ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROBLEMS OF ONLINE EDUCATION IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
distance learning / English / Internet / information and communication technologies / educational process.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dilorom Rustamovna Erpulatova

This article is devoted to the study of the topical issue of the possibility of studying the subject area "English" through distance learning. The article gives a definition of distance learning, highlights the specifics of teaching English in educational institutions.

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Dilorom Rustamovna Erpulatova

Master of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

Chirchik, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the study of the topical issue of the possibility of studying the subject area "English" through distance learning. The article gives a definition of distance learning, highlights the specifics of teaching English in educational institutions.

Keywords: distance learning, English, Internet, information and communication technologies, educational process.


One of the most significant areas of progress at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries was the explosive development of information technologies, which led to an unprecedented previously unprecedented increase in human capacity to use information resources in the scientific, financial and economic, social and other spheres of society. The changes that have taken place in this area and their consequences are so significant that we can talk about the information revolution.1 Distance learning is a new organization of the educational process based on the principle of independent student learning.


The learning environment is characterized by the fact that students are mostly, and often completely, remote from the teacher in space and (or) in time, at the same time they have the opportunity to maintain a dialogue at any time using telecommunications. Distance learning is a set of information technologies that ensure the delivery of the bulk of the studied material to the students, interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to independently work on mastering the studied educational material, as well as an assessment of their knowledge and skills acquired in the process. Distance learning is a new stage of distance learning, which provides the use of

1 Karpenko M.P. Television training. Moscow: SSU Publishing House, 2008.798 p

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

information technologies based on the use of personal computers, video and audio equipment, space and fiber-optic technology. Of interest is the definition of our colleagues from the Association of DO USA, which literally translates as to the acquisition of knowledge and skills through information and learning, including all technologies and other forms of learning but at a distance. All the above definitions reflect one or more aspects of this multifaceted phenomenon. For example, one gets the impression that traditional information technologies, such as printed publications, are not used in DL, that there is no contact between the teacher and the listener during studies. A situation in which the participants of the educational process are not geographically remote (live in the same city, district), but cannot be able to contact due to different time conditions (work and life schedules), can also be attributed to preschool education. Therefore, the definition proposed below takes into account to a greater extent, in our opinion, the characteristic features and variants of the organization of EC. and new information technologies and their technical means, which are used to deliver educational material, study it independently, organize a Karpenko M.P. Television training. Moscow: SSU Publishing House, 2008.798 p dialogue exchange between the teacher and students, when the learning process is not critical to their location in space and time, as well as to a specific educational institution. The last statement gives the right to speak about the distance education system in its entirety.


Generally speaking, the idea of DO is not ova, and its elements to one degree or another are implemented in such forms of education as correspondence and external studies. The sprouts and seeds of DL technologies are present in all forms of education specified in the "Law on Education". By DL technologies, we mean a set of methods, forms and means of interaction with students in the process of independent, but controlled development of a certain body of knowledge.

Distance learning (DL), which today is regarded as an innovation even in such subject areas where a large experience of distance learning computer-free education has already been accumulated, is marked by a special degree of novelty in the field of teaching foreign languages ... Of particular relevance to research in this direction is given by the impossibility of direct transfer into teaching of a discipline based on a practice-oriented communicative-activity concept, lecture-type DO models that are relevant for theoretical subject areas. Until now, it was considered axiomatic that the

2 Andreev A.A. Introduction to distance learning: textbook .. Google Scholar

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- M .: WU, 1997

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

communicative goals and tasks of a foreign language course can be achieved and solved only under the condition of mandatory and constant interaction of participants in educational communication within.The only possible interactive form of training is full-time practical training. With the emergence and widespread distribution of global networks with the entire set of information and communication tools they provide, representatives of linguodidactic science for the first time were able to correctly set the question of teaching foreign languages at a distance (E. I. Azimov, E. S. Polat, O. P. Kryukova, O. I. Rudenko-Morgun, M. A. Bovtenko, L.A. ... Dunaev, etc.).


Foreign languages, being one of the most relevant subjects of study, not related to the specifics of the studied specialty, are also the subject, the most developed by the developers of multimedia educational programs. on the examples of integrated systems of teaching foreign languages it is very promising both commercially and in practical terms. The subject itself fits so perfectly into multimedia technology that many companies have already created multimedia courses of foreign languages in a short time on their own .

The use of distance learning techniques in the study of foreign languages is widely used in modern higher education. Distance learning teaching foreign languages involves the use of modern information technologies. And if only yesterday linguists all over the world tried to create computer programs for studying certain aspects of the language, then in modern education in connection with the processes of integration and globalization the main role among media sources playing the internet. Thanks to the Internet, millions of people constantly communicate in social networks, various messengers, on Internet forums, as well as in video conferencing programs, for example in Skype. We are interested in people living in other countries - this is fact! Learning a foreign language becomes necessary, since without close interaction and understanding each other, it will not only be impossible to solve the global problems of modern society, but also the usual communication between people. Today the Internet offers a variety of ways to learn foreign languages. The study of English as the main language of communication of the world community is especially varied. This is due to many factors, but this is not the point at present. What methods of teaching English via the Internet to choose at different stages of mastering this language as a foreign language? We will try to analyze the most effective methods of teaching English using some online resources. Today there are 4 main methods of teaching English 1. Grammar Translation is a classic technique for learning English. Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

2. Direct Method - direct method.

3. Audio-lingualism is one of the first modern methods.

4. Communicative Language Teaching is a modern standard method.


Each of the methods has its own focus and priorities. CONCLUSION

Application to in the subject area "English" has both advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include: individualization and personification of the learning process due to the flexibility of the schedule and learning opportunities at an individual pace; lack of geographical affection; Formation of information competence for students; Comfortable learning environment; possible Improving motivation by applying ICT and Internet capabilities; wide access to a variety of informational and educational resources; interactivity; Conducting virtual learning activities in real time with the organization directly feedback, as well as preservation of lectures, webinars in the database; organization of operational advisory assistance; the ability to diversify the educational material; development of independence of students; The possibility of organizing a natural language environment, etc.

However, before there is also a number of disadvantages, such as: the need to form additional motivation and interest in learning from students with low levels of self-control and motivation; high dependence on the availability of material and technical means and their coordinated and stable operation; The inability to control the independence of these or other tasks trainees; Lack of physical interactions with peers and teacher and others.Thus, despite a number of disadvantages, it gives student access to rich in their ability to educational

Medium. Integration of sound, movements, images, and achieving communicative competence. With competent of organizations and the further development of ICT.This technology can provide high-quality education appropriate to requirements of SES.


1. Karpenko M.P. Television training. Moscow: SSU Publishing House, 2008.798 p

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3 Kolker, Ya.M. Practical methods of teaching a foreign language: textbook. manual / Ya.M. Kolker, E.S. Ustinova,T.M. Enalieva. - M.: Academy, 2000 .-- 260 p.

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