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Ключевые слова
distance learning / MOODLE system / ZOOM Internet platform / low Internet access / new opportunities for education / diversity of communication.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zarifa Khudoyorovna Shamirzayeva

This article presents advantages and disadvantages taken by online education which has taken a lead today. Most universities and institutes in Uzbekistan were partially ready to offer distance learning. A Moodle system was created on the platforms of higher education institutions, which contained electronic resources for all subjects. However, despite the fact that the system was introduced a few years ago, its implementation was slow in practice, so it was natural to face its own problems and difficulties in the introduction of emergency distance learning for the first time in the history of our country.

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Zarifa Khudoyorovna Shamirzayeva

Teacher, Tashkent Region Chirchik Pedagogical Institute Tashkent, Uzbekistan zarifashamirzayeva@mail .com


This article presents advantages and disadvantages taken by online education which has taken a lead today. Most universities and institutes in Uzbekistan were partially ready to offer distance learning. A Moodle system was created on the platforms of higher education institutions, which contained electronic resources for all subjects. However, despite the fact that the system was introduced a few years ago, its implementation was slow in practice, so it was natural to face its own problems and difficulties in the introduction of emergency distance learning for the first time in the history of our country.

Keywords: distance learning, MOODLE system, ZOOM Internet platform, low Internet access, new opportunities for education, diversity of communication.


It is no secret that many people use the Internet only to read the news, search for information, use e-mail or sell rumors. The possibilities of the Internet are growing day by day. A new phase of Internet use has begun, i.e. the Internet has been applied to various fields. Internet technologies: distance learning, electronic libraries, telemedicine, telemetrology, e-business, e-shops, etc. Below are brief but basic descriptions of these technologies. World experts acknowledge that the strict quarantine rules imposed due to the pandemic have created new opportunities for education, including higher education. The coronavirus pandemic can radically change people's lifestyles in many areas. Even the conservative education system has been forced to adapt quickly to new conditions and to follow different procedures. According to Uzanalytics.com, international organizations, including UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank are assessing the pandemic as a case of secondary, special and higher education being prepared for force majeure. This is due to the fact that all educational institutions around the world have been forced to move to a new format

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

and use the experience of distance learning on a mass scale. That, in turn, has caused a number of problems.


First, there is a lack of digital literacy among teachers and students to use Internet technologies, second, low internet speeds, third, low internet access in some countries or almost non-existent for the majority of the population, and fourth, most lack of technical means (computers, laptops, gadgets) for distance reading. Undoubtedly, this situation has negatively affected the quality of education, technical failures and other factors have led to disruptions in the learning process. But at the same time, global experts acknowledge that the strict quarantine rules introduced due to the pandemic have created new opportunities for education, including higher education. In particular, Armenia has launched a single University platform for universities that allows distance learning during quarantine, for learning and doing business in the global network of the UAE: Google Hangouts Meet, Cisco Webex, Avaya Spaces, Blue Jeans and Apps called Slack started to run continuously. In Cyprus, the Ministry of Education and Science, through the Pedagogical Institute, has organized a rapid training of teachers for distance learning. In Russian universities, the use of augmented reality technology (Vremya news program on Russia's First Channel, aired on May 12, 2020) has become an innovation in education.

In general, most universities and institutes in Uzbekistan were partially ready

to offer distance learning. A Moodle system was created on the platforms of higher

education institutions, which contained electronic resources for all subjects.

However, despite the fact that the system was introduced a few years ago, its

implementation was slow in practice, so it was natural to face its own problems and

difficulties in the introduction of emergency distance learning for the first time in

the history of our country. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of

Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Iroda Shamsiyeva addressed teachers

of several universities of the country with questions about the difficulties, problems

and opportunities observed in distance learning:

What are the problems and difficulties in conducting distance (online)

education? What do you think has been achieved in this regard, as well as what are

the shortcomings of this system? Rano Tursunova, Candidate of Historical Sciences,

Associate Professor, University of World Economy and Diplomacy:

Frankly, we weren't ready for that yet. Of course, teachers take ICT training courses

every year, but distance learning practices have not been formed in many, and some Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 430 www.ares.uz

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

teachers are an exception. Therefore, we had to adapt to the new conditions in a short time. In fact, working on the Zoom Internet platform has provided unprecedented opportunities. Not only teachers but also students learned new skills. Teachers and students faced a number of challenges in organizing distance and online learning, including low internet speeds not only in the regions but also in the regional centers, almost no access to the Internet in remote areas; students lacked the technical means, often having only one gadget in the family and queuing up to use it. Akbar Zamonov, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History, Associate Professor of History, National University of Uzbekistan (NUU): First, the country was not yet ready for the transition to distance and online education, including the lack of organizational training for professors and teachers.


As a result, there have been problems and challenges with the quality of

education, its organization, and the regional communication system. Also, the time

limit for video lessons is less than 80 minutes (there are several reasons for this: the

speed of the Internet is very low, students are more likely to miss the available

traffic, etc.). In this regard, teachers should be able to present their 80-minute lecture

in a short period of time (20-30 minutes) through methodological skills. The basic

literature recommended, methods of finding and using them by students, basic

concepts and principles on the subject, final conclusions and tasks should be given.

But not everyone achieved this goal. Second, we did not have complete control over

the way students were taught through video lessons. In this regard, video tutorials

posted on TV channels and Internet sites impose the same responsibilities on

teachers as well as parents. In particular, they should create conditions for the child

to regularly watch the lessons taught through various programs on the Internet,

constantly monitor, help them to master the topics, complete tasks, as well as

provide communication via the Internet to communicate with the child's teacher.

The main problem is that students live in different parts of the country - in the most

remote villages from the capital, the regional center, the district center, and the

communication system varies from region to region. In this process, the chances of

students living only in the capital, regional and district centers were a bit higher.

These video lessons (especially on the Zoom platform) resulted in an average

attendance of 8-13 out of 100 students. This is due, firstly, to the unsatisfactory

performance of the country's telecommunications companies and, secondly, to the

fact that students do not yet have sufficient skills in video lessons. Established

during the quarantine period, online education was divided into groups of teachers Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 431 www.ares.uz

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

and students, those who actively participated in the process, took advantage of the achievements of virtual education and improved their skills, and completed the school year with almost no participation. In any case, emergency online education has helped learners and educators to acquire certain lessons and skills, even if they have not improved their knowledge in the field of specialization compared to the usual system. Achievements in this regard are that all professors and teachers, regardless of age, have formed or developed knowledge and skills in working with educational platforms, distance learning and its implementation. The work to be done in the future to further develop distance education is being analyzed. It is safe to say that distance education is now an experiment for the future. One of the achievements of distance learning, I think, is the diversity of communication with students. The student will be able to present the answer in text, audio or video. This is a convenient form for students who are unable or unwilling to express themselves in public in an audience setting. Distance education saves teachers and students the time they spend going to and from university. The time saved will allow you to learn new knowledge from other sources. We pay special attention to the study of advanced foreign experience before implementing each innovation in practice.


According to current trends, the number of higher education students

worldwide is more than 207 million, of which more than 100 million have active

access to online courses. 46% of applicants who choose online courses do not have

access to higher education, 21% say that online courses are suitable for their

interests, another 21% see incentives in the workplace, 8% say the prestige of the

educational institution, and the remaining 4% see other reasons. Higher education

institutions such as Harvard, Drexel, the University of California, Illinois Institute of

Technology in the United States ranked high among online course providers. For

distance education to function properly as a traditional education system and deliver

the expected results, it is first necessary to change the students 'worldview. This is

due to the fact that the examination process in distance education is transparent,

online training courses are mainly focused on providing basic information, most of

them do not provide the necessary skills, and the chosen field is mature without

practical skills. Students need to understand that they cannot be experts. In addition,

special criteria and guidelines for the distance learning process will be developed,

which will increase the chances of achieving the desired results when the

requirements for the courses are fully and perfectly met. At present, prestigious

distance learning institutions in our country are conducting experiments. Processes Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 432 www.ares.uz

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

are being monitored in cooperation with relevant ministries. most importantly, quality training should be the main criterion, regardless of what kind of knowledge is imparted.


Currently, the system of higher education has created online learning resources in 6,102 subjects on the subject programs of the current semester, which are placed on the distance learning platforms of each higher education institution. However, there are a number of problems in the system related to the organization of distance learning, which need to be addressed gradually. For example, there are no uniform requirements and criteria for online learning and monitoring of users, mechanisms for assessing the quality of education have not been developed, not all students have smartphones, computers or laptops, Internet performance and speed in the regions, and electricity. There are problems with the supply of information, some professors and teachers do not have the ability to use the distance learning platform via computer or mobile phone. In addition, the development of distance learning is hampered by the fact that the electronic database of textbooks in the fund of the information resource center of many higher education institutions is not fully formed or formed, but students have limited access to it.

In this regard, first of all, starting from the 2021/2022 academic year, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications At the same time, it is important to introduce an electronic system of education management and registration of student learning, as well as the organization of special courses to improve the skills of teachers to use the distance learning platform through information and communication tools. Today, it is very important to develop teaching methods and raise the level of teachers by giving up unjustified methods such as boring lectures and writing abstracts by professors and teachers of higher education institutions. In this regard, of course, there is a need to improve the skills of teachers at a distance.


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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

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