THE ROLE OF FOLK FAIRY TALES IN THE EDUCATION OF PUPILS IN A RURAL KAZAKH SCHOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dzhusupov O., Issayeva A.

Oriental education is characterized by respect and reverence for the older generation. The elders of the clan pass on their experience and national traditions to the younger generation. The influence of a huge flow of different cultural information gradually leads to a change in the psychology of behavior in Kazakh schoolchildren and, as a result, to a reorientation of family and national values. In such a situation, an important role is assigned to folk tales as elements of ethnopedagogical methods of education. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to study the role of folk tales in the upbringing of primary schoolchildren in one of the rural schools in the south of Kazakhstan. It is shown that the peculiarity of traditional Kazakh upbringing, preserved in rural areas, allows the local population to be involved in the educational process of schoolchildren by organizing school circles for the study of folk crafts and theatrical performances of folk tales.

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Dzhusupov O.,

Author's school No. 6, Khantagy village, Kazakhstan

Issayeva A. Shymkent University, Kazakhstan


Oriental education is characterized by respect and reverence for the older generation. The elders of the clan pass on their experience and national traditions to the younger generation. The influence of a huge flow of different cultural information gradually leads to a change in the psychology of behavior in Kazakh schoolchildren and, as a result, to a reorientation of family and national values. In such a situation, an important role is assigned to folk tales as elements of ethnopedagogical methods of education. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to study the role of folk tales in the upbringing of primary schoolchildren in one of the rural schools in the south of Kazakhstan. It is shown that the peculiarity of traditional Kazakh upbringing, preserved in rural areas, allows the local population to be involved in the educational process of schoolchildren by organizing school circles for the study of folk crafts and theatrical performances of folk tales.

Keywords: rural Kazakh school, education of schoolchildren, ethnopedagogy, folk tales, national traditions


An important role in the formation of the personality belongs to the revival of national culture, the restoration of lost national values. The pace of revival depends on how the younger generation will perceive their national identity, on their national pride, understanding the importance of developing their native culture, and their desire to increase the level of culture. We consider the revival of the language in close connection with the issues of preserving the spiritual and material culture of the Kazakh people. A feature of the eastern, incl. Kazakh upbringing is respect and reverence for the older generation. Wisdom and knowledge passed on to the younger generation are usually based on many years of experience in the relationship of aksakals (literally: ak-white, sakal-beard, elders) with the world around them. But in a rapidly developing time with stricter requirements for the formation of competitive young specialists, the usual everyday wisdom of aksakals is becoming insufficient. In such a situation, an important role is assigned to the school teacher as a source of new knowledge and a guide to new areas of knowledge.

In the centuries-old history of development, the people knew how to educate and educate children, instilling in them the qualities, abilities, skills necessary for life. One of the principles of folk pedagogical thought is education in a fairy tale. This principle can be considered one of the valuable provisions of folk pedagogy. As a result of joint activities and communication, the educational traditions of the people appeared and were polished. At the heart of many sources of national education lies play activity, which gradually intensifies the attention, thinking, and memory of children. Elements of folk pedagogy can be included by the teacher in the lessons of mathematics, reading, writing, natural history, etc.

A fairy tale is a complex means of child development [1]. Fairy tales have an impact on the aesthetic development of children, on the development of a child's thinking, attention, memory and speech [2].

A fairy tale is an amazingly powerful psychological and educational tool for working with the inner world of a child, a powerful tool for developing the self-awareness of the subjects of the educational environment. Fairy tales arise (people told fairy tales), accumulate (collected, recorded, processed), studied (fairy tales attracted the attention of psychologists and teachers) and are used with maximum benefit. The language of fairy tales is very beautiful: melodious and poetic, contains many metaphors, comparisons, as well as apt and instructive proverbs and sayings [3]. All these features make a fairy tale an irreplaceable means of upbringing and teaching children of different ages [4]. Fairy tales are fraught with great educational value, contribute to the formation of moral concepts. In a fairy tale, there is always a clear border between Good and Evil, good characters are always carriers of the best character traits, and negative ones - the worst. Listening to a fairy tale, the child always identifies himself with the main character, empathizes with his adventures, together with him shows kindness, ingenuity, nobility, learns to be brave, hardworking, resourceful, sees the need to do good deeds. In the fairy tales of any people, those character traits of the hero that bring him closer to the national character are usually vividly shown. In Russian fairy tales these are: hard work, loyalty in battle and in trouble, devotion to the Motherland, ingenuity. It is not for nothing that it is believed that from fairy tales one can understand the views of the people and their philosophy. The embodiment of positive traits in the main characters in fairy tales has made fairy tales an effective means of transmitting these traits from generation to generation. Therefore, every child should definitely get acquainted with the fairy tales of his people. In fairy tales, the meaning of many proverbs and sayings is revealed in a figurative form. After analyzing the value system of Kazakh fairy tales, we can conclude that most of the fairy tales reflect the best features of the people: kindness, diligence, mercy, boundless devotion to the people and homeland.

Fairy tales are the most important educational tool developed and tested by the people over the centuries. Fairy tales represent one of the most ancient means of moral, ethical education, and also form behavioral stereotypes of future members of adult society. The child's fairy-tale fantasies provide effective assistance to pedagogical efforts; at the same time, they make possible a deep penetration into the inner life of fantasy, taking into account which conscious behavior becomes more understandable and, therefore, accessible to influence. A distinctive feature here is the methodological simplicity of using a fairy tale in everyday pedagogical practice with a deep theoretical foundation. This simplicity bears great fruit in helping the child with the difficult socialization process. The traditional Kazakh practice of raising children has convincingly proved the pedagogical value of fairy tales, therefore, acquaintance with folk tales should, in our opinion, be included in the primary education system.

In this regard, the purpose of this study was to study the possibility of using fairy tales as an element of ethnopedagogy in teaching primary schoolchildren in one of the rural schools in the south of Kazakhstan.

Research object and methods

The object of the research is the author's school No. 6, located in the village of Khantagy, near the city of Kentau in the south of Kazakhstan.

The study used methods such as problem situation; retrospective method; a pedagogical experiment, consisting of preparatory, ascertaining, search-forming and control stages, including pedagogical observation, conversations, initial, current and final measurements, fixing the degree of assimilation of the material, compliance with its age-related characteristics of children's perception. In addition, such pedagogical methods were used as methods of verbal influence: fairy tales; methods of visual impact.

In the upbringing of schoolchildren in the Kazakh rural school, the techniques of ethnopedagogy are used as folk tales, instructions and edification, a personal example of elders, imitation.

Research results and their discussion

Author's school №6 became an experimental platform for the development and implementation of innovative ideas in teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren, in the organization of which the teaching staff of the school and the local population of the village played an important role. In the context of the use of eth-nopedagogical methods of education, I would like to note their role in the dramatization of a number of Kazakh fairy tales, where both parents and students of schools acted as actors. So, for example, after getting acquainted with a series of tales about Aldar-Kose, a beardless poor man who deceives the rich, primary school students get acquainted with the concepts of greed and greed, hard work and laziness. A folk tale contributes to the formation of certain moral values: for girls it is a clever woman, a needlewoman, and for boys it is a brave, strong, honest, kind, hardworking, loving motherland. In order to instill in younger schoolchildren the skills and abilities in national crafts, a circle was organized at school where grandmothers show the

basics of carpet weaving, kurak (patchwork), felting felt felt, knitting, etc. In the transfer of knowledge about the traditional way of life of Kazakhs, an important role belongs to the folklore and ethnographic ensemble of grandmothers and daughters-in-law "Kogaly-ai" (translated from Kazakh "reed"), where the leader Sura-mysova Suksyr not only teaches the basics of ethnographic art, but also the competence basics of behavior of Kazakh girls ... Lessons are accompanied not only by instructions, but also often by singing national songs or telling fairy tales and edifications. It should be noted that the fairy tale does not give direct instructions to children: "Work hard!", "Obey your parents!", "Respect your elders!", "Love your homeland!", But its content always contains a lesson that they gradually learn. Diligence, conscientiousness are the distinguishing features of the positive heroes of Kazakh folk tales, and vice versa, negative characters are most often characterized as lazy, inept. Diligence in folk tales is always rewarded, and laziness, the desire to get undeserved benefits - is ridiculed. Raising a fairy tale is one of the most ancient methods of raising children. Through fairy tales, our ancestors passed on moral norms, traditions and customs, their life experience and attitude to the world to the younger generation. The heroes of fairy tales were an example for the child: from their experience he learned how to act or not. But modern living conditions, market relations and a gradual change in oriental psychology among Kazakh youth have led to the fact that a part of the younger generation is beginning to accept the thirst for quick profit, an easy life, and rejection of national traditions. As a consequence, there has been an increase in lonely elderly people and abandoned children. Unfortunately, this fact is gradually becoming a common occurrence, uncharacteristic for Kazakh culture and upbringing. To preserve national spiritual values in the lower grades, it is proposed to take an excursion into the world of fairy tales. This is how the teacher begins the story of what once lived - there was a fierce khan. Once the khan was going on a campaign and ordered his subjects: "Leave all the old people in the mountain gorge, without food, without water, we consider them parasites!" The poor young man hid his old father in a chest and loaded him onto his horse. As they crossed a large semi-desert steppe, the old man advised his son to put one watermelon seed at a time in the roots of the thorny camel grass. A few months later, the fierce khan with his army was returning from a campaign. A waterless semi-desert awaited a crowd of tired, hungry and sick warriors. Warriors, one after another, fell off their horses, exhausted by hunger, disease and lack of water. But a day later a miracle happened, they saw fields strewn with ripe watermelons. The army quenched hunger and thirst, thereby saving from inevitable death. The khan asked his assistants: "Who took care of us so much?", To which they brought the horseman. Dzhigit answered the khan's question: "I did it on the advice of my old father." Khan understood all the wisdom of the old man and canceled his stupid order about the old parents. The tale ends with the fact that from that moment on, the old people were given dignified respect and they began to listen to their advice. Author's artistic tales are more imaginative. At the same

time, folk tales give us a "concentrate" of wisdom, and the author's tales supplement it with images, feelings, attitude, and interpretation. Within the framework of the modern educational system, one should use not only folk or author's tales, but also specially created fairy tales intended for use in the activities of a teacher. Didactic fairy tales "are created by teachers to" package "educational material. At the same time, abstract symbols are animated, a fabulous image of the world in which they live appears. Didactic tales can reveal the meaning and importance of certain knowledge. Educational assignments are presented in the form of didactic fairy tales ". So, in lower grades, when studying the alphabet, you can come up with short tales about each of the letters. For example, when studying the first letter of the alphabet "A", you can talk about the argali (mountain goat), which often came to the aul (Kazakh village), because he was very fond of drinking water from the irrigation ditch (ditch) or talk about the asyks (the national dice game) ... When studying the letter "B", tell about such a national product as bauyrsak (fried pieces of dough). What is the meaning of the word bauyrsak? The word "bauyrsak" means dear, close. You can think of a fairy tale about the travels of Bauyrsak, who loved to visit friends and relatives.

It is necessary to work with a fairy tale. This work is carried out in interaction: a child - an adult and begins with analysis and discussion. An adult works with a child on fabulous meanings, connects them with life situations, then it is possible to play with the plot, drawing, dramatization, that is, the process of theatricaliza-tion.

In a fairy tale, the hero overcomes difficulties, where he gets the opportunity to change, to move to a new level of his development. The hero grows up in the course of the storytelling, which reflects the initiation ritual. Overcoming obstacles as a necessary element of a fairy tale forms an active life position in the child.

Thus, the symbolic space of a fairy tale is a playing field for a child, in which he grows and develops, forming the necessary basic skills and abilities for interacting with the world. In Kazakh folk tales, the student is brought up in respect for older and wise family members, for communication in society. Through fairy tales, the child learns the world, gains experience for an independent adult life, builds his own model of the world and learns to live in it.


1. Loukia, N. (2006). Teaching Young Learners through Stories: the Development of a Handy Parallel syllabus, the Reading Matrix, 6(1), 25-40.

2. Jing Z. (2006). Feeling the Charm of Folk Stories [J] Early Childhood Teaching Research, February, 1

3. Xiaoying X. (2017). Service Growth: Folk Story into Kindergarten [J], April,1

4. Huiyu G.(2018). A Study on the Educational Strategy of Using Folktales in Kindergarten. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 264, pp 757-760. 5th International Conference on Education, Management, Arts, Economics and Social Science (ICEMAESS 2018)


Kotliar N.,

Associate Professor associate professor of medicine. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Ivanova E.,

Assistant Professor Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Khramtsova L.,

student Instructor Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University



Котляр Н.Н.,

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО «Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова» Иванова Е. А.,

кандидат педагогических наук. старший преподаватель. ФГБОУ ВО «Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова»

Храмцова Л.В.

студентка. ФГБОУ ВО «Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова» Abstract

The article deals with the development of adaptive sports and the habilitation of children with hearing impairments when doing mountain skiing. The characteristic of violations of the motor sphere and methodological requirements, when planning classes and dosing loads carried out on the basis of an individual approach for persons with disabilities, is given.

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