Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
Shohsanam Doniyor kizi Asiljonova
Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Project activity in human life plays a developmental role. This is especially important at primary school age, which is one of the most difficult and controversial periods of development in a person's life for analysis. As part of the learning process at this age, the foundations of a person's socialization are la id, the peculiarities of his interaction with others, and the educational base is formed, which will later become the foundation of his educational and work activities.
All aspects of development at this age are subject to a qualitative restructuring, new psychological formations arise and form. In this regard, a creative approach to teaching in accordance with psychological characteristics, motivational preferences and tangible performance, which is so important for schoolchildren, is simply necessary.
Keywords: creative abilities, assessment, project activity, schoolchildren, creative approach, educational and work activities.
The main indicators of creative are the prerequisites: motivational, content operational, emotional-volitional components of activity, namely, understanding the importance of preparation for creative activity, the presence of interest in creative work in various types of activity, the desire to actively participate in the creative process, the ability to fantasize and imagination ; the ability to overcome the difficulties that have arisen, to bring the work begun to the end; the appearance of perseverance, diligence, conscientiousness; manifestation of joy when discovering new techniques, methods, actions.
The development of an individual personality is directly revealed in the
general uniformity of people's behavior, as well as in stereotyped situations that
are similar in the most general ideas about the surrounding reality. Human self-
awareness is not transmitted to people at birth as biological heredity, but are
formed during their lifetime and at the same time on an ongoing basis. The
creative development of a personality takes place in an indissoluble connection Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan
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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
with the self-awareness of the personality. Self-awareness is one of the fundamental problems of psychology. With the help of self -awareness, a person not only distinguishes himself from the world around him, but also opposes him to it. The subject is aware of himself as a person, evaluates his own characteristics and relates to himself in a certain way. Moreover, self-awareness does not occur as the awareness of something absolutely separate from the surrounding world, but in a diverse relationship with it.
The main goals of the teaching staff are the formation of universal educational actions based on the competence-based approach in students. The process of a child's getting used to school is quite long and is associated with significant stress in all physiological systems of the child's body, and since the adaptive capabilities of a child at this age are limited, a sudden transition to a new social situation and prolonged stay in a stressful state can lead to emotional disturbances or a slowdown in the psychophysical pace development.
Lesgaft in his writings linked the physical and mental development of the child and noted that they should be considered as a complex. Lesgaft game methods can be roughly divided into the following directions:
Imitation is the repetition of something a child sees in the environment. The variety of these games depends on the child's impressionability, as well as on the development of his physical strength and the ability to use them.
Games according to the rules, in which the child's independence is manifested in inventing a game, as well as its rules, so that, together with his peers, he learns to control himself, his actions and forces, gain experience of overcoming obstacles, which will be many in his future adult life.
Thus, P.F. Lesgaft created a whole system of outdoor games and developed their methodology, which was based on imitating the activity of adults or the behavior of animals and natural phenomena, in which he showed the psychological difference between games with rules and imitation ones.
In Rubinstein's works, the game itself is analyzed. He highlights in each game:
• Idea.
• Plot.
• Game content.
• Gaming experience.
Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
Emotions and, in particular, the degree of mental and volitional efforts applied in a particular game situation depend on the plot variety, his enthusiasm for children.
Children are carried away by games that require efforts of thought and will, overcoming difficulties. The child needs vigorous activity that helps to increase his vitality, satisfying his interests, social needs. Games are necessary for a child's health, they make his life meaningful, complete, and create confidence in his abilities.
The most important cognitive process that unites all others is thinking. The thinking of the younger schoolchild is moving from visual -figurative to verbal-logical, conceptual thinking, that is, concrete thinking, connected with reality and everyday observation, now obeys a logical scheme, but on the other hand, abstract, formal-logical inferences are not yet available to the younger student. From here comes the formation of var ious types of thinking, contributing to the effectiveness in the assimilation of educational material. The consistent formation of an internal plan of action leads to significant changes in the intellectual sphere.
First of all, children learn the ability to generalize according to external, most
often, mediocre characteristics. But in the learning process, the teacher focuses
their attention on connections, relationships, on the fact that the children's mind
does not stop directly, therefore, students move to a higher level of generalization,
acquire the ability to assimilate scientific concepts, without reliance on visual
material. The transition of thinking to a new high level marks a restructuring of
all mental processes, memory is now thinking, and perception is thinking. The
transition of thinking operations to a new stage and the associated restructuring of all
other processes form the main content of mental development in primary school age.
Imagination is formed in several stages. At the first stage, the forming images
characterize the object rather conditionally, there are no details, they are inactive -
this is a recreational (reproductive) imagination. The second stage consists in
significant processing of figurative material and the creation of ne w images -
this is a productive imagination. The main tendency in the development of
children's imagination is the transition to more and more correct and complete
expressions of reality based on the acquired knowledge. With the passage of Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan
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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
time, the children's imagination intensifies. This is due to the accumulated knowledge and the development of critical thinking. Since the leading activity in primary school age is educational, then all his activities aimed at understanding the world around him are directly carried out through study, and the preschooler himself learns the world around him through play. In the learning process, a child should not be an object, but a subject of project activities, therefore, the main ideas for introducing new standards into school education are to strengthen concern for its developmental side, to form students' ability to learn. The question is raised about the optimization of learning, in particular, when working with the primary grades, it is naturally required to replace the former "knowledge" approach with an activity approach, which implies the fulfillment of the following conditions:the presence of a cognitive motive in children (the desire to learn, discover, learn) and a specific project goal (understanding what exactly needs to be found out, mastered);performance by students of certain actions to acquire missing knowledge;identifying and mastering by students a method of action that allows them to consciously apply the acquired knowledge;the formation of schoolchildren's ability to control their actions - both in the process of these actions and after their completion;inclusion of training content in the context of solving significant life problems. The technology of the activity approach is based on the child's participation in the educational process as a subject of learning.
In numerous studies of modern domestic psychologists, essential conditions are highlighted that should help parents and teachers to form in a child the ability to independently control both his own behavior and the learning process. Desires are based on the student's educational motivation, and cognitive interest as an experience of a cognitive need serves as the basis for the internal motivation of educational and cognitive activity, when the cognitive need of a younger student collides with the content of instruction that meets this need.
The meaning of any education is to create conditions for each student to move from external education directly to self-education, from external education directly to selfeducation, and development, directly to creative self-development. Since the indispensable conditions for self-development are responsibility, initiative, independence and creativity, as well as the development of their own style of individual project activities, the student must always first learn to assess the significance and difficulty of tasks, as well as time costs, and learn to
Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
calculate their strengths, learn to predict various possible consequences, as well as plan the results of project activities.
It is the play and creative project activity that represents the active interaction of an adult with a child on the basis of the latter, when it is he who is given the opportunity to openly free self-expression with the simultaneous acceptance of feelings by adults.
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