2. Kuzin V.V. Sponsorstvo v sporte [Sponsorship in sport]. Moscow, Russian State Academy of Physical Culture, 1994, 146p.
3. Shapovalenko I.V. Vosrastnaya psihologuya [Age-specific psychology]. Moscow, 2005.
4. Kuznetsov S. A., Kuznetsova Z. M. History of the development of Paralympic sports in the world. Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie I mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Pedagogio-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports], 2014, Vol. 9, no 2, pp. 4653. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/article/61.html. DOI 10.14526/00 1111 06.
Submitted: 30.05.2017 Received: 02.06.2017
5. Kuznetsov S.A. Social tourism as a phenomenon of social state. Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie I mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports], 2013, Vol.8, no 1, pp. 101-107. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/magazine/19.html.
6. Audrey R. Chapman The Contributions of Human Rights to Universal Health Coverage. Zdorov'e i prava cheloveka [Health and Human Rights]. 2016, Vol. 18, No. 2. (SCOPUS)
7. Tracey Bushnik, Didier Garriguet, Rachel Colley. Parent-Child association in body weight status. Otchety o rabotosposobnosti [Health Reports]. 2017, June 21. (SCOPUS)
Stanislav A. Kuznetsov - associate professor, Tatar University of Assistance to Business, Tatrstan str., 10 Naberezhnye Chely, Russia, 423800, E-mail: stanislav_kuznetsov@,mail. ru
For citations: Kuznetsov S.A. Future specialists' normative-juridical training conception in the sphere of social tourism, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 92-99.
DOI 10.14526/01_2017_213
Natalia S. Moshenko - senior lecturer, Kostanay Socio-Technical University Named After Academician Z. Aldamzhar, 27, Gertsen str., Kostanay, 110010, Kazakhstan
E-mail: ciassic-111@mail.ru
Abstract. The article discusses the possibility of the sports managers communication skills development with the confidence in the implementation of sports and sporting events game orientation. Materials. Analysis of specialists scientific-research works allowed to carry out justification of playing sports use in sports managers training, aimed at the formation of their communicative abilities with the installation on trust. The purpose of this research is theoretical and practical substantiation of communicative abilities formation method with the confidence offuture sports managers through the use of team sports. Research methods. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature, questionnaire survey, pedagogical observation, rapid assessment, testing the level offormation of communicative skills, the testing, the method of mathematical statistics. Results. In the first phase of our research pedagogical conditions for the realization of methods of learning, including playing sports and promoting the effective development of communication skills with the confidence of the sports managers are identified. In the result of pedagogical observation and
analysis of scientific-methodic and special literature four pedagogical conditions are identified. Practical implementation of methods aimed at developing communicative abilities with the confidence of sports managers showed growth and a significant predominance of high level of communicative abilities formation with the confidence of the students in the experimental group. In the control group, there was a slight change. Conclusion. Implementation methodology creation of optimum pedagogical conditions contributed to the improvement of communication skills level with the confidence of the sports managers.
Keywords: sports managers, pedagogical conditions, team sports, communication skills.
Introduction. The President of the country Vladimir Putin noted that "In Russia a lot is being done to engage young people on the values of physical culture and athletes training system improvement. One of the most important steps in this direction - the creation in Sochi the Russian International Olympic University. This University aims to become an authoritative centre in the field of specialists training, sports management and innovative educational methods and technologies implementation." These words should be the impetus to create new technologies and methods for sports managers training. Whatever questions we had not considered, all the more urgent at the modern stage of the new entity formation, the key should be the question of communicative abilities formation with the installation of the trust in thesports specialists training. Just only trust and trust relationships can raise our country higher and higher [5].
In connection with the above words you should pay attention to the fact that studyof communicative abilities formation problem of sports managers installing on trust from the pedagogical view pointis conditioned by thesociety social order, namely the development of a socially formed identity as a future professional specialist, as an expert in his field.
In the works of many authors it is shown that the future specialists communicative abilities formation should have central place in the educational process [1,2,3,4,6]. The necessary level of communicative abilities formation is one of the important components of students ' readiness to learn, providing thereby the possibility of a successful future professional activities in the team. In this regard, the use of team sports
through which a student acquires the necessary experience, collective engagement, trust and trust relationships in complex, changing situations can be the basis of specialists training capable to work in modern conditions and to build effective professional relationships.
In this regard, the development of this theme is topical considering the needs of society in a healthy nation.
The purpose of the study is theoretical justification of sports managers communicative abilities process formation with installation on trust using team sports. The main objectives of the study was to develop the pedagogical conditions necessary for the substantiation of future sports managers communicative abilities formation method with the installation of trust using team sports.
Methods and research organization. To address this goal, we used such research methods as analysis of scientific and methodical literature, testing the level of communicative skills formation, the testing, the method of mathematical statistics.
The research was carried out on the basis of the Ural State University of physical culture. Students of the specialization sports managers in the amount of 64 took part in the research.
Results. For the effective implementation of methodical approach to sport managers communicative abilities formation with installation on trust we developed pedagogical conditions that need to be considered.
Taking into consideration that the process of sport managers communicative abilities formation by establishing trust relationships was not described in the literature.
This provision requires the development of pedagogical conditions in order to clarify and substantiate the process of sport managers communicative abilities formation with installation on trust.
The first pedagogical condition, formulated by us, includes for sport managers the process of a positive subject-developing environment creating which is able to act as a stimulant in a single educational space development of the student as a specialist, which in turn promotes the communicative abilities formation with installation ontrust. In this example, sports games with simplified rules, which can be realized in practical classes and in the training and production practice of students are used. This approach is an innovative solution to enhance motivation of students to professional activity. The use of team sports allows students to form a positive attitude towards the learning process.
Without establishing a shared, friendly space for participants in the educational process it is impossible to resolve the formation of a trusting relationship between participants and teachers. The second pedagogical condition, therefore, involves the organization of a single value-semantic cooperation of all educational process participants. This approach makes extensive use of the communication process through game activities, which include understanding the nature of the game, reaction to the game and the actions of participants on command and rivals.
The creation of communicative and interactive bases of all educational process participants mutual relations could become the third pedagogical condition. The individual moral development in the team should be considered in terms of communicative interaction and relationships enhancing. Within this pedagogical condition playing sports act as a communicative and interactive communication bridge, which is formed in the game process.
Systematization of tools and methods in team sports allows to use them in accordance with the psycho-pedagogical
individual characteristics of each student and it could be the fourth pedagogical condition.
In our example of the sport managers communicative abilities formation with installation on trust happened in the process of team sports implementation. The use of various symbolic tools, for ease of participants communication understanding in the game such as: gestures, signs, technical and tactical receptions and actions of the various commands, speech, etc. was included. It allows to increase the social competence of the student in the process of game actions with peers, teachers. In the process of the game and game actions students are connected in a single educational process of cooperation in the framework of certain rules implementation that allows to build a relationship not just in knowledge of the game rules, but trust each other in performing technical and tactical techniques aimed at achieving results. For example, a good serve in volleyball, a good reception of the ball understanding the partner's action in the game. In basketball, a good reception and passing the ball, attack ring with effective action of connectingthe participants in the game. In football also occurs teamwork building a clear relationship between the players. In the game of badminton and table tennis trust is realized through confidence in the teammates.
To establish a trust relationship during gaming activities not only knowledge of the game rules is necessary, but a set of tactical and technical actions are needed. In this regard, inclusionof sport managers communicative abilities formation process with installation on trust sports activities should form the basis for the experimental techniques creation. Creating game situations in the game space promotes freedom and voluntary relations between the players of the team and the opposing team. Knowledge of the game rules and use of ingame actions depending on the situations within certain rules allows to change relationships in the game and after the game, discipline the order of relations and behavior. Noted that the rules of the game require their obedience and respect. Breaking the rules of the game can't be in the game because it will
lead the complexity of relationships and will cause a lack of trust. Trust relationship building in the game can also transferred to the other process relations. Players on the team easier to understand each other in production.
Game actions help to build mutually beneficial relationships between the players, give the opportunity to create and unite the team. The appeal of the game is so great and the game contact of people with each other so complete and deep that the Commonwealth games discover the ability to survive after the end of the game.
Thus, the involvement of students in team sports contributes to solving problems need formation, which excites, stimulates the mind, sets up a search for optimal solutions. Also gives a physical improvement, because in its active form it involves learning and application agility, care, fast, the ability to navigate and move.
At the development stage of the communicative abilities experimental procedure formation with the installation of trust in the practical part of the course included training with the inclusion of team sports. And installing that students voluntarily attended extra-curricular sports. For selection suggested volleyball, basketball, badminton, football, table tennis, etc.
Playing sports are essentially a preparatory stage for sports managers future profession in which the systematization, strengthening, generalization and supplement of existing knowledge and skills happens. Games have a significant influence on the individual student personality formation and in the process, he receives a significant degree of freedom in this process contributing toskill of independent action skill formation, reflecting the potential of the student to create a plan personal activities in the game, to find means for its realization, maintaining conceived them to control their actions in diverse situations, put in the sports.
The whole process of the organization, which was carried out with the purpose of sport managers communicative abilities formation with installation on trust built on the basis of
the purposeful inclusion of students in activities, which consisted of several stages.
The first stage - the preparatory stage, characterized by identifyingstudents relations to the concepts of trust and trust relationships with the subsequent compilation of trust individual profiles.
The second phase, pilot studies of communicative abilities formation with the confidence of a sports management and conduct of students ' desire to practice competitive sports.
The third stage is characterized by the implementations of all activities aimed at the sport managers communicative abilities formation with installation on trust. To do this in the first place we implemented a special course "Sport managers communicative abilities formation with installation on trust", at practical lessons widely used sports and games with simplified rulesand with the analysisof the project participants game activities.
At carrying out pedagogical experiment, all diagnostic procedures were performed in compliance with the rules of the research organization. It should be emphasized that the acquisition of control and experimental groups were not guided by friendship and emotional preferences of students, and divided the group based on the identified relationships to the concepts "Trust" and "Trusting relationship" and use them in life. The experiment involved 64 students, which in the course of studies were divided into one control and one experimental group consisting of 32 students.
During the pedagogical experiment the results of formation of communicative abilities formation were assessed on the following criteria, with the identification of either their presence or absence:
1) the ability to dialogue and negotiation with participants, team;
2) the ability to perform mutual monitoring of actions;
3) show respect and to assess the joint result of the activities;
4) the ability to provide mutual The experimental results obtained assistance in the implementation of the joint before and after the experiment are presented command and tactical actions; in table 1
5) rationality of the used motor actions.
Table 1 - The students distribution by levels of communicative abilities development with
the installation on trust (before and after the pedagogical experiment), (%)
thestudygroup the level of formation of communicative abilities with the install and trust
high medium low
Before the experiment
CG (n=32) 15 (46,8%) 10 (31,3%) 7 (21,9%)
EG (n=32) 15 (46,8%) 11 (34,4%) 6 (18,8%)
After the experiment
CG (n=32) 16 (50,0%) 11 (34,4%) 5 (15,62%)
EG (n=32) 19 (59,4%) 13 (40,6%) 0 (0%)
Table 1 presents the results of the pedagogical experiment. The students results distribution by levels of communicative abilities development with the installation on trust before the experiment showed that the groups were homogeneous. After the practical implementation of the developed by us method aimed at sport managers communicative abilities development with the installation on trust in the implementation of team sports, we got the results with the significant predominance of sport managers high level communicative abilities formation with the installation on trust in the experimental group. In the control group, there was a slight change.
Thus, the comparative analysis of the quantitative data obtained through the experiments, we can conclude that the implementation of optimum pedagogical conditions methodology contributed to the sport managers communication skills improvement level with the installation on trust. The use of sports within the sports activities of the students stressed the usefulness, the possibilities of realizing the potential of sports activities as a basis for social adaptation of first year students to University life.
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6. Kuznetsova Z.M., Zainullin S.R. Features of the changes dynamics in the structure of students-boxers preparedness, during full-time study at the University. Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports], 2007, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 5155. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/article/517. html.
7. Kuznetsov S. A., Kuznetsova Z. M. History of the Paralympic sports development in the world. Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports]. 2014, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 4653. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/article/61.html. DOI 10.14526/00 1111 06.
8. Audrey R. Chapman. The Contributions of Human Rights to Universal Health Coverage. Zdorov'e i prava cheloveka [Health and Human Rights]. 2016, Vol. 18, No. 2 (SCOPUS).
9. Tracey Bushnik, Didier Garriguet, Rachel Colley. Parent-Child association in body weight status / Tracey Bushnik, Didier Garriguet, Rachel Colley.
Otchety o rabotosposobnosti [Health Reports]. 2017, June 21. (SCOPUS).
Submitted: 27.04.2017 Received:03.05.2017
Natalia S. Moshenko - senior lecturer, Kostanay Socio-Technical University Named After Academician Z. Aldamzhar, 27, Gertsen str., Kostanay, 110010, Kazakhstan, E-mail: ciassic-111@mail.ru
For citations: Moshenko, N. S. Sports managers communication skills development with the installation on trust in the implementation of game activity, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 99-104.
DOI 10.14526/01_2017_214
Anatoly A. Opletin — candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomolsky prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia
E-mail: opletin.a@yandex.ru
Annotation. The article considers the question of martial arts systems using in the educational process ofphysical culture lessons for students personality patriotic, social-moral self-development formation. For training them to serve in the Russian Federation armed forces for the Motherland protection, for students upbringing on the best traditions established by our fathers and grandfathers. Material. This article is addressed to the issue of students Patriotic education social-moral mechanism formation at the physical culture lessons by means of martial arts. Research methods. Analysis of scientific and scientific-methodical literature on the research problem, pedagogical observation, questionnaire, experiment. Results. Developed and implemented in the educational process of students social-moral self-development patriotic education mechanism at physical culture lessons by means of martial arts, which gave positive results in the educational process of the University. Conclusion. The research confirms that the use in the educational process of the University students the Russian self-defense system helps to create a physical sport personal safety competence. Physical education goes beyond the only applied professional competencies but also creates interdisciplinary competence.
Keywords: feast, martial arts, culture, system, personal safety competence.
Culture - a broad concept, representing the harmonious unity of many components, one of them is physical culture[4]. The Slavic
peoples original physical culture found expression in folk games, rites, and customs. Ancient national system of military martial arts "ROSS, FEAST, THUNDER" were