SPIRITUAL AND MORAL VALUES IN FOLK PEDAGOGY OF KAZAKHS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Asankulova Botagoz Sarsenalievna, Ainakulova J.E., Moldabaeva A. A

This article considers the issues of spiritual and moral education in Kazakhfolk pedagogy. The aim of the article: is toconsider the morality, about the national identity of upbringing, about the necessary conditions of human life. Method of research: is a culture of interethnic communication, understanding people of features on the whole, the realization of interaction and cultural transfer of heritage from generation to generation. Research results: the method of this analysisis the social and moral values of progressive ideas, traditions of the people through labor, traditions of the people through labor, creative activity for the younger generation. Scientific newness: theformation of the moral qualities of national culture based on folk methods. Practical importance: basedon consolidation of the generation continuity on the humanistic traditions of the people, on the basis of folk pedagogy. The younger generation should protect and develop all the good things in the traditions not only to parents but to all of humanity.

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Section 4. Pedagogy


Asankulova Botagoz Sarsenalievna, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor

Taraz state University named after M. Kh. Dulaty, Taraz, Kazakhstan

Ainakulova J. E.,

Taraz state University named after M. Kh. Dulaty, Taraz, Kazakhstan

Moldabaeva A. A.,

Taraz state University named after M. Kh. Dulaty, Taraz, Kazakhstan

E-mail: omarkulova.lyazzat@mail.ru



This article considers the issues of spiritual and moral education in Kazakhfolk pedagogy.

The aim of the article: is toconsider the morality, about the national identity of upbringing, about the necessary conditions of human life.

Method of research: is a culture of interethnic communication, understanding people of features on the whole, the realization of interaction and cultural transfer of heritage from generation to generation.

Research results: the method of this analysisis the social and moral values of progressive ideas, traditions of the people through labor, traditions of the people through labor, creative activity for the younger generation.

Scientific newness: theformation of the moral qualities of national culture based on folk methods.

Practical importance: basedon consolidation of the generation continuity on the humanistic traditions of the people, on the basis of folk pedagogy. The younger generation should protect and develop all the good things in the traditions not only to parents but to all of humanity.

Keyword: Moral values, upbringing, culture, traditions, folk pedagogy, continuity, generation.

Modern humanity is a huge variety of different In our country and around the world, changes are

historically formed communities-Nations, nationali- taking place in the political and economic system.

ties, ethnic groups. Each nation and nation is distin- In an environment of rapid changes, the problems

guished by the unity of language and culture, has its associated with overcoming negative and crisis phe-

own characteristics in the way of life, in education nomena in the legal, cultural, spiritual, moral and

and upbringing. Today, morality is a necessary con- other areas of human activity become particularly

dition of human life and is one of the most pressing relevant. Material-production, economic activity of a

problems. person is the main condition of his life. In this regard,

Section 4. Pedagogy

it is very important for all of humanity to develop a sense of universal responsibility. This sense of responsibility is developed in the younger generation only through spiritual and moral education.

National identity of education is manifested in each nation as its own distinctive, original (culture, language, customs and traditions). We also see this peculiarity in people's behavior, ability to talk and discuss any problems, build relationships and establish cooperation. In essence, it is a culture of inter-ethnic communication, where recognition, understanding, and acceptance of the peculiarities of each person and nation as a whole are realized in interaction, in the information and communication spheres of human activity and the transfer of experience and cultural heritage from generation to generation.

The spiritual wealth of the people is closely connected with folk pedagogy. The social and moral values of previous generations, progressive traditions of the people are transmitted to the younger generation through work, creative activity, and familiarization ofyoung people with their history and works of folk art. Folk festivals, rituals, epics, legends, fairy tales, Proverbs and sayings, which embody folk wisdom, are especially rich in moral and ethical edifications, instructions in many ways reflect the invaluable pedagogical experience aimed at familiarizing the riches of national and through them-and world culture, familiarizing with national values, following the moral laws of life.

People have long believed that sincerity, kindness, and hard work are the best qualities that can manifest in a person. Popular wisdom promoted the traits that the people praised, and condemned everything that was rejected as bad. Respect for people of different nationalities, kindness, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, and love always win in the fight against evil and dishonor [1].

Moral education can be carried out on the basis of folk methods that contribute to the formation of such moral qualities as empathy, empathy, responsiveness, benevolent and national relationships. Ac-

cording to folk pedagogy, moral education includes learning the basics of their national culture, their native language, their national traditions, customs and rituals, which determine. On the basis of this, young people get their first experience of moral behavior. Thus, the first acquaintance with the national order contributes to moral education.

Ethnopedagogics studies the laws and features of folk and ethnic education. We have the opportunity to demonstrate the culture of our people, know their distinctive features, traditions, customs, folk crafts, and are proud of this originality. This is something unique, and therefore especially valuable. Culture is a sphere of human activity that has always United people and allowed them to better understand each other [2].

Folk pedagogy has historically developed in ancient times. It has existed for as long as the people themselves have existed. The main factors of folk pedagogy and folk education are nature, play, word, deed, communication, tradition, life, art, and religion.

Nature is one ofthe most important factors of folk pedagogy it is not only the habitat, but also the native side, the homeland. For the most part, man has always felt and understood nature, cherished it, deified its powers, and admired its creations and phenomena.

Love for the native land, native culture, native speech begins with a small-with love for your family. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all mankind [3].

The succession of older and younger people is based on tradition. Than diverse traditions, the spiritually richer people, nothing unites people like a tradition.

The purpose of education is to strengthen the continuity of generations for the age-old humanistic traditions of the people, ultimately-the awareness of belonging to their roots. Popular wisdom says: "The child must be brought up while he is in the cradle, and the calf on a leash."

The results of education at an early age make themselves felt in the following years. Traditions

play a special role in the educational process. The family is a vital component in the upbringing of a child. That is, in the family, children learn bad or, on the contrary, respectful behavior. The family is the main means of moral education.

Folk pedagogy, like all other manifestations of spiritual culture, is subject to mutual influence and mutual enrichment. In folk pedagogy, motherhood and fatherhood are considered as the highest value. In the concept of femininity, such qualities as kindness, sensitivity, loyalty, cheerfulness and education of a good mother, affectionate, caring are especially noted. A mother's caress never ends. Mothers are the main architects of humanity Particular importance was attached to the role of the father of the family in strengthening the family and raising children. The father is obliged to protect the honor of the family and family.

A child raised by his father casts bullets, Raised by his mother, fur coats are cut [4]. People's teachers in many families are grandparents, elderly people. No other love can compare with

the love of parents for children. By loving and understanding your people, your family, a person will love and understand other families and other peoples more. If a person is attuned to the perception of other people's cultures, this will lead to an awareness of the value of their own culture. We need to direct the attention of young people to the most beautiful and beautiful phenomena of life. We must remember that every step on the path to humanity is conquered as the highest peak. The peak is high because it rises above hills, hills and ridges of mountains, a sign of greatness is composed of many ordinary positive qualities [5].

None of the great people neglected the best folk traditions. And I would like to note that young people should protect and develop all the good things in our traditions. Kazakh traditions foster respect not only for parents, but also for all mankind.

The moral foundations of modern society are one of the most pressing problems of today. It is necessary to often refer to the history of the Kazakh people, to its enduring legal and moral values.


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