Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical aspects of artpedagogical technologies use as means of correction of psychoemotional and personal development of children with hearing and speech disorders'

Theoretical aspects of artpedagogical technologies use as means of correction of psychoemotional and personal development of children with hearing and speech disorders Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Zhilova Yu.P., Kudryavtseva O.V.

He concepts of "art pedagogy" and "art pedagogical technology" are considered in the article. The analysis of the concepts "art pedagogy" and "art pedagogical technology" in the scientific and specialized literature is done. Based on the results of the analysis, the conclusion is supposed, and the recommendations are given.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical aspects of artpedagogical technologies use as means of correction of psychoemotional and personal development of children with hearing and speech disorders»


УДК 373.1.02:372.8



Бул макал ада "артпедагогика" жэне "арт педагоги калы к технологиялар" угымдары карастырылган. Еылы-ми жэне арнайы эдебиеттеп "артпедагогика" жэне "арт педагоги калы к технологиялар" угымдарына талдау журпзшдг Талдау корытындысы бой-ынша корытынды жасалды жэне усы-ныстар бершдг


В данной статье рассмотрены понятия «артпедагогика» и «артпедагоги-ческие технологии». Проведен анализ понятий «артпедагогика» и «артпеда-гогические технологии» в научной и специальной литературе. По итогам анализа сделан вывод и даны реко-^ мендации.


о Annotation


^ The concepts of "art pedagogy" о and "art pedagogical technology" are


s considered in the article. The analysis о of the concepts "art pedagogy" and "art § pedagogical technology" in the scientific

и and specialized literature is done,

к Based on the results of the analysis,

§ the conclusion is supposed, and the


о recommendations are given.

Zhilova Yu.P.,

Master of Education and Psychology, lecturer, Kostanay State Pedagogical University; 1-year doctoral student

in specialty 6D010500 "Defectology", Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Kostanay

Kudryavtseva О. V.,

Master of Education and Psychology, lecturer of foreign language, Rudny Polytechnical College, Rudny

He2i32i создер: артпедагогика, арт ne-дагогикалык технологиялар, арт терапия, психокоррекциялык эсер.

Ключевые слова: артпедагогика, арт-педагогические технологии, арттерапия, психокоррекционное воздействие.

Keywords: art pedagogy, art pedagogical technologies, art therapy, psychocorrectional effect.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of children of preschool and school age with hearing and speech impairments. Work with such children has its own specifics, which is aimed at preventing, treating, and correcting an existing violation.

One of the important tasks in the Republic of Kazakhstan is to solve the problem of providing timely corrective and pedagogical assistance to children with various developmental disabilities. The system of social and medical-pedagogical support for children with disabilities and the principles of inclusive education are being improved[l].

Art-pedagogical technologies are the integrative basis, uniting the efforts of corrective pedagogy and social work with this category of children, which are focused on the use of art in the process of raising and developing children with hearing and speech impairments. We are talking about art therapy and art pedagogy [2, p.21-22].

According to Lebedeva L. D., art pedagogy is an independent branch of pedagogical science that studies the laws of upbringing and development of a person by means of art. We proceed from the belief that it has common goals with pedagogy - to help the child learn to understand himself and live in harmony with himself, learn to live with other people, to know the world around him. In other words, helps a developing personality in socialization and self-realization. The peculiarity of art pedagogy is that it operates with the means of art and artistic and creative activities that have developing and educating potential[3].

The essence of art pedagogy, in its general form, is defined as "the synthesis

of two areas of scientific knowledge (art and pedagogy), providing development of the theory and practice of pedagogical corrective process of art education of children with developmental disabilities and formation of the foundations of artistic culture through art and artistically creative activity" [4, p. 150].

According to E.A. Medvedeva, the concept of "art pedagogy" does not replace the narrower term "art education". The depth and variety of pedagogical tasks of the art teacher's activities, its essential meaning (personal development, sociocultural adaptation, provision of pedagogical assistance, promotion of self-expression and self-understanding) cannot be reduced to teaching the skills of drawing, singing, etc. In art pedagogy teaching technical drawing techniques is considered only as a means of achieving pedagogical tasks. So, for example, in the visual arts, the ability to handle artistic materials leads to greater freedom, gives a new impetus to development, stimulates self-expression [5, p. 177].

Currently, in correctional practice, a method based on the use of art in medical (therapeutic and psychotherapeutic) practice is gaining wider popularity, and g is called "art therapy". ffi

The art therapy method of § psychocorrectional impact is a method < based ontheuse ofart as a symbolic activity § and based on stimulation of creative §

processes. Art therapy is a combination o

| ^

of psychocorrectional techniques that o

have differences and features, determined *

both by genre belonging to a certain ^

type of art, and orientation, technology g

of psychocorrectional therapeutic o

application. h

O.A. Karabanova identifies two main

mechanisms of psychological corrective action for the method of art therapy:

1. Art allows in a special symbolic form to reconstruct a conflict traumatic situation and find its resolution through the redesign of this situation based on the creative abilities of a person.

2. The nature of the aesthetic reaction allows you to change the effect of "affect from painful to enjoyable".

The goal of art therapy is the harmonization of personality development through development of self-expression and self-knowledge abilities in art (through creation of aesthetic products that objectify the child's feelings, common feelings, and abilities) [4, p.180].

Indications for art therapy according to L.D. Lebedeva are:

• difficulties in emotional development, current stress, depression, decreased emotional tone, lability, impulsiveness of emotional reactions;

• emotional deprivation of children, the child experiencing emotional rejection and feelings of loneliness;

• presence of conflicting interpersonal relations, dissatisfaction with the family situation, jealousy;

t* • increased anxiety, fears, phobic


w reactions;

g • negative "I concept", low dishar-

<? monious distorted self-esteem, low

Oh '

o degree of self-acceptance [4, p. 185].

§ It should be noted that the use of the art

o as a therapeutic method is indispensable

o in cases of severe emotional disturbances, w

>< lack of communicative competence in

^ the child, as well as with a low level

g of development of game activity and

o absence of inner game motives and

h interest to play. Art therapy provides the child with ample opportunities

for emotional response in a socially acceptable way.

In the case of communication difficulties - isolation of the child, low interest in the peer or in the excessive shyness of the child - art therapy allows you to unite in a group while maintaining the individual nature of their activities, facilitate the process of their communication, mediate it with the general creative process and its product [6, p.225].

The art therapy process can be represented as continuous tripartite communication and interaction between its main elements or participants: a child, an adult, a material or a product of an artistic activity [7, p. 15].

Art therapy and art pedagogy have advantages over other forms of working with children: firstly, they have no restrictions on use (any child, regardless of age, existing impairment, or artistic abilities, can participate in this kind of activity). And secondly, art therapy and art pedagogy evoke positive emotions, help children overcome apathy, get closer to others, stimulate self-knowledge and self-expression, mobilize creativity and internal healing mechanisms.

Art work has not aim to create "highly artistic works", it focuses on the child's free expression through any materials to eliminate certain manifestations of his illness, solving "internal" (related to well-being and mood) and "external" (related to relationships with others) ) problems. That's why, at present time several directions of use the art in social work can be distinguished: psychophysiological (correction of psychosomatic disorders), psychotherapeutic (impact on the emotional sphere), and socio-pedagogical [8,p. 23-25].

Thus, art therapy and art pedagogical work with children with different types of disorders have the specifics.

Art pedagogy is of particular value for children who have difficulty verbalizing their experiences due to speech disorders; drawing will allow parents of such children to better understand their child. At the same time, the main emphasis is on discussing the completed drawings, composing together with the parents fairy tales, based on them, various onomatopoeias during drawing [9, p.51],


1.The Republic of Kazakhstan. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 13, 2005 No. 39-111 "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan"- //online. zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=30008935 (accessed date: 23.12.2019 )

2.Valde Audriosola M.S. Art therapy in work with adolescents: psychotherapeutic types of artistic activity / M.S.Valdez Audriosola. - M.: Vlados, 2010.

3.Lebedeva L.D. Art therapy classes in elementary school / L.D. Lebedeva // Education. - 2001.-№ 1.

4.The use of art pedagogical technologies in correctional work with children with special educational needs: [electronic resource] textbook on correctional pedagogy / comp. T.G. Neretina - 2nd ed., Stereotype ": Flinta. Moscow; 2011. ( accessed date: 23.12.2019 )

5.Medvedev E.A. Art pedagogy and art therapy in special education / E.A. Medvedev, I.Yu. Levchenko, L.N. Komissarova, etc. - M. Academy, 2001.

6.Special Psychology: Textbook for students, higher ped textbook, institutions / Lubovsky V. I., Rozanova T. V., Solntseva L.I. et al .; Ed. V.I. Lubovsky. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 464 p.

7.Casanova T.G. Fine arts and artistic development of preschoolers / T.G. Casanova. - M., 1993.

8.Komarova T.S. Preschool age: problems of the development of artistic and creative abilities. // Preschool education. 1998, No. 10.

9.Lebedeva L.D. The practice of art therapy: approaches, diagnostics, system of classes / L.D. Lebedeva - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003.






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