Научная статья на тему 'The use of information and communication technologies in context of non-traditional foreign language lesson'

The use of information and communication technologies in context of non-traditional foreign language lesson Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zhunusova Alua Boranbaevna, Madenyatova Aigerim Magasovna

The article is devoted to the problem of high quality and effectiveness of using electronic resources in foreign language learning process. The maintenance and features of electronic learning editions on the non-traditional foreign language lessons by applying modern information and communication technologies are considered. The article is intended for public reading and for those, who are interested in digital educational resources.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The use of information and communication technologies in context of non-traditional foreign language lesson»

позволяет совмещать в себе самые непредсказуемые виды учебной деятельности. Ни одна образовательная программа не может себе позволить таких сочетаний и изменений, какие возможно допустить в реализации проектов. Именно поэтому проектная деятельность может являться средством интеграции формального и неформального образования в образовательном учреждении.

Еще одним важным аспектом проектной деятельности является ее современность, любой проект направлен на улучшение той ситуации, проблемы, социальной несправедливости или потребности, которая существует именно сейчас в конкретной социальной группе.

При вовлечении учеников или воспитанников образовательного учреждения в процесс организации проектной деятельности, соблюдаются основные принципы неформального образования, и как следствие повышается эффективность образовательной деятельности.

Исходя из этого, можно сделать вывод о том, что проектная деятельность является оптимальной и современной формой интеграции формального и неформального образования, носит воспитательный и образовательный характер, позволяет без лишних временных и материальных затрат добиться результатов поставленной цели.

Список литературы

1. Евладова Е.Б., Логинова Л.Г., Михайлова Н.Н. Дополнительное образование детей. М.: ВЛАДОС, 2002. С. 47.

2. Мухлаева Т.В. Международный опыт неформального образования / Т.В. Мухлаева // Человек и образование, 2010. № 4. С. 158-162.

3. Википедия // общедоступная многоязычная универсальная интернет-энциклопедия со свободным контентом. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Модель_Колба#.D0.9B.D0.B8.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B0 D1.82.D1.83.D1.80.D0.B0/ (дата обращения: 13.06.2017).

4. Конвенция о правах ребенка [одобрена Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН 20.11.1989] (вступила в силу для СССР 15.09.1990).



FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSON 1 2 Zhunusova A.B. , Madenyatova A.M.


Abstract: the article is devoted to the problem of high quality and effectiveness of using electronic resources in foreign language learning process. The maintenance and features of electronic learning editions on the non-traditional foreign language lessons by applying modern information and communication technologies are considered. The article is intended for public reading and for those, who are interested in digital educational resources.

Keywords: non-traditional lesson, English language teaching, information and communication technologies.

The main purpose of English language teaching is the formation and enhancement of a culture of student communication, training to practical mastering of the English language. The mission of the teacher is to arrange conditions for practical mastering of the English language for all students, to choose such teaching methods that would allow every student to show their skills, their creativity and the task of the teacher is to stimulate cognitive and intellectual activities of students in learning English.

English language training has the following objectives: pragmatic, educational, developmental. Pragmatic or communicative task is aimed at developing students' communicative competence, i.e. ability to assess their speech and non-speech behavior according to the task of communication [1]. Currently, there are traditional and non-traditional methods of organizing a lesson for learning a foreign language. Before you start talking about non-traditional methods of learning foreign languages, try to define the notion of the "traditional" method. The traditional method of learning foreign languages is called grammar-translation method. This method consists of sequential study of grammar, vocabulary, phonetics and syntax of language. The training is based on the principle "from simple to complex" and the deepening of their knowledge, the students will get more and more complex tasks that are designed to develop appropriate skills and to consolidate the information. In educational institutions of Kazakhstan is widely used the traditional method of learning foreign languages and it gives good results in any educational program for pupils and students of higher educational institutions.

The so-called "non-traditional" methods appeared in the Soviet era, but has evolved solely due to the enthusiasm of the methodists, as they were not designated in the public education system. The main characteristics of non-traditional methods are the use of suggestology (the word refers to the science which releases hidden abilities) and an accelerated, more intensive foreign language teaching, the main attention in training is paid for the live communication [2].

Either method, both traditional and unconventional has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of traditional methods is that all aspects of speech activity (reading, writing, speaking, listening) receive different improvements. All aspects are studied in their interaction with each other. The disadvantages include long training period, so for example, these methods are not suitable if the person needs to learn a foreign language in a short period, such as before a trip to a far country.

Among the known non-traditional methods of learning foreign languages it is possible to allocate method of Kitay-Gorodskaya, method of I. Schechter, their systems are quite similar, as they are mainly based on the ideas of the Bulgarian scientist and methodologist G. Lozanova. The main feature of the method of G. Kitay-Gorodskaya is learning to communicate through communication, which is focused on enhancing the capabilities of the individual and the collective work. Students are engaged in small groups in the classroom and role-play. Method I. Schechter is a method of the emotional-semantic language learning. There is also the method of "immersion", it includes a complete rejection of the speech in their native language and setting conditions as close as possible to the foreign language environment. So there is little common method, called the method of the twenty-fifth frame. Students include special audio movies and students listen to them casually, especially not straining which is assumed that the subconscious itself "reads" the information you need [3].

All non-traditional methods based on the idea of learning to communicate in a very short time, these are methods of teaching which provide some pretty serious emotional and psychological burden for students.

The schools must be in a constant search, which aims to find new forms and techniques, allowing to merge studying in a single process to work on education, development and education of students at all stages of learning.

Non-traditional forms of foreign language classes are implemented, as a rule, after studying a topic or several topics, serving as an educational control. These lessons are held


in the unusual setting. Such a change of a setting is appropriate because it creates a festive atmosphere in summing up the work done, removes the psychological barrier that occurs because of the fear to make a mistake.

Non-traditional forms of foreign language classes are carried out at obligatory participation of all students groups (classes), with the indispensable use of the means of auditory and visual clarity. On such lessons it is possible to achieve a variety of methodological, pedagogical and psychological purposes, which can be summarized as follows;

■ monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils on a particular subject.

■ provide business, working atmosphere, serious attitude of students to the lesson;

■ provide the maximum active student participation and minimal participation of the teacher during the lesson [4].

The purpose of this article is to consider the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as one of the unconventional forms of training in the formation of speech skills and abilities. Information and communication technology (ICT) needs the perfect knowledge of computer technology and communication systems intended for searching, accumulating, processing and efficient application of knowledge in production, management and other aspects of society.

The main objectives of ICT use in the English language are: increase of motivation to language learning; improving foreign language communicative competence and increasing linguistic knowledge; expansion of knowledge about sociocultural specificity of the country of studied language; the improvement of ability and readiness for independent studying of English language. The possibility of using computer learning tools in mastering aspects of language and the formation of skills and abilities in different types of speech activity are great.

In teaching phonetics ICT frequently used method of visualizing the pronunciation. Multimedia features allow you to listen to the speech in the target language, adapt it in accordance with its level of perception, and regulation of speed of sound allows you to split the phrase into individual words, simultaneously comparing the pronunciation and spelling of words. The use of microphone and automatic control allows to adjust the pronunciation of phonetic skills. The computer offers a list of words for translation and phonetic processing. It is possible to record spoken words or phrases of a pupil for the purpose of control, self-control and adjustments;

Lexical aspect of speech can be trained based on the test and gaming of computer programs using visual clarity; increased passive and potential vocabularies of students; provision of informational support (automatic dictionaries, selection of synonyms and antonyms). Exercises for mastering the vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Use such types of activities like exercise to fill in the blanks. In case of a wrong response the following scenarios: the prohibition of the learner to move to the next task or sentence; the transition of the learner to the next task or sentence with subsequent adjustment, namely highlighting the correct answer or marking the sign "x" means a wrong answer; exercise in the form of crossword puzzles, where the spelling of the word wrong letter is displayed in gray rather than black color; exercise in the form of game on composing the sentence during which the learner moves the cursor on the necessary word, which is then moved to writing the proposal and becomes displaced in the last word; exercise in the form of the game "the Hunter", which can be in these versions: the shot was made after listening to the words need definitions (the picture); the shot is made after writing the word; the student is encouraged to relate two lists of foreign words and the right set of synonyms or antonyms; the student is offered a list of foreign words and a list of definitions (with a picture); the exercise of "Find the error", which proposes to correct a particular word in accordance with a given situation.

Teaching of reading, as the speech activity ICT gives the opportunity to master the art of reading through the use of techniques such as variation of vocabulary and grammar reading skills; learning and mastering a skill extraction from text, semantic information of various types (major, minor, etc.); learning the different types of test analysis; formation of skills of self-overcoming language difficulties; provision of


reference and information support through the provision of linguistic or extralinguistic information (through the use of auto-dictionaries e-encyclopedias); control of the correctness and depth of understanding of the text read [5].

Teaching listening provised the formation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills and overcoming the respective difficulties in speech perception from hearing. The control of formation of abilities of audition is carried out at the level of fragmentary, global, detailed and critical understanding. Each level of understanding is checked by means of appropriate tasks.

When teaching speaking, ICT is focused on the formation of phonetic skills of speaking, organizational communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing and business games on the basis of simulated and modeling programs.

Thus, the ability of the teacher to organize the lesson and wisely choose a particular lesson depends largely on the efficiency of the educational process. The use of ICT in English lessons of different types contributes to improved students ' interest in the subject and enhance their intellect activity, development of skills of independent work and teamwork, effective creation of all kinds of speech activity. Systematic work with training programs provides students sustainable skills of independent work, which leads to reduction in time for performing standard tasks and allows to increase the time for the execution of works artistic and creative nature.


1. Leontiev M.R. On the study of foreign languages in educational institutions. Foreign languages at school, 2000. № 5. P. 32-36.

2. Exousian G.G. Modern lesson. Foreign languages at school, 2002. № 5. P. 32-37.

3. A short Glossary of terms pedagogical Informatics / Comp. O.V. Artushkin, E.G. Skibitsky. Abakan: Khakass publishing house, 2007. P. 90.

4. Albrecht K.N. The use of ICT in English lessons. The electronic scientific journal "Information and communication technologies in pedagogical education", 2010.

5. Information technology in education in 2011. Proceedings of the South-Russian interregional scientific-practical conference. Rostov-on-don: Rostizdat, 2011.

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