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Ключевые слова
English / student / teaching process / creative / ability

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sarvinoz Yashinovna Eshankulova

This article examines the essence of the developing abilities of students in the classroom. The progress of students' inventive skills is awkward without generalizing the experience of using English classes in the system of education and education .

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Sarvinoz Yashinovna Eshankulova

Teacher of Interfaculty Department of Foreign languages,Chirchik State pedagogical



This article examines the essence of the developing abilities of students in the classroom. The progress of students' inventive skills is awkward without generalizing the experience of using English classes in the system of education and education. Keywords.English ,student,teaching process ,creative, ability


Nowadays, the problem of the formation of creative abilities of students in the process of learning English is of particular relevance. In the modern conditions of the pedagogical process of the university, it is a significant scientific problem with historical, ethnic, cultural and socio-pedagogical significance. The development of students' creative abilities is impossible without generalizing the experience of using English classes in the system of education and upbringing. The study of the English language, the history of its development, folk culture and everyday life must be considered not only as an activity of students aimed at learning English, but also as one of the conditions that ensure the teaching of a foreign language and the development of students' creative abilities on a specific life material.


The formation of creative abilities in students is based on the development of creative thinking and especially such components as:

* Analytical components - respectively conceptual and logical thinking - consistency, mobility, selectivity, associativity, intelligence, ability to differentiate, etc.

* Emotional components (sensory - imaginative thinking): brightness of images, emotional assessment of events, facts, phenomena, etc.

* Creative components (visual and effective thinking): the search for rational

solutions, non-standard (manifestation of individuality, originality, overcoming

stereotypes), the ability to anticipate the result, the desire to synthesize the best

knowledge and skills in the activity, the choice of the most acceptable solution from

possible options and the ability to justify the correctness of the choice [5, p.58]. Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

It should be noted that the development of students' creative abilities in English classes will be more effective if the following conditions are taken into account:

- the need for professional skills, the competence of the teacher; availability of a high material and technical base of the university;

the presence of a favorable psychological microclimate in the group, trusting relationships;

-classes are conducted systematically, and qualified scientific-based guidance of students' creative activities is carried out;

the process of formation of creative abilities is directly related to educational and cognitive and practical activities;

pedagogical techniques, forms and methods of teaching English correspond to the age-specific individual characteristics and psychophysiological capabilities of students;

- the use of a system of personally and socially significant educational and creative tasks of different levels of complexity, focused on the individuality of the student, the degree of his preparedness; rejection of administrative and team forms and methods of work; the formation and development of positive personality qualities (creativity, emotional responsiveness, artistic taste, diligence, love of the Motherland, love of the native language and other languages, respect for oneself and others, etc.) is carried out,including on the basis of learning English; use of extracurricular work.

The teacher should guide the students, promote the development of their creative skills in each lesson. Only in the process of purposeful hard work will it be possible to form certain qualities and achieve interest in the classroom. Diversity forms of didactic work give rise to a variety of target attitudes of students, the amount of time spent on independent work increases. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills of independent work teaches students to creative work, develops creative thinking, creates prerequisites for their application in the system of professional activity,improves the ability of oral and written communication, giving preference for the expression of opinions, emotions and feelings, as well as the ability to argue. The more diverse tasks are used, the more effective the results are [6, p.79].

It is necessary to distinguish the following forms of work on the development of creative skills:

- practical classes;

- use of songs and poems;

- homework assignments;

- keeping diaries;

-application of computer programs;

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

- protection of abstracts and projects; -business games, conferences;

work with text, dialogue or monologue, constructed in an unusual way. The directions of students' creative activity are most clearly manifested in their hobbies. They make something out of natural materials, are fond of literature, keep diaries, do photography, collect collections, communicate with nature, correspond with foreign friends, look for unusual things in ordinary and everyday, etc. Such hobbies can be used to activate the cognitive activity of students in foreign language classes. At the request of the teacher, students bring photos to the class, postcards, letters, items from their collections that enliven communication in a foreign language, make this communication more meaningful, intimate and interesting for its participants. The task of the teacher is to deeply study and know the hobbies of students, use them for creative self-expression of students in the classroom [1, p.65].


Currently, in the practice of teaching foreign languages in schools and universities , the project method is widely used, which introduces students to research activities, develops their creativity, independence, independence, originality of thinking. Project activity significantly expands and deepens students' knowledge in the process of working on a project, teaches them to interact with each other, master the ability to use the language, forms general academic intellectual skills of working with information in English. The students' thoughts in this case are busy with how to solve the problem, which rational solutions to choose, where to find convincing arguments proving the correctness of the chosen path. When performing creative tasks, students use additional literature, mass media, and Internet capabilities [6, c.24]. All these technologies make it possible to make classes emotionally intense, to combine game and non-game teaching techniques. At the same time, the development of students' speech not only in English, but also in their native language is not overlooked [4, p.25]. Such tasks contribute to the practical application of the language. Students become more liberated, not afraid to speak. In addition, such tasks are useful, because they are remembered by students. The manifestation of the creative abilities of the personality of students can be observed in English classes in the organization of work on the example of working with text. Any work with a text or a small fragment of it begins with the fact that an artistic statement is perceived by students by ear or visually. And at this stage it is important to create such problematic situations that would help introduce students into the system of artistic images of this

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

text. The process of perception of the text (excerpt) and work on the read text is organized with the help of various tasks-questions like:

What time of year do you think the poet describes in this passage? By what signs did you guess this?

1. Look at the illustrations and guess what the text will be about?

2.How do you understand the title of the text?

3,What can the story be about?

4,Draw an illustration of the text you read.

When comprehending the linguistic means of creating the imagery of a literary text, students should realize the visual and expressive possibilities of those phenomena that are studied in the classroom. The beauty of a foreign language is revealed to students in the process of such work. For example, we can assume the following types of tasks-questions:

Write out the words from the text that convey the colors of autumn, winter, etc. Do you have to write out only adjectives, why? What are the words that help describe the landscape? - Specify synonyms, antonyms. Why exactly is this word used?

What sounds prevail and why? The use of such problematic situations in the educational process not only makes it possible for students to form a certain cognitive need, but also provides the necessary direction of thought for an independent solution of the problem that has arisen. Thus, the creation of problematic situations in the process of working with the text guarantees the constant involvement of students in independent search activities aimed at solving emerging problems, which inevitably leads to the development of both cognitive independence and creative activity, and this, first of all, affects the quality of students' knowledge.


It is important that the student can apply the knowledge gained in the

classroom, otherwise the learning process is useless. Conducting classes and

extracurricular activities in an original, non-traditional form is aimed not only at the

development of the main types of speech activity, but also at the formation of

associative thinking, memory, communication skills in a team, creative initiative of

students. The creative nature of the tasks offered during various contests, games and

competitions contributes to better memorization and assimilation of various

grammatical phenomena, the expansion of vocabulary, the development of

monological and dialogical speech, and also opens up wide opportunities for

individual work of students. [3, c. 101] The current use of such collective forms of Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

work (training in cooperation) contributes to the realization of educational learning goals: students become subjects of communication, learn to perceive, comprehend and evaluate the position of another person, regulate their behavior according to the conditions of communication. In this type of activity, a person of culture is formed — a creative personality.


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