ASSESSMENT OF ACTIVITIES AT ENGLISH LITERATURE-LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
education / personality oriented learning / assessment / work of art (fiction) / discipline of aesthetic cycle / evaluation criteria / rating scale

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Aytkul Nuralievna Djalilova

This article explores the ways teachers at the lessons of literature keep track of and make sense of students’ literate development and of their own professional effectiveness in teaching learners to read and write.

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Aytkul Nuralievna Djalilova

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region


This article explores the ways teachers at the lessons of literature keep track of and make sense of students' literate development and of their own professional effectiveness in teaching learners to read and write.

Keywords: education, personality oriented learning, assessment, work of art (fiction), discipline of aesthetic cycle, evaluation criteria, rating scale


The problem of educational outcomes assessment is recognized by educational community around the world. Since the end of the XXth century it has been actively analyzed and is still being discussed. Since then, the idea of «formative assessment» has been established in the educational community. Formative assessment is called «one of the most powerful tools available to guide classroom decisions». Its principles and forms of realization are disclosed in in-depth study of many respected authors. The undoubted advantage of properly organized evaluation they call the stable feedback of the teacher with the student


The study of fiction in the school of any level has several objectives: 1) expanding horizons (conversance with the texts recognized by a society); 2) development of pupils' thinking and speech; 3) development of empathy - the ability to sympathize, to empathize (decantation of a personality); 4) comprehension of figurative nature of a literary text, awareness of metaphorical artistic style; 5) acquisition of specific terminology and methods of research (scientific, literary knowledge).

The first part - the reading circle

The list of proposed to the study fiction is criticized every year primarily by

parents, depending on their tastes and preferences. The list of "favorite" fiction in

each family is their own, and every parent thinks that his/her tastes must be taken into

account by the school: «The domain of text / literature involves both cultural

patrimony and more recent developments of texts ... Specific tensions arise however

when trying to define the literary canon and its role in the language as subject Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 502 www.ares.uz

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

curriculum. ... To protect the interests of pupils for whom choice of reading content should not be arbitrary, to ensure some element of curriculum entitlement for all pupils, and to allow consideration of the balance of the prescribed curriculum between national and multicultural texts, classic and modern». Mass education should, on the one hand, take into account individual preferences of students, and on the other - to provide a unity of requirements: there are also arguments for not abandoning completely the notion of a canon, but for approaching it in a more dynamic way to prevent the de facto canon from being left to chance, to protect the interests of pupils for whom choice of reading content should not be arbitrary, to ensure some element of curriculum entitlement for all pupils, and to allow consideration of the balance of the prescribed curriculum between national and multicultural texts, classic and modern.

The second part - the development of thinking and speech

Reading is a universal activity that expands the horizons of the student, develops his/her speech and thinking. There is no area of human knowledge, which would not be covered in fiction to a greater or lesser extent: and morality, and religion, and philosophy, and even science: «Students are introduced to reading and writing and to the world of literature and language. They learn to master an increasing repertoire of genres both in oral and written communication and to explore the world of texts, media, communication and symbolic interaction. Thus language is not only developed as a means of communication. The heuristic or epistemic use of language also has its place in LS: via language we develop new insights and can acquire knowledge». The State Educational Standard directs teachers to achieve such results as "understanding of literature as a phenomenon of national and world culture", "the formation of ideas about the world, the Russian history and culture, the original ethical ideas, concepts of good and evil, morality». The Literature develops the worldview, culture, morality, values. But these concepts are more related to personal ones than to objective learning outcomes, and qualities of the personality, as you know, must not be subjected to a personalized assessment.

The third part - decantation of a personality

The most loyal allies of the teacher in the Literature lesson are those learners

who are capable of empathy, they perceive artistic words above all by heart. Even in

high school, many of those students who prefer to read "for themselves", protect their

subjective perception from strangers. The presence of other and even opposing views

about the book for many students (particularly in a primary school) is unexpected and

unpleasant: «Interpretation is based upon an understanding of literary text as being

ambiguous». For selfish children the fiction often remains closed. In the read they Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 503 www.ares.uz

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

want to see only a confirmation of their own position in life. Their judgments are categorical. The teacher requires the real mastery in order the psychological changes in the mind of a child occur gently and do not cause his/her negative reactions. But whether the teachers themselves are always able to assess pupil's opinion objectively, if their reading comprehension of art works is dramatically different?

The fourth and fifth parts - the basis of scientific analysis in the lesson of aesthetic cycle

The Literature lesson is originally dual, as it is trying to understand the irrationality of art by rational methods. To keep a balance between the emotional nature of literature and logical analysis is very difficult, especially if it is necessary to diagnose pupils' knowledge by means of tests: Teaching and learning for life or for examinations.

Modern literary science has made great strides in the detailed characterization of a literary text, in the search for links between other works of the same author, other authors of domestic and foreign literature, painting and music. The findings of literary scholars are often a role model for literature teachers. The practice of classroom teaching is filled with all sorts of "reminders for analysis", which are essentially the algorithm of analytical activity of pupils.

Assessment of creative activity

One of the mandatory requirements of the assessment procedure is that "the assessment should be based on clear, understandable criteria for a child». Among the main subject results of acquisition of basic educational program on the literary reading there are such that are amenable to evaluation by credits: "the use of different types of reading (study, selective, search)"; "Mastery of reading aloud and to oneself techniques, elementary methods of interpretation, analysis and transformation of art, popular science and educational texts using the basic literary concepts." To assess these skills there have been developed criteria, defined quality levels of performance. Most educational systems, adopted in primary school, provide teachers with monitoring test materials for the diagnosis of literary development of younger pupils. Basically these are tasks, checking the technique (speed) of reading and basic techniques of comprehension. Reproductive questions dominate that ultimately determine the nature of all learning activities: preparing children for such verification work, the teacher could not help building the entire learning process on the same principles. However, in respect of the literary development of younger pupils the requirement of criteria assessment may not always be fulfilled.

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Definitely it is important to work out intentionally with children the tempo and accuracy of reading, the search of required information, answers to questions about the text, matching the content with the title. But all these skills rather should be formed on the basis of educational texts. The work of art, arousing emotions in a child, prevents analysis activities. The system of tasks is needed, stimulating the development of the thought processes that are specific to fiction. Test and assessment tools for literature are focused mainly on checking the level of reproductive assimilation of knowledge and skills. However, such criteria as "the search for information" and "the ability to find an answer on the question in the text", it is advisable to work out not art, but educational texts. Such skills are more likely related not to the subject "literary reading", but to meta-skills, certainly important, but clearly insufficient for properly assessment of competences in the field of fiction.


The reading of a work of art is a process of co-creation. This is the work, in which the child has relative freedom to choose the means and methods of expression. It is a process that is difficult to estimate objectively, because it is valuable, and its results are implicit, often unconscious and delayed. This is partly an artistic activity, which must be free in nature, carried out without rude guidance of an adult: "The literary text should allow everyone to judge independently philosophical, moral and aesthetic concepts». Thus, the high assessment in the classroom should receive especially those students who are able to support creative activities on the basis of a work of art, are able to think freely and to speak out. During the study of a work of art the opinions of students may collide. So you should not avoid or be frightened of it. On the contrary, the ability to look at the text with different philosophical or moral positions should be encouraged: it creates a problematic situation, leads to a productive dialogue or even a debate, and it supports the pupils' interest in reading and the Literature lessons. Hence, a special positive assessment deserve those students who are able to understand someone else's point of view, including an author and a character of a work of art, classmates, teachers, and participate in discussions


It is significant that the assessment at the Literature lesson to be fair for the students with different levels of language development, with a different type of thinking, emotion, attention, communication skills. The main thing is that the

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

assessment would become the stimulus for reading and awake the desire for culture in pupils


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