Научная статья на тему 'Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region'

Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
geocomplex / map / taxonomic unit / mezoparagenetic / microparagenetic landscape complex / mountainous gully

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Yarashev Kuvandik Safarovich, Meliev Bakhtiyor Abdukhamidovich

In this paper we discuss problems of map-designing of paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region, as well as the usage of principals and methods of map-designing and creation of landscape map legends developed by landscape specialists.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region»

Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region

Table 2. - Grouping of RAR in Uzbekistan in terms of population (on 01.01.2015)

Population, thounsandpeople RAR Po pulation

Number in % thounsand people in %

Up to 50 thousand 13 8.3 507.9 2.3

50.1-100.0 33 21.0 2 419.6 11.1

100.1-150.0 44 28.0 5 576.3 25.5

150.1-200.0 46 29.3 8 065.4 36.9

200.1-250.0 13 8.3 2 811.2 12.8

250.1 thous. more 8 5.1 2 494.8 11.4

Only 157 100 21 875.2 100

Note: The table was compiled by the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan.

In spatial analysis revealed the following pattern: in desert regions with extensive conducting of economy rural areas are very large in size, but in old mastered oases they are very small. For example, Kungradsky, Uchkuduk, Tamdynsky and Muinak areas located mainly in desert regions, occupy a total of 203.0 thousand sq. km, or 45.2 % of the area of the republic of Uzbekistan. At the same time, as shown in Table 1, only 8 rural areas related to the smallest category (each with an area less than 0.25 thousand sq. km), but from the other side only 5 RAR occupy half of the country’s total area.

Same picture is observed in the analysis of the RAR based on the demographic potential of the area (Table. 2). In this case, the range of fluctuations in the number of population is 27-fold relationship: in the most populated area — Urgut — home to 419.8 thousandpeople, and in the very sparsely populated — Karaulbazar — 13.6 thousand people. Among major demographic potential of RAR related Urgut, Zangiata,

Chirakchinsky, Denau, Shakhrisabz, where in each of which there are more than 300 thousand people.

In terms of geographical research, it is important to note that these municipal administrative entities geographically, territorially localized in densely populated areas, in the habitats of intensive irrigated agriculture, or in suburban areas — within large urban agglomerations in suburbanized areas. Thus, particularly in rural administrative areas adjacent to larger centers — Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijanand Namangan average population density reaches 800-900 people per 1 sq. km [4].

During the economic-geographical study of rural districts also identified their industrial specialization, analyzed the density of the transport network, the scope of services of the public transportation (on the theory of «central places» V Kristallera), social and other infrastructure, investment climate. This inwhole-allows us to give a comprehensive description to the rural administrative region, also to identify current important issues and determine perspectives of their socio-economic development.


1. Курбанов Ш. Б. Кичик худудлар ижтимоий-иктисодий географияси.//Монография. - Т., 2013.

2. Курбанов Ш. Б. Административные центры сельских районов Узбекистана - проблемы развития.//Вестник Приамурского Государственного Университета им. Шолом-Алейхема. - № 2(11). - 2012.

3. Курбанов Ш. Б. Развитие городских поселений и проблемы урбанизации низовых административных районов Узбе-кистана.//Соц.-экономическая география: Вестник Ассоц. Рос. географов-обществоведов, - № 3. - Ростов н/Д., 2014.

4. Курбанов Ш. Б., Федорко В. Н. Развитие сельских административных районов пустынной зоны Узбекистана.//Про-блемы освоения пустынь. - Ашхабад, 2010. - № 1-2.

Yarashev Kuvandik Safarovich, Meliev Bakhtiyor Abdukhamidovich, Samarkand state university, Scientific researchers of natural subjects faculty E-mail: yarashev2008@mail.ru

Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region

Abstract: In this paper we discuss problems of map-designing of paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region, as well as the usage of principals and methods of map-designing and creation of landscape map legends developed by landscape specialists.

Keywords: geocomplex, map, taxonomic unit, mezoparagenetic, microparagenetic landscape complex, mountainous gully.


Section 2. Geography

A number of scientific articles and monographic works devoted to studying problems of paragenetic landscapes have been published for the last few years. For example F. N. Milkov [3, 3-266], A. Yu. Reteyum [4, 17-20], A. A. Abdulkasimov [1, 5-13], K. A. Drozdov [2, 3-160], V. V. Kozin [5, 3-87], and others. As F. N. Milkov defines [3, 3-266] the paragenetic landscape complex is a geo-system which is inter-connected with neighbouring regional or typological complexes from originating point of view, where the elements and energy exchange takes place very actively. Therefore, when studying paragenetic landscape complexes and classifying them complexly, it is necessary to identify their morphological and paragenetical relationships.

N. A. Gvozdetskiy [6, 5-222] pointing out the existence of two types of regional complexes made up with landscape-typological and regional units, he also came to the conclusion that there is the third way of differentiating geographic area. This type of natural differentiating and natural geographic complexes is a wholesome functional system based on such principles as interconnection of natural processes, similarity from dynamic point of view, and generality of elements and energy exchange.

Paragenetic complexes occur in nature in various forms according to their size, and taxonomic colour. They include the systems connected with each other by the similarity of their origin, and historical formation, and even though geocomplexes which make up the biggest systems. In literature on geography, the system of taxonomic units including regional (continents, regions, zones, provinces, districts) and typological (landscape type, place type, urichisha type, fatsia type) have been worked out; they have been completely defined and scientifically grounded. But the system of taxonomic units of paragenetic complexes have not been completely studied and scientifically grounded. Therefore, it is theoretically and practically significant to study, differentiate in the field, limit, and map paragenetic landscape complexes, to work out their system of taxonomic units.

When studying the paragenetic landscape complexes, one must pay sufficient attention to the factors and sources of influencing their appearance, formation and development, and to the mechanisms that make them operate. The process of paragenetic landscape complex development, first of all, follows the laws of dynamics of the ever operating geo-complexes. Secondy, in continuous development and dynamic change of paragenetic complexes, the law of elements and energy exchange plays the most important role. Besides, there are also natural and anthropogenic forces that operate the process of paragenetic complexes development. They are techtogen, lithogen, climate, hydrodynamics, biogenic, and athropogenic development sources.

Starting studying paragenetic complexes in landscaping can lead to the possibility of using the latest methodologies of researching dynamics of landscapes. The followings are supposed to be thoroughly researched while analysing paragenetic landscape: 1) the structure of paragenetic complexes;

2) the mechanism of the integration; 3) qualitative indicators of correlation; 4) dynamic development of paragenetic complexes. In his monographic work, V. V Kozin [5, 3-87] «paragenetic landscape analysis of river valleys» systemized river valleys based on the ways of researching paragenetic complexes and identifying their structure. He used the following taxonomic units when systematizing and structuring them: group - series - raw - elementary paragenetic complex. In addition, V V Kozin [5, 3-87] devided paragenetic complexes into polydinamic, polygenetic, epigenetic, and other groups taking into account natural processes participating actively in their formation and development.

F. N. Milkov [3, 3-266], in his scientific researches devoted to working out general theory of paragenetic landscape complexes, paid a special attention to their following main peculiarities:

1) the territorial closeness of regional or typological complexes within paragenetic landscape complexes;

2) the existence of the metabolism of elements and energy forming up a system;

3) the existence of genetic similarity, that is generality.

The history of mapping landscape complexes is closely connected with the formation of the science about landscape and the history of the development of landscape science. First landscape maps appeared in Russia, A. G. Isachenko, F. N. Milkov, G. P. Miller, V M. Chupaxin, N. A. Gvozdetskiy in Russia, and L. N. Babushkin, N. A. Kogay, A. A. Abdulkasimov, M. U. Uma-rov, S. A. Nishanov, Yu. Sultanov, V A. Popov, А. А. Rafikov in Uzbekistan, and others worked on landscaping.

Using the experience of the above mentioned authors in mapping, we conducted the work of mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandaryo valley. When making the map of the paragenetic landscape complex we followed the followings:

• Choosing the object of mapping paragenetic landscape complex, and identifying its scale on the map. Here, firstly it is important to know the type of the geographical complex to be depicted on the map, secondly, the scale and the purpose of using the map, thirdly taking into account characteristics and the dynamic variability of landscapes in the chosen object;

• When the identifying the geographic complexes witch wake depicted in the map practically by field researches, differentiating and limiting them, it is reasonable to take into account factors influencing their formation and development, along with type of soil, form of the relief, lithologic content of the mothering elements, and other indicators;

• To work out thoroughly the division of complexes to be depicted on the map of paragenetic complexes according to their dynamic correlation and connection of their origin. First of all, it is important to systemize and classify various taxonomic unit of paragenetic landscape complexes separated to be depicted in the map in the field or lab conditions. Systemized and classified paragenetic complexes will be the basics for creating the legend of maps. The essence and content of


Problems of studying and mapping paragenetic landscape complexes in Surkhandarya region

paragenetic landscape complex maps must be reflected in the legend of the map;

• The is important to use bordered method of relief plastics when mapping paragenetic landscape complexes, as dynamic correlation between landscapes, it is easier seen in bordered method of relief plastics. L. M. Koritniy [8, 161-166],

S. I. Zotov [7, 55-65], and others mentioned their opinion on this issue. In many cases waterways and rivers’ water limits can serve as natural borderlines of paragenetic landscape complexes. Therefore, hydrographical type can be the developing factor of paragenetic landscape complexes, and from paragenetic point of view can be seen as the basis for mapping;

• It is necessary to make up the legend brightly reflecting the content and essence of paragenetic landscape complex maps and the geographic complexes depicted on them;

• During the years from 2001 till 2006, we conducted researches in Surkhandaryo mountainous area delay, and we collected much material on paragenetic landscape complexes; we identified paragenetic complexes that have multi coloured taxonomic units and made their map on the scale 1 : 50 000.

We have also used different cartographic methods in depicting curved geo-complexes on maps of para-genetic landscape complexes. For example, the methods of depicting paragenetic complexes using colourful background and bars. When separating and mapping paragenetic complexes in the area of the curve, we also used such a system of taxonomic units which includes macro-, mezzo-, micro-, and elementary paragenetic complexes, paragenetic faction, and paragenetic hole. Basing on this system of taxonomic units, we see that

Surkhandaryo curve is a mountainous curved mesonic paragenetic landscape complex with it is structure. It is an inseparable part of Amudaryo mountain-plain valley paragenetic complex. As Amudaryo basin along with all basins of its horns, glaciers they come from, valleys and large delta, together they make up — a macro-paragenetic landscape complex.

The structure of Surkhandaryo mountainous-curved mezoparagenetic landscape complex is complicated. It consists of a number of multi-colour micro-paragenetic complexes it self. They are Karatog, Tupalang, Sangardak, Khujaipok, Sherobod valley, Amu-Surkhandaryo valley, Kattakum-Ulok-kirildi sandy areas, Sherabad-Sarikkamish and Kelf-Sherabad hills, Southern Surkhan, Uchkizil, Degrez water dumbs, and other microparagenetic landscape complexes.

Microparagenetic landscape complexes are also considered to be a complicated structure, just as mezo- and macro-paragenetic complexes. Each of the micro-paragenetic complex’s structure consists of elementary paragenetic complexes with paragenetic characteristics. The example for this can be Jayronkhona, Kukaiti, Hovdog areas formed as a result of tectonic eruptions, ravines formed as a result of erosion and currents, and the system of dried away waterways. It should be pointed out that those mezzo-, macro-, and micro- paragenetic landscape complexes differ from those classified and mapped by A. A. Abulqosimov, from those hole defined by L. N. Babushkin, and N. A. Kogay (1974), from those landscape defined by Sh. Ergashev [9, 5-156] and those regions that were defined by V M. Chertkin, with their essence, content, structure, and characteristics.


1. Abdulqosimov A. The analysis of paragenetic correlations of modern landscapes in Central Asia.//Applied aspect of geographical researches in Uzbekistan. - Samarqand, 1993. - P. 5-13.

2. Drozdov K. A. Landscape paragenetic complexes of central Russian forest-step zones. - Voronej: VGU, 1978. - 160 p.

3. Milkov F. N. Landscape geography and problems of practice. - М.: Misl, 1966. - 266 p.

4. Retyum A. Yu. About paragenetic landscape complexes.//Izvestiya VGO. - 1972. - v. 104, is. 1. - P. 17-20.

5. Kozin V. V. Paragenetic landscape analysis of river valleys. - Tyumen’: TGU, 1979. - 87 p.

6. Gvozdetskiy N. A. The main problems of physical Geography. - M. Higt Scool, 1979. - Р. 222.

7. Zotov S. I. Basin landscape conception of nature usage.//Khowledge ofAS RAS. Ser. Geogr. - № 6. - M., 1992. - Р. 55-65.

8. Koritniy L. M. Basin approache in Geography.//Geography and nature resources. - № 1. - Novosibirsk, 1991. - Р. 161-166.

9. Ergashov S. H. Landscapes of Surkhandarya region. - Tashkent: Fan (Sabjekt), 1974. - Р. 156.


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