LINGUISTIC STYLISTIC TOOLS USED IN ENGLISH AND THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS IN TRANSLATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Batayeva F. A., Biryukova N. S.

This article is devoted to the study of translation transformations: their complex nature, classification, causes and situations of use. Linguistic stylistic tools used in English and their transformations in translation into Kazakh are considered. In this study, we regard the linguistic and stylistic features of the translation of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

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УДК 81.42 Научная статья


Батаева Ф. А.

Кокшетауский университет им. А. Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Бирюкова Н. С.

БУ ВО «Сургутский государственный университет»

(г.Сургут, Россия)

Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена изучению переводческих трансформаций: их сложной природе, классификации, причинам и ситуациям употребления. Рассмотрены лингвистические стилистические средства, используемые в английском языке, и их трансформации при переводе на казахский язык. В данном исследовании мы рассматриваем лингвистические и стилистические особенности перевода романа Марка Твена «Приключения Гекльберри Финна».

Ключевые слова: переводческие трансформации, стилистические средства, языковые и экстралингвистические факторы.

Для цитирования: Батаева, Ф.А. Лингвостилистические средства, используемые в английском языке и их трансформации при переводе / Ф.А. Батаева, Н.С. Бирюкова //Наука и реальность. - 2023. - № 2(14). - С. 63-67.


Batayeva F. A., Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Republic of Kazakhstan)

Biryukova N. S. Surgut State University (Surgut, Russia)

Annotation. This article is devoted to the study of translation transformations: their complex nature, classification, causes and situations of use. Linguistic stylistic tools used in English and their transformations in translation into Kazakh are considered. In this study, we regard the linguistic and stylistic features of the translation of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Key words: translation transformations, stylistic means, linguistic and extralinguistic factors.

When translating a literary work, it is necessary to correctly convey the visual information of the work and create a stylistic tone that was in the original text, so it is always interesting to study the features and problems of translating literary texts. The relevance of the research depends on the constant interest in studying the features and difficulties of translating literary texts. Therefore, due to the need to provide sufficient visual information of the work and to reconstruct the stylistic effect of the original text in the translation, the problem of preserving the stylistic and genre characteristics of the artistic work and the ways of their transmission in the translation is particularly important. Translation is the correct and complete expression in one language of what was previously expressed in another language. The transformations in which the transition from the original units to the translation units is carried out are called translation transformations. Translation transformations are of particular importance in literary translation.

There are different views on the classification of transformations, but many authors agree that the main types of transformations are grammatical and lexical. In turn, these transformations are divided into subtypes. It should be noted that such a division is often approximate and conditional. These two types of elementary translational transformations rarely occur in their "pure" form - they combine with each other, assuming the character of complex, "complex" transformations [1].

In the course of translation, it is often impossible to use the correspondence of words and phrases listed in the dictionary. In such cases, it is necessary to resort to transformations of translation, which consist in transforming the internal form of a word or sentence or completely replacing it in order to adequately convey the content of the utterance.

Among transformations, despite the various existing classifications, most linguists distinguish two main ones: grammatical and lexical. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that often these two transformations are compatible with each other. The selection of translation transformations is based on the various reasons for these transformations. Let's consider some examples:

Pap was agoing on so he never noticed where his old limber legs was taking him to, so he went head over heels over the tub of salt pork and barked both shins, and the rest of his speech was all the hottest kind of language—mostly hove at the nigger and the gov-ment, though he give the tub some, too, all along, here and there [2].

Экемнщ мас болганы сондай, Tinri аягыньщ езш кайда апара жатканын бшмед^ ал аяктары оны тындамай, шошканьщ eTi салынган шагын бешкеге CYpiHin, аягы аспаннан келд1, тгзест жаралап, аузына келген боцтъщтыц бэрт твктг-ай келгп; негр де, уюмет те, оны CYpinAipreH бешке де - 6spi сыбагаларын жацсылап алды [3]. Several transformations can be noted in this sentence:

- when translating the word combination limber legs in the Kazakh sentence the translation of the word limber (хромой, ацсац) is omitted;

- when translating the word combination head over heels (вверх тормашками) is translated as аягы аспанга келдг (дословно: ноги в небесах). This English set expression is rendered in the Kazakh language through a phraseological unit.

- all the hottest kind of language - an allegory (another, hidden meaning) is used in the English sentence, this method can also be attributed to an idiom, and when translated into the Kazakh language, the exact meaning is given - ауызына келген боцтъщтыц бэрт твктг-ай келт - way of clarifying the meaning (прием конкретизации значения);

- all along, here and there - way of generalizing the meaning (прием генерализации) - бэр1 сыбагаларын жацсылап алды (все получили по заслугам).

- тгзеан жаралап - деген сездер косылган, агылшын сейлемшде жо;.

Other examples can be seen in the table 1.

Table 1

Linguistic stylistic tools used in English and their transformations in translation

English example Kazakh translation Linguistic stylistic tool Translation analysis

There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth [2]. Бipдeнeлepдi ойдан шыгарыпты, эрине; ал жалпы алганда, епрт онша кеп емес [3]. To indicate a colloquial style the verb is used in the singular instead of the plural form Antonymic translation: mainly he told the truth - епрт онша кеп емес (not so many lies)

I never seen anybody but lied one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary [2]. Б^л ештене емес, мен Полли апай мен жешр эйелден езге епрш айтпайтын адамды емipiмдe кермептн, элп екеуше Мepидi косуга болады [3]. the conjunction-or is repeated twice -polysyndeton (as if saying it can be continued) Method of lexical addition - элп екеуте Мepидi косуга болады (К этим двум можно добавить Мери.).

Grammatical and lexical deviations from the norm in the text of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" are a component of non-literary vernacular and do not show clear territorial features.

Grammatical deviations in artistic text play an important stylistic function. They are a means of revealing their images and their social relationship.

The most accurate way to convey grammatical deviations from the norm is equivalent correspondence. When using this methodology, the translator can reproduce all the meanings of the original unit that are relevant in the specific context, which allows us to talk about the establishment of full equivalence relations between the word forms, phrases and sentences of the original and translated texts..

One way to achieve adequacy in transferring stylistic tools from English to Kazakh is the compensation method. This transformation of the translation allows preserving the communicative effect of the word form of the original work, while simultaneously losing its denotative and semantic meanings.

At the denotative level of the linguistic sign, which cannot be considered sufficient for successful communicative reception of the translated work of art.

The causes of violation of the principle of adequacy when translating deviations from grammatical norms into Kazakh are linguistic (differences in the grammatical categories of Kazakh and English) and extralinguistic (linguistic situation, norms of usual translated texts, their genre features).

Linguistic and non-linguistic factors influencing the translator's choice of the method of expressing lexical and grammatical deviations in the Kazakh language from the norm of the English language were determined.

The obtained specific conclusions provide a basis for clarifying the rules of the theory of translation related to equivalence and adequacy, methodology of translation service, as well as sociolinguistic characteristics and stylistic functions.

The found data can be used in the translation of foreign works of art into the Kazakh language. In addition, the research results can be used in lecture courses on translation theory and practice, comparative stylistics, decoding stylistics and theoretical grammar.


1. Комиссаров В.Н. Аударма теориясы (лингвистикалы; аспектшер): Институгтарга арналган окулы; жэне фак. шетелдж тш. - М.: Жогары. шк., 2000 .- 253 б.

2. Twain M. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. https://contentserver.adobe.com/store/books/HuckFinn.pdf

3. Твен М. Гекльберри Финнщ басынан кешкендерг https: //kitap .kz/book/1719/read#epubcfi(/6/2 [id1]!/4/2/2/1:0).

Батаева Фроза Асановна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, Кокшетауский университет им. А. Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан).

: asanfroza@gmail.com

Бирюкова Наталья Сергеевна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, БУ ВО «Сургутский государственный университет» (г.Сургут, Россия).

Дата поступления: 29.03.2023

© Батаева Ф.А., Бирюкова Н.С., 2023.

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