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Ключевые слова
artificial intelligence / virtual museums / education / history / modern approach / modern technologies. / искусственный интеллект / виртуальные музеи / образование / история / современный подход / современные технологии.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tilabjonova Sevinch

This article talks about the role and advantages of artificial intelligence and virtual museums in history education, how useful it is in the educational process, conveniences in the educational process through artificial intelligence and virtual Information about museums, ideas and opinions on how to further improve the quality of education provided to young people through artificial intelligence and a virtual museum.

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В данной статье рассказывается о роли и преимуществах искусственного интеллекта и виртуальных музеев в историческом образовании, о том, насколько он полезен в образовательном процессе, об удобствах в образовательном процессе с помощью искусственного интеллекта, а также о виртуальных музеях, а также высказываются мнения и соображения о дальнейшем улучшении качества образования, предоставляемого молодежи с помощью искусственного интеллекта и виртуального музея.




Tilabjonova Sevinch

Chirchik State Pedagogical University History student tilabjonovasevinch@gmail.com

Abstract: This article talks about the role and advantages of artificial intelligence and virtual museums in history education, how useful it is in the educational process, conveniences in the educational process through artificial intelligence and virtual Information about museums, ideas and opinions on how to further improve the quality of education provided to young people through artificial intelligence and a virtual museum.

Key words: artificial intelligence, virtual museums, education, history, modern approach, modern technologies.



Tilabjonova Sevinch Shuxrat qizi

Chirchiq davlatpedagogika universiteti talabasi tilabjonovasevinch@gmail.com

Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqolada tarix ta'limida sun'iy intellekt va virtual muzeylar o'rni hamda avzaliklari haqida so'z yuritilgan bo'lib, uning ta'lim jarayonida qanchalik foydali ekanligi, sun'iy intellekt orqali ta'lim jarayonidagi qulayliklar hamda virtual muzeylar haqida ma'lumot, bu sun'iy intellekt va virtual muzey orqali yoshlarga berilayotgan ta'lim sifatini yanada takomillashtirish haqida fikr va mulohazalar keltirilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: sun 'iy intellekt, virtual muzeylar, ta 'lim, tarix, zamonaviy yondashuv, zamonaviy texnalogiyalar.



Тилабжонова Севинч Шухрат кизи

Студентка Чирчикского государственного педагогического университета

tilabj onovasevinch@gmail. com

Аннотация: В данной статье рассказывается о роли и преимуществах искусственного интеллекта и виртуальных музеев в историческом образовании, о том, насколько он полезен в образовательном процессе, об удобствах в образовательном процессе с помощью искусственного интеллекта, а также о виртуальных музеях, а также высказываются мнения и соображения о дальнейшем улучшении качества образования, предоставляемого молодежи с помощью искусственного интеллекта и виртуального музея.

Ключевые слова: искусственный интеллект, виртуальные музеи, образование, история, современный подход, современные технологии.


The 21st century is the age of modern technologies. New discoveries, conveniences and the like created by people are being transferred to the hands of technology. It would not be wrong to say that it was the reason for the emergence of artificial intelligence through modern information technologies, which are accelerating and improving day by day. Various gadgets are creating great conveniences and opportunities for mankind.

Literature analysis and methodology

Today, artificial intelligence and technologies based on it are widely used. These technologies can be used in several fields including medicine, education, tourism, law, commerce and many others. Speaking about artificial intelligence, which makes our work easier and easier in our daily life, we should dwell on its advantages and conveniences.

Artificial intelligence is technological solutions that allow to imitate human cognitive functions (including self-learning and finding solutions without predetermined algorithms) and to achieve results in specific tasks that are at least comparable to the results of human intellectual activity. is also considered a package. The ability of artificial intelligence systems to exhibit cognitive functions: learning, including from their own experience, adapting to given parameters and performing tasks previously available only to humans (or higher animals). In addition, artificial intelligence means an intelligent artificial system that performs the logical and creative functions of a person. The term can also be applied to any technology that exhibits characteristics associated with the human mind, such as learning and problem solving.

The ideal characteristic of artificial intelligence is the ability to evaluate and take actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal. Currently, artificial intelligence consists of algorithms and software systems designed to perform various actions, and it can handle a number of tasks that the human mind can perform [1].

An artificial intelligence system is a software-hardware complex capable of solving creative problems related to certain fields of science, whose knowledge is stored in the memory of an intellectual system. Such a system demonstrates rational behavior in analyzing the situation and performing actions with a certain degree of independence to achieve certain goals.

According to Stuart Jonathan Russell and Peter Norvig, the authors of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, one of the world's most popular textbooks on artificial intelligence, it was first published in 1995 (the fourth edition of the book is already in 2020 published). Artificial intelligence is trying to understand intelligent beings and create new intelligent individuals.

"Although no one can predict the future in detail, it is clear that computers with human-level (or higher) intelligence will have a great impact on our daily lives and the future development of civilization," he said [2].

Artificial intelligence is creating new opportunities for us in all areas of our lives. In particular, in the field of pedagogy, artificial intelligence software and computer technologies have created a lot of convenience. It increased the efficiency of education.

The rapid introduction of information technologies in the educational system expands the fields of application of modern technologies. At the moment, it is possible to highlight the developing directions of modern information technologies in education. They are as follows:

1. Introduction of software tools for educational purposes as a teaching tool, learning basis and information processing tool.

2. Integration of training-demonstration facilities and computer tools in the creation of educational-methodical complexes.

The use of such complexes helps the student to collect and store information about the studied process, to reveal the laws and essence of the processes. The use of educational-demonstration complexes based on modern technologies creates a basis for the organization of individual and collective experiment activities. This creates an opportunity for the student to develop his intellectual and creative potential and gain independent knowledge.

3. To achieve the integration of the possibilities of computers and audio-video information transmission means in the creation of multimedia systems. Such systems embody a set of hardware and software tools and structures, combine various forms of information (text, graphics, sound, image) and organize interactive communication with the user [3].

The future generation will achieve even more achievements and successes if all the conditions are met for people to get perfect knowledge. Artificial intelligences created by humans are creating great opportunities for us, the next generation. In particular, the role of modern technologies and artificial intelligence in the study of

history education is very important. In the teaching of history, it is effective for the student to form a historical imagination by analyzing a certain historical reality. In history lessons, it is more useful to use methods that ensure the student's independent thinking than methods that stimulate the student's memory.

In the system of history education, each subject of the lesson has its own technology, that is, pedagogical technology in the educational process is an individual process, which is directed to one goal based on the needs of the teacher. is a pedagogical process aimed at giving results. In the opinion of teachers, researchers, and practitioners studying the issues and problems of pedagogical technology in the history education system, pedagogical technology is only related to information technology, and it is necessary to use TSO, computer, defined as distance learning, or the use of different techniques [4].

For example, in the process of studying history, learning about the role, advantages and convenience of virtual museum tours as a modern technology of learning, using remote dating during a museum tour is one of the urgent tasks of today. Modern pedagogical technologies allow not only effective organization of lessons and improvement of the quality of education, but also successful organization of students' research activities within the framework of cooperative pedagogy. Modern museum pedagogy is primarily aimed at solving the task of developing the student's creative abilities. In connection with this goal, various methods of working with students are developed, which change the perspectives and roles of students in the museum-pedagogical process. A unique aspect of teaching in museum pedagogy is informality and voluntariness. A characteristic feature of teaching is that it allows students to maximize their abilities and satisfy their interests. Organizing students' work with museum materials creates the need to integrate their acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of science, technology, technology, creativity.

The concept of "virtual museum", which entered museology in the 90s of the 20th century, has already become the main direction of modern museology. In the early days, this concept was not so widespread among students. Although the word "virtual" means "miracle, true, real", it actually comes from the Latin word "virtus" - imaginary, hypothetical [5].

Creating a virtual museum is a result of the integration of two methods of projects based on modern information technologies. A virtual museum is a type of website where museum materials are exhibited. The advantage of virtual museums is that they use Internet technologies to store, protect, and present exhibits widely, quickly and easily. A number of museologists and scientists have conducted scientific research on technologies for creating virtual museums. These include K. Valchak, G. Miller, J. Boven, Martin White, N. P. Lisikova, V. I. Gvazava, I. G. Elener, A. A.

Zarubin, V. V. Selivanov, T. E. Maksimova, E. V. Sherbakova, V. A. Matveev, D. E. Suprun, B. Khodjayev, J. Ismoilova. and others can be included [6].

Analysis and results

The first website museums, that is, virtual museums, appeared on the Internet in 1991. Initially, virtual museums were the sites of real museums, and later personal websites - museums began to appear. The first personal virtual museums appeared in 1994. However, not all picture collections can be a virtual museum. Collections of virtual museums should have two unique characteristics. It is a perfect search of virtual tours and exhibits. The first person who saw the advantages of virtual museums was Bill Gates, head of Microsoft [7].

The main purpose and tasks of the virtual museum:

Creating a cultural space and shaping people's cultural knowledge;

Presentation of Mozi samples to the general public;

Attraction to visit museums;

Preparing and conducting virtual tours;

Development of scientific research skills;

Expanding the range of knowledge of visitors by means of collected materials;

Formation of communication skills;

It is to give instructions on using the materials of virtual museums in the educational process [8].

Virtual museums are not only a cultural and educational institution, but also a collection of world art treasures that allow virtual viewing of exhibitions of great interest to students. The role of virtual museums in forming the scientific outlook of students of general education schools is great. Because virtual museums differ from real museums, students can travel independently without the help of a teacher. So, it gives them a lot of opportunities [9]. This not only develops a scientific outlook, but also serves as a basis for enriching the spiritual world of students. The use of virtual museums allows students not only to familiarize themselves with museum exhibits, but also to develop the ability to freely use the Internet. The role of virtual museums in perfect study of history education is huge.


In conclusion, it can be said that the role of modern information technologies in the study of history education is important. In addition, artificial intelligence and virtual museums play a big role in mastering this subject and organizing the lesson processes more firmly and interestingly. The use of modern pedagogical technology and multimedia systems in history education ensures the introduction of active teaching methods and forms, increases the level of information acceptance. Through these

opportunities, young people will be more interested in history. Modern technology and artificial intelligence will ensure quality education of the future generation.


1. Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov I.A. FILIPOVA "Legal regulation of artificial intelligence" (lecture course) Samarkand-2022 b-7

2. Russell SJ, Norvig P. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1995. Page 3

3. N.A. Shermukhamedova, Research methodology. T. "Science and technology", 2014, pp. 403-407.

4. Ya.Kh. Ghafarov "Methods of using new pedagogical technologies in teaching special subjects" - Tashkent "Sharof Nur Fayz" 2021 page 118

5. Kurbanova. D "Prospects of virtual exhibitions in modern museology" "Prospects of museums of Uzbekistan" - Tashkent Academy 2013 p-38

6. http: //www. genderi. org/namangan-davlat-universiteti-dadamirzayeva-gulchehra-abdunabiy. html?page=5 8

7. Nigmatov, A. H. (2021). Museum pedagogy and informatization technologies. BBK 72 K 59, 79.

8. Solijon Toshev "Science and Education" Scientific Journal August 2020 / Volume 1 Special Issue" p-8

9. E. Perrot, Effective Teaching. New York: Longman, B. Laar, R. Blatchford, D.Winkley, G. Badman, R. Howards, Effective Teaching. Oxford: National Primary Center. P-108

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