A NEW APPROACH TO TEACHING HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
history of the Fatherland / innovation / interactive / pedagogy / method / tool / innovative approach / knowledge / skills / qualifications / oral history / method of discussion. / история Отечества / инновации / интерактив / педагогика / метод / инструмент / инновационный подход / знания / навыки / квалификация / устная история / метод дискуссии.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Urakova, N.S.

The state is considering a new approach to the study of the history of Uzbekistan, methods of achieving the effectiveness of the use of modern methods and means of teaching. Analytical data on interactive teaching methods are summarized

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В статье рассматривается новый подход к изучению истории Узбекистана, методы достижения эффективности с использованием современных методов и средств обучения. Обобщены аналитические данные об интерактивных методах для обучения


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N.S. Urakova

Karshi State University, Associate Professor of "History of Uzbekistan"

The state is considering a new approach to the study of the history of Uzbekistan, methods of achieving the effectiveness of the use of modern methods and means of teaching. Analytical data on interactive teaching methods are summarized.

Keywords: history of the Fatherland, innovation, interactive, pedagogy, method, tool, innovative approach, knowledge, skills, qualifications, oral history, method of discussion.

Ushbu maqolada O'zbekiston tarixini o'rganishga yangicha yondashuv, o'qitishning zamonaviy usul va vositalaridan foydalanib sifat samaradorlikka erishish metodlari haqida so Z boradi. Shuningdek, fanni o 'qitishda qo 'llanadigan interaktiv usullar va uning afzalliklari xususida tahliliy ma 'lumotlar umumlashtirilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: Vatan tarixi, innovatsiya, interfaol, pedagogika, usul, vosita, yangicha yondashuv, bilim, ko'nikma, malaka, og'zaki tarix, bahs-munozara metodi.

В статье рассматривается новый подход к изучению истории Узбекистана, методы достижения эффективности с использованием современных методов и средств обучения. Обобщены аналитические данные об интерактивных методах для обучения.

Ключевые слова: история Отечества, инновации, интерактив, педагогика, метод, инструмент, инновационный подход, знания, навыки, квалификация, устная история, метод дискуссии.


A new approach to the study of the history of the homeland, the effective use of modern scientific achievements, audio, video materials, multimedia, computer technology, the use of effective methods and tools used by scientists not only in our country but also in the world. that is, the study of the unique, unique, national, traditional, material, intangible culture passed down from generation to generation, to look at the world is one of the main tasks of today's historians.




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In the developed countries of the world, there are specialized research centers to study every period, every field of history, the life of mature scientists, urban culture and other aspects.


In today's era of information and communication, computer technology, the scope of objective study of history, its imprinting on history, audio, video, oral and other methods is very wide, which is an advantage over previous periods, as well as the breadth of opportunities.

In particular, it is necessary to study the history of Uzbekistan honestly and objectively, to compare and contrast the historical research, works, monographs created by scientists, to study not only domestic, but also foreign scholars' scientific, practical views and works on the history of our country.

In particular, in order for young people to be proud of their homeland, to cherish it as the apple of their eye, it is necessary for our youth and children to know the history, past, past, glorious and dangerous way of life.

So, to what extent is the state's attention to the study of history, why has the history of the Motherland, which has been traditionally taught to first-year students of higher education institutions since the early years of independence, been unjustifiably reduced under the pretext of optimization?

Isn't the formation of well-rounded, mature, intellectually gifted young people, proud of their history, dedicated to the development of the country, a requirement of today and the present?

Thus, the use of effective and interactive teaching methods and tools to teach young people pride in the history of the homeland, to introduce national and universal values to the world, great figures, commanders, national traditions is of great interest to the world community. The application should be studied in depth.

For example, it is expedient to introduce the methods that are actively used today in order to achieve high efficiency in students in pre-planned lectures and practical classes in the history of Uzbekistan.

In recent years, radical changes have taken place in the education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, especially in the content of the educational process. The quality and content of education has been updated to some extent. Person-centered learning technologies have been introduced into the practice of the learning process. However, as a result of rapid development of science and technology, rapid growth of production, the growing needs of the individual, the globalization of the state and

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society, the level of knowledge, professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the younger generation, the new model of education, innovative technologies, interactive methods became.

One of the thinkers of antiquity, Socrates, said that "the solution to the problem is in the debate." This phrase, spoken in ancient times, is still relevant today. That is, one of the interactive methods we are emphasizing today is the debate method. In the middle, the teacher throws the problem and invites the students to a discussion. The teacher only manages and analyzes the process. Students take the initiative in the process. Every thought, every word has a certain meaning. Of course, the activity of students, the emergence of ideas after ideas, is one of the main conditions of the debate.

Especially in history lessons, especially in the history lessons of Uzbekistan, there are a lot of controversial events and historical facts.

It is no secret that in the education system there are non-traditional methods of teaching, a number of pedagogical technologies, innovative technologies, interactive methods are used effectively.

In particular, the Case Study is an educational technology consisting of a set of optimal methods and tools of education, information, communication and management, which provide a guaranteed achievement of the expected learning outcomes in the process of achieving the set learning objectives and solving the practical problem situation described in the case. The application of heuristic teaching methods is effective.

The teacher identifies the problem that needs to be solved in collaboration with the students, and the students independently acquire the necessary knowledge in the process of researching the proposed problem and compare it with other situations, the ability to conduct research activities , experience.

With regard to problem-based learning technology, there are three main forms of problem-based learning: problem-based learning - storytelling in lectures, oral presentation, and dialogue in seminars, problem-solving.

In the teaching of history, it is important to use the method of collaborative reading to achieve a quality level in education.

Through the use of collaborative learning methods and tools, students gain the qualities of teamwork, collaborative problem-solving, mutual respect, innovation, study, analysis, and exchange of historical facts and materials.

In particular, the use of technologies such as "Reading together", "Saw", "Think and work in pairs" is effective in teaching the history of Uzbekistan.

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In particular, in mastering each historical period, its historical processes, stages of formation, each teacher takes a creative approach based on his own experience and finds a solution to the problem. In more practical sessions, students should use the discussion method. The problematic issue is raised for discussion, and each of the students 'opinions on the topic is taken into account, and students who actively participate and respond correctly are encouraged.

Group members will be given one assignment and one incentive on the chosen topic, assignment. The assignment given to the group members can be done on the basis of the topic covered, or on the basis of a pre-planned assignment. The evaluation of the participants' collaborative work is evaluated in relation to the effort expended by all team members to achieve the overall result and receives a single evaluation consisting of the sum of the academic results, ie the success of the group depends on the contribution of each participant.

This serves to form positive qualities among students, such as solidarity, harmony, cooperation.

Each member of the group is determined by their own success and their personal responsibility for the success of the other members of the group.

Collaborative activity: based on interaction methods such as group negotiation, cooperation, mutual assistance, equal opportunities for success: each student should be focused on improving their personal success, learning based on their personal abilities, abilities, because it is with others. equally valued.

The main rules of teaching the history of Uzbekistan using the method of collaborative reading are: reading together, rather than simply completing the task; collaboration, not competition; learning to work together; reading and creativity; always being ready to help each other, to share the joy of success or the bitterness of failure together, and so on.

In teaching the subject "History of Uzbekistan" the teacher acquaints students with the rules of group work:

-Everyone should listen to their peers;

- Everyone should be active, work together, take a responsible approach to the


-everyone should ask for help when they need it;

- Everyone who needs help should help;

-Everyone should be involved in evaluating the results of group work.

The teacher plans the work in the group, distributes the tasks within the group, performs the tasks individually. One of the methods of collaborative reading in the

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teaching of history of Uzbekistan, the teacher asks questions and assignments in the organization of work in groups using the technique of "Think in pairs - exchange ideas": first think, then write short answers.

Students then divide into pairs, exchange ideas, and try to come up with a common answer that combines the two answers. The teacher invites several pairs to present a summary of their work to the audience for thirty seconds.

Students are divided into 3 groups to complete the topic, section, individual study task selected by the teacher.

Team members present the results of their joint work using visual aids.


In particular, using the above methods, it is possible to obtain a wide range of information on the example of the ancient and modern city of Karshi, focusing on its uniqueness, sacred sites, nature, architectural monuments and other aspects. Students can also use the oral history method to gather a lot of information about the city, district, village where they were born and raised, and to prepare presentation materials in small groups together.

From this point of view, every period of our country's history, turbulent and dangerous periods, the repressive policy of the Soviet government, the Second World War, the events of the 80s of the twentieth century can be effective even if they are used to consolidate a certain part of science.

So, like other disciplines, the use of modern methods and tools of teaching in the lessons of history of Uzbekistan is effective. Firstly, it is possible to gain a wide range of information and understanding through the use of such methods and tools, and secondly, the fact that students try to find a solution to the problem directly, working together, contributes to a deeper understanding of science.


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