FEATURES OF TRANSLATION OF MEDICAL TERMS FROM ENGLISH INTO KAZAKH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bekkulova G. S., Batayeva F. A.

The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of transformations when translating medical terms from English into Kazakh. The study of the problem of English-Kazakh translation of medical terms in the conditions of modern multilingualism and bilingualism in the process of intercultural communication is of great interest.

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Беккулова Г.С., Батаева Ф.А. Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению особенностей трансформаций при переводе медицинских терминов с английского на казахский язык. Изучение проблемы англо-казахского перевода медицинских терминов в условиях современного полиязычия и двуязычия в процессе межкультурной коммуникации представляет большой интерес.

Ключевые слова: медицинские термины, перевод, трансформации.


Bekkulova G. S., Batayeva F. A. Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Republic of Kazakhstan)

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of transformations when translating medical terms from English into Kazakh. The study of the problem of English-Kazakh translation of medical terms in the conditions of modern multilingualism and bilingualism in the process of intercultural communication is of great interest.

Key words: medical terms, translation, transformations.

The functional purpose of the term is to recognize and distinguish it, as well as to convey its scientific meaning to a clear and understandable version.In order for this function to be effectively implemented, the unit of a form or sound complex and its composition or meaning must meet several main requirements

1.requirement to be adequate: the content of the concept under consideration must be appropriate for modern scientific knowledge and correspond to the form.

2. precision requirement:

a) the content and scope of the meaning of the concept in question must be limited in accordance with the microterminosystem and separated from other concepts;

b) the sound complex of the term and the content and meaning of the concept in question should not contain elements of the same orientation.

3. Monosemia (monosemia) requirement:

Any sound complex must be attached to a single concept; there is no way to a termine polynomial (polysemy).

4. requirement for sequential registration:

The meaning must be expressed by a single sound complex; synonymy is unlikely

In the terminology of the monosyllabic correspondence formula, there are two final requirements between form and content. In addition to these basic requirements, other additional requirements are also specified [1].

1) signs of a particular concept should be expressed equally in different languages( words, termino elements;

2) sound complexes that express consecutive concepts should be created only in a certain structural and semantic pattern. This additional requirement should be related to each other in terms of meaning and concept, as well as in terms of Word formation and structure [2].

The more consistently and rigidly the main and additional terms are observed, the more fully and clearly the main property of the terms is conveyed-and this, in turn, is clearly and clearly established in the structure within the terminosystem. However, in a microterminosystem, such as medical terms, the fulfillment of these requirements seems like a dream. However, these requirements have not been met in recent times.

Spontaneous, unmanageable, imperfect growth of the terminological fund, often with unnecessary terms, often leads to inaccuracies, inaccuracies, ambiguities, multiplicity of many terms, and a large number of synonyms. Often there is an inappropriate introduction of foreign terms or an incomplete translation into Kazakh.[23]

Finally, there are several signs in the scientific literature that the ideal term is called. However, in practice, these symptoms are rare. It is better not to forget that the language consists of a variable structure. Therefore, all signs are divided into optional and main ones. According to the rules and norms of the Kazakh language, the main properties of the term include monosyllabic, compactness, and compliance. And if we consider the other properties, then it belongs to the category of optional.

As you know, the formation of medical terms in the Kazakh language is a very complex process.We believe that its complexity is related to the following points.

First, medical science itself Studies a complex problem called restoring a violation of the functioning of a living organism. In this regard, it is not easy to determine the content of the MetaTrader.

Secondly, if the main part of the vocabulary of medical science consists of vocabulary in Greek and Latin, it is not easy to adapt it to the laws of the Kazakh language and find a word that accurately conveys it, because most of the educational, educational and methodological documents in the training of medical professionals are in Russian.

Thirdly, because in the language of Medicine, chemical and biological changes in various cells of a living organism are understood only by people with special knowledge in this field, it is difficult for many to immediately perceive the term in Kazakh, writes one of the authors of the newspaper "Ana Tili".

As you know, the Kazakhs had their own healers, shamans-balgers, taupis, and developed their own methods of healing and healing. Therefore, in the vocabulary of Kazakh folk healers, you can find words and phrases that are equivalent to modern medical terms. There are researchers and scientists who are involved in the formation of medical terms in the state language. In our article, we will focus on some of the views and opinions that revolve around this information. Our goal is to summarize and analyze the current level of formation of medical terms in the Kazakh language, as well as scientific conclusions.

In the published scientific research, thematic groups of medical terms are presented as follows: 1) names of diseases, 2) causes or etiology of the disease, 3) symptoms of the disease, 4) anatomical terms, 5) methods and processes of treatment, 6) names of substances, 7) dosage names.

Among these groups, lexical units and terms of groups 1,5,7 are more common than term names in groups 2,3,7. This is directly related to the innovation of scientific research in the field of Medicine, the emergence and introduction of new equipment, methods and methods of treatment and disease detection. It is noted that in the works of the Kazakh language, in a row, the formation of terms related to the names of diseases is more pronounced.

Another point to pay attention to when talking about the formation of medical terms in the Kazakh language is the presence of deviations from the norm of the literary language. In the development of the term "medicine", while maintaining the characteristic laws and general principles of language, there are deviations from the norm at some levels of language.At the same time, it is shown that terminology itself has a certain influence on the development of the literary language as a whole.

This is especially typical for terminological word formation. In this area, there are special terminological norms, and spelling, orthoepic, accentuating and grammatical norms are typical for the general literary language. The emergence of independent directions in terminology, that is, the presence of directions specific only to terminology, gave rise to the understanding of what is a professional version of the norm. In the Professional version of the norm, it is necessary to take into account the following: it is also necessary to take into account the general norms inherent in the scientific, that is, the professional language and the literary language.As you know, the terms appear in order to convey information in a shorter version, that is, to translate it with such accuracy, eliminating the possibility of its subjective and somehow translation. It is reflected in the translations of special materials, as its good translation requires the translator not only good skills in English terminology, but also a good knowledge of Kazakh terminology and the ability to use it. One of the difficulties in translation is the translation of terms [3] .

When working with a medical text, the translator encounters a set of other difficulties that are not limited to medical terminology. It is obvious that such texts will be saturated with the vocabulary of another field close to the same specialty. Although medical terms have a number of other interlinguistic similarities, in this work we will get acquainted with the difficulties encountered in translation and ways to solve them.

The relevance of the work lies in the importance of its correct translation of high social and medical texts. In order to increase the development of domestic medicine to the international level, there is a need for professional exchange of experience between different countries. One of the priorities of translators is to create a universal system of terminology that reflects the state of modern medical terminology. Given that new terms appear every day and need to be translated, there is a need to translate them into another language for more productive collaboration between health professionals.

The aim of this work is to identify the difficulties in translating medical terms and ways to solve


In order to solve the goal of the work the following tasks have been set:

• Identify the features of translation difficulties that arise when working with medical texts and consider ways to solve them;

• Suggest ways to solve problems of translation of medical texts;

• Identify the current trends in the definition of the word "term" and monitor the systematization of its main properties;

• Creating ways to translate medical terms.

In modern times, people are forced to deal with various factors that threaten their well-being. In this regard, international cooperation will come to the fore in the process of solving these problems. One of the main problems of science is that people suffer from various diseases. The purpose of medicine is to create conditions for human development and formation. The development of modern scientific knowledge is closely linked with the problems of translation, some of which have some difficulties. It was necessary for the exchange of information and experience between different countries and nations related to the production of medicine at the international level. Therefore, this thesis emphasizes the urgency of the issues raised. Translation in general, in particular, is an integral and important part of medical and scientific knowledge. During the discussion of this thesis includes not only medical knowledge, but also linguistics. In addition, it was important to define the "term" of its main properties, follow the development process and systematization of science and create ways to translate medical terms. A process that requires special care and attention - is a translation of medical terminology, a very important branch of science from medicine. Translation of medical texts of the dissertation identified the following issues: differences in the classification and nomenclature of different organs and body systems; synonyms; random translations, dictionaries, abbreviations are not written; Incomplete specialized dictionary; Widespread use of Latin; eponyms, etc. use. We studied the medical texts of the resolution, the problems in the translation process, the ways of translation. Special attention was paid to the translation of non-alternative vocabulary. Features

of translation of international and psevdointernatsionalnyh words. The goals and objectives set at the beginning of the study, especially now, are of great interest to researchers from different countries - the growing role of science and international cooperation in all areas associated with the rapid development of mankind to solve problems.

Now it is possible to specify the names that were met in the folk language and later changed into terms in the table below.

English term In Kazakh (folk) In Russian As a term

wall-eye А; ногала Бельмо А; шел, кездщ агы

scrofula Ак;па Золотуха Ш!ршше, мыскыл

night-blindness А;шам сокыр Куриная слепота Тауык; кез

smallpox А; шешек, шешек, корасан Оспа Шешек

marasmus Алжу Маразм Алжу, ак;ыл-естщ азаюы

malaria Безгек Малярия Безгек

chickenpox Шешек Ветрянка Желшешек

Leprosy ^отыр, макау, желдену, калгана Проказа, лепра Алапес

goiter Алкым юу, бурга; ауруы Зоб Жемсау

In order to form the national terminology, we need to make the most of the potential of our language in terminology, that is, the internal source of terminology, as shown above. In this context, the revival of the general vocabulary of our language, including obsolete words, and its formation as a term is a key and relevant issue for the field of terminology. This is one of the main directions in the formation of our terminology.


1. Golovin B. N., Kobrin R. Yu. Fundamentals of linguistic study of terms. Textbook. - M.: Slovo, 1987. - 115 p..

2. Gerd A. S. Another definition of the term / A.S. Gerd // Linguistic aspects of terms: interuniversity thematic collection. - Voronezh Technological Institute; editor: S.E. Ivanov. - Voronezh, 1980. - 108 p.

3. Superanskaya A.V. General terminology: terminological activity / A.V. Superanskaya, N.V. Podolskaya, N.V. Vasiliev. - M.: Nauka, 2008 - p.20.

Батаева Фроза Асановна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и переводческого дела, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан). e-mail: asanfroza@gmail.com

Беккулова Гулзира Сисенбаевна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан). e-mail: asanfroza@gmail.com

Дата поступления: 15.04.2022

© Беккулова Г.С., Батаева Ф.А., 2022

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