Научная статья на тему 'The influence of volleyball lessons on the level of students’ physical fitness at medical higher educational establishment'

The influence of volleyball lessons on the level of students’ physical fitness at medical higher educational establishment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
volleyball / 18-23 year-old men / physical qualities development / hemodynamics parameters

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Aleksandr V. Dorontsev, Lyudmila N. Porubayko, Olga V. Morozova

Volleyball is one of the most effective means of physical qualities development. As a rule, highly qualified volleyball players have a high level of power, speed and power qualities development, they are able to perform amplitude and difficult for coordination motor actions. At the same time, the improvement of technical, tactical and psychological training according to the opinion of native and foreign researchers, should be accompanied by the level of adaptive reserves of vital body systems increase. They significantly reduce the risks of sports injuries and pathological changes in cardiovascular system development. Considering educational and training lessons as physical education means at a university, we carried out a real study of this sport discipline influence on the level of students’ physical qualities and the regulatory and adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system development. Material. 39 people (18-23 year-old men) took part in the research. The results of functional tests, control standards, resumes of practitioners were used as material for the work. Research methods. Summarizing specialized native and foreign information sources, the results of control standards, special physical and technical training, functional tests analysis. Results. As a result of the research we revealed the information, which proves considerable changes in physical qualities, hemodynamics parameters development, reserve indices of cardiovascular system increase. Conclusion. Volleyball lessons in terms of “Physical culture” discipline at a medical higher education establishment significantly increase the level of the main physical qualities development. The ability to fulfill difficult for coordination exercises has a positive influence on regulatory-adaptive indices of cardiovascular system.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of volleyball lessons on the level of students’ physical fitness at medical higher educational establishment»

UDC: 796.012.6

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-115-119

The influence of volleyball lessons on the level of students' physical fitness at medical higher educational establishment

Aleksandr V. Dorontsev'*, Lyudmila N. Porubayko2, Olga V. Morozova3

'Astrakhan State Medical University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000 - 0001- 9446 - 103X, aleksandr.doroncev@rambler.ru* 2Kuban State Medical University Krasnodar, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-8775-5726, p0rubaik050@mail.ru 3Astrakhan State University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-7354-738X, ov-fomina@yandex.ru

Abstract: Volleyball is one of the most effective means of physical qualities development. As a rule, highly qualified volleyball players have a high level of power, speed and power qualities development, they are able to perform amplitude and difficult for coordination motor actions. At the same time, the improvement of technical, tactical and psychological training according to the opinion of native and foreign researchers, should be accompanied by the level of adaptive reserves of vital body systems increase. They significantly reduce the risks of sports injuries and pathological changes in cardiovascular system development. Considering educational and training lessons as physical education means at a university, we carried out a real study of this sport discipline influence on the level of students' physical qualities and the regulatory and adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system development. Material. 39 people (18-23 year-old men) took part in the research. The results of functional tests, control standards, resumes of practitioners were used as material for the work. Research methods. Summarizing specialized native and foreign information sources, the results of control standards, special physical and technical training, functional tests analysis. Results. As a result of the research we revealed the information, which proves considerable changes in physical qualities, hemodynamics parameters development, reserve indices of cardiovascular system increase. Conclusion. Volleyball lessons in terms of "Physical culture" discipline at a medical higher education establishment significantly increase the level of the main physical qualities development. The ability to fulfill difficult for coordination exercises has a positive influence on regulatory-adaptive indices of cardiovascular system.

Keywords: volleyball, 18-23 year-old men, physical qualities development, hemodynamics parameters.

For citation: Aleksandr V. Dorontsev*, Lyudmila N. Porubayko, Olga V. Morozova. The influence of volleyball lessons on the level of students' physical fitness at medical higher educational establishment. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 115-119. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-



Volleyball can be considered as a universal form of motor activity, included into the program of "Physical culture and sport" discipline at higher education establishments [2]. The elements of volleyball are available for fulfillment in a special medical "A" group with the corresponding correction depending on the disease [3,4,17,18]. Great amount of technical-tactical combinations present a wide arsenal of means for the main physical qualities development [8]. The specificity of game and competitive actions in volleyball is conditioned by coordinating abilities, speed-strength oriented qualities, quickness and endurance development

[5,7]. Constantly changing conditions of the situation during the game cause the necessity to choose the corresponding actions, as a rule, in terms of limited time period [1]. An important factor in this situation is the ability of an athlete to optimize motor actions effectively [6,9,14]. Being team sport volleyball forms socially active interaction in the collective [13,15,16]. Technical-tactical training improvement in competitive sports is closely connected with general physical fitness and the level of regulatory-adaptive potential of cardiorespiratory system [10,11,12]. Taking into consideration mentioned above information we carried out the research work studying the influence of volleyball lessons on

physical fitness and functional reserves of students at medical University.

Materials and methods

39 students of Astrakhan State Medical University and Kuban State Medical University took part in the research (18-23 year-old men). All students had a planned instrumental medical checkup and were allowed to attend physical culture lessons and sport in the main medical group. According to the results of the initial and the final functional tests at bicycle ergometer, the results of control norms of physical fitness we analyzed hemodynamic, physical load

tolerance indices and the level of physical qualities development.

Statistical data handling was realized using "MicrosoftExcel 2013" ("Microsoft", the USA) and "Statistica 19" ("StatSoft", the USA) programs. Critical value of significance level was p < 0,05.

Results and discussion

The received results prove distinct physical qualities level increase during the 7th month of educational-training lessons (table 1).

Table 1

Control tests results

Control lo-ritri Testy resulls

First record The final retord

Raul 1 URfll nest HR recovery during the L" HR iccov ay dnnir the 4 niinut t KCHU It HR Bt rest HR №HT ay during <he I" miiiul t HR recover y dunru; the 4Ù mrnule

Sihuttk mm LCbt3 m(s) 1 0,4± 7Î,8± 129,1 ±5. 9 115,3 H,l± M 72,3 4,7 92,4±5, 1 >0, 04 7

Standing longjump {cm) j attempts 23QJ ±4,5 I20,l±4, 7 110,3 ±5,5 235, 3±7. 5 73,5 ±3,0 94,4± 3,L 75,3±2, A 04 3

Dip up- (amouLK o-f repetitions) 4,1 &1T1± 1ÛI,3±3, 6 2,» 4 3,4 ±3,& ±4,0 Kl,3± 3*5 o 03 5

Pull-up iOHlOUtlt of repetitions! 1 7ft,7± 137,2±7, L 111,6 ±4,4 CJ,3± 1,9 73JD ±3,9 «t.Chr 3,9 77,3 ±4, 1 03 7

Stjpi (1 nun.), amount oftinn 5U,7± 5,» HU.fcr 4'.M 3 112,3 77,4 ±5$ 71.5 ±3,5 97,5± SÏ 7Wt±5, ft 04 1

Outleaps from ^ compile squat (amount of time within :o t) I2,H± 2,7 157,4±y, 6 121,5 19,4 ±1,2 72,2 ±4^ 103,6 ±7,4 77,4±6, 3 03 5

ICHKl meters run (mm.) 4,D7± H2,5± 3,0 16[i,l±K, 3 12-1,7 ±7,9 3,55 ±0,1 5 72.1 ±4,4 I3M ±7,c) H2.53± 12 04 1

Presented in the table results prove that volleyball lessons helped to increase significantly the level of students' physical readiness development. The level of regulatory-adaptive potential of cardiovascular system, reflected in HR (heart rate) decrease according to the value of X2 coefficient, was 7,1 and 4,9 at rest and during physical load, in terms

of statistical significance p<0,00i. We revealed the correlation between HR at rest and regular volleyball lessons ri = 0,615, and between HR recovery during the 4th minute, after multidirectional physical load r2 = 0,410.

Thus, valid increase of physical qualities development level and the reserves of cardiovascular

system we saw in the final record of the research during the 7th month of the lessons.

Table 2

The results of special training control tests (the result was estimated according to io-point scale)

Control norma of ^pccial training L'hc ijiirLal reenrd l'hc find] rccûj'd

Indr idua L tret In a game Intlivixlu al fcft In d ¡Jiiru-C

the upper accuracy pass from zone L inter bbc 4 7,CJt]..l

the upper pass {reverse) 4-2 2,S±0,7 (U±4J.L <{1.05.

the upper accuracy pjss from zone 1 intCh zone 4 ■1,711,1 lj±h 1

back accuracy pass from zone L ILllO 70I1C- i ■Mtu.6 ft,L>=ÎÏ,7 ■i Û.D5.

ball accuracy serve ]nlo zones L. f>, 5 5,5±U.£J 2,7±4J,é 7,H±1T2 E.

allBckjni> strike 1 0,05.

Taking into account the results of table 2 we come to the conclusion that the effectiveness of difficult for coordination elements fulfillment has the tendency to increase. At the same time, in a game format we see effectiveness decrease, which in our opinion, is conditioned by high dynamics and emotional atmosphere of the playing activity.


We proved valid interconnection between volleyball lessons and physical qualities development. The increase of regulatory-adaptive potential of cardiovascular system was in response to multidirectional physical load during the 7th month of the research. Complex estimation of physical fitness development, including special readiness, showed significant increase in the results of difficult for coordination game elements fulfillment, conditioned by high dynamics.


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Submitted: 20.11.2022 Author's information:

Aleksandr V. Dorontsev - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str., House 121, e-mail: aleksandr.doroncev@ rambler.ru

Lyudmila N. Porubayko - Associate Professor, Kuban State Medical University, 350000, Russia, Krasnodar, Mitrofana Sedina str., House 4, e-mail: porubaiko50@mail.ru

Olga V. Morozova - Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., House 20а, e-mail: ov-fomina@yandex.ru

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