TEACHING TECHNOLOGY IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS BASED ON ART Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sharipova Gulshoda Maqsud Qizi, Sharopova Mahliyo Fozilovna, Zhurayev Akmal Razzoqovich, Murtazoyev Azizbek Nusratovich

The relevance of Art technology is based on the fact that it creates conditions for creativity, development,self-confidence. It can be used in technology lessons at once within the framework of two trends in the development of modern educational technologies: free education and education in the process of life. The goal of working with art technologies is to create conditions for solving educational tasks based on the harmonization of the inner world of the student, the development of his personality.

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Sharipova G^.1, Sharopova M.F.2, Zhurayev A.R.3, Murtazoyev A.N.4 Email: Sharipova6111@scientifictext.ru

1Sharipova Gulshoda Maqsud qizi - Master's degree;

2Sharopova Mahliyo Fozilovna - Master's degree;


Abstract: the relevance of Art technology is based on the fact that it creates conditions for creativity, development,self-confidence. It can be used in technology lessons at once within the framework of two trends in the development of modern educational technologies: free education and education in the process of life. The goal of working with art technologies is to create conditions for solving educational tasks based on the harmonization of the inner world of the student, the development of his personality.

Keywords: fairy-tale therapy, Writing fairy tales, Rewriting fairy tales, Drawing fairy tales, Isotherapy, plasticinography, Application, Sand therapy, Music therapy.

ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ОБУЧЕНИЯ В НАЧАЛЬНОЙ ШКОЛЕ НА ОСНОВЕ ART Шарипова Г.М.1, Шаропова М.Ф.2, Жураев А.Р.3, Муртазоев А.Н.4

1Шарипова Гулшода Максуд кизи - магистр; 2Шаропова Махлиё Фозиловна - магистр;

3Жураев Акмал Раззокович - преподаватель;

Муртазоев Азизбек Нусратович - преподаватель, факультет теории и методики обучения и воспитания, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: актуальность ART-технологии основана на том, что она создает условия для творчества, развития, уверенности в себе. Она может быть использована на уроках технологии сразу в рамках двух направлений развития современных образовательных технологий: свободного обучения и образования в процессе жизни. Целью работы с ART-технологиями является создание условий для решения учебных задач на основе гармонизации внутреннего мира студента, развития его личности.

Ключевые слова: сказкотерапия, написание сказок, переписывание сказок, рисование сказок, изотерапия, пластилинография, аппликация, песочная терапия, музыкотерапия.

UDC 002:001.4

Tasks that the teacher sets for himself in the lessons of technology with the use of Art technology: to emotionally liberate the student; to remove tightness; to teach them to feel; to develop artistic imagination; to increase self-esteem; to develop emotional and moral culture; to form the ability to express emotions. This technology is effective, as it has a rich educational and developmental potential, is able to gently and gently influence the child's personality, gradually adapting it to new social conditions and school requirements. Here are some examples of the use of art technology elements in technology lessons:

1. Fairy-tale therapy. This is a therapeutic effect on the child using the materials of fairy tales, aimed at developing the creative abilities of students, expanding their consciousness, improving interaction with the surrounding world. Fairy tales cause a strong emotional manifestation, as in children of primary school age. The images presented in fairy tales appeal to two mental levels-consciousness and subconsciousness, which gives additional opportunities for the development of communication skills of primary school children. Fairy tales contain information about all aspects of people's lives and activities. Reading fairy tales, younger students learn how the world works, who its creator is, what difficulties a person may encounter on his life path, how to acquire and appreciate friendship, love, etc. Thus, from fairy tales, they not only learn about the main stages of a person's life path, but also get an idea of the formation and development of a person in a figurative form.

Writing fairy tales. At this stage of the lesson, children are usually invited to tell their fairy tale on a free or given topic. With the help of the chosen theme and the development of the plot, they manifest themselves in the image of the main character and his relationship with the world, reflected in the fairy-tale symbolism. I suggest that children's fairy tales (or their episodes) be staged. The children themselves act as actors. Such work develops the behavioral component of the child's attitude to himself and the world, self-esteem, self-improvement, and self-control. In addition, it allows students to express emotions that are held back in communication with other people. You can use it not only in the lessons of literary reading, but also in the lessons of technology.

Rewriting fairy tales. At the literary reading lesson, children are invited to tell a well-known fairy tale on behalf of a certain character who is present or not present in the fairy tale. In this case, the angle of the plot changes, the shades of the meaning of the fairy tale. The child understands that he can also change something in his life story. He rewrites or completes the fairy tale being studied. At the same time, the student can change its end or introduce other characters into the story. This helps the child to rethink the well-known stories, to show a creative attitude to the world, develops an independent, active position, allows you to get rid of the tense attitude to certain situations in life.

Drawing fairy tales. For example, here the technology teacher gives the children a task to break into pairs and draw a fairy-tale drawing together, and then tell each child their own fairy tale from the drawing. One of the techniques of working with a fairy tale is the production of fairy tales with the help of dolls. Dolls welcome kids, introduce them to the rules of behavior at school, and tell them about magic words. They're first grade teaching assistants: they help to explain a new topic, hold a physical training session, read a fairy tale. Children unconditionally enter into the proposed game. Working with the doll, the child sees that every action immediately affects the behavior of the doll. Children independently adjust their movements and make the doll's behavior as expressive as possible.

Isotherapy. Isotherapy is the therapy of fine art (drawing). Fine art is the most natural form of creativity for a person. It allows a person to understand and express their feelings, feelings, and ideas about the world around them. In addition, drawing helps to develop fine motor skills of the hands, sensory-motor coordination. In the lessons of technology, you can use:

Drawing with your fingers. Even without ever drawing with your fingers, we can imagine the special tactile sensations that you experience when you put your finger in gouache or in finger paint-dense, but soft, stir the paint in a jar, pick up a certain amount, transfer it to paper and leave the first stroke.

For the sake of achieving visual effects, applying paint directly with the palms and fingers of the child does not require developed fine motor coordination. Movements can be sweeping, large, expressive, or vice versa, point-like, local, jerky. The thickness of the fingers itself does not imply the creation of thin strokes, lines.

Drawing with plasticine (plasticinography). Using this technique in the lessons of technology achieves the following results: improves the speech development of children; forms positive communication skills with peers; develops strong-willed effort (children try

to complete the work, see their final result); develops general and fine motor skills. The use of this technique in technology lessons increases the level of cognitive activity of students.

Discontinuous application. A breakaway application is a separate type of application, the essence of which can be caught from the name. In a breakaway application, all the details of the drawing are not cut out of colored paper, but are torn off and glued in the form of a mosaic. The breakaway application is very easy to perform. In addition, there is no need for clear contours and smooth lines-a real space for creativity. What would be more interesting for children, we do the work together, come up with a plot or choose a favorite hero. Breakaway application is very useful for the development of fine motor skills of the hands and creative thinking.

Application of cereals. Using this method in the work, the teacher sets himself the task of teaching younger students non-traditional ways of performing applications as well as the ability to orient themselves on the plane. Develops fine motor skills of the hands, creative imagination, research of the properties of various materials, tactile sensations, develop a sense of confidence, self-control. Students are encouraged to create beautiful compositions from various cereals and seeds, combining a variety of materials. A careful attitude to animals and nature is brought up.

3. Sand therapy. Working with sand in technology lessons is one of the forms of natural activity of the child. Building pictures of sand, inventing various stories, in the most organic form for them, knowledge and life experience are transmitted, the laws of the surrounding world are learned. Interaction with sand stabilizes the child's emotional state, improves his well-being. Sand therapy is an excellent tool for the development and self-development of the younger student.

In technology lessons, you can use Sand Therapy in different game forms. The games "Extraordinary footprints", "Sand Circle", "We create the world". This technique is a great way to inspire a younger student, to give him the opportunity to know himself and the world around him, to develop skills, to learn how to communicate.

4. Music therapy. In technology lessons, students are taught good classical music. The main thing is that children learn to listen and feel music.

The power that is inherent in music is able to influence the physiological processes of the body, both in the motor and in the vegetative system of the child. If music is enjoyable, then the cardiovascular system reacts as follows: the pulse slows down, blood pressure decreases, and blood vessels dilate.

Bright, rhythmic music causes children to involuntarily move their hand or head to the beat. Music can awaken rich inner visual images in a child, evoke strong feelings. And in some cases, even olfactory sensations. Music classes promote the development of memory, imagination, perception and speech. In general, music helps the child to develop harmoniously, enriching his inner world. All this forms a successful and strong person.

The lessons that are conducted with the use of art technology will bring great moral satisfaction to children. They are a powerful incentive in learning and education. The use of art technologies makes it possible to expand and deepen the level of cognitive activity, to awaken in students the desire for in-depth study of educational material, to develop the creative abilities of students. Art technology is one of the technologies that improves the quality of the educational process as a whole.

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