даний амбиции личностей, прикрывающихся интересами народа ради собственных узкокорыстных целей» [2].
The translators use the principle of "separates the husk from the grain" in English and "отделяет зерна от плевел" in Russian. We think this is definitely the right thing to do.
Every nation will have its own proverbs and sayings. Through translation, other nations can also benefit from them. The wise phrase about rice given in the Uzbek text really has a national color. Because we Asians really consume more rice than Europeans. This product has penetrated not only into food, but also into our folk wisdom. And in English or Russian, it is also true that grain or wheat is more active than rice. In this sense, translation is an alternative to the original.
From the above, it can be seen that the translators of the work managed to preserve the meaning and style by replacing the phraseological unit originally used with the existing alternative in the language of translation. At the same time, the traditions and nationality of the people who have the language of translation were not ignored. In the same example, the author expressively and impressively portrays that some people who
do not want peace and progress today, no matter how hard they try to justify themselves, cannot deceive the next generation.
1. Karimov I. Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century. G.B.: Curzon Press, 1997.
2. Каримов И. Узбекистан на пороге XXI века: угрозы безопасности, условия и гарантии прогресса, М.: «Дрофа», 1997. -С. 21.
3. Karimov I. O'zbekiston XXI asr bo'sag'asida..., -Т.: "O'zbekiston" nashriyoti, 1997, -B.22.
4. Salomov G'. Language and translation. Lexical and phraseological problems of translation. Fan Publishing House, -T.: 1966.
5. Hojiev A. Annotated Dictionary of Linguistic Terms. -T.: 1985.
6. Abdullaev A. "Expression of expressiveness in the Uzbek language", -T.: "Science", 1983.
7. Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language, -M.: "Russian language" publishing house, 1981, volume 2.
Kholmirzaev B.
Ph.D, Gofurova M.
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Namangan, Uzbekistan
As we know author's style is very important thing in translation, especially in translation of socio-political works. Every writer has his own method and writing style. Its very important to reflect authors own method in translation. This article discusses the problems of reflecting the method or style of socio-political works.
In science, the method of figuratively, esthetically influencing reality to the reader is called literary style. In this style, there are many cases of emotional expressiveness. Alternatively, such language units are used effectively in a public (journalistic) style. The public method is actually used in the conduct of propaganda work. Simplicity, comprehensibility, expressiveness, adherence to the norms of literary language are the main features of the this style. It actively uses socio-political words and phrases. In addition, words and phrases, proverbs and sayings are often used to make speech effective.
Keywords: socio-political, author's style, means of image, translation, method, tradition, history, humanity, author of the work, originality, expressiveness, philosophical meaning, journalistic style.
Methods, ways of using language units in speech, features of the use of phonetic, lexical, phraseological and grammatical units are studied in the methodological section of linguistics. Through style, the speaker expresses his attitude to the person, to the objects, to the events taking place around him. The Uzbek literary language has the following main speech styles: conversational style, artistic style, formal style, public (journalistic) style, scientific style. In turn, the socio-political style can be called a journalistic style.
In science, the method of figuratively, esthetically influencing reality to the reader is called literary style. In this style, there are many cases of emotional expressiveness. Alternatively, such language units are used effectively in a public (journalistic) style. The public method is actually used in the conduct of propaganda
work. Simplicity, comprehensibility, expressiveness, adherence to the norms of literary language are the main features of the this style. It actively uses sociopolitical words and phrases. In addition, words and phrases, proverbs and sayings are often used to make speech effective.
Well-known translator scholar G. Salomov described the style as follows: "Style is the general tone and color of a work of art, the method of image analysis, the artist's attitude to reality, the principle. These appear in the play as a feature that fully reflects the main aspects of the form at the final stage of the artistic process. Style is a set of basic, typical ideological and artistic features of a writer's work that are repeated in his works. The writer's worldview and the main ideas related to the content of his works, the series of plots
and characters that the author describes the most, the means of artistic expression that are often found in the artist's work, his unique language form his individual style.
Style plays a special role in creating a work or translating it into another language. In this regard, it should be noted that the style of the work of art and the style of socio-political work are naturally different from each other. This aspect is also evident in the translation of a work from one language to another. In literary translation, the main goal is to restore the beauty of the original text in another language, while in the translation of socio-political works, the main goal is to fully reflect the meaning understood from the text. In other words, in literary translation - the tone of the original, its artistic beauty, in the translation of socio-political works - philosophical meaning is the main unit of translation. But both of their translations require creative skill on the part of the translator. That is, regardless of the style, any text must reflect the original idea in the language in which it is being fully translated.
First, the re-creation of the artist's style of translation in the work of art is the means by which the artist uses the work in the work - the reflection of symbolic expressions and painting in the translation. In re-creating the style of the author of a socio-political work in translation, special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the journalistic style. Regarding the translation of such literature, the methodologist T. Kurbanov's dissertation contains certain ideas. In it, the author writes the most important features of journalistic style. Here are some of them:
1. Expression of socio-political attitude. In this case, it is necessary to give a brief description of the operational, social events. Journalism is an open dialogue between a publicist and a reader. The main purpose of the journalistic style is to influence the general public ideologically, to form in them a socio-political worldview and to help them confidently embark on their work.
2. In a journalistic style, precision, conciseness, syntax, perseverance and vitality are the priorities.
3. Linguistic dialects, archaisms and historisms are less used in journalistic style to convey information quickly. Then today's problems will be a priority. For example, if we take the word "power", the physical properties of that word can be expressed in a scientific style. But as a journalistic term, these words can be used in the context of compounds such as progressive power, alien power, black power. In the journalistic style, socio-political terms, compounds and words of a certain pattern are widely used. For example, cooperation, disarmament, national independence, the Cold War, the exploitation of the universe, political demonstrations, industrial progress.
4. Conciseness, clarity of issue, eloquence, that is, avoidance of ambiguity are features of the journalistic style.
5. Publicist-style statements are mostly rhetorical in nature, using more simple sentences.
6. The journalistic style is very close to the formal working style.
7. In journalistic style, facts are told by the first person. In artistic style, however, this task is more often referred to a third person. The following adjectives and epithets are widely used in journalistic style: worthy (share), historical (change, events), all-round (attitude, development), important (period, stage), selfless (labor), huge, great (construction, works) and others. In addition, the following ceremonial words are widely used in journalistic style: creative youth, magnificent, glorious, triumphant, perfection, courage, and so on. In addition, such a style also uses words such as gang of criminals, robbery, theft, murder, greed, obsolescence, arrogance, etc., which are characteristic of emotional speech with a negative color.
The linguistic structure of the journalistic style includes the following layers:
1. Ideological (conceptual) vocabulary.
2. Emotional-expressive colored vocabulary:
a) positively colored words;
b) negatively colored words;
c) words with modal character.
3. Emotional - lexically neutral words with expressive color.
The socio-political terms of the independence period, that is, the ideological lexicon of the journalistic style, differ significantly from the previous ones. In Soviet journalism, the main ideological terms were "Soviet", "socialism", "socialist", "communist", but now "independence", "freedom", "national idea", "national ideology", "stability", "Humanity", "Internet", "Independence", "Multiparty", "Spirituality", "Enlightenment", "Oliy Majlis", "Parliament", "Referendum", "Senate", "Tolerance", "Values"» terms such as are widely used. Instead of the previously widely used ideological lexicon, words are now used to express the ideology of independence.
Donokhon Nematova, who has conducted research on the formation and development of journalism in Uzbek linguistics, in her dissertation on "Linguistic analysis of Cholpon's journalistic works" expressed certain views on Uzbek journalism. She, a researcher on Uzbek journalism, argues that this task places significant demands on journalistic works, which are a very powerful, influential component of the media. At the same time, the scholar believes that the main characteristic feature of such works is the effectiveness of journalistic works, their rapid reach to the public consciousness.
Among the styles, the mass (journalistic) style is distinguished by its peculiarities. Articles, lectures and works in the field of mass media are written in a journalistic style. Styles differ from each other in terms of their specific vocabulary, fixed combinations, sentence and syntactic devices, as well as expressive features. Accordingly, the styles will have to be reflected in the translation using its alternative. Replacing or substituting one for the other will result in ambiguity or ambiguity in translation.
Indeed, in the translation of socio-political works, clarity, conciseness, and most importantly, the priority of meaning come first, of course, in order for a translator to meet these requirements, he must first have studied the subject of translation in depth. In this regard, G.
Salomov states: "It is not enough to know the basic lexical content of words and the grammatical rules of the language to translate. To do this, you need to feel the language. One of these "emotional" aspects of language is expressed in a particular work, in which layers of language the author uses, how, in what way. It depends on style".
Unlike the author of a work of art, a publicist writer must first and foremost adapt his speech to the general public, as well as to the common people. Accordingly, it is required, firstly, to strive for simplicity in speech, secondly, to conduct speech in the form of live communication, and thirdly, to achieve active use of language in conveying the idea he wants to express, influencing the public. So, all this requires a publicist-writer to be able to use the methods of expression, the means of language.
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