THE PROBLEM OF DISTANCE LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN A MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
distance learning / modern education / problems / solutions / electronic materials.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Diyora Khusanboy Qizi Mirzakhmedova, Shabnam Juraboevna Toliboboeva

This article is devoted to investigate issues of modern education in distance learning. The main aim of this article demonstrates proof and causes learning at a distance as innovation ways of education .This study depicts how to learn 4 skills ( listening, writing, speaking and reading) at a distance. It gives examples which are easy methods of use electronic materials (textbooks, dictionaries and electronic books).

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Diyora Khusanboy qizi Mirzakhmedova

Student Tourism faculty of Tashkent region Chirchik State Pedogogical Institute,

Chirchik, Uzbekistan

Shabnam Juraboevna Toliboboeva

Scientific supervisor, Teacher of Tourism faculty of Tashkent region Chirchik State

Pedogogical Institute, Chirchik, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to investigate issues of modern education in distance learning. The main aim of this article demonstrates proof and causes learning at a distance as innovation ways of education .This study depicts how to learn 4 skills ( listening, writing, speaking and reading) at a distance. It gives examples which are easy methods of use electronic materials (textbooks, dictionaries and electronic books).

Keywords: distance learning, modern education, problems, solutions, electronic materials.


Accelerated renewal of technologies and knowledge in various spheres of human activity influenced the field of education. Traditional forms of education can no longer be meet the needs of a person in educational services. To solve this problem, pedagogues all over the world called on information technology for help and began to actively use it in distance learning for their teaching activities. Distance learning is learning at a distance, when the teacher and the trainee divided by space. [1]


The leading component of the content of teaching a foreign language is not the foundations of science, but modes of activity - speaking, listening, reading, writing. With distance learning, foreign strange languages need to organize the work of trainees so that they independently, in curriculum the tutor performed certain types of activities.

Consider the possibilities of distance learning for various types of activities: Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

Reading. In distance learning to read, each student must be provided the ability to read and practice this activity.

If the purpose of training is to teach reading rules, a study guide in print or in electronic form must contain the rules for reading letters and letter combinations, exercises on the application of these rules when reading individual words, sentences. There are already programs able to determine the correctness of the words read by ear.


If the purpose of training is to teach comprehension skills when reading foreign language literature, then options for controlling the level of understanding should be thought out here. It can be tests, answers to questions, retelling and many other tasks. For distance learning to read the student must follow the guidelines prepared by the teacher in advance, keep a diary, in which you should reflect your work with the text, write down questions that should then be asked the teacher, answer the questions contained in the manual, complete control tasks.

For distance learning to read foreign language literature, case technology and network technology. You can also use teleconference to better communicate with teacher, for communication with the teacher or for communication of trainees with each other, you can use call e-mail, chat or an electronic bulletin board.


Recently, along with audio tools for teaching listening,

video recordings are also used, which contain extralinguistic and contextual keys to understanding mania, and also show important visual elements to understand. Stopping possibility and re-listening or watching allows the learner to process a variety of sounds and images, to better understand the audio material. Computer with its multimedia equipment plays an important role in the process of learning to understand a foreign language by ear in a distance learning system.


The process of learning to understand a foreign language by ear in the distance learning system requires expensive equipment: good video cards, webcams, a microphone, etc. However, withthe presence of all this and with the correct methodological and didactic support, teaching au- dirovanie gives excellent results.

Writing and speaking.

Learning to speak and write (it should be noted that

that written speech is the same oral speech, only set out on paper or electronic

media) occurs through the implementation of communication between the student, Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

the group and theteacher. Education written speech can be carried out using e-mail, chats, synchronous communication naming. The teaching of stable speech in the distance learning system can only be carried out during teleconferences.

In the process of communication, students use all types of activities:

- understanding of a foreign language text and writing skills (communication through written speech);

- listening and speaking skills (communication through oral speech).

No activity can be taught without paying attention to the three aspects of learning foreign strange language:


Learning vocabulary occurs with the help of a textbook (or its electronic version ta), electronic applications to it, developed exercises and tasks for self-control and control troll. The whole process is supervised by a tutor. Suitable for teaching this aspect of a foreign language case technology and network technology.

Grammar. When teaching grammar, it is imperative to provide students with prestupas to various dictionaries, textbooks, grammar reference books, as well as to constantly replenish diversified sources of didactic linguistic information. Case studies will also be relevant here. Technology and network technology. To discuss the use of a grammatical phenomenon, use all means of communication between students and teachers.


Phonetics training is divided into theoretical and practical stages. Theoretical stage contains brief theoretical information. The practical stage is to practice pronunciation, intonation, speed of speech. Recently, a number of technologies have appeared that allow teach phonetics in the distance education system. However, it should be noted that the most it will be fruitful to teach practical phonetics in direct communication with the teacher when he hears the student pronounce the words and can correct it. This is about tele- or audio-conference on-line.


In conclusion, it should be said that with the competent development of didactic and technical ron of distance learning foreign languages, with regular and professional support waiting for trainees throughout the course, with high motivation of students and the presence of all necessary technical means of teaching and electronic educational resources distance

teaching foreign languages can compete with traditional forms of education, so

how it, using all its means, helps to teach listeners to all types of speech activities and Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

form their communicative competence, which is the main goal of training foreign languages.


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