СООТВЕТСТВИЕ ПЕРЕВОДА ТЕРМИНОВ ОБЛАСТИ ИХ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
терминологическая лексика / контекст / перевод / лингвистика. / terminological vocabulary / context / translation / linguistics.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Батаева Фроза Асановна, Жантаева Дана Талгатовна

В статье описаны проблемы и трудности при переводе терминологической лексики. Отдельно рассмотрены методы и приемы перевода, влияние сферы употребления на переводческую терминологию. Отмечается, что для успешного перевода терминологической лексики необходимы не только лингвистические знания, но и глубокое понимание культурного контекста, активное использование имеющихся ресурсов и технологий, а также готовность постоянно учиться и адаптироваться.

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The article describes problems and challenges when translating terminological vocabulary. Methods and techniques of translation, the influence of the sphere of use on translation terminology are considered separately. It is noted that not only linguistic knowledge is required for successful translation of terminological vocabulary, but also a deep understanding of the cultural context, active use of available resources and technologies, as well as willingness to constantly learn and adapt.


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Батаева Ф.А., Жантаева Д.Т. Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г.Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. В статье описаны проблемы и трудности при переводе терминологической лексики. Отдельно рассмотрены методы и приемы перевода, влияние сферы употребления на переводческую терминологию. Отмечается, что для успешного перевода терминологической лексики необходимы не только лингвистические знания, но и глубокое понимание культурного контекста, активное использование имеющихся ресурсов и технологий, а также готовность постоянно учиться и адаптироваться.

Ключевые слова: терминологическая лексика, контекст, перевод, лингвистика.

Для цитирования: Батаева Ф.А., Жантаева Д.Т. Соответствие перевода терминов области их применения // Наука и реальность. 2024. № 3 (19). С. 97-100.



Batayeva F. A., Zhantaeva D. T. Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan)

Abstract. The article describes problems and challenges when translating terminological vocabulary. Methods and techniques of translation, the influence of the sphere of use on translation terminology are considered separately. It is noted that not only linguistic knowledge is required for successful translation of terminological vocabulary, but also a deep understanding of the cultural context, active use of available resources and technologies, as well as willingness to constantly learn and adapt.

Keywords: terminological vocabulary, context, translation, linguistics.

For citation: Batayeva F. A., Zhantaeva D. T. Compliance of the translation of terms with the field of their application // Science & Reality. no. 3 (19). pp. 97-100. (in English).

Common vocabulary cannot be a unit of scientific discourse, it is used to convey everyday information between members of communication specific to a certain nation, and it was determined

that the term designates special knowledge and is used only for specialists of that field, to provide accessible information unrelated to their nationality. Therefore, for our research, the following features of the term are very important: consistency, ambiguity, synonymy and precision. From the point of view of usage, the terms perform naming and defining functions.

Among the various definitions given to the terms, regularity and accuracy are classified as permanent features, and the rest are defined only in the course of discursive use. During the analysis of the important characteristics of the term, we came to the following conclusion: it proves that the term is used by professionals of a certain subject area, that is, in a small language and it forms the core of a special purpose language. Therefore, in our study, we rely on the following definition of the term: a word or phrase that represents a specific scientific concept in the scientific discourse related to a certain field of study, and at the same time performs a naming and defining function [1].

Terminology and professional words are mutually exclusive phenomena, because the first one is characterized by the "official", "legal" nature accepted by the literary language, while the second one, on the contrary, can be based on "illegal", "semi-official", "informal" signs. So, in our opinion, professional words and pronunciations are doublets of terms with a simple, everyday and emotional tone, which are used by certain professionals and are often found in the colloquial language as well.

From our point of view, they are assimilated into the general literary language, primarily due to their emotional artistry. For example, this phenomenon between terms and professional words is clearly manifested when they form a pair of synonyms: "mascara", "lash dye", "eye pencil", "eye shadow", etc. It is very important for terminologists to study the nature of professional words, because in most cases they can be found in general literary language, lose their stylistic sign and become a new example of word formation. And it can be said that the process of their transition to the literary language is observed in all languages, because this process is characterized by the law of saving language, saving language tools.

One of the most difficult problems associated with the translation of scientific and technical texts is to convey the original content using a different terminological system. Because any terminological system is a part of national language lexicon. Therefore, it defines the national-cultural features of that language and shows the material-conceptual field of that knowledge. And, in turn, we believe that it is a legitimate phenomenon that it should be different in different nations depending on the level of development. It is well known that the situation of having only one alternative is not a problem for the translator, but it is not easy to choose the most suitable option in the case of several alternatives [2].

A more complicated situation arises when there is no equivalent of the input term. In the theory of translation, the main methods of translating non-equivalent terms are well defined and it is clear that they are used by professional translators and specialists. Based on the analysis of the use of terms in specific texts, the definition of their system connections creates an opportunity to establish paradigmatic relations. These paradigmatic relations are acquired by the term as a member

of the terminological system. It was determined that these relations allow to determine the scope of the concept defined by the term, its place in the terminological system, and how accurately the meaning of the term is given by the logical unit in the translated language.

In general, issues related to terms in Kazakh linguistics, in particular, their creation and translation, have not yet been systematized and settled. While translating the terms, a group of scientists suggested to translate using international terms, while others think that it is better to use a literal translation based on our native language. In our research work, terms related to the meat industry were considered as the object of research. Both international terms and terms based on our national language were used during their translation. This proves the lack of a uniform system and framework. Therefore, first of all, it is better to choose the basis of creating terms and translating them or to bring them into a certain system [3].

At the same time, during the translation of terms, it is necessary to take into account the field of its application, that is, the translation of the terms should correspond to the field of its application. A certain term in the Kazakh language may have different translations in different areas, so it is better to take this into account and be careful when translating terms. The meat industry is connected with adjacent fields of science, so it is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between them and use the translation strategy. The following issue related to branches should not be left out of mind: it is also necessary to take into account the semantic connection between components in terms and term-associations.

Terminology as a scientific discipline has undergone enormous changes.

First of all, the status of terminology has changed, becoming one of the components of a complex of sciences that includes the theory of a number of branches such as business, medicine, and legal proceedings and their special discourse. Second, terminology is comparative, typological, cognitive, etc. has become a complex of interrelated sciences such as terminology. Thirdly, anthropolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, ecolinguistics, etc. connection with other new subjects has expanded [4].

That's why questions about the theory and practice of terminology are becoming an actual issue nowadays. On the one hand, researchers focus on specific questions related to the formation and improvement of countless individual terminologies. On the other hand, they attach great importance to the general theory, general principles and methods of this question. Linguists have done a lot of work in this field, and it is important to mention them.

The system of these problems is described as follows:

1. The nature of the term. It is impossible to give a precise definition of the concept of "term" because there is no consensus among researchers. "The weakest link in terminology is still the determination of the nature of the term, because the term is not only a multifaceted object of reference, but also an internally contradictory object."

2. Term function. The term performs communicative (giving knowledge), informative (information-communicative), heuristic (function of discovering new knowledge), didactic (explanatory, pedagogical, learning), guiding, cognitive functions. These functions apply socially

important processes: confirmation of professional information, accumulation and transfer of knowledge, formation of texts in various communicative directions.

3. Contrast between term and non-term. The sources of the terms are different and related to different fields. By studying them, "the reason for choosing a specific name and a specific lexical unit as a term" is explained.

4. Term expressiveness. The term originates from the verbalization of human thought and, when considered as a whole, reflects the human mind, and emotions enter the mind, so the terms can be considered emotional and expressive. Individual studies of scientists prove the following: "terms represent the attitude of the speaker to the object of speech and are expressive".


1. Bruce E. W. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of translation from Russian to English: a textbook. 2nd ed., rev. and complement. - M.: URAO publishing house, 2000. - 208 p.

2. Kazakova T. A. Translation practical basics. English language (Russia. - Series: Foreign languages to learn - St. Petersburg: "Soyuz Publishing House", 2000. - 320 p.

3. Latyshev L.K. Translation course: Translation equivalence and to him how to reach will be - M.: International relations, 2001 - p. 248.

4. Latyshev L. K. Translation: theory, practice and teaching methodology Issues: German language deepen teaching of schools to teachers for book. - M.: Education, 2018. - 159 p.

Батаева Фроза Асановна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан).

Batayeva Froza Asanovna, candidate of philological sciences, Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan).

: asanfroza@gmail.com

Жантаева Дана Талгатовна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан).

Zhantaeva Dana Talgatovna, master's student, Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan).

Дата поступления: 18.05.2024

© Батаева Ф.А., Жантаева Д.Т., 2024

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