Научная статья на тему 'Estimation of development level of coordinating-motor potential in 12-13 year-old boys with neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree, who go in for adaptive basketball'

Estimation of development level of coordinating-motor potential in 12-13 year-old boys with neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree, who go in for adaptive basketball Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
neurosensory hearing loss / adaptive basketball / coordinating-motor potential / physical readiness level

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Aleksandr V. Dorontsev, Nina A. Zinchuk, Ludmila N. Porubayko, Aleksej V. Kashirskiy

A promising direction in adaptation to social conditions among people with pathology of acoustic apparatus can be adaptive kinds of sport, including basketball. Creating and testing the methodology of sports games use in adaptive potential of vestibular apparatus increase among hard of hearing schoolchildren is not only a promising direction in locomotor functions improvement, but also is socially-oriented direction of life quality improvement among children with acoustic apparatus pathology. In order to reveal the effectiveness of adaptive basketball lessons influence on functional parameters of vestibular apparatus we organized medicalpedagogical examination of hard of hearing schoolchildren. Comparative analysis was held in the group (n1 = 15), which included children, who went in for adaptive basketball and in the group (n2 = 19), where physical load was regulated by school program for special “A” medical group. Materials. We used verified diagnoses of profile specialists and the results of physical readiness tests, on the basis of which the group of adaptive basketball was formed. Statistical data handling was realized with the help of the applied programs Statistica 16 StatSoft Inc. (the USA). Research methods. The results of functional test at different stages of educational-training process, physical readiness indices were used in the work. For coordinating-motor potential estimation we used coordination tests. Results. Regular basketball lessons contribute to physical qualities, regulating-adaptive potential of cardiovascular system, coordinating abilities development. It is proved by functional tests and control normatives of physical readiness. Conclusion. Physical readiness level and connected with it coordinating-motor potential indices improvement in children with hearing disorders is the result of structural adaptive educational-training basketball lessons. It corresponds with the research works carried out by Chichkova M.A., Svetlichkina A.A. (2016). At the same time, it is not excluded that the level of coordination indices depends not only on difficult for coordination motor tasks mastering, but also on exercises, characterized by time indices. It is proved by positive correlation between speed tests results and coordination abilities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Estimation of development level of coordinating-motor potential in 12-13 year-old boys with neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree, who go in for adaptive basketball»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-109-114

Estimation of development level of coordinating-motor potential in 12-13 year-old boys with neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree, who go in

for adaptive basketball

Aleksandr V. Dorontsev1*, Nina A. Zinchuk2, Ludmila N. Porubayko3, Aleksej V.


'Astrakhan State Medical University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000 - 000'- 9446 - '03Х, aleksandr.doroncev@.rambler.ru* ORCID: 0000 - 000'- 8685 - 4952, kmn200'@mail.ru 2Astrakhan State University Astrakhan, Russia ORCID: 0000 - 000'-5837 - 99'2, niva-zichuk@mail.ru 3Kuban State Medical University Krasnodar, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-8775-5726, p0rubaik050@mail.ru

Abstract: A promising direction in adaptation to social conditions among people with pathology of acoustic apparatus can be adaptive kinds of sport, including basketball. Creating and testing the methodology of sports games use in adaptive potential of vestibular apparatus increase among hard of hearing schoolchildren is not only a promising direction in locomotor functions improvement, but also is socially-oriented direction of life quality improvement among children with acoustic apparatus pathology. In order to reveal the effectiveness of adaptive basketball lessons influence on functional parameters of vestibular apparatus we organized medical-pedagogical examination of hard of hearing schoolchildren. Comparative analysis was held in the group (n1 = 15), which included children, who went in for adaptive basketball and in the group (n2 = 19), where physical load was regulated by school program for special "A" medical group. Materials. We used verified diagnoses of profile specialists and the results of physical readiness tests, on the basis of which the group of adaptive basketball was formed. Statistical data handling was realized with the help of the applied programs Statistica 16 StatSoft Inc. (the USA). Research methods. The results of functional test at different stages of educational-training process, physical readiness indices were used in the work. For coordinating-motor potential estimation we used coordination tests. Results. Regular basketball lessons contribute to physical qualities, regulating-adaptive potential of cardiovascular system, coordinating abilities development. It is proved by functional tests and control normatives of physical readiness. Conclusion. Physical readiness level and connected with it coordinating-motor potential indices improvement in children with hearing disorders is the result of structural adaptive educational-training basketball lessons. It corresponds with the research works carried out by Chichkova M.A., Svetlichkina A.A. (2016). At the same time, it is not excluded that the level of coordination indices depends not only on difficult for coordination motor tasks mastering, but also on exercises, characterized by time indices. It is proved by positive correlation between speed tests results and coordination abilities. Keywords: neurosensory hearing loss, adaptive basketball, coordinating-motor potential, physical readiness level.

For citation: Aleksandr V. Dorontsev*, Nina A. Zinchuk, Ludmila N. Porubayko, Aleksej V. Kashirskiy. Estimation of development level of coordinating-motor potential in 12-13 year-old boys with neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree, who go in for adaptive basketball. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2020; 15(4): 89-93. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-109-114


Positive influence of physical culture and sport on social adaptation and regulatory potential is underlined in the works of native and foreign scientists [2,3,10,16,17,18]. Sports games help to increase motor activity effectively, improve

cardiorespiratory system indices, in particular heart rate variability [7,9]. Studying adaptive and rehabilitation methodologies using health-improving physical culture means becomes urgent nowadays [1,4,13,14,15]. Methodical support of adaptive kinds of sport becomes important in system

integration of disabled people into professional activity [5,6]. People with neurosensory hearing loss of different degree have not high indices of physical qualities development, low working capacity and are less socialized [12]. Studying the influence of adaptive kinds of sport on locomotor function among the patients with acoustic analyzer pathology helps to reveal differentiated directions of choosing an effective kind of motor activity [8]. Carried out during recent years research works showed that the use of structurally oriented complexes of motor activity or adaptive kinds of sport, oriented toward the defined nosological group, increases adaptive-regulatory reserves of people [11]. In this connection we studied the influence of adaptive basketball on vestibular-motor characteristics of students with neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree.


34 schoolboys (12-13 years-old) with verified diagnosis of neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree tool part in the research. 15 of them went in for adaptive basketball, 19 people went in for physical culture in terms of secondary school (special "A" medical group). During the research we used the results of a yearly medical check-up, functional tests and control normatives of physical readiness.

The research work had three stages:

1 stage - the group of boys formation for adaptive basketball, taking into account personal agreement to go in for adaptive sport and the permission from the occupational physician. The initial functional tests organization, the level of physical readiness and physical development testing.

basketball lessons testing and estimation in the experimental group.

3 stage -comparative analysis of the received results, defining the importance and effectiveness of the used methodologies, risk factors of deconditioning reactions revelation to the intensity and volume of educational-training lessons in the experimental group.

The validity of quantitative feature differences between the examined groups was estimated using variation statistics methods and «StatSoft, Inc» the USA program. The research work was held on the base of Astrakhan State Medical University and Kuban State Medical University in 2019.


Significant coordinating-motor potential

increase was during the 6th month of educational-

training lessons. It was characterized by difficult for

coordination elements of basketball mastering. The

result of functional tests and the level of physical

qualities development increase was mastering the

skills of motor tasks fulfillment with the changing

spatio-temporal characteristics. It was seen in

the following tasks fulfillment: shuttle run 4x9,

skipping, ball dribbling, ball throwing and serving

while moving according to the set trajectory,

ball dribbling without visual control. Under the

influence of systematic lessons there was regulatory-

compensatory indices of cardiovascular system

increase in a form of sinus bradycardia among

52±7,9%, p<0,05, and time of heart rate (HR)

recovery decrease after the final part of the lessons

with 110,2±9,4 beats/min. till 95,5 ± 7,8 beats/min,

p<0,05 during the period of early rehabilitation

during the 4th minute.

2 stage - the effectiveness of adaptive

Table 1 - Dynamics of physical qualities development level in the groups of study (12-13 year-old boys diagnosis neurosensory hearing loss of the I-II degree)

Stages of the research (n=i9) (n=l5)

Indices X ± P

beginning 5,73 ± 5,78 ± >0,05

30 meters running (seconds) end 5,50 ± 4,71 ± <0,05

P >0,05 <0,05

Shuttle run 4x9 m (seconds) beginning 11,54 ± 11,19 ± >0,05

end 11,01 ± 10,15 ± <0,05

P <0,05 <0,05

6 min. running (m) beginning 930 ± 970 ± >0,05

end 1060± 1200± <0,05

P <0,05 <0,05

Body lifting from back-lying position, quantity of repetitions beginning 22,5 ± 24.9 ± >0,05

end 24,0 ± 30,5 ± <0,05

P >0,05 <0,05

Dip up, quantity of repetitions beginning 15,5 ± 14,5 ± >0,05

end 16,0 ± 23,8 ± <0,05

P >0,05 <0,01

Pull-ups, quantity of repetitions beginning 4,8 ± 5,4 ± >0,05

end 5,0 ± 5,8 ± >0,05

P >0,05 >0,05

Skipping within 25 seconds, quantity of repetitions beginning 17.8 ± 18,0 ± >0,05

end 19,4± 26,4± <0,05

P >0,05 <0,05

It should be noted that at the beginning of the research the level of physical readiness in the experimental group didn't differ validly from the level in the control group. The received results prove high degree of correlation (r = 0,621) of speed-power oriented, speed qualities, coordinating abilities and adaptive basketball lessons development.

While studying the dynamics of mastering difficult for coordination elements in a form of ball pass during the movement along the playing ground, snake-like ball dribbling, ball taking and pass to a partner while running according to a signal, tossing the ball right and left using one hand, it was stated that the greatest amount of mistakes during the first stage of educational-training lessons were made during the exercises with a partner fulfillment while moving - 73,3±8,9%, during jumping hoop attack- 70,5±9,0%, and while throwing the ball for accuracy- 65,8±5,7%, minimal amount of mistakes was in straight ball dribbling- 32,5±5,5%, and two hands ball throwing - 27,4±7,2%.

Table 1 shows that there was a significant increase of the main physical qualities and

coordinating abilities in the group (n1 = 15), apart from power -oriented indices. In the group (n2 = 19) there was only valid endurance level increase. Other results of physical readiness didn't show significant increase.


Thus, as a result of the held research, we revealed that the students of (n1 = 15) group had a valid increase in physical readiness level and coordinating-motor potential increase after 6 months of adaptive basketball lessons. Regular adaptive basketball lessons not only showed high correlation with coordinating-motor potential development, but also helped to increase regulating-adaptive indices of cardiovascular system. The offered adaptive basketball lessons are available for the studied contingent, have high degree of mastering level and can be recommended as additional circle.

At the same time, the protocol of the initial tests of physical readiness in boys with acoustic apparatus pathology showed insufficient level of

physical qualities development. This fact should be taken into consideration while planning the volume and intensity of physical load.


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Submitted: 14.11.2020 Author's information:

Aleksandr V. Dorontsev - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str., House 121, e-mail: aleksandr.doroncev@. rambler.ru

Nina A. Zinchuk - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Taticheva str., House 20a, e-mail: niva-zichuk@mail.ru

Ludmila N. Porubayko - Candidate of Medicine Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban State Medical University, 350063, Russia, Krasnodar, Mitrofana Sedina str., House 4, e-mail: porubaiko50@mail.ru Aleksej V. Kashirskiy - Student, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str., House 121, e-mail: kmn2001@mail.ru

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