Abstract: the article under discussion considers the advantages of using interactive methods in English lessons in non-philological universities. The author of the article believes that the changes taking place in the educational system of the Republic of Uzbekistan are caused by the trend towards the development of personal and developing paradigm of education, as well as the need to use the intellectual and creative potential of students for creative activity in any sphere of life. The introduction of the State educational standard guides teachers to an individual approach to education, and thus to the search for innovative, effective forms and methods of teaching. Accordingly, teachers recognize that the content of the educational process is undergoing changes. One such change is the requirement to use interactive teaching methods.
Keywords: interactive, method, language, group, pair-work, effective, technology, cooperation, interaction, foreign, dialogue, solution.
Пулатова Угилхон Собировна - преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков, факультет лечебного дела, Андижанский государственный медицинский институт, г. Андижан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает вопросы преимущества использования интерактивных методов на уроках английского языка в неязыковых вузах. Автор статьи считает, что происходящие изменения в системе образования Республики Узбекистан обусловлены тенденцией в сторону развития личностно-развивающей парадигмы образования, а также необходимостью использования интеллектуального и творческого потенциала обучающихся для созидательной и творческой деятельности в любой сфере жизни. Введение Государственного образовательного стандарта направляет педагога на индивидуальный подход в образовании, а значит на поиск инновационных, эффективных форм, методов обучения. Соответственно педагоги признают, что содержание образовательного процесса претерпевает изменения. Одним из таких изменений является требование использования интерактивных методов обучения.
Ключевые слова: интерктивный, метод, язык, группа, парная работа, эффективный, технология, сотрудничество, взаимодействие, иностранный, диалоговый, решение.
UDC 372.881.1
The changes taking place in the educational system of the Republic of Uzbekistan are caused by the trend towards the development of personal and developing paradigm of education, as well as the need to use the intellectual and creative potential of students for creative activity in any sphere of life. The introduction of the State educational standard guides teachers to an individual approach to education, and thus to the search for innovative,
effective forms and methods of teaching. Accordingly, teachers recognize that the content of the educational process is undergoing changes. One such change is the requirement to use interactive teaching methods [1].
Knowledge of a foreign language indicates a special status in society. It is not only prestigious, but also useful. Speakers of foreign language not only communicate easily with foreigners, but also have advantages in employment. There are a number of cases where knowledge of English or another language is a prerequisite.
English is as the most widely spoken language in the world. Knowing this language system helps you work more effectively and efficiently. As you can see, English is extremely important these days. The term "interactive" comes from English "interact" ("inter" - "mutual", "act" - "act"). This technology is a part of personalized learning. When using the technology of interactive learning the emphasis is placed on working in a group, pairs, and this work is different in that it simulates situations of real communication in order to solve communicative problems. A distinctive feature of interactive learning is learning in collaboration, we learn together. This approach to the process of learning foreign languages is becoming more and more popular.
Why do we use interactive teaching methods in class? Firstly, the active role of the student in the lesson increases, and secondly, there is a motivated interest of the student to learn English, all this leads to the creation of conditions under which the speech competence in speaking, reading, writing and listening develops, and, consequently, this activity occurs in interaction, mutual learning, understanding. At present, the introduction of interactive forms of learning in the work of the teacher is one of the most promising, necessary and appropriate methods [2].
Interactive learning is a way of learning, based on dialogue forms of interaction between participants in the educational process; learning, immersed in communication, during which students develop skills for collaborative activities. It is a method in which "everyone trains everyone and everyone teaches everyone" (according to V.S. Dyachenko). The use of interactive learning model involves modeling of life situations, the use of role-playing games, collaborative problem-solving. Unlike the subject-object approach, a student becomes a subject of interaction, he or she actively participates in the process of learning by following his or her individual route.
Thus, the interactive approach helps to make the process of mastering basic communication of English more effective.
In the process of interactive learning, a student does not acquire knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtains it himself, in the process of his own activity. Therefore, the teacher's goal is to create conditions under which a student will discover new knowledge, design and use it. The role and position of the teacher is to suggest, if necessary, to correct; the teacher supports the activity of students, creates a favorable atmosphere in the lesson; in disputes he acts as an arbitrator, not a judge.
It is also important that students are comfortable in the working group. The students report on the results of a group work, and each student should assess themselves as a participant in the group work.
The involvement of students in interactive activities, as well as increasing their motivation to learn a foreign language, can be achieved through the use of playful technologies in teaching. Game does not completely replace traditional forms and methods of learning, it allows achieve more effectively the goal and objectives of the lesson and the entire learning process. At the same time, the game increases the interest of learners in the learning activities, stimulates the growth of cognitive activity, which allows learners to obtain and absorb more information, facilitates the acquisition of natural decision-making skills in a variety of situations. Game interactions involve informal communication and allow participants to discover their personal qualities and improve their self-esteem.
By appealing to Confucius, "Tell me, and I will forget; show me, maybe I will remember; involve me, and I will understand", I conclude that an interactive lesson is the
best experience of active collaboration between teacher and student. We should especially note the positive emotional mood of students not only to each other, but also to the lesson as a whole, as well as their increased activity, desire to expand their horizons, to master new knowledge on the topic under study. This confirms the effectiveness of the interactive teaching method.
Thus, the use of interactive forms of teaching English shows that their use makes it possible to instill in students an interest in the language they are learning; it creates a positive attitude towards its study, stimulates the independent speech activity of students; it makes it possible to more purposefully implement an individual approach to learning; it increases the positive motivation of students to learn a foreign language and supports the internal motivation of the teaching. Interactive aspects of teaching stimulate intellectual activity [3].
References / Список литературы
1. Umaraliev Z.B., To'ychiev I.K., Akramova N.M. Problems encountered in learning English for specific purposes // Voprosy nauki i obrazovaniya, 2019. № 3 (47). URL: (date of access: 14.01.2020).
2. Akramova N.M., Nigmatullina A.Sh., Galiakberova A.R. Fostering the process of learner autonomy in foreign languages classrooms // Problemy Nauki, 2019. № 11-2 (144). URL: (date of access: 14.01.2020).
3. Jo 'raeva M.T., Astonova G.R. Use of group work at the lessons of the German language // Problemy Nauki, 2019. № 12-2 (145). URL: (date of access: 14.01.2020).