TECHNOLOGY OF FORMATION OF PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETENCES IN STUDENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
talaba / madaniyat nazariyasi / til madaniyati / notiqlik konsepsiyasi / nutq madaniyati / nutq normalari / kommunikativ nutq sifatlari. / студент / теория культуры / языковая культура / концепция ораторства / культура речи / нормы речи / качества коммуникативной речи.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — N.T. Kirboyeva

notiqlik san'atining rivojlanishi ta'lim tizimida, ijtimoiy-siyosiy jarayonda, boshqaruv mexanizmi va yetakchilik faoliyatida ba'zi muammolarning yechimiga zamin yaratadi. Shu sababli, til va nutqqa e'tibor berish zarurati doimiy ravishda kun tartibida ekanligi aniq. Muloqot va o'zaro ta'sir jarayoni nafaqat tilni bilishni, balki tilni his qilish va til bilan yashashni ham talab qiladi. Chunki so'zning ma'nosini va gapning mazmunini bilmasdan qilingan harakatlar turli tushunmovchiliklarga sabab bo'ladi. Nutq so'zlash san'ati eng go'zal san'atlardan biridir.

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развитие ораторского искусства готовит почву для решения некоторых проблем в образовательной системе, социально-политическом процессе, механизме управления и лидерской деятельности. Поэтому ясно, что необходимость уделять внимание языку и речи постоянно актуальна. Процесс общения и взаимодействия выражает необходимость не только знать язык, но и ощущать его и жить в нем. Поскольку действия, предпринятые без знания значения слова и содержания предложения, вызывают различные недоразумения. Искусство публичных выступлений — одно из самых красивых искусств.



Original paper

© N.T. Kirboyeva 1B_

1Navoiy davlat pedagogika instituti, Navoiy, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: notiqlik san'atining rivojlanishi ta'lim tizimida, ijtimoiy-siyosiy jarayonda, boshqaruv mexanizmi va yetakchilik faoliyatida ba'zi muammolarning yechimiga zamin yaratadi. Shu sababli, til va nutqqa e'tibor berish zarurati doimiy ravishda kun tartibida ekanligi aniq. Muloqot va o'zaro ta'sir jarayoni nafaqat tilni bilishni, balki tilni his qilish va til bilan yashashni ham talab qiladi. Chunki so'zning ma'nosini va gapning mazmunini bilmasdan qilingan harakatlar turli tushunmovchiliklarga sabab bo'ladi. Nutq so'zlash san'ati eng go'zal san'atlardan biridir.

MAQSAD: ushbu maqolada zamonaviy nutq madaniyatini shakllantiruvchi normativ, kommunikativ va axloqiy jihatlarning tahlili yoritiladi. Talabaning nutq madaniyati bilan birga, til madaniyati, o'qish madaniyati, matn bilan ishlash madaniyati va axborot madaniyati strukturasini tashkil etish haqida ma'lumot beriladi.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: buyuk rus pedagogi Y. A. Komenskiy shunday degan edi: "Agar eshitsam, unutsam; agar ko'rsam, eslab qolsam; agar qilsam, tushunsam". Oliy ta'lim sifatini yaxshilash, kelajakda yangi avlodni tarbiyalaydigan pedagoglarning har tomonlama yetuk kadr bo'lib yetishishlarini kafolatlaydi.

Pedagog olim N. A. Muslimov ta'kidlaganidek, "O'qituvchining professional shakllanishi uning jamiyatdagi o'rniga, oliy pedagogik ta'lim muassasasidagi talabalar vazifalari va o'rniga bog'liq bo'lib, talabaning o'rni nisbiy ta'rifga ega, ammo uning o'rni ma'lum xususiyatlarga ega, masalan, ta'lim jarayonida ishtirok etish, ma'lum bir minimum ta'lim vazifalarini bajarish".

V. N. Vedenskiyning fikriga ko'ra "Kompetentlik bu shaxsiy tavsifdir, kompetensiya esa ma'lum professional yoki funksional tavsiflar to'plamidir". Kelajakdagi kasbiy ta'lim o'qituvchilarining professional va ijtimoiy kompetensiyalarini baholash usullari asosan testlar va nazorat choralaridan iboratdir.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: odamlar o'rtasidagi muloqot ijtimoiy-psixologik o'zaro ta'sir va axborot uzatish kanalidir. Ammo ma'lumot almashuviga o'tishdan oldin, nutq muloqotiga kirish kerak va buning uchun nutq odobining ma'lum normalarini bilish va to'g'ri qo'llash zarur. Shuningdek, nutq madaniyati asosida nutq odobi shakllanadi, bu asosan suhbatdoshlar o'rtasida nutq muloqotini o'rnatishni, ularning ijtimoiy rollari va rollarga

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


nisbatan formal va norasmiy munosabatlarda tanlangan kalitda muloqot qilishni o'z ichiga oladi. Masalan, o'zbek odatlari milliy o'zligini xalqimiz maqollari va dostonlarida ifodalaydi.

Maqolada keltirilgan statistika asosida shuni aytishim mumkinki, nutq so'zlash san'ati biznes sohasida ham eng samarali omildir. Chunki so'zlar orqali katta natijalarga erishish mumkinligini ko'ramiz.

XULOSA: talabalarda nutq so'zlash ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish juda muhim va zarur deb hisoblayman. Har bir fan doirasida inson malakali mutaxassis bo'lishi mumkin, ammo bu bilimni samarali targ'ib qilish va etkazish uchun kuchli notiqlik ko'nikmalari zarur. Shuning uchun maqolam doirasida shuni aytishim kerakki, har bir talabada notiqlik kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirish texnologiyasini ishlab chiqishimiz kerak.

Kalit so'zlar: talaba, madaniyat nazariyasi, til madaniyati, notiqlik konsepsiyasi, nutq madaniyati, nutq normalari, kommunikativ nutq sifatlari.

Iqtibos uchun: Kirboyeva N.T. Talabada notiqlik kompetentlarini shakllantirish texnologiyasi. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5. B.382-397.



© Н.Т.Кирбоева1^

1Навоийский государственный педагогический институт, Навои, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: развитие ораторского искусства готовит почву для решения некоторых проблем в образовательной системе, социально-политическом процессе, механизме управления и лидерской деятельности. Поэтому ясно, что необходимость уделять внимание языку и речи постоянно актуальна. Процесс общения и взаимодействия выражает необходимость не только знать язык, но и ощущать его и жить в нем. Поскольку действия, предпринятые без знания значения слова и содержания предложения, вызывают различные недоразумения. Искусство публичных выступлений — одно из самых красивых искусств.

ЦЕЛЬ: в данной статье освещается анализ нормативных, коммуникативных и этических аспектов культуры публичных выступлений, которые формируют ее современную концепцию. Приводится информация об организации структуры языковой культуры студента наряду с культурой речи, культурой чтения, культурой работы с текстом и информационной культурой.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: великий русский педагог Я. А. Коменский сказал: "Если я слышу, я забываю, если я вижу, я запоминаю, если я делаю, я понимаю". Улучшение качества высшего образования гарантирует, что будущие педагоги, обучающие новое поколение, станут всесторонне зрелыми кадрами.

Как отметил педагог-ученый Н.А. Муслимов, "профессиональное формирование учителя зависит от его места в обществе, обязанностей и задач студента в высшем педагогическом учебном заведении. Место студента имеет

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


относительное описание, но его место имеет определенные характеристики, такие как участие в образовательном процессе, выполнение определенного минимума учебных задач".

По мнению В. Н. Веденского, "Компетентность — это своего рода личное описание, а компетенция — это набор конкретных профессиональных или функциональных описаний". Методы оценки профессиональных и социальных компетенций будущих преподавателей профессионального образования в первую очередь состоят из тестов и контрольных мероприятий.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: общение между людьми является как социально-психологическим взаимодействием, так и каналом передачи информации. Однако перед тем как приступить к логическому и концептуальному обмену информацией, необходимо вступить в речевое общение, и для этого необходимо знать и правильно применять определенные нормы речевого этикета. Также на основе культуры речи появился речевой этикет, который в основном включает установление речевого общения между собеседниками, общение в выбранном ключе в зависимости от их социальных ролей и ролевых позиций по отношению друг к другу, а также взаимодействие в формальных и неформальных отношениях. Это система устойчивых формул общения, определенных обществом для его обеспечения. Например, национальная идентичность узбекских обычаев выражена в пословицах и эпосах нашего народа.

На основе статистики статьи я могу сказать, что искусство ораторского мастерства также является наиболее эффективным фактором в бизнесе. Потому что мы видим, что с помощью слов можно добиться больших результатов.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: я считаю, что развитие ораторских навыков у студентов очень важно и необходимо. В рамках каждого предмета можно стать квалифицированным специалистом, но для того чтобы эффективно продвигать и передавать эти знания, необходимы сильные ораторские навыки. Поэтому, исходя из объема моей статьи, я должен сказать, что нам нужно разработать технологию формирования ораторских компетенций у каждого студента.

Ключевые слова: студент, теория культуры, языковая культура, концепция ораторства, культура речи, нормы речи, качества коммуникативной речи.

Для цитирования: Кирбоева Н.Т.Технология формирования пубично-язычных компетенций у студента. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5. С. 382-397.


© Norgul T. Kirboyeva1®

1 Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Navoi, Uzbekistan_


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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


INTRODUCTION: The development of the art of oratory prepares the ground for the solution of some problems in the educational system, social-political process, management mechanism and leadership activities. Therefore, it is clear that the need to pay attention to language and speech is constantly on the agenda. The process of communication and interaction expresses the need not only to know the language, but also to breathe in the language and live in the language. Because actions taken without knowing the meaning of the word and the content of the sentence cause various misunderstandings. The art of public speaking is one of the most beautiful arts.

AIM: In this article, the analysis of the normative, communicative and ethical aspects of public speaking culture, which forms its modern concept, is highlighted. Information is given on the organization of the structure of the student's language culture along with the culture of speaking, the culture of reading, the culture of working with the text, and the information culture.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The great Russian pedagogue Y. A. Komensky said "If I hear, I will forget, if I see, I will remember, if I do, I will understand." Improving the quality of higher education guarantees that the future pedagogues who educate the next generation will become mature staff in all respects.

As pedagogue scientist N.A. Muslimov noted, "the professional formation of a teacher depends on his place in society, the duties and tasks of a student in a higher pedagogical educational institution, the place of a student has a relative description, but his place has certain characteristics such as participation in the educational process, performance of a certain minimum of educational tasks" according to V.N. Vedensky "Competence is a kind of personal description, and competence is a set of specific professional or functional descriptions."

The methods for assessing the professional and social competencies of future vocational education teachers primarily consist of tests and control measures

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: Communication between people is both a social-psychological interaction and a channel of information transmission. However, before proceeding to the logical and conceptual exchange of information, it is necessary to enter speech communication, and for this it is necessary to know and correctly apply certain norms of speech etiquette. Also, on the basis of speech culture, speech etiquette appeared, which mainly involves the establishment of speech communication between interlocutors, communication in a selected key according to their social roles and role positions in relation to each other, and interactions in formal and informal relationships. is a system of stable communication formulas defined by the society in order to ensure it. For example, the national identity of Uzbek manners is expressed in the proverbs and epics of our people.

Based on the article's statistics, I can say that the art of oratory is also the most effective factor in the business field. Because we see that great results can be achieved through words.

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


CONCLUSION: I believe that developing oratory skills in students is very important and necessary. Within the scope of each subject, one can become a proficient specialist, but to effectively promote and convey that knowledge, strong oratory skills are essential. Therefore, based on the scope of my article, I must say that we need to develop a technology for cultivating oratory competencies in every student.

Key words: student, theory of culture, language culture, concept of oratory, speech culture, norms of speech, qualities of communicative speech.

For citation: Norgul T. Kirboyeva (2024) 'Technology of formation of public speaking competences in student', Inter education & global study, (5), pp. 382-397. (in English).

We express everything that we see today, everything that we imagine through our feelings and emotions through words. It is through this word that we understand the word of the Creator, we know the Lord and our prayers and supplications to him, we understand the hadith of the Messenger of God Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace. His services in the way of our development, in our cultural and household affairs, in terms of creativity and learning cannot be limited. It is this word that separates humanity from the world of creation. Language was given to man by God as one of the sense organs to carry out his thoughts. He left the mind to man. Now the human child began to express words (speech) through the use of his mind. The creator carefully placed the tongue, one of our sensory organs in our body. He gave it a place behind our thirty-two teeth and closed it again with his lips. It was also a precaution against our boneless tongue. Because this piece (meat) can be used for everything through the tongue: good and bad; beauty and ugliness; to kindness and evil; to happiness and unhappiness; to career and obedience; to wealth and poverty; to friendship and enmity; to unity and separation; to reputation and dishonor; luck and bad luck; to goodness and ignorance: to diligence and laziness; to gentleness and rudeness; lust; to progress and error; to reconciliation and quarrel; peace and war; mental health and depression; health and illness; marriage and separation; to the believer and the unbeliever; honor and shame; joy and sadness; everything that exists in this mortal world, such as civilization and uncivilization, and heaven or hell in the hereafter can be attained. in articles and books written and written in our time, eloquence, speech etiquette, oratory art; We also study terms and concepts such as preacher, preaching, and the art of preaching. Among people in oral speech; master of words, eloquent, master of words, eloquent, eloquent, eloquent, well-spoken We can hear a phrase from a speaker, a writer, a writer, a poet. It's true that everyone, if born without a speech defect, will definitely speak. However, not all people are eloquent. Eloquence is a skill and a talent. Public speaking is an art. When he does not limit himself to the natural ability that God has given him, but works on his own speech and language. only by practicing can he acquire the skill of public speaking. Oratory is the art of words, even if it is the art of words, it is the art of words dressed in tone and polished with pronunciation. As long as the great scholars who deeply understood the power of

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"word" and felt that the blessing of "word" was given by God only to man, they appreciated it and encouraged to honor it. In this sense, it is a recognized fact that the art of public speaking has a special status among other types of art. The fact that in ancient times only skilled orators were elected to the positions of army chiefs and statesmen also clarifies this fact. History has always taught us, is teaching us, and will continue to teach us. Are we learning from history in this field today? - is the question before us. No. It is not allowed to say, we are trying. Today, the shortcomings in the speech of many heads of departments, the slurs in the speech of teachers, the shortcomings in the speech of journalists in TV shows are clearly visible. We are enjoying all the benefits of Independence. we should not be deprived of the fountain of the art of oratory. The development of society and culture depends on the order in which education and training are carried out today. This is a social law of state importance. Without forgetting that the great future of the country depends on the fact that we, the youth, will become well-educated, we must set the main goal of forming skilled pedagogues. The fate of large-scale reforms currently being carried out in our republic depends on the spiritual maturity, intellectual potential and professional qualities of young people. In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge in the national personnel training program, he can work independently in his chosen field, constantly and independently improve his skills, creatively approach any issue, analyze and quickly adapt to the situation. education of a competent generation is defined as one of the main tasks. Despite the fact that we live in the age of information technology, we still meet pedagogues who are unable to effectively use modern technologies in the process of education. The activities of many of our pedagogues are limited only to lectures. Future pedagogues must aim to develop technological competence and skills in order to enrich the educational process with interactive methods, multimedia, slides, and audio-video tools. The great Russian pedagogue Y. A. Komensky said "If I hear, I will forget, if I see, I will remember, if I do, I will understand." Improving the quality of higher education guarantees that the future pedagogues who educate the next generation will become mature staff in all respects. The reason for this is that the pedagogic profession is both a reforming and managerial profession at the same time. It is necessary to be competent to manage personal development. Therefore, the concept of the teacher's competence expresses his theoretical and practical preparation for the implementation of pedagogical activities, as well as his high skills. Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" states that "Persons with high moral qualities have the right to engage in pedagogical activities" We can see that the skill of pedagogues is the guarantee of high-quality implementation of education. The English concept of "competence" literally means "ability". The content serves to illuminate "the effective use of theoretical knowledge in the activity, the ability to demonstrate high-level professional skills, skills and talent." The concept of "competence" entered the field of education as a result of psychological research. Therefore, competence is "how the specialist behaves in unconventional situations, unexpected situations, engages in communication, takes a new way in relations with opponents, performs ambiguous tasks, uses conflicting information, consistently develops


and "ownership of a plan of action in complex processes". Competence is the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a student in a specific subject in solving theoretical and practical problems encountered in everyday life. Professional competence does not mean the acquisition of separate knowledge and skills by a specialist, but the acquisition of integrative knowledge and actions in each independent direction. Also, competence requires constant enrichment of professional knowledge, learning new information, understanding important social requirements, finding new information, processing it and being able to use it in one's work. Professional competence is evident in the following situations: - in complex processes; - performing unclear tasks; - using conflicting information; - a specialist with professional competence in being able to have an action plan in an unexpected situation: - consistently enriches his knowledge; - learns new information; - deeply understands the requirements of the era; -seeks new knowledge; - processes them and uses them effectively in their practical activities. Social competence represents the feeling of commitment and participation in events or events in society. Striving for the growth of professional status is also a part of social competence. Social-psychological competence is important for managing the educational system. The meaning of competence as "a person with experience" and "a person who knows well" has been explained a lot in old literature. Currently, competence means how to behave in situations that occur in the educational process, in unexpected situations, openness to communication, ability to move in consistently developing and complex processes. As pedagogue scientist N.A. Muslimov noted, "the professional formation of a teacher depends on his place in society, the duties and tasks of a student in a higher pedagogical educational institution, the place of a student has a relative description, but his place has certain characteristics such as participation in the educational process, performance of a certain minimum of educational tasks" according to V.N. Vedensky "Competence is a kind of personal description, and competence is a set of specific professional or functional descriptions." Summarizing the above points, the manifestation of social competence includes the following: - showing activity in social relations as a perfect person. - to acquire moral qualities, life knowledge, skills and qualifications. - being able to communicate with subjects in professional activities. - to be sincere in solving problems. - creative approach. - ability to purposefully use modern methods and tools in the implementation of the educational process. For a teacher, the most important factor is assessing the teacher's competence. We are currently looking at its technology


Г When assessing

compensation in future к

The methods for assessing the professional and social competencies of future vocational education teachers primarily consist of tests and control measures. The difference between assessing the professional competencies of students and traditional control measures in the education system is that professional competency assessment focuses not on the existence of knowledge and skills but on the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities. To develop students' abilities to successfully solve professional problems, tasks that resemble real professional and social situations need to be developed. Various methods are used to form social competence in future educators. We can use various technologies to develop competence in teacher educators.


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2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Now we will analyze some of them: The self-description method. In this method, students describe their own competencies, and these descriptions are confirmed by other students and the teacher. This method involves the assessed student evaluating their level of competencies in writing themselves.

The methods of assessing the professional and social competence of future vocational education teachers are mainly tests and control. The difference between the controls that assess the professional competence of young learners and the controls in the traditional education system is that the professional competence is evaluated not by the presence of knowledge and skills, but by the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities. In order to develop students' ability to successfully solve professional problems, it is necessary to develop tasks similar to real professional and social situations. Various methods are used to form social compe tence in future pedagogues. Now we will analyze some of them: The method of self-description. In this, students define their own competence, and these definitions are confirmed by other students and the teacher. This method is a written assessment of the student's level of competence. The self-description method is more suitable for vocational education among other educational areas of pedagogy, because professional competences in this direction, there are many types of competences and different forms of competence development.

"Portfolio" method. This method consists of a collection of materials and information that demonstrate the formation of professional and social competencies of students. The portfolio will consist of their educational achievements, Olympiads, competitions, international and national conferences. The method of simulated tasks. Imitation assignments consist of assignments aimed at solving situations that are as close as possible to the future professional activity. The essence of this method is to create conditions for the independent implementation of the professional tasks assigned to students, to demonstrate the evidence of their social and professional competences by bringing them into the environment of professional activities. The cited evidence is collected as a result of observing the process of solving tasks related to professional activity by the student. We must effectively use the opportunities created for young people. If we look at history, we will see how many enlightened figures and great geniuses have grown up on the soil of our motherland. We must not forget whose descendants we are. The future of our country is in our hands. The following words of wisdom emphasized by our first president Islam Karimov in his lectures are not in vain: "In the future, Uzbekistan should impress the world not only with its highly developed economy, but also with its educated, spiritually mature children." No matter what profession a person has, if he approaches his work and training with love, he will master its secrets perfectly. He is self-aware and matures in this field. If a pedagogue loves and educates children, he grows up and acquires the qualities of a pedagogue. We say that the future is in the hands of young people, which means that we are the tomorrow of the nation. We want to organize interactive lessons. In this case, the teacher's art of speaking and beautiful speech attract our attention. We respect teachers and pedagogues, because it is an extremely

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


responsible and honorable profession. Competence is important in this profession. In addition to the formation of competence, one of our main tasks today is to teach students to effectively apply the skills they possess in situations encountered in their personal, professional and social life, to independently search for and analyze the necessary information related to the subject, and to separate the materials related to increasing the necessary knowledge. it is to give special importance to the skills that will be used in the event of unexpected, uncertain, problematic situations and to educate them with the characteristics that they can use in the course of their daily life. In the training of these characteristics in future pedagogues, it is necessary to form competencies in them along with instilling the knowledge, skills and qualifications of all subjects related to their fields in the course of the lesson. Oratory is the art of words, even if it is the art of words, it is the art of words dressed in tone and polished with pronounciation. As long as the great scholars who deeply understood the power of "word" and felt that the blessing of "word" was bestowed by God only on man, they appreciated it and encouraged to honor it. In this sense, it is a recognized fact that the art of oratory has a special position among other types of art. The fact that in ancient times only skilled orators were elected to the positions of army chiefs and statesmen also clarifies this fact. History has always taught us, is teaching us, and will continue to teach us. Are we learning from history in this field today? - is the question before us. It is not permissible to say no, we are trying. Today, the shortcomings in the speech of many heads of departments, slurs in the speech of teachers, nonsense in the speech of TV shows, even in the speech of journalists do not suit our spirituality. Because we are enjoying all the sources of Independence, we should not be without the source of the art of oratory. What do we need to do? First of all, it is very important for us to deeply study speech and its grammar at school, to teach and learn the secrets of public speaking, which is the basis of our thoughts and thinking. Since language and thinking are closely related to each other, without knowing the art of public speaking, it is impossible for us to have real creative thinking, beautiful and beautiful speech. In order to properly express our speech in our native language, we need to be aware of the rules of public speaking. Some of our current pupils and students have defects in their speech, lameness in thinking, inability to break out of the mold in expressing their thoughts, bluntness in their thinking, and the use of excessive introductory words (such as "anaka", 'hali'', 'what was it?', 'what should I say?') it is known that the output is related to the weakness of deep speaking skills. 7 It is very important to include the art of speech in the curricula of academic lyceums and colleges, institutes, universities, professional development institutes, and to create a program and textbook for this lesson based on the specific characteristics of educational institutions. Because in the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the establishment of academic lyceums and vocational colleges and management of their activities" along with several important issues, the development of State educational standards, the creation of new textbooks and training manuals task is also set. It is important that the rapid implementation of the tasks defined in the national program is one of the factors that ensure the rise of our independent country to a great

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


future. President I.A. Karimov in his speeches at the XIV session of the Oliy Majlis (April 14, 1999): "It is necessary to emphasize once again: the fate of all the reforms being implemented is closely related to this issue, i.e. personnel training We must clearly understand the connection. "I believe that everyone who considers himself a true patriot of this country will contribute his work and share to the implementation of this program," he said. The national personnel training program is a program for the cultural and spiritual development of Uzbekistan. Today we must deeply and consistently understand this responsibility for all of us, our people and our Motherland. It is known that the important aspects of the cultural and educational development of the society and the spiritual maturity of the nation go back to the art of oratory. That is why it is becoming more urgent than ever to raise cultural and educational reforms to the level of state policy in our country, to improve the speaking skills of our children, and to pay attention to the issues of speech culture. The laws "On the State Language", "On Education", the National Personnel Training Program and many other documents pay special attention to spiritual and educational education and language issues. In order to express our thoughts independently, fluently, beautifully and clearly in our native language, we need to develop speech culture and eloquence at a sufficient level. In general, it is one of the most important tasks of our scientists and teachers to form oration skills in the young generation and to consistently improve them, to find effective methods and direct them to education. The problem of "speech culture" is one of the most complex and urgent problems of linguists. Human development cannot be imagined without language and culture. Linguistic consciousness is inextricably linked with culture through language. It is not for nothing that the best local teachers strive to direct education to the general cultural and personal development of students, to reveal the cognitive, communicative, and epistemic functions of the language, to make learning culturally saturated. This approach is aimed at the further research of the problems of language, consciousness and culture in science, and at determining the factors on which the level of their interaction depends. The phenomenon of "speech culture" is an integrative formation, which, according to our definition, includes such constructions as "reading culture", "text processing culture" and "information culture". Speech culture appears when the literary language - the highest form of the national language - appears. M. Satorov wrote that "It would be appropriate to remember that the language was created by the people." The division of the language into literary and folk means that we have, so to speak, a "raw" language that was processed by teachers. A. Navoi was the first to fully understand this, and he was also the first to show how to use and process the material of folk speech. The division of the language into literary and folk means that we have, so to speak, a "raw" language that has been processed by teachers. A. Navoi was the first to fully understand this, and he was also the first to show how to use and process the material of folk speech. The main features of literary language are:

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal ISSN 2992-9024 (online)

Научно-теоретический и методический журнал 2024, №5

Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Abdullayeva G.A. describes the literary language as a consciously standardized, codified language, the language of the educated part of the people, the language of culture. On the basis of such a curriculum, the art of public speaking and speech culture are being taught. However, although these two sciences seem close to each other, they are actually different. This situation can be observed by observing the process of their formation as a science, as well as in the tasks, purpose, subject, and characteristics of the objects of representation that they set before themselves. Since ancient times, public speaking has been a special skill, a unique ability of a specific individual as an art. In this sense, although there is a connection between eloquence and speech culture, each of them differs in its own characteristics. It is appropriate to quote Professor E. Begmatov's opinion on this:

1. Speech culture is a phenomenon related to the literary language in the true sense. Its appearance, human basis, requirements and criteria are related to the literary language and its criteria. These are not the main characters for the art of public speaking. Among the speakers, there are those who do not fully follow the requirements of the literary language, and those who demonstrate the art of speaking even in a certain dialect or language. Eloquence and eloquence are not determined by the character of the language material, but by the effectiveness of the speech, the art of speech.

2. Oratory is a phenomenon related to oral speech, so it is an oral form of speech. The art of oratory is the art of oral speech. Speech culture is a concept that applies to both oral and written forms of speech.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


3. Speech culture envisages the general speech activity of society members. The goal and final dream of the field of speech culture is to culturalize the speech of everyone, the whole nation. Eloquence in the classical sense expresses the oratory skills and art of individuals. Public speaking mainly means conveying certain ideas and goals to people through speech, and mobilizing them for a specific purpose. That is, in the art of public speaking, attracting the audience to a certain goal is the main thing. That is why Professor V.D. Kudryavsev comments on the speech as follows: "Any oral speech is an oratorical speech, which aims not only to explain and prove something, but also to influence the understanding of the audience." . More than one person listens to the speaker. In addition to such listeners, speech culture also includes ordinary conversations among people, speeches aimed at a single person. Therefore, we consider the definition given by B. Sharipov to be the most successful: "Speech culture means such a choice and organization of language in a specific situation of communication, in compliance with language norms and communication ethics, that is the most effective in achieving the set communicative tasks can give". Taking into account the socio-economic, technical, political, spiritual and moral changes that are taking place in our country today, it is appropriate to talk more about communicative functions such as the function of self-image formation, educational function, adaptation function. based on the conditions of speech interaction in the virtual world. Also, the moral aspect of speech culture ensures the knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in various situations of communication, bad words, insulting, insulting and simply disrespectful words towards the opponent are strictly prohibited in the communication process, Talking in a "raised tone" is frowned upon. Rude, unruly words, rude statements and conversations lead to proper behavior. This fact, which has penetrated into the minds of the people, is expressed in the wisdom that "a bad word destroys a beautiful moral". Thus, speech culture is individual. The correct use of the mother tongue implies the presence of a person's unique sense of style, correct and sufficiently developed aesthetic taste, which is a necessary condition for the formation of a new level of speech culture and language culture of a person. M. Sattorov calls styles only functional styles, they are their own in its linguistic structure, it differs significantly from the language of fiction and the language of colloquial speech. Such an approach to the regulation of language styles seems one-sided to us, because the functional and expressive stylistic tools used in the language are functional bookish (scientific, official business, journalistic) as well as expressive (high, neutral, abbreviated) styles.

The statement meets the criterion of communicative purposefulness, if as a result of its use the speaker achieved the goal and was satisfied with the result, it excludes misunderstanding on the part of the interlocutor, his biased evaluations, emotional negative reaction, etc.

B. Sharipov built a typology of speech after studying the signs of speech behavior. In doing so, he considered the following:

means of expression (sound, letter, gesture);

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal

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the presence or absence of a partner; the direction of the speech act (one or two directions); individuality or mass character of communication (speech perceiver depending on the number of subjects); speech act connection or distance

Communication between people is both a social-psychological interaction and a channel of information transmission. However, before proceeding to the logical and conceptual exchange of information, it is necessary to enter speech communication, and for this it is necessary to know and correctly apply certain norms of speech etiquette. Also, on the basis of speech culture, speech etiquette appeared, which mainly involves the establishment of speech communication between interlocutors, communication in a selected key according to their social roles and role positions in relation to each other, and interactions in formal and informal relationships. is a system of stable communication formulas defined by the society in order to ensure it. For example, the national identity of Uzbek manners is expressed in the proverbs and epics of our people.

Based on the article's statistics, I can say that the art of oratory is also the most effective factor in the business field. Because we see that great results can be achieved through words.

In conclusion, taking into account political, spiritual and moral changes, we consider it appropriate to talk more about communicative functions such as the function of self-image formation, educational function, adaptation function based on the conditions of speech interaction in the virtual world. . Also, the moral aspect of students' speech culture ensures the knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in various situations of communication, bad words, insulting, insulting and simply disrespectful words towards the opponent are strictly prohibited in the communication process. , "raised tone" conversation is condemned. Rude, unruly words, rude statements and conversations lead to proper behavior. This fact, which has penetrated into the minds of the people, is expressed in the wisdom that "a bad word destroys a beautiful moral".

Thus, speech culture is individual. The correct use of students' native language implies the presence of a person's unique sense of style, correct and sufficiently developed aesthetic taste, which is a necessary condition for the formation of a new level of speech culture and language culture of a person.

As a researcher, I can say that my observations have shown that regardless of their profession, if individuals develop oratory competencies, it will further boost their professional growth. In conclusion, I can state that the most important tool in developing oratory competencies in students is technology. And finally, I will outline the technology for developing oratory competencies in students

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2024, ISSUE 5


Thus, speech culture is individual. Students' correct use of their mother tongue implies the presence of a unique sense of style and a sufficiently developed aesthetic taste, which are necessary conditions for forming a new level of personal speech culture and language culture.)


1. Decree No. PF4947 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" "Word of the People", February 8, 2017

2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" Tashkent, 1997

3. Decree No. PF4947 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy of Actions for Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" "Word of the People", February 8, 2017

4. Fundamentals of public speaking. Bekmirzayev N.pdf

5. Abdullayeva B.A. Uzbek language and speech culture: textbook. Samarkand: Science, 2019.

6. Satorov M.S. Basics of speech culture// Language and literature education. No. 5. 2021

7. Abdullayeva B.A. Uzbek language and speech culture: textbook. Samarkand: Science, 2019.

8. Kudryatsev V.D. Osnova ortorskogo isskustva. Izd-3. Irkutsk: Nauka, 2021.

9. Sharipov B.Sh. O literaturnom yazyke // Russkiy yazyk v natsionalnyx shkolax. 2022. No. 1.

10. Sharipov B.Sh. O literaturnom yazyke // Russkiy yazyk v natsionalnyx shkolax. 2022. No. 1.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5


11. Satorov M.S. Basics of speech culture// Language and literature education. No. 5. 2021 4. Kudryatsev


HKirboyeva Norgul Tuymuradovna, Navoiy Davlat Pedagogika Instituti o'qituvchisi, [Кирбоева Норгуль Туймурадовна, преподаватель Навоийского государственного педагогического института], [Kirboeva Norgul Tuymuradovna, teacher at Navoi State Pedagogical Institute]; manzil: O'zbekiston, Navoiy sh, Ibn Sino ko'chasi, 45-uy [адрес: Узбекистан, ул. Ибн Сина, 45, г. Навои], [address: Uzbekistan, 45, Ibn Sina st., Navoiy city]

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