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��������� ������ �������� 23.05.2021.
* ��������: [email protected]
UDC 373.2 DOI: 10.24412/1997-9657-2021-4106-34-44
The Problem of Evaluating the Process and the Result of Understanding the Child by the Teacher
Galina A. Uruntaevaa*, Ekaterina N. Goshevab,
a Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Moscow, Russia b Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance, Ryazan, Russia
Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the process and the result of understand-ing a child by a preschool teacher. The purpose of the study is to develop and initial approbation an algorithm for self-analysis and expert assessment of the teacher�s understanding of a child as a practical tool for overcoming difficulties in inter-acting with the child and planning educational activities with him. The methodological basis of the study was the system-activity and competence-based approaches to the consideration of the teacher�s activity for the knowledge of a preschooler, qualitative (ideographic) and subjective approaches to psycho-diagnostics. As a result of the research, a step-by-step algorithm for analyzing the teacher�s understanding of the child has been developed. At the first stage, the teacher answers questions compiled in the form of a non-stan-dardized self-report for reflecting the shape of a preschooler in educational activities. The sequence of questions is built in the following logic: identifying the child�s characteristics as perceived by the teacher, comparing them with each other, and then correlating them with the specifics of educational activity with the child, setting tasks for his further understanding in professional and pedagogical activity. At the second stage, the expert evaluates the teacher�s answers, identifying difficulties in understanding the child and determining the directions for improving his professional training or methodological sup-port. The teacher analyzes the answers in the aspects of, firstly, the manifestation of the social perception and the operational-technical component of gnostic competencies; secondly, their compliance with the criteria and indicators in the content of the information received about the child. At the third stage, the expert together with the teachers discuss and analyze their answers to clarify the shape of the child, make changes in the planning of educational activities and determine the directions for further development of gnostic competencies of teachers. Conclusions. The three-stage algorithm of reflection and analysis of the child�s shape is developed.
Keywords: child�s shape, understanding as a level of cognition, stages of analysis of the process and result of understanding the child, mental operations of social perception, gnostic competencies of the teacher, qualitative and subjective approaches to psycho-diagnostics.
For citation: Uruntaeva G.A., Gosheva E.N. (2021). The problem of evaluating the process and the result of understanding the child by the teacher. Preschool Education Today. 4:15, 34�44 (in Russian).
DOI: 10.24412/1997-9657-2021-4106-34-44
Original manuscript received 23.05.2021.
* Contacts: [email protected]
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������ ��������� ���������� � �������� �������������� ����, ������, �������-�������� ���������������� ��������� ���������� ��������� ������� ������ ���������-��������������, ����-������� � ���������� ������� (������, ������), ORCID: 0000-0001-8405-4230, GoshevaEN@ yandex.ru
Information about the authors
Galina A. Uruntaeva, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, ORCID: 0000-0003-3515-4889, lotsman52 @ mail. ru
Ekaterina N. Gosheva, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Educator-Psychologist of the State Treasury InstitutionoftheRyazanRegion�CenterforPsychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance�, Ryazan, Russia, ORCID: 0000-0001-8405-4230, GoshevaEN@ yandex.ru
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������� �.�., ������ �.�. ����� �������-���������. � ���: ����, 2002. � 440 �.
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�������� �.�. �������� � ����������� ����������� ���������� ������������ � ������ ��������������������������������������������� ����������� // ������� ���: ������ � ��������. � 2013. � �4. � �. 62�81.
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