USE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING HISTORY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
history / education / modern technology / pedagogical technology / teaching / development

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tilabjonova Sevinch Shukhratovna

This article puts forward the idea that it is possible to increase and further strengthen the student's interest in history through modern information technologies, in particular, about modern educational pedagogy and increasing the effectiveness of the museum excursion educational process in history education. cited. Information, enrichment with modern techniques, and their usefulness to the student are emphasized

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Tilabjonova Sevinch Shukhratovna

Chirchik State Pedagogical University History student tilabj onovasevinch@gmail. com

Abstract: This article puts forward the idea that it is possible to increase and further strengthen the student's interest in history through modern information technologies, in particular, about modern educational pedagogy and increasing the effectiveness of the museum excursion educational process in history education. cited. Information, enrichment with modern techniques, and their usefulness to the student are emphasized.

Keywords: history, education, modern technology, pedagogical technology, teaching, development.



Tilabjonova Sevinch Shuxratovna

Chirchiq davlatpedagogika universiteti talabasi tilabj onovasevinch@gmail.com

Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqola zamonaviy axborot texnalogiyalari orqali tarix faniga o'quvchining qiziqishini oshirish va yanada mustahkamlash mumkin ekanligini g'oyalari ilgari surgan bo'lib, hususan zamonoviy ta'lim pedagogikasi hamda tarix ta'limida muzey ekskursiya ta'lim jarayonini samaradorligini oshirish haqida ham keltirib o'tilgan. Axborotlashtirish, zamonaviy texnika bilan boyitish va ularning o'quvchiga foydali ekanligi ta'kidlangan.

Kalit so'zlar: tarix, ta'lim, zamonaviy texnalogiya, pedagog texnalogiya, o 'qitish, rivojlantirish.


Тилабжонова Севинч Шухратовна

Студентка Чирчикского государственного педагогического университета

tilabj onovasevinch@gmail .com

Аннотация: В данной статье выдвигаются идеи о том, что с помощью современных информационных технологий можно повысить и еще больше укрепить интерес читателя к исторической науке, в частности, о современной образовательной педагогике и повышении эффективности музейно-экскурсионного образовательного процесса в историческом образовании. Отмечается информатизация, обогащение современными методиками и их полезность для читателя.

Ключевое слово: история, образование, современные технологии, педагогическая технология, обучение, развитие.


The achievement of the status of an independent state of Uzbekistan started new era in the spiritual and educational life of the Uzbek people. Attention to the people made him once again convinced of how much human values are glorified. Giving a true assessment to the ancient and agonizing history of the Uzbek people has become a priority. Science, history, which is the basis of national identity and spiritual growth, developed in its own way through independence, which made a sharp turn in the life and destiny of the Uzbek people. Because the place and role of history is incomparable in the formation of patriotism, national ideal thinking and humanitarianism in the minds of young generations, who are the foundation of the future of our country, and its teaching based on new pedagogical technologies is of particular importance. The science of history means creating the future by learning from the reality of the past through change.

Islam Karimov, the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan: "There is no future without historical memory" in his interview with historians and journalists on June 28, 1998, "On improving the activities of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan" decree and other thoughts on the development of the history of the homeland became the basis for the history education system, and in particular for in-depth teaching and learning of history. Objectivity, truthfulness, and a fair approach are important in the study, analysis, and coverage of historical events and events.


Islam Karimov, the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, said, "Educating a spiritually well-developed person, improving education and knowledge, bringing up a new generation that will realize national renaissance is one of the most important tasks of our state." [1] ]

A lot of attention is being paid to making the young generation an educated thinker so that these actions and attentions do not go to waste. Such thinking cannot be

achieved without studying history. Because it is impossible to develop the thinking of a generation that has not studied the history of the nation.

Let's pay attention to the following speech of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "I want to call on all of you to be more awake and active in studying history. Only a person who is attentive to history will always be alert and aware. He can give an impartial and honest assessment of the current situation and future processes. This is the most important condition for ensuring peace and stability and achieving high development in the current complex and violent times".[2] Through this speech, we can know that the role and importance of the science of history is great.

Teaching history on the basis of modern technologies increases the effectiveness of the educational process. The time we live in is the age of technology. Earlier, people used to go to public libraries to read books, but nowadays, all the information can be found and searched at home through smart technology and internet sites.

When it comes to understanding our identity in history classes, it is required that the teaching of history is based on the requirements of the time. Before thinking about the effective organization of history, it would be appropriate to study the concept of "effective education" by analyzing the opinions of local and foreign researchers.


Effective teaching is an education in which the ability of students to learn independently, the perception of the classroom atmosphere, the level of understanding and acquisition of the necessary knowledge, by combining different teaching methods of teachers or using them separately, is high. process is considered. [3]

There are two main characteristics of effective teaching.

These are:

- facilitating students' learning of various facts, skills, values and concepts;

- Forming the ability of teachers to use different teaching strategies, methods and technologies individually or in combination, rather than a single course in the classroom;

Another way of looking at it is that effective teaching can be described as a key teaching skill needed to increase student achievement. Surrounded by these thoughts, it can be said that an effective teacher knows and loves his profession and field, is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, selfless, organized and enterprising, has the ability to make quick and correct decisions, and is fair. and at the same time defined as someone who can promote knowledge to students and is interested in their peace and future.[4].


The structure and nature of education in Uzbekistan has set tasks for the training of personnel in the field of history. As we study histoory, it requires effective teaching

and providing students with historical evidence based on historical evidence from the source along with ready-made historical summary information. In the teaching of history, it is effective for the student to form a historical imagination by analyzing a certain historical reality. In history lessons, it is more useful to use methods that ensure the student's independent thinking than methods that stimulate the student's memory.

In the system of history education, each subject of the lesson has its own technology, that is, pedagogical technology in the educational process is an individual process, which is directed to one goal based on the needs of the teacher. is a pedagogical process aimed at giving results. In the opinion of teachers, researchers, and practitioners studying the issues and problems of pedagogical technology in the history education system, pedagogical technology is only related to information technology, and it is necessary to use TSO, computer, defined as distance learning, or the use of different techniques. [5]

All opportunities are being created to improve and further develop the educational process. The quality of modern education is not one of the results of innovative development, but one of the necessary conditions for its implementation.

History as a science studies the history of mankind through its unique methodology. Historical research methodology involves identifying a problem or topic of the research field, developing hypotheses related to this topic or problem, gathering information from evidence and sources, analyzing and criticizing this information, reviewing other research on the topic, and to understand the topic and also to reveal the research that is explained in a logical basis. Based on this, the role of the historian is defined as studying the past in the course of his independent scientific development, creating clear, realistic and complete concepts or images of the subject, and thinking about all these stages.[6] In order to master the science of history perfectly in the minds of the young generation, as in the study of all subjects, it is impossible to fully reveal its essence through new pedagogical and information technologies in history education. New technologies of education and upbringing are tested in experimental areas. Currently, the concept of "pedagogical technology" is widely used in the theory of teaching. It can be seen that this, in turn, has become a part of the modern educational process.

The rapid introduction of information technologies in the educational system expands the fields of application of modern technologies. At the moment, it is possible to highlight the developing directions of modern information technologies in education. They are as follows:

1. Introduction of software tools for educational purposes as a teaching tool, learning basis and information processing tool.

2. Integration of teaching-demonstration tools and computer tools in creating educational-methodical complexes.

The use of such complexes helps the student to collect and store information about the studied process, to reveal the laws and essence of the processes. The use of educational-demonstration complexes based on modern technologies creates a basis for the organization of individual and collective experiment activities. This creates an opportunity for the student to develop his intellectual and creative potential and gain independent knowledge.

3. In creating multimedia systems, achieving the integration of the capabilities of computers and audio-video information transmission tools. Such systems embody a set of hardware and software tools and tools, combine different forms of information (text, graphics, sound, image) and organize interactive communication with the user. [7]

Studying as a modern technology of knowledge acquisition, using distance learning during a museum excursion is one of the urgent tasks of today. It is appropriate to make extensive use of the results of the research done by the world's leading scientists who are directly engaged and working in the field of remote dating development and have many years of experience using the Internet in this field. [8]

Students enjoy more freedom and independence in the museum. It is necessary to create an opportunity for them to hold and interact with the exhibit, because it is the copies, models and replicas of the exhibit that are incomparable educational material for students. Therefore, many museums make replicas of exhibits for children in their halls and give them the opportunity to try objects. Trying on the clothes of historical figures or trying on the jewelry of a noble woman, trying to make jars on the pottery wheel will make a great impression on the student. [9]


In conclusion, it can be said that the role of modern technologies in teaching history is important. Through modern technologies, we increase the effectiveness of teaching history. The use of modern pedagogical technology and multimedia systems ensures the introduction of active teaching methods and forms, increases the level of information acceptance. This will increase the interest of young people in history. It ensures the quality of educational processes.


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