Научная статья на тему 'English teaching techniques in a children’s language camp'

English teaching techniques in a children’s language camp Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Шутова В. Д.

The article deals with the specifics and problems of teaching children English in various language camps. Also, it is concerned with effective techniques of explaining language material.

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Текст научной работы на тему «English teaching techniques in a children’s language camp»

СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 12 / 2018.

also has a significant educational value. Students understand the role of studying languages for international communication in the modern multicultural world, the values of the native language as an element of the national culture; awareness of the importance of the English language as a means of learning, self-realization and social adaptation; education of the qualities of a citizen.

It should be noted that the main strategy of teaching foreign languages is proclaimed a personality-oriented approach, putting the student's personality at the center of the educational process, taking into account his abilities, capabilities, characteristics, interests and needs [3, crp. 56].

Thus, it can be said that the implementation of the main goal of teaching a foreign language at the present stage of development of society based on the differentiation and individualization of training, the use of new teaching technologies will contribute to the effective mastery of a foreign language, the formation of the competencies. However, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to impose increased requirements on teacher training, to be able to work at different levels of education taking into account their specificity. References

1. Российское образование [Электронный ресурс]. - Свидетельство Эл N 77-8321 от 6 октября 2003 года о регистрации федерального портала «Российское образование» в качестве средства массовой информации. - Режим доступа : http://www.edu.ru.

2. Биболетова, М. З. Примерные программы среднего общего образования. Иностранные языки / М. З. Биболетова, Н. П. Грачева, Е. Н. Соколова, Н. Н. Трубанева. - М. : Просвещение, 2005. - 32 с.

3. Зимняя, И. А. Психология обучения иностранным языкам в школе / И. А. Зимняя. - М. : Просвещение, 1991. - 221 с.

© Шутова В. Д., 2018

УДК-37 Шутова В.Д.


ФГБОУ ВО «Мордовский государственный педагогический институт им. М.Е. Евсевьева» г. Саранск, Республика Мордовия E-mail: vasilisa_shutova@mail.ru



The article deals with the specifics and problems of teaching children English in various language camps. Also, it is concerned with effective techniques of explaining language material.

Key words:

children's camp, techniques, immersion to a language environment, informal atmosphere, the language barrier.

Children's camp is a traditional kind of children's leisure. For kids of any age, a trip to a camp is a chance to show their independence, to become more mature and responsible.

According to the duration, children's camps are divided into year-round (they work during the whole year) and seasonal (they work during summer, autumn, winter and spring school holidays). By the kind of location, children's camps are stationary (located on the same place, in capital buildings), tent (can be located in any place where you can set up several large tents), outbound (camps that rent space for a shift, base of other camps, hotels, inns in different places).

The main activity of children's language camps is the studying foreign languages and immersion in the language environment in an informal atmosphere. Such camps can be organized in a country where a language is

СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 12 / 2018.

being taught and recognized as a state one: it is better to learn French in France or in French-speaking parts of Switzerland and Canada; English - in the USA, the UK and the English-speaking part of Canada; German - in Germany, Austria or the German-speaking part of Switzerland, etc. However, language camps can also be found in other countries where a studied language is not official. For example, in Switzerland there are international English camps that have long been popular all over the world. The maximum effect of staying in such camps is obtained when teachers, educators and animators are native speakers and children are from different countries. The main purpose of children's language camps is to organize vacations beneficially. Children's language camps often help a child to deal with the language barrier [1].

In course of time not only the purposes of teaching a foreign language have changed, but also the requirements of using it. The old system has gone more communicative. An active research began that contributed to the development of modern methodological concepts of teaching: communicative (I. L. Bim, E. I. Passov), intensive (G. A. Kitaygorodskaya), etc. From this period it has often been mentioned about non-traditional methods, which are completely different from previous (traditional) ones.

Today communication-oriented techniques which are based on the creativity of students, play a significant


Traditional and non-traditional methods of teaching a foreign language have their pros and cons.

The traditional method is based on a systematic and thorough study of certain aspects of the language (grammar, phonetics, vocabulary).

The traditional method was divided into two approaches: isolated and complex. With the isolated approach, all aspects of the language are studied separately and in a sequence. [2, стр. 137].

The integrated approach supposes that all aspects of the language are studied in conjunction. For example, texts for reading and listening, monologues, dialogues, grammar exercises contain vocabulary and grammatical structures selected for the tasks. Students develop in all types of speech activity; combine them with each other using different types of memory. The work is organized in such a way that the same words, grammatical phenomena are often found in the text and exercises. Due to this, the most effective assimilation of language material occurs [3, стр. 71].

Summer linguistic camps provide full- or part- immersion in a language environment. As a rule, in the first half of the day children study grammar and spelling according to the curriculum, in the second half they are involved in entertaining activities. In theory everyone communicates in a studied language, but there are camps without lessons where immersion into a language environment is completely in a playful way. Such camps are more suitable for kids of the ages 5-9. Communication with peers from other countries helps students to deal with the language barrier, to improve practical language skills, make friends from and increase an interest in learning a foreign language [4].

In our country there are dozens of language camps. For example, in Russia and abroad, the system of children's language camps "Bobby J" works. Its educational programs are designed for children of different language levels. English classes are held by qualified teachers from the United States and the United Kingdom. These programs use manuals «Language Link», audio course and other materials. After graduation children receive Language Link Certificates. On the base of the camp in cooperation with Moscow partners in Russia were also established such English-speaking camps as "EuroClub" (Moscow Region), "Intellect" (Moscow Region), linguistic camps "EF Summer Camp", "EF Winter Camp", " EF Spring Camp "[41].

This system of English-speaking camps is known for gaming training aimed at personal development, the development of communication skills (communication in a team, communication with peers, ability to speak to an audience, overcoming communication barriers, communication with parents and adults, development of leadership skills and the ability to defend their point of view in the dispute).

The program is based role-playing, according to the traditions of countries of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc. Each day has its theme and is dedicated to a specific holiday, it can be: Valentine's Day, Business day, Robinson day, President's Day, April fool's Day, Green Peace day, Robin Hood day, Shadow Theater, Cinema-cinema day, MTV-day, Erudite Cruise, Start-teen day, English Day Etiquette and others. Teaching English is held with the use of role-playing, group and team games [1].

СИМВОЛ НАУКИ ISSN 2410-700X № 12 / 2018.

The children's language camp "The English Club" ("English Club") includes two steps: "First Step" (children from 6 to 12 years old) and "Tradition" (children from 13 to 16 years old) based on the author's method combining classes in English and an intensive entertainment program. According to the program of this camp, there is a complete immersion in the language environment. On the first day of the shift, children get a second English name (nickname) which they use when they communicate with someone.

For 20 years the international language camp "Hilton" has been working in our country. The camp was visited by more than 30 thousand children from 220 cities of Russia. "Hilton" is very popular. Its unique techniques and educational methodology originated in Perm and today is recognized by the Ministry of Education of Russia as the best children's program in our country. The peculiarity of this technique is that the development of children's creative abilities is at the first place and the study of the English language is non-stop. It continues during lessons of the English language, in the process of preparing for daily performances, concerts and shows, in the morning and evening English singing, during role-playing games, walks, lessons of creativity, watching and shooting films in English. The main purpose of « Hilton» is to teach kids to speak the language, so the main focus in teaching and creating textbooks is placed on living, modern English [5].

The following English-speaking camps also exist on the territory of our country: "British House", "Dream Camp", "Linguistic-Chess Camp" (St. Petersburg), "Enjoy" (Chelyabinsk) and many others.

While creating activities in a foreign language in a language camp, methodologists rely mainly on non-traditional methods, particularly on intensive methods of teaching using gaming technologies. References

1. Туристическое агентство «ЛАКИ ТРЕВЕЛ» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа : http://www.luckytrvl.ru.

2. Беляев, Б. В. Очерки по психологии обучения иностранным языкам // Психологические основы обучения неродному языку : Хрестоматия / Б. В. Беляев. - М. : МОДЭК, 2004. - 160 с.

3. Сафонова, В. В. Коммуникативная компетенция : современные подходы к многоуровневому описанию в методических целях. - М. : Еврошкола, 2004. - 236 с.

4. Языковой лагерь "Language Link" [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа : http://www.languagelink.ru.

5. Языковой центр «Хилтон» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа : http://hilton-camp.ru.

© Шутова В. Д., 2018

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