Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of the economic-geographical study of small areas (as an example of Republic of Uzbekistan)'

Peculiarities of the economic-geographical study of small areas (as an example of Republic of Uzbekistan) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
economo-geographical investigation / rural districts / rural areas / infrastructure / territory / demography / grouping

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kurbonov Shukhrat Bekmetovich

The article briefly reviewed a schem and a program of economic and geographical research in rural districts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Emphasizes the scientific-practical significance of large-scale investigation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of the economic-geographical study of small areas (as an example of Republic of Uzbekistan)»

Peculiarities of the economic-geographical study of small areas (as an example of Republic of Uzbekistan)

Section 2. Geography

Kurbonov Shukhrat Bekmetovich, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Lecturer of the Faculty of Geology and Geography, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan

E-mail: qurbonov1977@mail.ru

Peculiarities of the economic-geographical study of small areas (as an example of Republic of Uzbekistan)

Abstract: The article briefly reviewed a schem and a program of economic and geographical research in rural districts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Emphasizes the scientific-practical significance of large-scale investigation.

Keywords: economo-geographical investigation, rural districts, rural areas, infrastructure, territory, demography, grouping.

An important feature of geographical investigation is that they may be in different scales. In this case scientific and practical importance of geographical investigations of different scales are different. Small-scale study of areas (of countries and major regions), mainly identifies their the most common features and has cognitive, generalizing character. As for the large-scale studies, they are more specific and stands out by their level of detail in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of the investigated subject, which allows to determine the appropriateness of the the area, compliance of territorial organization of production and settlement.

In addition to this, this method which is “essential”, selection of individual sites is representative for larger areas. Generalization and explanation of the phenomena in the field makes possible to judge on general economic and geographical situation of the country or of a relatively large region. This determines the capabilities of research conclusion from the particular to the general, from analysis to synthesis, which is important to methodological consideration [1].

In the Republic of Uzbekistan after obtaining independence a lot of attention is paid to socio-economic development of rural areas, to small businesses and entrepreneurship. In particular, in year 2009 was declared in the country as an “Year of development and welfare of the rural areas”, and in 2011 - the “Year of small business and entrepreneurship”. In order to implement these policy guidelines, the government of the country has developed on purpose complex government programs, the solution of which is designed for the medium term perspectives. Within the frame of these basic documents priority is given to accelerative development of rural areas, to building a modern industrial and social infrastructure, to improvement of their investmental climate and attractiveness.

In formation and development of industrial and social spheres essential positions plays rural administrative region (RAR), because it is at this level that everyday problems, life and living conditions of the population are emerged and

solved. These local, basic political-administrative units, as an objects of research on the socio-economic geography, have the following advantages and peculiarities:

- common natural conditions and natural resources;

- commonhydrographic and irrigation networks;

- conformity of the historical and geographical development of the territory;

- economic specialization of territory;

- formation of points and lines of growth of municipal and regional importance;

- common industrial and social infrastructure;

- a unified system of settlement and common demographic situation;

- administrative functions as the subject of the implementation of regional policy of government;

- possibility of collection and processing of primary statistical information;

- comprehensive and systematic monitoring, prediction of socio-economic development, solving ecological and other problems.

In the recent days, in the republic registered 157 RAR, formation and quantitative dynamics of which have their own historical and organizational and legal characteristics (Fig. 1).

Conducted retrospective analysis indicates that the vast majority of rural administrative districts formed up to 1980 of the last century. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the current network of RAR formed in those years. In addition to this, it should be noted that more than 3/5 of rural areas, which existed up until 1990, then were restored to their former status. For example, in 1962, due to the reorganization of the system of administrative and territorial management, 45 RAR were aggregated and merged, but by1980 they were reregistered as independent units in the geopolitical map of the country. In most recent years, such “geographical games” in the country are not observed, which indicates to the achievement of the relative stability of the administrative-territorial structure of the country [2].


Section 2. Geography

Fig. 1. Changes in the number of rural administrative districts of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In the economic-geographical research of RA.R importance should be paid to the following features:

- Retrospective analysis of rural areas and their genetic classification in close connection with the general tendencies of socio-economic development of the country;

- grouping of RARaccording to their geographical location, identification of central, peripheral, frontier and other areas;

- functional typology of rural areas, by major regionforming fields;

- evaluation of natural conditions and resources, grouping region based on the occupied area;

- study of the demographic situation of rural area, its urbanization, particularly of rural settlement, by taking into account the economic specialization of the regions;

- assessment of the production, transport and social infrastructure of the area;

- analysis of the economic complex of the region, its sectoral and territorial structure;

- scientifically justified identification of problems and determination of the priority important direction of socioeconomic development of the territories, finding solution to environmental and other local issues.

This rough and preliminary scheme of economic and geographical research allows more widely and, at the same

time, deeply penetrate into the peculiarities of the RAR as basic administrative units of the country. For example, half of the RAR by its geopolitical position goes to the state border of Uzbekistan. In particular, one of the largest rural areas of the country Kungradsky - extent to 17% of the state border of Uzbekistan and 46% of the corresponding figure of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. If we add to this border of Muinak and Takhtakupyr regions, their total share makes almost half the country's borders. All this at the same time reflects the cross-border nature of the observed territory and the central geographic location of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a whole. The same spatial characteristics of RAR identified while grouping them by area and by their population. At the same time it points to the necessity of development of frontier areas, increase of integrational potential of not only these “small” areas, but also the country as a whole.

In the country the difference between the largest in area (Kungradskiyin Karakalpakstan - 76.0 thousand. sq. km.) and the smallest (Bulakbashskiy in Andijan - 0.18 sq. sq. km.) of rural areas is 422.2 times. As can be seen, the peculiar geographic factor is very huge, which indirectly indicates about the exceptional diversity of the country in natural conditions and opportunities for their economic development and settlement. In this case, on an RAR of the republic has an average of 2.8 thousand sq. km. area [3].

Table 1. - Grouping rural regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the their area (on 01.01.2015)

Area, thousand sq. km. The number of iRA.R In percentage Total area, thousand sq. km In percentage of total

to 0.25 8 5.1 1.7 0.4

0.26-0.50 52 32.9 19.9 4.4

0.51-1.00 38 23.9 26.2 5.9

1.01-2.00 18 11.3 25.9 5.6

2.01-4.00 25 15.8 72.4 16.3

4.01-10.00 11 6.9 76.6 17.2

10.01 thous. more 5 3.1 224.2 50.1

Only 157 100.0 447.2 100.0

Note: The table was compiled by the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region

Table 2. - Grouping of RAR in Uzbekistan in terms of population (on 01.01.2015)

Population, thounsandpeople RAR Po pulation

Number in % thounsand people in %

Up to 50 thousand 13 8.3 507.9 2.3

50.1-100.0 33 21.0 2 419.6 11.1

100.1-150.0 44 28.0 5 576.3 25.5

150.1-200.0 46 29.3 8 065.4 36.9

200.1-250.0 13 8.3 2 811.2 12.8

250.1 thous. more 8 5.1 2 494.8 11.4

Only 157 100 21 875.2 100

Note: The table was compiled by the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan.

In spatial analysis revealed the following pattern: in desert regions with extensive conducting of economy rural areas are very large in size, but in old mastered oases they are very small. For example, Kungradsky, Uchkuduk, Tamdynsky and Muinak areas located mainly in desert regions, occupy a total of 203.0 thousand sq. km, or 45.2 % of the area of the republic of Uzbekistan. At the same time, as shown in Table 1, only 8 rural areas related to the smallest category (each with an area less than 0.25 thousand sq. km), but from the other side only 5 RAR occupy half of the country’s total area.

Same picture is observed in the analysis of the RAR based on the demographic potential of the area (Table. 2). In this case, the range of fluctuations in the number of population is 27-fold relationship: in the most populated area — Urgut — home to 419.8 thousandpeople, and in the very sparsely populated — Karaulbazar — 13.6 thousand people. Among major demographic potential of RAR related Urgut, Zangiata,

Chirakchinsky, Denau, Shakhrisabz, where in each of which there are more than 300 thousand people.

In terms of geographical research, it is important to note that these municipal administrative entities geographically, territorially localized in densely populated areas, in the habitats of intensive irrigated agriculture, or in suburban areas — within large urban agglomerations in suburbanized areas. Thus, particularly in rural administrative areas adjacent to larger centers — Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijanand Namangan average population density reaches 800-900 people per 1 sq. km [4].

During the economic-geographical study of rural districts also identified their industrial specialization, analyzed the density of the transport network, the scope of services of the public transportation (on the theory of «central places» V Kristallera), social and other infrastructure, investment climate. This inwhole-allows us to give a comprehensive description to the rural administrative region, also to identify current important issues and determine perspectives of their socio-economic development.


1. Курбанов Ш. Б. Кичик худудлар ижтимоий-иктисодий географияси.//Монография. - Т., 2013.

2. Курбанов Ш. Б. Административные центры сельских районов Узбекистана - проблемы развития.//Вестник Приамурского Государственного Университета им. Шолом-Алейхема. - № 2(11). - 2012.

3. Курбанов Ш. Б. Развитие городских поселений и проблемы урбанизации низовых административных районов Узбе-кистана.//Соц.-экономическая география: Вестник Ассоц. Рос. географов-обществоведов, - № 3. - Ростов н/Д., 2014.

4. Курбанов Ш. Б., Федорко В. Н. Развитие сельских административных районов пустынной зоны Узбекистана.//Про-блемы освоения пустынь. - Ашхабад, 2010. - № 1-2.

Yarashev Kuvandik Safarovich, Meliev Bakhtiyor Abdukhamidovich, Samarkand state university, Scientific researchers of natural subjects faculty E-mail: yarashev2008@mail.ru

Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region

Abstract: In this paper we discuss problems of map-designing of paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region, as well as the usage of principals and methods of map-designing and creation of landscape map legends developed by landscape specialists.

Keywords: geocomplex, map, taxonomic unit, mezoparagenetic, microparagenetic landscape complex, mountainous gully.


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