СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 12 / 2018.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Кульневич С.В. Анализ современного урока: Практическое пособие для учителей, преподавателей и руководителей школ. / С.В. Кульневич, Т.П. Лакоценина - М.: Изд. "Учитель", 2006. - 254 с
2. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования: Учеб. пособие для студ. пед. вузов и системы повыш. квалиф. пед. кадров / Е.С. Полат, М.Ю. Бухаркина, М.В. Моисеева, А.Е. Петров; Под. ред. Е.С. Полат. - М.: Издательский центр "Академия", 2000. - 272 с.
3. Полякова Н.В. Перспективные школьные технологии. /Н.В. Полякова// Завуч. - 2005. -№ 5. - С. 38-56.
4. Поташник, М. М. Требования к современному уроку: методическое пособие. / М.М. Поташник. - М.: -Центр педагогического образования, 2007. - 272 с.
© Шенцева С.В., 2018
УДК-37 Шутова В. Д.
ФГБОУ ВО «Мордовский государственный педагогический институт им. М.Е. Евсевьева» г. Саранск, Республика Мордовия E-mail: vasilisa_shutova@mail.ru
The article deals with the development of the ability to communicate in a foreign language among students with the help of various means of learning. This article deals with the problem of the formation of foreign language communicative competence in teaching foreign languages.
Key words:
foreign language, communicative competence, development, purposes of learning, textbook, audio and video-
recordings, workbooks, computer software, the Internet.
A foreign language is becoming an essential part of socio-economic, scientific-technical and general cultural fields. This fact undoubtedly enhances the status of a foreign language as an academic subject.
In line with the intensification the communicative orientation of educational content in Russian schools at this stage of the country's historical development and the creation of important premises for the upcoming informatization of the Russian school, teaching foreign languages along with IT and human sciences is considered to be a priority for modernizing school education.
The purpose of teaching foreign languages in secondary school is to master the foreign language communicative competence, which is an ability to communicate in other languages and to achieve mutual understanding with native speakers [1].
Learning how to communicate in any foreign language within certain boundaries is a complicated process, and the communicative competence that is considered as the desired learning outcome is a complex multi-component phenomenon.
One should consider the approximate set of components that make up the communicative competence according to M. Z. Biboletova [2,стр. 8].
M .Z .Biboletova distinguishes the following components:
1. The speech competence - students' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
To achieve certain goals during the teaching English in a secondary school various means are needed.
СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 12 / 2018.
Effective use of each is possible only when the teacher knows what, where, when it is applicable and what results can be. It is obligatory to use:
a) A textbook, which is the main means of learning and contains materials for teaching all types of speech activity;
b) A reader helps students to master reading in English;
c) Textbooks for individual work, practical exercises, research work;
d) Audio and video recordings play a very important role in teaching English. They are models for imitation, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of pronunciation as well as on the formation of the ability to understand speech and also enable children to hear authentic speech in English;
e) Computer software and the Internet are necessary for development the functional computer literacy of students as well as for the possibility of independent or distance learning.
2. Language competence - the quality of the pronunciation, lexical and grammatical sides of speech, as well as of graphics and spelling.
For the most effective development of this competence, such means are used as:
a)A workbook, which is necessary for independent work of students at home and allows them to master the graphics and spelling of the English language, to master the lexical and grammatical material in the course of performing tasks for each lesson;
b) Tables, charts, handouts, illustrations make it possible to individualize and activate the process of formation and development of skills;
c) A textbook;
d) Audio material;
e) Computer software and the Internet.
3. Socio-cultural competence - a certain set of socio-cultural knowledge about the native countries of the studied language (including behavior, etiquette) and the ability to use them in the process of communication as well as the ability to represent your country and its culture.
Within the modern conditions when the words "globalization" and "internationalization" are constantly used the special relevance of socio-cultural component development in teaching foreign languages is obvious.
At different stages of development of foreign language teaching ways, means changed:
a) Audio texts recorded in real situations of foreign language communication or read by native speakers;
b) Video materials that continue to be popular at the present time;
c) Visiting and staying in the country of the studied language. Teachers of foreign languages who have visited the country are a kind of "real example" for pupils. They have "comprehended" the spirit of the society in which they have lived.
4. Compensatory competence - the ability to find a way in the situation of a shortage of language means in receiving and transmitting information. This type of competence is developed by such means as:
a) A textbook;
b) The Internet;
c) Visiting and staying in the country of a studied language.
5. Educational and cognitive competence - general and special educational skills, methods and techniques for self-study of languages and cultures including information technologies.
By means of developing educational and cognitive competence, include the following:
a) Various dictionaries, where the student will find explanations of words, combinations of them with other words, examples of usage;
b) A textbook;
c) A reader;
d) Computer software and the Internet.
It is obvious, that the connection of all components of the communicative competence in teaching will ensure the development of communicative skills in the main types of speech activity.
Today a foreign language along with teaching to communicate and increase general and professional culture
СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 12 / 2018.
also has a significant educational value. Students understand the role of studying languages for international communication in the modern multicultural world, the values of the native language as an element of the national culture; awareness of the importance of the English language as a means of learning, self-realization and social adaptation; education of the qualities of a citizen.
It should be noted that the main strategy of teaching foreign languages is proclaimed a personality-oriented approach, putting the student's personality at the center of the educational process, taking into account his abilities, capabilities, characteristics, interests and needs [3, crp. 56].
Thus, it can be said that the implementation of the main goal of teaching a foreign language at the present stage of development of society based on the differentiation and individualization of training, the use of new teaching technologies will contribute to the effective mastery of a foreign language, the formation of the competencies. However, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to impose increased requirements on teacher training, to be able to work at different levels of education taking into account their specificity. References
1. Российское образование [Электронный ресурс]. - Свидетельство Эл N 77-8321 от 6 октября 2003 года о регистрации федерального портала «Российское образование» в качестве средства массовой информации. - Режим доступа : http://www.edu.ru.
2. Биболетова, М. З. Примерные программы среднего общего образования. Иностранные языки / М. З. Биболетова, Н. П. Грачева, Е. Н. Соколова, Н. Н. Трубанева. - М. : Просвещение, 2005. - 32 с.
3. Зимняя, И. А. Психология обучения иностранным языкам в школе / И. А. Зимняя. - М. : Просвещение, 1991. - 221 с.
© Шутова В. Д., 2018
УДК-37 Шутова В.Д.
ФГБОУ ВО «Мордовский государственный педагогический институт им. М.Е. Евсевьева» г. Саранск, Республика Мордовия E-mail: vasilisa_shutova@mail.ru
The article deals with the specifics and problems of teaching children English in various language camps. Also, it is concerned with effective techniques of explaining language material.
Key words:
children's camp, techniques, immersion to a language environment, informal atmosphere, the language barrier.
Children's camp is a traditional kind of children's leisure. For kids of any age, a trip to a camp is a chance to show their independence, to become more mature and responsible.
According to the duration, children's camps are divided into year-round (they work during the whole year) and seasonal (they work during summer, autumn, winter and spring school holidays). By the kind of location, children's camps are stationary (located on the same place, in capital buildings), tent (can be located in any place where you can set up several large tents), outbound (camps that rent space for a shift, base of other camps, hotels, inns in different places).
The main activity of children's language camps is the studying foreign languages and immersion in the language environment in an informal atmosphere. Such camps can be organized in a country where a language is