1 2 Shavkieva D.Sh. , Yuldasheva U.S.
Abstract: today the world speeded up to forward. Thanks to the use of information communication technologies we become aware of development in all spheres of life. And education stands in the prior position. Due to the means of IT learning, studying, researching, educating and other similar notions entered to the daily vocabulary of human kind. The ordinary classes become superior. In this article authors take example from the branch of education we call language learning. They clarify that the means of technology is undeniable source to make the process of language teaching more flexible. In the article they brought the evidence of the effectiveness of interactive board.
Keywords: interactive, learning, dynamic, smart board, whiteboard, assimilation, highlight, demonstrate.
12 Шавкиева Д.Ш. , Юлдашева У.С.
1Шавкиева Дильфуза Шакарбаевна - преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков между факультетами, факультет филологии; 2Юлдашева Угилой Содикжановна - студент, кафедра теории и методологии физической культуры, факультет физической культуры, Гулистанский государственный университет, г. Гулистан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: сегодня мир ускорился вперед. Благодаря использованию информационно-коммуникационных технологий мы узнаем о развитии во всех сферах жизни. И среди остальных образование имеет места на более высокой позиции. Благодаря средствам обучения в сфере информационных технологий, изучение, исследование, обучение и другие подобные понятия вошли в ежедневный словарь человечества. Обычные классные уроки становятся лучше. В этой статье авторы берут пример из отрасли образования, которую мы называем изучением языка. Они поясняют, что технические средства являются неоспоримым источником, чтобы сделать процесс преподавания языка более гибким. В данной статье приведены примеры эффективности интерактивной доски.
Ключевые слова: интерактивной, обучение, динамика, смарт доска, доска, усвоение, выделение, демонстрация.
In the context of searching for more modern forms and methods of work in order to optimize the educational process, interest in interactive technologies has increased. One of the current innovations is the use of electronic interactive whiteboard as a means of enhancing the intensification of the learning process at the expense of interactivity, clarity
and dynamic presentation of the material. An example of such boards is the Smart Board, which is also used in our institution.
The use of an electronic interactive board is an effective way of introducing electronic content of educational material and multimedia materials into the learning process, engaging students in an active learning process through the use of interactive learning methods, which allows you to create conditions conducive to the formation and development of various students' competencies. Interactive whiteboard provides an opportunity to work without using a keyboard, mouse and computer monitor. All the necessary actions can be done directly on the screen with a special marker or even a finger. The teacher is not distracted from the lesson and this has a positive effect on the quality of the presentation of educational material [1]. The ability to animate, move objects, change and highlight the most significant elements with the help of color, font allows you to use all the channels of information assimilation, that intended to increase the efficiency of the learning process.
Children learn to successfully demonstrate their independence, to cooperate with classmates and teachers, develop communication skills. As a result, the motivation increases and the cognitive operation of students are activated [2].
The advantages of using interactive whiteboards in the classroom:
> An interactive whiteboard allows the teacher to display pre-prepared materials on the screen, and the lesson time is used only to solve tasks.
> Using the interactive whiteboard in class allows the teacher to enhance the perception of information by increasing the number of illustrative material.
> The use of an interactive whiteboard at school provides the teacher with a process of improvisation in a lesson: the teacher can quickly make comments on top of the prepared materials, videos, computer applications and tutorials.
> Interactive whiteboards make it possible to save and print the created records and view them later on the computer.
> Interactive whiteboards allow using special software products and video clips to demonstrate various virtual models of objects and processes.
> An interactive whiteboard helps teachers do their homework attractive, giving students the chance to present information in visualization tools and ways such as: maps, tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, and other things.
> Interactive boards provide the opportunity to reuse didactic material, to lead in one parallel with the same material completely different lessons, adjusting the rate of presentation of the material for specific students.
> Interactive whiteboards provide more opportunities for interaction and class discussion by stimulating the participation of schoolchildren in group discussions, heightening interest in the problems discussed, allows students to work together, solve a common task posed by the teacher.
> Interactive whiteboards help the teacher to test the knowledge of the whole class at once, to organize a competent feedback "student-teacher".
Working with an interactive whiteboard ensures the continuity, completeness and consistency of the presentation of material when learning the language aspects and improving the skills of students, as well as in the process of building sociocultural competence for the presentation of regional study material on geography, culture, history and traditions of the countries of the target language.
In English lessons, an interactive whiteboard can be applied at various stages of the lesson and in teaching various types of speech activity: during phonetic and speech charging, introducing and practicing vocabulary and speech patterns, activating grammatical material, teaching spelling and listening to foreign language by ear [3].
When learning, you can use electronic tutorials, dictionaries and reference books, video tutorials. An interactive whiteboard can be used not only in the classroom, but also in elective classes, during extracurricular activities (quizzes and competitions). Along with many benefits, preparing a lesson via the usage of interactive one takes a lot of time. Its use
in the lesson should be closed. According to the regulatory documentation, it is required to take into account that the total working time of the student with a computer in a lesson should not exceed 15-20 minutes. You can use a computer and an interactive board in fragments of 2-5 minutes, distributing the time of interaction of children with computer programs in the mode of frontal activity for the entire lesson [4].
Experience with an interactive whiteboard confirms the effective positive impact of combining its capabilities and implementing the didactic principles of novelty, visibility, communicative activity, interdisciplinary connections, interactivity, feedback, combining collective, group and individual forms of work. Thus, the pedagogical capabilities of the electronic board contribute to the improvement of the educational process, activate and make creative independent and joint work of students and teachers. Thanks to the interactive whiteboard, children enjoy learning and improving their results.
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