Научная статья на тему 'Art pedagogy as a means of realizing personality in the educational space'

Art pedagogy as a means of realizing personality in the educational space Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Makovets L.A.

The teaching of art in the school system today is on the periphery of the educational process despite the enormous teaching potential. Art pedagogy as a new direction in student education can change that situation, and in the modern era all the prerequisites are in place for its active implementation. Disputes about the need for the reform of student education in Russia have not ceased for decades, and approaches to learning change at times within one student life. Rapidly transforming the practice of the educational process, the technological revolution has been making its contribution, with its total penetration of information technologies. In these conditions, art pedagogy is seen as one of the most topical areas of modern pedagogical science as a means to compensate for the growing standardization and \"technocratization\" of education, to educate a personality with broad views and aesthetic taste, to make the student the center of change. At the same time, right now, all the conditions are present for the active introduction of art pedagogy in the educational process.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Art pedagogy as a means of realizing personality in the educational space»

Крiм того, доповнити ввдомосп про сформова-нiсть професiйно значущих знань у майбутнiх фахь вщв з шформацшно!, бiблiотечно! та архiвно! справи потрiбно шляхом аналiзу певних докуменпв - таких як шдиввдуальш завдання, журнали устш-ностi академiчних груп, залiковi книжки, залiковi та екзаменацшш вiдомостi, контрольнi модульнi ро-боти, звiти й щоденники з практик (навчально! (ш-формацшно-документознавчо!), технолопчно! (ви-робничо!), курсовi та мапстерсьш роботи, звiти про участь у науковш роботi пiд час навчання. Зафжсо-ванi в них оцшки, а також факти виступiв з доповь дями на конференц1ях, учасп в олiмпiадах, конкурсах тощо поряд з оцiнками експертiв та самооцш-ками, що отриманi за спещальними методиками, можуть поставати надшними показниками рiвня сформованостi когнiтивного компонента готовно-стi до майбутньо! професшно! дiяльностi.

Отже, майбутнiм фахiвцям з шформацшно!, бь блютечно! та архiвно! справи з високим рiвнем професшно! готовносп притаманне повне розумшня й усвiдомлення важливостi обрано! ними професп. Вони досконало володiють усiма необх1дними знаниями, умiннями та навичками, необхвдними для свое! устшно! професшно! д1яльносл, праг-нуть у подальшому !! вдосконалювати й точно зна-ють, як саме можна цього досягти.

Список лiтератури

1. Балл Г. О. Формування готовностi до професшно! пращ у контекст гумашзацп освiти / Г. О. Балл, П. С. Перепелиця // Психолопчш аспекти гуманiзацi! освiти. Книга для вчителя ; за ред. Г. О. Балла. - К. - Рiвне, 1996. - 167 с.

2. Бережинська Т. В. Готовшсть вчителя до ощнювання навчальних досягнень молодших школярiв / Т. В. Бережинська // Психолого-педагогiчнi проблеми сiльськоi школи. - 2002. - № 2. - С. 134 - 138.

3. Кондрашова Л. В. Внеаудиторная работа по педагогике в педагогическом институте / Л. В. Кондрашова. - К. : Вища шк., 1988. - 159 с.

4. Кушнаренко Н. Документознавство : навч.-метод. матерiали до курсу / Н. Кушнаренко, А. Соляник, 2003. - 53 с.

5. Кушнаренко Н.Н. Документоведение: учеб. / Н.Н. Кушнаренко. - 7-е изд., стер. - К. : Знания, 2006. - 459 с. - (Высшее образование XXI века)

6. Кушнаренко Н.М. Наукова обробка докуменпв : тдручник / H. М. Кушнаренко, В. К. Удалова. - 4-те вид., перероб. i доп. - К. : Знання, 2006. - 334 с.

7. Малюк О. Ю. Методолопчш особливосп формування шформацшно -комунiкативноi' компетенцп у студенпв спещальносп „Документознавство та шформацшна дiяльнiсть" / О. Ю. Малюк // Вкн. Луган. нац. ун-ту iменi Тараса Шевченка. - 2010. - № 12 (199). - С. 158 - 162.

8. Палеха Ю. Подготовка документознавщв-ш-формацшних аналiтикiв — нагальна потреба шфор-мацiйного суспiльства / Ю. Палеха // Студ. з архiв. справи та документознавства. - 2007. - Т. 15. - С. 108 - 110.

9. Стваковський О. В. Управлшня 1Т вищих навчальних заклащв: як iнформацiйнi технологй' допомагають зробити управлiння ефективним : метод. поабник / О. В. Спiваковський, Д. £. Щедролосьев та iн. - Херсон : Атлант, 2006. - 356 с.



Makovets L.A.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Astafyev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University



The teaching of art in the school system today is on the periphery of the educational process - despite the enormous teaching potential. Art pedagogy as a new direction in student education can change that situation, and in the modern era all the prerequisites are in place for its active implementation.

Disputes about the need for the reform of student education in Russia have not ceased for decades, and approaches to learning change at times within one student life. Rapidly transforming the practice of the educational process, the technological revolution has been making its contribution, with its total penetration of information technologies.

In these conditions, art pedagogy is seen as one of the most topical areas of modern pedagogical science - as a means to compensate for the growing standardization and "technocratization" of education, to educate a personality with broad views and aesthetic taste, to make the student the center of change. At the same time, right now, all the conditions are present for the active introduction of art pedagogy in the educational process.

Keywords: artpedagogy, perception of art, factors and conditions for development of creative thinking.

No singing, no painting: creative subjects in a modern school

In ancient times, the great thinkers Aristotle, Democritus, Pythagoras, and Plato defined art as the source of the formation of harmony and order, not only in the whole universe, but also in the human soul. The

pedagogical possibilities of art have been explored in the writing of J.A. Comenius, J.H. Pestalozzi, V.A. Su-khomlinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, and others [4].

Art decisively influences the formation of an individual's personality - above all, in the emotional sphere.

But not only there: art enriches cognitive activity and shortens the time to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, art provides an opportunity to develop one's own system of values and to understand one's place in society. In general, the impact of art is directed towards the socialization of the individual [1].

There is evidence that in the system of student education in Russia the need for the artistic cultivation of the child and the development of his creative abilities has always been taken into account. The federal component of the current state standard of primary and basic general education (2004) includes art and music as compulsory subjects. In fact, their teaching is carried out through the 7th or 8th grade, in some cases giving rise to the subject of World Art Culture (WAC).

However, despite its longstanding presence in the curriculum, art has been taught in the schools at "bare minimum" levels. Lessons are perceived by children as unnecessary and unimportant. Many parents, being not sufficiently involved in art, would willingly replace these items with something "more necessary" for the child to become "competitive in the market." The optional nature and "second-rate" quality of art subjects is emphasized by the lack of graded evaluation. The current direction of state educational policy toward the gradual reduction of the artistic curriculum in public schools is further evidence of the low perceived value of art education.

Thus, in the context of the prevailing attitude toward artistic culture, the arts curriculum of school disciplines does not receive a respectful attitude and naturally appears at the lowest tier: the status of art teachers, the time devoted to art curriculum, the funding of arts equipment, the actual (not nominal) presence in each school, and the attitude toward all participants and leaders of the art educational process [2].

Art Pedagogics - a return to personality

To change the attitude toward the subjects of the artistic curriculum, to make art an important tool of modern education, one can introduce into the broad practice of student education an innovative pedagogical technology that is now in Russia only in its formative stage - art pedagogy, an independent branch of pedagogical science that studies the laws of the upbringing and development of personality by means of art.

In modern conditions, the transition to art pedagogy is of particular relevance. The general movement toward the standardization, formalization, and "desiccation" of education, and the creating of certain algorithms and templates is observed already in primary schools. However, the system of state educational standards, with all its obvious advantages, has its weak points: there is almost no room for a broad, "excessive" creative approach. Anything that goes beyond the standard, a certain set of necessary knowledge and competencies, is often not given attention by teachers. Meanwhile, the upbringing and education of a fully developed personality is possible only in conditions of a polyphonic educational environment, an abundance of ways and means of teaching, and a multidirectional creative process, which includes not only teachers and tutors, but also the students themselves.

The introduction of art pedagogy into the educational process is one of the ways to create such an environment. Art as a means of self-exploration and creative development is indispensable in the upbringing of a modern student. The essence of art pedagogy is the integration of art, pedagogy, educational psychology, training, development, and support for a growing personality. At the same time, art becomes a kind of intermediary, which provides psychological conditions for perception, comprehension, and consolidation of pedagogical content.

It is worth emphasizing that the tasks and functions of art pedagogy go far beyond the existing programs of artistic education: its goal is not to teach a child, for example, drawing or the basics of musical literacy, but to develop the child's abilities for self-expression, self-knowledge, and the acquisition of communication skills.

At the same time, art pedagogy helps one to study art itself, to learn its history and theory, and to master practical skills of artistic communication (the artistic perception and experience of painting, literature, and music), practical abilities which take advantage of the powerful educational and aesthetic development potential of artwork, artistic and creative activity and research competencies. Art pedagogy helps develop children's imagination, attention, and creative thinking, as well as the abilities to freely express their feelings and moods, and to work as members of a team.

According to N.Y. Sergeyeva, engaged in the study of this area of pedagogy, "the subject of art pedagogy in general form can be defined as the formation of a person through art and artistic activity in the educational space" [3].

A.A. Melik-Pashayev is convinced that "in a society claiming for a certain level of spirituality and culture, every person should receive the foundation of artistic development, and nowhere else, except in the public school, is it possible to ensure this. A full-fledged artistic education preserves the integrity of the child's personal development. Therefore, the concern of the masters of artistic culture should not only be a special education (musical, theatrical, artistic, visual, literary, etc.), but primarily general art education. It is upon this transformation that the status of the artist in Russia depends, as does the very existence of a high national culture, which is now under obvious threat "[2].

Time for change: new opportunities

Meanwhile, today the opportunities to get a general art education and to introduce art pedagogy into the practice of student education are wider than ever. At the disposal of the teacher in the digital age are countless artistic resources, including collections of world masterpieces of painting and literature, great theatrical performances and masterpieces of world cinema, as well as the musical works of world composers in various versions.

The modern teacher does not need to have an encyclopedic memory (a trait that unfortunately only a small percentage of people possess), - every person today at any given moment has access to all the artistic heritage of the world thanks to the Internet.

At school, this world network becomes a convenient tool for obtaining knowledge, and in a multimedia form that allows you to convey information to the student in the most visual way. At the same time, a very fast response to any query is possible, and thanks to the interactive nature of digital sources, the students experience the effect of presence, co-creation, and personal involvement in masterpieces and samples of classical culture.

It is important that this virtual wealth is adequately supplemented with material means. For example, in drawing classes, students can work with a huge variety of art materials, creating for themselves in various techniques. Primary school students of one Krasnoyarsk Central District public school created works in the impressionistic and Fauvist styles, drew with pastels on special paper, created scratchboard engravings, and much more.

Here we emphasize once again that the art pedagogical approach is acceptable not only in teaching subjects of the artistic cycle; it goes beyond traditional teaching, using a broad global-culture context even in teaching mathematics, biology, chemistry, Russian language and other disciplines.

Another feature of present times which creates opportunities for the development of art pedagogy, is the flourishing of museums and exhibition grounds, which is also taking place in Krasnoyarsk. Today in the city there are dozens of places open for conducting lessons in any subject of the school curriculum: the Museum of Local Lore and its branches (including the G.V. Yudin Library), the V.I. Surikov Art Museum, the new Museum of Railway History, the P.A. Krasikov House Museum, and many others, which not only regularly update their expositions, but also have their own set of educational and informative programs. Lessons in a museum or library are a very effective format for teaching students, and individual teachers utilize these resources, which promotes the art pedagogical movement in their subject.

We must not forget that even without taking into account the current situation, Russian psycho-pedagogical science and practice have theoretical developments, methodological achievements and world-class educational programs.

Against this background of using modern multimedia technologies or museum teaching, classical methods (for example, problem-dialog training) achieve their maximum effect. Dialogue implies the search for joint solutions, and not just the exchange of information, and with such communication all subjects are active: both the teacher and the students, which is harmonious with one of the main principles of online learning - interactivity. In problem-dialogue learning, the student's sensory-emotional and spiritual sphere develops rapidly, his ethical and aesthetic values are formed.

Summarizing, we note that the pedagogy of art, while having a rich potential for successfully solving the problems of artistic education, is still inadequately used and has, for several reasons, only a spontaneous and episodic presence in today's educational system.

Of these reasons, the main ones are: a frank misunderstanding of the value and possibilities of art education; the short time allocated for teaching of the artistic curriculum; the poor content of this curriculum, which is not fully relevant to current times.

Among these reasons is insufficient training of teachers for the work of creative innovation. This situation can be corrected by the purposeful training of pedagogical personnel, both in the main course of higher education and in the masters programs in the field of art pedagogy.

Competence without Borders: Art Pedagogy in the University

Teaching the basics of art pedagogy makes its demands on the pedagogical college and requires special training of the faculty and training base.

One of the most important conditions for the formation of the creative pedagogical position of the teacher is the creation of an art environment. It should be formed with the help of culturally-intensive technologies and a variety of quality tools of various disciplines, both in the humanities and in the natural sciences.

The creative component of the process of preparing the future teacher must be strengthened - in the art pedagogical approach, he must not only transfer his knowledge and skills to the student, but also develop his creative individuality: in the broad sense, art pedagogy treats the student as a person striving for self-realization. In addition, the teacher needs a special, nonstandard psychological willingness to work with students. Therefore, the art pedagogical approach presupposes a good knowledge of psychology. In this regard, there is a need to review and change the content of pedagogical and psychological disciplines, studied both in the university by future teachers and in the system of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.

However, it is difficult to name the competence that can be formed without benefit from art pedagogical accompaniment and is therefore not required for a modern teacher of art pedagogy. He should be able to improvise, to seek new approaches, to change stereotypes, to speak with oratorical skill, and to know the basics of pedagogical creativity, drama, and theatrical pedagogy. It is beneficial to have the skills of a director, musician, and choreographer, and in addition to professional requirements to possess high intelligence, developed thinking and memory. After all, art pedagogy is an appeal to the inner world of the student, calling for the development of individuality, creativity, and self-education and relying upon the self-development of both the student and the teacher. In the educational realm, this is a "dialogue on an equal footing" [3].

Art pedagogy, which allows one to acquire fundamentally new competencies for working in the school, can be taught as a separate independent discipline in pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical bachelor's and master's programs, as well as in the realization of other master's programs.

The training of teachers through the master's program is focused on scientific and pedagogical activities in different types of educational institutions. Currently, the Art Pedagogics Master's program is offered in the

Astafyev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. The goal of this program is the fundamental scientific and practical training of masters in the field of art pedagogy, possessing theoretical and applied knowledge, ensuring their competitiveness in professional activity. The Art Pedagogics Master's program is aimed at the preparation of competent, highly qualified specialists in the field of art pedagogy, professional training of masters for art-pedagogical activity in various social spheres and types of organizations: pedagogical, methodological and research. The program provides for 5 semesters. The final semester is completed by the certification process, which includes a comprehensive state examination and the defense of the master's thesis (in the form of a research project based on the organization where the undergraduate is employed). This program will help the graduate immediately after employment to begin work using the modern methodology which is in high demand, allowing him to reveal his own potential as a young teacher and to nurture the creative awakening of the students, quickly achieving outstanding results.

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.

These famous lines from William Blake, in our view, characterize the level of perception of the world in children who are trained in art pedagogical techniques. The education of a fully developed person with broad views is the goal of any school, regardless of place and time, and the task of the pedagogical university is to train teachers who will provide education,

however grand it may sound, for a new "Renaissance man".


1. Verkhovodova R.A., Galustov R.A. 2011. Za-rubezhniy opyt. Artpedagogika kak sistema integra-tivnogo primeneniya elementov iskusstva v obra-zovatelnom protsesse // Vestnik Adygeiskogo Gosu-darstvennogo Universiteta. Seria: Pedagogika i psikhologia. (Foreign experience. Art pedagogy as a system of integrative application of art elements in the educational process // Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series: Pedagogy and psychology). № 1. P. 1517.

2. Melik-Pashaev AA O sostoyanii i vozmozhnos-tyakh hudozhestvennogo obrazovania. Analiticheskaya zapiska. (On the state and possibilities of art education. Analytic note.) URL: http://art-inschool.ru.

3. Sergeyeva N.Y. 2010. Art-pedagogicheskoye soprovozhdenie professionalnoy podgotovki bu-dushego uchitelya. (Art-pedagogical support of professional training of the future teacher: the author's abstract. dis. ... Doctor of Pedagogy.) Cheboksary. 43 pp.

4. Shatunova O.V. 2016. Artpedagogika kak no-voe napravlenie pedagogicheskoy deyatelnosti // Traditsii i innovatsii v podgotovke detey I molodyozhi k tvorcheskoy deyatelnosti v oblasti dekorativno-pri-kladnogo iskusstva I dizaina: materialy nauchno-prak-ticheskoy konferentsii. (Art Pedagogy as a new direction of pedagogical activity // Traditions and innovations in the preparation of children and youth for creative activity in the field of arts and crafts and design: materials of the international scientific and practical conference.) Yelabuga. P. 212-214.


Chubukova D.A.

postgraduate student, Moscow Region State University Moscow, Russia


The article deals with the problem of methodical system in language education from the point of view of Russian and foreign researchers. Attempts are made to determine the nature of informational society and key requirements to the system of language education in the world. It is described in the text what methodical approaches are used in Switzerland to teach English. Several ideas are analyzed to be adopted to the Russian system to language education.

Keywords: methodical system, language education, Switzerland, foreign experience, informational society, methodical approach, teaching English.

The notion of methodical system of education is a rather complex phenomenon which gets different definitions according to the main socio-political paradigm which exists on contemporary society. Russian pedagogical system determines methodical system as a complete model of pedagogical activity having alternations and concrete methods according to the nature of a discipline. Exact examples of actual methodical system can be textbooks, technical means of education.

The structure of methodical system, according to Russian researcher N.A. Azerbaeva, is built up from aims of education, instructional content. Pedagogical methods and aids, planned results of education [4]. Another Russian researcher, A.V. Kostin, adds to this notion conditions of teaching process which help to achieve the given aim of education [2]. The author marks out such conditions as aims, content, methods, aims and means of education.

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