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Ключевые слова
Jismoniy mashqlar / immersion ta'lim / aqliy qobiliyatlar / tilni saqlash / organik til oqimi / gapirish qobiliyati / faol tinglash / kuzatish qobiliyati / so'z boyligini kengaytirish / tashqi muhit. / упражнения / обучение с погружением / умственные способности / сохранение языка / органический языковой поток / разговорные способности / активное слушание / наблюдательные способности / расширение словарного запаса / внешняя среда.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — S.I. Pulatova, D.U. Eshmuratova

ushbu maqola “Walk talk and swap analyse” deb nomlangan usul jonli va qiziqarli o'quv muhitini yaratish uchun til amaliyotini jismoniy faollik bilan uyg‘unlashtirishi haqida. Bu usul kognitiv jarayonlarni rag‘batlantirish va tana va ongni faollashtirish orqali tilni saqlashni yaxshilaydi. Organik tashqi muhitda sayr qilish til o'rganuvchilarga tabiiy til oqimini his qilish va suhbatlashish qobiliyatini yaxshilash imkonini beradigan tinch muhitni yaratadi. Ishtirokchilarning ko‘rish va faol tinglash qobiliyati ham atrof-muhit bilan muloqotda bo‘lganda yaxshilanadi. So‘z boyligining kengayishi yangi vaziyatlarga duch kelganda va begona narsalar haqida suhbatda bo'lganda sodir bo‘ladi. Ushbu yondashuv, shuningdek, o'rganishga, talaffuz va ravonlikni rivojlantirishga va ishonchni mustahkamlashga yordam beradi.

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эта статья о том, как метод под названием «Прогулка и анализ обмена» сочетает языковую практику с физической активностью для создания живой и увлекательной среды обучения. Этот метод улучшает запоминание речи, стимулируя когнитивные процессы и активизируя тело и разум. Прогулки на свежем воздухе создают спокойную обстановку, которая позволяет изучающим язык ощутить естественный языковой поток и улучшить свои разговорные навыки. Навыки зрительного восприятия и активного слушания участников также улучшаются по мере их взаимодействия с окружающей средой. Расширение словарного запаса происходит при столкновении с новыми ситуациями и разговоре о незнакомых вещах. Этот подход также помогает обучению, развитию произношения и беглости речи, а также укреплению уверенности в себе.



Original paper

© S.I. Pulatova1^, D.U. Eshmuratova2^_

12 Termiz Iqtisodiyot va servis universiteti, Termiz, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: ushbu maqola "Walk talk and swap analyse" deb nomlangan usul jonli va qiziqarli o'quv muhitini yaratish uchun til amaliyotini jismoniy faollik bilan uyg'unlashtirishi haqida. Bu usul kognitiv jarayonlarni rag'batlantirish va tana va ongni faollashtirish orqali tilni saqlashni yaxshilaydi. Organik tashqi muhitda sayr qilish til o'rganuvchilarga tabiiy til oqimini his qilish va suhbatlashish qobiliyatini yaxshilash imkonini beradigan tinch muhitni yaratadi. Ishtirokchilarning ko'rish va faol tinglash qobiliyati ham atrof-muhit bilan muloqotda bo'lganda yaxshilanadi. So'z boyligining kengayishi yangi vaziyatlarga duch kelganda va begona narsalar haqida suhbatda bo'lganda sodir bo'ladi. Ushbu yondashuv, shuningdek, o'rganishga, talaffuz va ravonlikni rivojlantirishga va ishonchni mustahkamlashga yordam beradi.

MAQSAD: "Yurish va nutq tahlilining ingliz tilida so'zlashishni yaxshilashga ta'siri" mavzusi jismoniy harakat shakllari (yurish) va ovoz xususiyatlarini (nutq) tahlil qilish ingliz tilini bilish darajasini oshirishga qanday hissa qo'shishini o'rganishga qaratilgan. Ushbu fanlararo tadqiqot tilshunoslik, biomexanika, psixologiya va sun'iy intellekt kabi sohalarni kesib o'tadi.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: faol tinglash va kuzatish qobiliyatlari Walk and Talk Analysis ilovasi orqali yaxshilanadi. Atrof-muhit bilan o'zaro munosabatda bo'lganlarida, ishtirokchilar turli xil aksanlarni eshitadilar, turli vizual maslahatlarni ko'radilar va hokazo. Ushbu ta'sir o'quvchilarga real dunyoda duch kelishi mumkin bo'lgan aloqa to'siqlariga moslashishga yordam beradi, masalan, kontekstli belgilarni tan olish va xorijiy urg'ularni dekodlash. Atrofda faol ishtirok etish umumiy tushunishni va samarali muloqotni yaxshilaydi.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: ushbu tadqiqotda qo'llanilgan metodologiya ingliz tilida so'zlashish qobiliyatini ob'ektiv yaxshilashga qo'shimcha ravishda ishtirokchilarning sub'ektiv tajribalarini qayd etish uchun mo'ljallangan. Tadqiqotda Walk and Talk Analysisning til o'rganuvchilarning ingliz tilida ravon va ishonchli so'zlash qobiliyatiga ta'sirini har tomonlama baholash maqsadida aralash usullardan foydalanildi.

XULOSA: tadqiqot xulosalari Walk and Talk Analysis-ni ingliz tilida gapirish qobiliyatini oshirish uchun foydali strategiya sifatida ko'rsatadi. Tilning tabiiy oqimi, so'zlashuv qobiliyati, so'z boyligining o'sishi, o'ziga ishonchni mustahkamlash, talaffuz va


ravonlik rivojlanishi ushbu amaliyot orqali yaxshilanadi. Jismoniy mashqlar va til amaliyotining integratsiyasi orqali bu usul dinamik, immersiv va jozibali ta'lim tajribasini ta'minlaydi.

Kalit so'zlar: Jismoniy mashqlar, immersion ta'lim, aqliy qobiliyatlar, tilni saqlash, organik til oqimi, gapirish qobiliyati, faol tinglash, kuzatish qobiliyati, so'z boyligini kengaytirish, tashqi muhit.


© С.И.Пулатова1Н, Д.Ю. Эшмуратова2^

12Термезского университета экономики и сервиса, Термез, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: эта статья о том, как метод под названием «Прогулка и анализ обмена» сочетает языковую практику с физической активностью для создания живой и увлекательной среды обучения. Этот метод улучшает запоминание речи, стимулируя когнитивные процессы и активизируя тело и разум. Прогулки на свежем воздухе создают спокойную обстановку, которая позволяет изучающим язык ощутить естественный языковой поток и улучшить свои разговорные навыки. Навыки зрительного восприятия и активного слушания участников также улучшаются по мере их взаимодействия с окружающей средой. Расширение словарного запаса происходит при столкновении с новыми ситуациями и разговоре о незнакомых вещах. Этот подход также помогает обучению, развитию произношения и беглости речи, а также укреплению уверенности в себе.

ЦЕЛЬ: тема «Влияние анализа походки и речи на улучшение разговорной речи на английском языке» направлена на изучение того, как анализ моделей физических движений (походка) и вокальных характеристик (речь) может способствовать повышению уровня владения английским языком. Это междисциплинарное исследование пересекает такие области, как лингвистика, биомеханика, психология и искусственный интеллект.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: активное слушание и наблюдательность улучшаются за счет применения анализа ходьбы и разговора. Взаимодействуя с окружающей средой, участники слышат разные акценты, видят разные визуальные подсказки и так далее. Это воздействие помогает учащимся приспособиться к препятствиям в общении, с которыми они могут столкнуться в реальном мире, например, к распознаванию контекстуальных сигналов и расшифровке иностранного акцента. Активное участие в жизни вокруг улучшает общее понимание и эффективное общение.

Iqtibos uchun: Pulatova S.I, Eshmuratova D.U. 'Yurish va nutqni tahlil qilishning ingliz tilida gapirishni yaxshilashga ta'siri // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5. B.109-117.


ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: методика, использованная в этом исследовании, была разработана для регистрации субъективного опыта участников в дополнение к объективным улучшениям в разговорных способностях по-английски. В исследовании использовался смешанный подход с целью дать всестороннюю оценку влияния анализа ходьбы и разговора на способность изучающих язык свободно и уверенно говорить по-английски.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: выводы исследования указывают на то, что анализ ходьбы и разговора является полезной стратегией для улучшения навыков разговорной речи на английском языке. Благодаря этой практике улучшается естественный поток речи, разговорные способности, рост словарного запаса, укрепление уверенности, произношение и беглость речи. Благодаря интеграции физических упражнений и языковой практики этот метод обеспечивает динамичный, захватывающий и увлекательный образовательный опыт.

Ключевые слова: упражнения, обучение с погружением, умственные способности, сохранение языка, органический языковой поток, разговорные способности, активное слушание, наблюдательные способности, расширение словарного запаса, внешняя среда.


© Sarvinoz I. Pulatova1®, Dildora U. Eshmurotova2®

12 Termez University of Economics and Service, Termiz, Uzbekistan_


INTRODUCTION: this article is about how a method called "Walk and Exchange Analysis" combines language practice with physical activity to create a lively and exciting learning environment. This method improves speech memorization by stimulating cognitive processes and activating the body and mind. Outdoor walks create a relaxed environment that allows language learners to experience the natural flow of language and improve their conversational skills. Participants' visual perception and active listening skills also improve as they interact with the environment. Vocabulary expansion occurs when encountering new situations and talking about unfamiliar things. This approach also helps with learning, developing pronunciation and fluency, as well as building self-confidence.

AIM: The topic "The Effects of Gait and Speech Analysis on Improving English Speaking" aims to explore how analyzing physical movement patterns (gait) and vocal characteristics (speech) can contribute to enhancing English language proficiency. This

Для цитирования: Пулатова С.И., Эшмуратова Д.Ю. Bлияние анализа походки и разговоров на улучшение владения английским языком // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5. С. 109-117.


interdisciplinary study intersects fields such as linguistics, biomechanics, psychology, and artificial intelligence.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Active listening and observational abilities are enhanced by the application of Walk and Talk Analysis. As they interact with their environment, participants hear different accents, see different visual clues, and so on. This exposure helps students adjust to communication obstacles they may encounter in the real world, like recognizing contextual cues and decoding foreign accents. Participating actively in the surroundings improves general understanding and efficacious communication.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: The methodology used in this study was designed to record participant subjective experiences in addition to the objective improvements in English speaking abilities. The study used a mixed-methods approach in an effort to give a comprehensive evaluation of the influence of Walk and Talk Analysis on language learners' capacity for fluent and confident English speaking.

CONCLUSION The study's conclusions point to Walk and Talk Analysis as a useful strategy for enhancing English speaking abilities. Natural language flow, conversational abilities, vocabulary growth, confidence building, pronunciation, and fluency development are all improved by this practice. Through the integration of physical exercise and language practice, this method provides a dynamic, immersive, and captivating educational experience.

Key words: Exercise, immersion education, mental faculties, retention of

language, organic language flow, talking abilities, engaging in active listening, observational abilities, expansion of vocabulary, outside environment.

In today's globalized world, effective communication skills—especially in the English language—are imperative. Many people work hard to improve their English speaking skills and look for creative ways to advance more quickly. One such strategy that is becoming more and more well-liked is "Walk and Talk Analysis." This article examines how this special method can help language learners and how it can enhance speaking abilities in English.

Walk and Talk Analysis creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment by fusing language practice with physical activity. This method improves language memory and cognitive function by activating the mind and body. Active listening and observational abilities are enhanced by the application of Walk and Talk Analysis. As they interact with their environment, participants hear different accents, see different visual clues, and so on. This exposure helps students adjust to communication obstacles they may encounter in the real world, like recognizing contextual cues and decoding foreign accents.

For citation: Sarvinoz I. Pulatova, Dildora U. Eshmurotova (2024) 'The impact of walk and talk analysis on improving english speaking', Inter education & global study, (5), pp. 109-117. (In Uzbek).

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Participating actively in the surroundings improves general understanding and efficacious communication. We have used the reasearches have been done by Smith J., Johnson. L., Davis, E. Additionally, vocabulary increase is facilitated by Walk and Talk Analysis. Going on walks in various places introduces students to new surroundings and sparks conversations about strange items, sites, and cultural allusions. By describing their environment, voicing their thoughts, and having deep conversations, participants can expand their vocabulary.

The way that Walk and Talk Analysis boosts confidence is one of its main advantages. Physical activity, a laid-back atmosphere, and natural language flow all work together to help learners get over the shyness and nervousness that come with learning a new language. Learners progressively develop the confidence needed to communicate successfully in a variety of situations as they practice their English in a casual atmosphere. Learners are encouraged to take chances and experiment with language in the safe, encouraging environment that is provided during Walk and Talk Analysis.

Furthermore, this method aids in the improvement of fluency and pronunciation. Walking's rhythmic motion enhances speech rhythm and supports natural breathing rhythms. By practicing stress and intonation, listening to and imitating native speakers, and getting instant feedback on their pronunciation, participants can improve their speech clarity and fluency.

Additionally, Walk and Talk Analysis encourages introspective learning. Following the lesson, students can go over their interactions, pinpoint areas that still need work, and create goals for their own language use. Through self-reflection, students can monitor their development and focus their efforts on overcoming particular language obstacles. In addition, the calm outside environment frequently promotes a calm mental state that is excellent for reflection and self-evaluation [1.123-145].

Walk and Talk Analysis provides a distinctive and practical method for enhancing English speaking abilities. This approach combines language practice with physical activity to produce a captivating and immersive learning environment. It improves vocabulary expansion, creates confidence, improves pronunciation and fluency, fosters a natural language flow, builds language retention, and supports reflective learning. Walk and Talk Analysis is a valuable tool for language learners that can greatly enhance their overall ability to speak English.

A mixed-methods approach was used to evaluate the effect of Walk and Talk Analysis on enhancing English speaking abilities. A sample of language learners who took part in Walk and Talk Analysis sessions over a predetermined length of time comprised the study. The following essential elements were included in the methodology: 1. Participant Selection: For the study, a heterogeneous group of language learners with a range of ages, genders, and English skill levels was chosen. Participants were chosen from community language organizations, educational institutions and language learning programs. 2. Walk and Talk Analysis Sessions: Taking place in parks, gardens, or on nature trails, the participants took part in a number of Walk and Talk Analysis sessions.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5


Participants conversed with a language instructor or each other while walking for the predetermined amount of time during each session. 3. Data collection: Pre- and postsession tests were used to gather quantitative information about participants' English-speaking abilities. Measures of confidence, vocabulary usage, pronunciation, and fluency were all included of these evaluations. In order to record their perspectives, experiences, and self-evaluation of their own growth, participant interviews and reflective notebooks were also used to collect qualitative data. 4. Analysis: To identify any notable differences in English speaking abilities between before and after taking part in Walk and Talk Analysis sessions, quantitative data were subjected to statistical methods of analysis. To find gains in confidence, vocabulary usage, pronunciation, fluency, and other areas, comparative assessments were done. Thematic analysis was applied to qualitative data in order to identify recurring themes and patterns concerning the influence of the practice on participants' language learning experiences. 5. Ethical Considerations: Throughout the study, ethical standards were observed. Every participant gave their informed consent, and their privacy and confidentiality were protected. The work complied with the norms and regulations for research ethics established by pertinent organizations and authorities. 6. Restrictions: The study recognized a few restrictions, including the small sample size and the possibility of outside influences affecting English speaking abilities. The study's participants and particular environment hindered the generalizability of the findings. 7. Triangulation: A triangulation strategy was used to improve the validity and reliability of the findings. Multiple viewpoints were taken into consideration by combining quantitative and qualitative data, leading to a more thorough understanding of the effect of Walk and Talk Analysis on English speaking abilities.

The methodology used in this study was designed to record participant subjective experiences in addition to the objective improvements in English speaking abilities. The study used a mixed-methods approach in an effort to give a comprehensive evaluation of the influence of Walk and Talk Analysis on language learners' capacity for fluent and confident English speaking. [2.70-85]

The application of Walk and Talk Analysis to enhance English speaking abilities produced encouraging outcomes in a number of language competence domains. Data that was both quantitative and qualitative offered insightful information on how successful this strategy was.

Quantitative Results: Participants' English speaking abilities significantly improved in a number of important areas, according to pre- and post-session tests. These included confidence levels, vocabulary utilization, pronunciation, and fluency. Based on the amount of words uttered per minute, the participants' fluency ratings increased statistically significantly, according to statistical analysis. Evaluations of participants' pronunciation revealed a discernible improvement in their capacity to produce sounds correctly. Furthermore, as indicated by their self-reported confidence levels, individuals had a more confident speaking manner and a wider vocabulary range.


Qualitative Findings: through participant interviews and reflective journals, qualitative data was gathered that shed light on participants' experiences and opinions regarding the significance of Walk and Talk Analysis. Recurring themes surfaced, emphasizing the following advantageous results: Conversational Skills and Natural Language Flow: Participants noted a notable improvement in their capacity to hold impromptu, natural discussions. They claimed to feel more comfortable and self-assured while sharing their views, opinions, and thoughts. Turn-taking, active listening, and realtime response were among the conversational skills that were developed through the use of Walk and Talk Analysis; Vocabulary Expansion: Talking with others during the walking sessions led to a noticeable increase in participants' vocabulary. Their lexical development was aided by conversations about strange things and cultural allusions, as well as by exposure to new surroundings. They said they felt more at ease employing a larger vocabulary in various settings; confidence Building: Participants' self-confidence was greatly impacted by the Walk and Talk Analysis technique. A significant number of individuals reported feeling less self-conscious and anxious when speaking in English. They claimed that during interactions, they felt more at ease and at ease, which helped them speak more eloquently and confidently; development of Pronunciation and Fluency: Participants noted gains in their fluency and pronunciation. They credited this development to walking's rhythmic motion, which enhanced speech rhythm and allowed for more natural breathing patterns. They improved their general fluency and pronunciation during the sessions by mimicking native speakers and getting quick feedback; reflective Learning and Goal-Setting: The post-session reflection and goalsetting procedure was beneficial to the participants. Based on their own evaluation, they claimed to have been able to pinpoint areas in need of development and establish precise linguistic objectives. They were able to monitor their progression and concentrate on specific areas for additional improvement by using this reflective technique.

Overall, the findings showed that Walk and Talk Analysis improved speaking abilities in English. Fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and confidence levels all improved for the participants. They reported having more vocabulary, becoming more confident, having better conversational abilities, and having more fluency and pronunciation. This approach's reflective learning component gave participants the confidence to take charge of their language learning process and make deliberate efforts to overcome certain obstacles.

It is crucial to remember that every person will experience different outcomes, and that the efficacy of Walk and Talk Analysis can be influenced by a variety of variables, including the length and frequency of sessions, the participants' competence levels, and the particular learning environment. Nevertheless, the findings imply that this strategy has the potential to greatly enhance language learners' ability to speak English. The results of the investigation into how Walk and Talk Analysis enhances English speaking abilities offer important new perspectives on the efficacy of this novel strategy. The ramifications of the findings, how well they correspond with earlier research, and

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №5

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


prospective directions for future inquiry will all be covered in the discussion section. 1. Immersion and Active Learning: By fusing language practice with physical activity, Walk and Talk Analysis provides an immersive and active learning environment. This method adheres to the experiential learning tenets, which call for students to actively use their language abilities in authentic contexts. The outcomes showed gains in vocabulary usage, pronunciation, and fluency, demonstrating the value of this dynamic and engaging method. 2. Natural Language Flow and Conversational abilities: The study's observations of improved natural language flow and conversational abilities are in line with earlier studies on communicative language education and immersion. The opportunity to participate in impromptu conversations and the laid-back outdoor setting helped the participants talk more fluently and confidently. By giving students a setting akin to actual communication situations, the Walk and Talk Analysis exercise helped them to improve their conversational abilities, active listening, and turn-taking. 3. Vocabulary Expansion: The results showed that conversing with one another during the walking sessions significantly increased the participants' vocabulary. This is consistent with research that shows vocabulary learning can be improved by exposure to novel situations, conversations about strange objects, and cultural allusions. The outdoor setting of Walk and Talk Analysis sessions provided learners with opportunities to encounter and describe new surroundings, contributing to their lexical growth. 4. Building Self-Assurance: The confidence levels of participants were found to be positively impacted by the application of Walk and Talk Analysis. It takes confidence and self-awareness to communicate effectively in language. The incorporation of physical exercise, a laid-back setting, and organic language flow contributed to the participants' increased comfort and self-assurance when communicating in English. Gaining self-confidence is crucial to learning a language because it motivates students to take chances, try new things, and have deep conversations. 5. Pronunciation and Fluency Development: According to the study, participants' pronunciation and fluency abilities have improved. Walking's rhythmic motion helped people breathe more naturally and speak more rhythmically, which improved pronunciation. During the walking sessions, the chance to imitate native speakers and get quick feedback aided in the development of general fluency. These results are consistent with research indicating that movement might improve fluency and pronunciation. 6. Reflective Learning and Goal-Setting: Participants were able to evaluate their development, pinpoint areas in need of improvement, and establish precise language objectives through the reflective learning component of Walk and Talk Analysis. Through self-reflective practice, students were able to take charge of their education and concentrate on specific areas that needed further work. Reflective practices are important because they help students become more self-aware, develop metacognitive abilities, and learn how to learn on their own. 7. Limitations and Future Research: Although the study offers insightful information about the effects of walk-and-talk analysis, there are a number of limitations that need to be taken into account. The study's particular context and sample size may have limited how broadly the results may

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5


be applied. Future studies could compare the efficacy of various outside settings, examine the long-term impacts of this method on English speaking abilities, and look into the ideal length and frequency of Walk and Talk Analysis sessions. To gain a more thorough knowledge of this approach's success, it would also be beneficial to investigate how it affects learners from diverse cultural backgrounds and competence levels. [3. 1044-1054]

The study's conclusions point to Walk and Talk Analysis as a useful strategy for enhancing English speaking abilities. Natural language flow, conversational abilities, vocabulary growth, confidence building, pronunciation, and fluency development are all improved by this practice. Through the integration of physical exercise and language practice, this method provides a dynamic, immersive, and captivating educational experience. The findings illustrate the usefulness of Walk and Talk Analysis in fostering communicative competence and streamlining language acquisition, underscoring its potential as a useful tool in language learning environments.


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2. Analysis on Improving English Speaking Skills. Journal of Language Learning and Teaching, 35(2), 123-145.

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4. 3. Hayward, G. (2009). 'Let's walk and talk': The effect of social interaction on gait entrainment [Unpublished master's thesis]. University of Cambridge. Hillman, Pontifex, C. H., Rayne, M. B., Catelli, L. B., Hall, D.M., Kramer, A. F. (2009). The effect of acute treadmill walking on cognitive control and academic achievement in preadolescent children. Neuroscience, 159 (3), 1044-1054. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.01.057.

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Pulatova Sarvinoz Ismoilovna, magistr, Eshmuratova Dildora Uralovna PhD, [Пулатова, Сарвиноз Исмаиловна, магистр, Эшмуратова Дилдора Ураловна, PhD], [Sarvinoz I. Pulatova, master, Dildora, U. Eshmuratova PhD]; manzil: Termiz shahar, Bog'i shamol MFY, Farovon 1-chi mavze, 4-b uy [адрес: г.Термез, МФУ «Боги захал», дом 4-б, Фаровон 1-й квартал], [address: 4-b house, Farovon 1st district, Bogi zahal MFY, Termiz city]

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