IMPORTANCE OF DEVELOPING CREATIVE THINKING ASSESSMENT IN PISA RESEARCH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
learning process / domains of creative thinking / problem-solving / hotspot / PISA assessment.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shoxrux Muhammadumar Ogli Abduvaliyev, Zamira Quchkor Qizi Qoraxujayeva

This article discusses how creatively students can think in expressing and defining ideas, and how this ability, in turn, relates to the learning process, school activities, and other aspects of the education system. The process of creative thinking under assignment should tend to be improved through education;

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Shoxrux Muhammadumar o'g'li Abduvaliyev

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region 2nd year students in Foreign languages and literature (English) shoxruxabduvaliyev40@gmail.com

Zamira Quchkor qizi Qoraxujayeva

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region 2nd year students in Foreign languages and literature (English) zamiraqoraxo,jeva@gmail.com

Scientific adviser: Shamirzayeva Zarifa Khudoyorovna


This article discusses how creatively students can think in expressing and defining ideas, and how this ability, in turn, relates to the learning process, school activities, and other aspects of the education system. The process of creative thinking under assignment should tend to be improved through education;

Keywords: learning process, domains of creative thinking, problem-solving, hotspot, PISA assessment.


Its purpose is not to identify highly creative individuals, but to analyze how creatively students can think in expressing and defining ideas, and how this ability, in turn, relates to the learning process, school activities, and other aspects of the education system. The main goal of the PISA survey is to provide internationally comparable information on students' creative thinking with clear results in education policy and system. The process of creative thinking under assignment should tend to be improved through education; the various auxiliary factors of this thought process in the context of the learning process should be clearly identified and depend on the indicators in the assessment; the content of the field used in the assessment should be closely related to the subjects taught in ordinary high school; For assessments to be predictive of creative achievement in school and in life, tests must be similar to reallife activities in which the student engages in daily life, in the classroom, and outside. In PISA research, it is difficult to collect information on a complex set of factors that

help creative thinking, but it is possible. The PISA consists of two parts: a test and a Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

questionnaire. The test section provides information on how well students can use their creative approach to cognitive processes in tasks related to giving ideas, analyzing and improving them. The questionnaire provides information on other auxiliary factors for students' creative thinking, including a creative approach (openness, passion and confidence), perceptions of the school environment, and activities in and out of school. Some auxiliary factors are better covered in the assessment than others. For example, while collaboration skills are an important aid to creative thinking, they are not directly measured in PISA research due to organizational and technical challenges. In any case, the ability to work collaboratively in this style is recognized as an important personal motivating factor. Domains of creative thinking in the field of PISA research.


The literature suggests that the more domains covered in the evaluation of creative thinking, the better the coverage of the construct. However, some practical and logistical constraints of PISA research affect the potential domains (areas) included in the PISA program. The first of these is related to the age of the test subjects. Given that the target audience of the PISA survey (15-year-old students) has limited knowledge and life experience, the domains selected for assessment should be based on knowledge and experience specific to all students in the world (such as drawing, writing, or problem solving). The domain being tested (and related tasks) should also reflect a realistic expression of the creative thinking that a 15-year-old can display in this context. The second limitation is related to the time allotted for the test. According to the current PISA assessment structure, one hour is allotted to test students' creative thinking. This means that the number of possible domains must be limited in order to gather enough data for each domain. Since the purpose of the PISA survey is not to provide individual test results, but to provide comparative performance at the national level, different forms of testing can be used interchangeably. In doing so, students solve different mixes of tasks within the domain (there may be some random similarities). In any case, ensuring that students in each domain receive reliable test results at the national level requires sufficient time for each domain task and limits the number of tasks that can be covered in the assessment. The third limitation is related to the obligation to test creative thinking on a regular PISA test platform. PISA tests are performed on a standard computer that has neither a touch panel (touch screen) nor an Internet connection.

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


The platform currently implements various forms of response input, including multiple response selection, text input, scrolling, hot-spot (clicking on a field within text or image), chat interface, interactive diagrams, and graphs. Although it is possible to add new functionalities to the platform during the development of this assessment, such as drawing tools, selection of assessment areas, the technical limitations of the platform should be taken into account when developing similar tasks. Given these key limitations and relying on the literature to discuss different domains of creativity, the assessment of creative thinking in PISA tad focuses on a wide range of content areas: 'creative expression' and „knowledge creation and problem solving'. Creative activity in this field is characterized by originality, aesthetics, imagination, emotional content and reaction. On the contrary, creative activity in the field of "knowledge creation and creative problem solving" includes practical forms of creative thinking related to the study of open-ended questions (without a single correct answer). This field, in turn, is divided into "scientific problem solving" and "social problem solving" domains. In these areas, creative activity is a means to an end result and can therefore be described as offering unique, innovative, effective and efficient solutions. These four areas of assessment reflect the nature of real life and everyday creative thinking, and cover a relatively large number of creative thinking activities that 15-year-olds can typically engage in. They cover all possible expressions of creative thinking in school and are subdivided into "scientific problem-solving" and "social problem-solving" domains. In these areas, creative activity is a means to an end, and so "creative expression" refers to the transfer of an individual's inner feelings (experiences) to others. The subject area is subdivided into 'written expression' and 'visual expression' domains. Fails to adequately cover the creative thinking construct, but also takes into account the various logistical and technical constraints of PISA assessment. Given the differences in cultural norms for some forms of creative activity, the different values in education, and the differences in the teaching of science around the world, it can be expected that students' results in these areas will vary. If students are assessed in more than one area, we can make assumptions about the strengths and weaknesses of the national-level creative thinking field.


This information also highlights the differences between how well students

are encouraged to look for ways to express their solutions and ideas. This is important

for how creative thinking in different areas should be taught in school. Domains to Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

be evaluated in the test. Written work is a natural means of creative expression both in the school context and outside it. Writing plays an important role in improving children's mental and behavioral skills . Fluent writing requires logical consistency. The creative writer urges people to understand his imagination and believe in him. This requires the writer to emphasize detail and consistency. For example, even fantasy stories about demons and aliens must have an inner logic, a meaning within the world created by the author. People who write reflect on the writing skills and process, identify the expected outcomes of their work, and respond creatively to the text of others . These steps open up new facets of intellectual and emotional development for the student, and make them and the environment better. This type of creative expression allows students to understand and master the basic rules of effective communication throughout life. It helps to better understand how information, communication and design work in general. The importance of creative visual expression has increased in recent years: with the proliferation of digital painting and design software, almost everyone will one day engage in visual communication that affects either themselves or others (for example, consider the importance of a visual resume).Test questions designed for the domain of visual expression require students to: perform an open-ended visual design task using a digital drawing tool; give a visual design idea based on the proposed scenario (for example, about adding a particular detail, etc.); to give the idea of improving the form of the exhibition presented in the task. In everyday life, students use creative thinking to solve problems in a variety of relationships and communities. In this context, creative thinking is about solving interpersonal, social, and global problems, taking into account not only the technical but also the social aspect of the problem, that is, the needs and perspectives of others. Creative thinking in this domain depends on the student's ability to empathize with others and to understand the needs of a particular group, to identify connections and to provide ideas of emotional value, and to suggest innovative but applicable solutions. Test questions in the domain of solving a social problem require the student to perform the following tasks: individually or in a possible group scenario to solve an open problem of social significance; find solutions to social problems based on the given scenario; further improvement of the finished solution.


The fact that the reforms carried out in our country in recent years have led to

huge economic growth, further increases the demand for qualified personnel and

qualified specialists in all areas. This in itself requires increasing the interest of our Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

students in the lessons and increasing the attention of teachers to comprehensive education. The fact that the above requirements are very important for the education system means that, as in most foreign countries, it is necessary to attract best practices to improve the quality of education by assessing and monitoring the development of education and science. What does participation in international research on education quality assessment mean for Uzbekistan? Used to reform the national education system, improve the content of education, training and professional development programs for teachers, and create a new generation of textbooks by professionals. The results of the research allow us to draw conclusions about the quality of education in the country and its role, taking into account international standards. International research has a positive impact on the quality of national research in education. It allows to create a national evaluation system based on high economic efficiency at the level of international standards. By participating in international research with the involvement of leading experts from various organizations, Uzbekistan will develop a culture of monitoring research among our local experts, bringing the quality of education assessment in line with international



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