THE EFFECTIVE METHODS AND PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Language teaching / communicative information / principles / interactions / classroom teaching.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — The Effective Methods And Principles Of Communicative Language Teaching, Alfiya Narimanovna Gapparova

This scientific article describes the effective methods and principles of communicative language teaching, shows the use of communicative methods in teaching foreign languages and what methods and techniques are available in teaching communicative language. The article shows that the organization of teaching activities in foreign languages is based on a number of methods. For example, in the teaching of communicative language we can consider the following methodological processes: The role of scenes and interactive conversation in the development of oral speech The role of interviews and oral speech for the effective organization of the teaching process Collaboration within the group (student-teacher cooperation). Collaborate within the group to improve the exchange of information. an important factor in the expression of personal opinions during group work

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Makhliyobonu Makhmadovna Azizova

Assistant teacher, Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sport

Alfiya Narimanovna Gapparova Teacher, Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sport


This scientific article describes the effective methods and principles of communicative language teaching, shows the use of communicative methods in teaching foreign languages and what methods and techniques are available in teaching communicative language. The article shows that the organization of teaching activities in foreign languages is based on a number of methods. For example, in the teaching of communicative language we can consider the following methodological processes:

- The role of scenes and interactive conversation in the development of oral speech

- The role of interviews and oral speech for the effective organization of the teaching process

- Collaboration within the group (student-teacher cooperation).

- Collaborate within the group to improve the exchange of information.

- an important factor in the expression of personal opinions during group work

Keywords: Language teaching, communicative information, principles,

interactions, classroom teaching.


Learning a new language is easier and more enjoyable when it is truly meaningful. Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as "communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages" or simply the "communicative approach". Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study. Language learners in environments utilizing CLT techniques

learn and practice the target language through interaction with one another and the instructor, study of "authentic texts" (those written in the target language for purposes other than language learning), and use of the language in class combined with use of the language outside of class. An effective knowledge of a language is more than merely knowing vocabulary and rules of grammar and pronunciation. Learners need to be able to use the language appropriately in any social context.


Theorists agree that meaningful communication supports language learning and that classroom activities must focus on the learner's authentic needs to communicate information and ideas.

Principles of The Communicative Approach:

a) Language learning is learning to communicate using the target language.

b) The language used to communicate must be appropriate to the situation, the roles of the speakers, the setting and the register. The learner needs to differentiate between a formal and an informal style.

c) Communicative activities are essential. Activities should be presented in a situation or context and have a communicative purpose. Typical activities of this approach are: games, problem-solving tasks, and role-play. There should be information gap, choice and feedback involved in the activities.

d) Learners must have constant interaction with and exposure to the target language.

e) Development of the four macro skills — speaking, listening, reading and writing — is integrated from the beginning, since communication integrates the different skills.

f) The topics are selected and graded regarding age, needs, level, and students' interest. Motivation is central. Teachers should raise students' interest from the beginning of the lesson.


The communicative approach is concerned with the unique individual needs of each learner. By making the language relevant to the world rather than the classroom, learners acquire the desired skills rapidly and agreeably. CLT is the most effective way to teach second and foreign languages. However, audio-lingual methodology is still prevalent in many text books and teaching materials. Inadequate use of authentic materials can damage the course. Theoretical knowledge of teacher needs to be very good in practice. The monitoring ability of the teacher must be very good Grammar.

Teaching Practices make application of this approach difficult. CLT approach focuses on fluency but not accuracy. The weaker learners who struggle and cannot use the target language continue to make mistakes and eventually give up. During pair and group work activities teacher focus on accuracy through error correction because learners need to understand their mistakes. The CLT approach is great for Intermediate and Advanced learners, but for Beginners some controlled practice is needed. The adoption of a communicative approach raises important issues for; Teacher training, Materials development, Testing. Evaluation. So, it is not suitable for every teacher and every class.

Classroom activities for teaching

1)Role-play is an oral activity usually done in pairs, whose main goal is to develop students' communicative abilities in a certain setting. Example: The instructor sets the scene: where is the conversation taking place? (E.g., in a café, in a park, etc.) The instructor defines the goal of the students' conversation. (E.g., the speaker is asking for directions, the speaker is ordering coffee, the speaker is talking about a movie they recently saw) The students converse in pairs for a designated amount of time.

2) An interview is an oral activity done in pairs, whose main goal is to develop students' interpersonal skills in the TL. Example: The instructor gives each student the same set of questions to ask a partner. Students take turns asking and answering the questions in pairs.

This activity, since it is highly-structured, allows for the instructor to more closely monitor students' responses. It can zone in on one specific aspect of grammar or vocabulary, while still being a primarily communicative activity and giving the students communicative benefits.

3) Group work is a collaborative activity whose purpose is to foster communication in the TL, in a larger group setting. Example: Students are assigned a group of no more than six people. Students are assigned a specific role within the group. (E.g., member A, member B, etc.) The instructor gives each group the same task to complete. Each member of the group takes a designated amount of time to work on the part of the task to which they are assigned. The members of the group discuss the information they have found, with each other and put it all together to complete the task.

4) Information gap is a collaborative activity, whose purpose is for students to effectively obtain information that was previously unknown to them, in the TL. Example: The class is paired up. One partner in each pair is Partner A, and the other is Partner B. All the students that are Partner A are given a sheet of paper with a timetable on it. The time-table is filled in half-way, but some of the boxes are empty. All

the students that are Partner B are given a sheet of paper with a time-table on it. The boxes that are empty on Partner A's time-table are filled in on Partner B's. There are also empty boxes on Partner B's time-table, but they are filled in on Partner A's. The partners must work together to ask about and supply each other with the information they are both missing, to complete each other's time-tables.


Opinion sharing is a content-based activity, whose purpose is to engage students' conversational skills, while talking about something they care about. Example: The instructor introduces a topic and asks students to contemplate their opinions about it. (E.g., dating, school dress codes, global warming. The students talk in pairs or small groups, debating their opinions on the topic.

Ten Core Assumptions in CLT:

- engaging in interaction and meaningful communication facilitates language learning.

- effective classroom learning tasks provide students the opportunities to extract meaning, expand language, notice how language is used, and take part in a meaningful interpersonal exchange.

- meaningful communication occurs when students process content that is relevant, purposeful, interesting, and engaging.

- communication is a comprehensive process that often calls upon the use of several language skills.

- language learning is facilitated both by activities that: involve inductive or discovery learning of language rules, and involve the analysis of language rules.

- language learning is a gradual process that involves creative use of language, and trial and error.

- the ultimate goal of language learning is to be able to use the new language both accurately and fluently.

- learners develop their own routes to language learning, progress at different rates, and have different needs and motivations for language learning.

- the role of the teacher in the language classroom is that of a facilitator, who creates a classroom climate conducive to language learning and provides opportunities for students to use and practice the language and to reflect on language use and language learning.

- the classroom is a community where learners learn through collaboration and sharing.


In conclusion we can say that during grammar instruction, teachers should provide meaningful input through context and provide an opportunity to put grammar to use, and relate grammar instruction to real life situations. This is best achieved if grammar instruction is treated in the same way as the teaching of the four skills which involves smooth and organized transitions of pre-, while and post grammar stages.


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