Научная статья на тему 'Studying the effectiveness of the IX stage All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO (RLD) normatives fulfillment, which define physical readiness of population at the age of 50-54'

Studying the effectiveness of the IX stage All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO (RLD) normatives fulfillment, which define physical readiness of population at the age of 50-54 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
research / physical readiness / results / pedagogical experiment / center of testing / methods and means

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Aleksey V. Fursov, Nikolay N. Beznosko, Svetlana A. Davydova, Nikolay I. Sinyavskiy, Nikolay N. Sinyavskiy

The aim of the research is to reveal the level of physical readiness according to the final results of the IX the stage GTO (RLD) norms fulfillment by the population of Surgut. The authors analyzed physical fitness of population at the age of 50-54 and their readiness to master normatives of “Ready for labor and defense” (RLD) complex. Research methods. Stating pedagogical experiment was held according to the results of test among 50-54 year-old people. They were registered and took part in state nornatives fulfillment of All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO (RLD) in the Surgut center of testing. The results according to GTO (RLD) complex were handled with the help of information system (127 respondents-70 men and 57 women). Results. Physical fitness of population analysis in Surgut showed that 10% of men at the age of 50-54 fulfilled GTO (RLD) complex normatives and got gold badges, 5,7% got silver badge. 82,3% of men didn’t manage to fulfill the normatives. Among 50-54 year-old women gold badge got 14,3% of respondents, silver badge7%. 78,9% of women didn’t fulfill GTO (RLD) complex normatives. The problem tests at the age group of 50-54 years-old at the IX stage among men was endurance test, among women endurance and power abilities tests. Conclusion. As a result of the held experiment the authors came to the conclusion that nowadays the most urgent problem becomes the problem of mass physical culture, health-improving and sports work forms, methods and means development among population.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-60-64
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Текст научной работы на тему «Studying the effectiveness of the IX stage All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO (RLD) normatives fulfillment, which define physical readiness of population at the age of 50-54»


DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-60-64

Studying the effectiveness of the IX stage All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO (RLD) normatives fulfillment, which define physical readiness of population at the age of 50-54

Aleksey V. Fursov1*, Nikolay N. Beznosko1, Svetlana A. Davydova2, Nikolay I. Sinyavskiy1, Nikolay N. Sinyavskiy1

1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Russia, Surgut Nizhnevartovsk State University, Russia, Nizhnevartovsk ORCID: 0000-0003-3711-2949, FursovAV@bk.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-5845-5580, csc@surgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-5619-3882, ffkis@nvsu.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-1596-4385, nsin1967@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-9623-6370, sinyavskiynik@mail.ru

Abstract: The aim of the research is to reveal the level of physical readiness according to the final results of the IX the stage GTO (RLD) norms fulfillment by the population of Surgut. The authors analyzed physical fitness of population at the age of 50-54 and their readiness to master normatives of "Ready for labor and defense" (RLD) complex. Research methods. Stating pedagogical experiment was held according to the results of test among 50-54 year-old people. They were registered and took part in state nornatives fulfillment of All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO (RLD) in the Surgut center of testing. The results according to GTO (RLD) complex were handled with the help of information system (127 respondents-70 men and 57 women). Results. Physical fitness of population analysis in Surgut showed that 10% of men at the age of 50-54 fulfilled GTO (RLD) complex normatives and got gold badges, 5,7% got silver badge. 82,3% of men didn't manage to fulfill the normatives. Among 50-54 year-old women gold badge got 14,3% of respondents, silver badge- 7%. 78,9% of women didn't fulfill GTO (RLD) complex normatives. The problem tests at the age group of 50-54 years-old at the IX stage among men was endurance test, among women endurance and power abilities tests. Conclusion. As a result of the held experiment the authors came to the conclusion that nowadays the most urgent problem becomes the problem of mass physical culture, health-improving and sports work forms, methods and means development among population.

Keywords: research, physical readiness, results, pedagogical experiment, center of testing, methods and means.

For citation: Aleksey V. Fursov, Nikolay N. Beznosko, Svetlana A. Davydova, Nikolay I. Sinyavskiy, Nikolay N. Sinyavskiy. Studying the effectiveness of the IX stage All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO (RLD) normatives fulfillment, which define physical readiness of population at the age of 50-54. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(2): 52-55. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-60-64.


Nowadays one of the main demands of GTO (RLD) complex realization among all age categories of the Russian Federation population is systematic physical exercises fulfillment [3,5]. Creation and introduction of different mechanisms of population involvement into physical culture health-improving methodologies and kinds of sport would provide successful APSC GTO (RLD) realization in the Russian Federation. It will lead to the interest increase in physical culture lessons, motor activity activation and physical and functional readiness improvement. It has a positive influence on health

state level and high working capacity of a person provision [2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12].

The results of physical readiness testing among population (Surgut) were used as the research material at the age category 50-54 years-old on the basis of GTO (RLD) complex norms. The received results handling was held using AS PSC GTO (RLD) (Automized support of physical culture and sport complex GTO) online-service [1]. 127 people took part in the research (70 men and 57 women).

Results and Discussion

During the tests fulfillment among men we

received the following results (picture 1). In power abilities test 31,4% of respondents (22 people) received gold badge, 4,3% of respondents (3 people) got silver badge, 1,4% of respondents (1 person) got bronze badge. 44 people (62,9%) didn't cope with power abilities test.

In endurance test among men 18,6% of respondents (13 people) got gold badge, 1,4% of

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respondents (1 person) got silver badge. 80,0% of respondents (56 people) didn't cope with endurance test.

In flexibility test 22,9% of respondents (16 people) got gold badge. 8,6% of respondents (6 people) got silver badge. 48 people (68,6%) didn't cope with flexibility test.



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didn't cope with power

Picture 1 - The results of physical readiness among men at the age category 50-54 years-old according to

IX stage of GTO (RLD) complex normatives

Силовые способности-power abilities



Скоростно-силовые способности-speed-power abilities

Прикладные умения или навыки-applied abilities and skills

Не выполнившие-didn't cope


Серебро- silver


In speed-power abilities test 17,1% of respondents or 12 people got gold badge. Silver badge got 10,0% of respondents or 7 people, 1 person (1,4%) got bronze badge. 50 people (71,4%) didn't cope with speed-power abilities test.

During the applied abilities and skills test fulfillment the results were the following: 20,0% of respondents (14 people) got gold badge, 2,9% (or 2 people) got silver badge, 1,4% of respondents (1 person) got bronze badge of GTO(RLD).53 people (75,7%) didn't cope with the test.

In tests among women the results were the following (picture 2): in power abilities test 29,8% of respondents (17 people) got gold badge, 10,5% of respondents (6 people) - silver badge, 3,5% (2 people) - bronze badge.

32 people (56, abilities test.

In endurance test among women 22,8% of respondents (13 people) got gold badge, 1,7% of respondents (1 person) got silver badge. 43 women (75,4%) didn't cope with the test.

In flexibility test 47,4% of respondents (27 people) got gold badge. 8,7% of respondents (5 people) got silver badge. 1,7% of respondents (1 person) got bronze badge. 24 women (42,1%) didn't cope with flexibility test.

In speed-power abilities tests 31,6% of respondents (18 people) got gold badge. Silver badge got 8,7% of respondents or 5 people and 12,3% of respondents (7 people) got bronze badge. 27 people (47,4%) didn't cope with the test.


In applied abilities and skills test the results were silver badge, 1,7% of respondents or 1 woman got the following: 21,1% of respondents or 12 people got bronze badge. 42 women (73,7%) didn't cope with gold badge, 3,5% of respondents or 2 women got the test.

Picture 2 - The results of physical readiness among women at the age category 50-54 years-old according

to IX stage of GTO (RLD) complex normatives

Силовые способности-power abilities



Скоростно-силовые способности-speed-power abilities

Прикладные умения или навыки-applied abilities and skills

Не выполнившие-didn't cope


Серебро- silver



Physical readiness results analysis according to IX stage of GTO (RLD) complex showed that the worst results of testing were among men at the age of 50-54 according to the kinds of tests. They define endurance level development. 80% of respondents didn't cope with this kind of test. In speed-power abilities test, applied abilities and skills test more than 70% of respondents didn't cope with the tasks. 68% of respondents didn't cope with flexibility test.

Among women there was a low level of endurance development (more than 75% of respondents didn't cope with this kind of test) and insufficient level of the main applied abilities and skills. The results of the held analysis help to actualize the questions, connected with the most effective means use for endurance development, for mastering necessary and vital applied abilities and skills.


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Submitted: 23.05.2019 Author's information:

Alexey V. Fursov - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Surgut State Pedagogical University, 628400, Russia, Surgut, Artema str., House 9, e-mail: FursovAV@bk.ru

Nikolay N. Beznosko - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Surgut State Pedagogical University, 628400, Russia, Surgut, Artema str., House 9, e-mail: csc@surgpu.ru

Svetlana A. Davydova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Nizhnevartovsk State University, 628605, Russia, Nizhnevartovsk, Lenina str., House 2, e-mail: ffkis@ nvsu.ru

Nikolay I. Sinyavskiy - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Surgut State Pedagogical University, 628400, Russia, Surgut, Artema str., House 9, e-mail: nsin1967@yandex.ru

Nikolay N. Sinyavskiy - Post-graduate, Surgut State Pedagogical University, 628400, Russia, Surgut, Artema str., House 9, e-mail: sinyavskiynik@mail.ru

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