LEXICAL AND PHRASEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kholmirzaev B.

We all know that the means of speech serve to express an idea in a beautiful and understandable way. At the same time, phraseological units in language are important in expressing any idea or event in an effective, expressive and figurative way. Of course, each nation has its own phraseological units, derived from the customs of the people, the translation of which goes to an individual level of research. This article discusses issues such as the use of such phraseological units, their translation from one language to another.

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Kholmirzaev B.


Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology

Namangan, Uzbekistan


We all know that the means of speech serve to express an idea in a beautiful and understandable way. At the same time, phraseological units in language are important in expressing any idea or event in an effective, expressive and figurative way. Of course, each nation has its own phraseological units, derived from the customs of the people, the translation of which goes to an individual level of research. This article discusses issues such as the use of such phraseological units, their translation from one language to another.

Keywords: socio-political, author's style, means of image, phraseological units, translation, rice, tradition, history, humanity, author of the work, originality, expressiveness, "Palov".

Speaking about the phraseological problems of translation, it is necessary to emphasize the monograph of Gaybulla Salomov "Language and translation"[4]. In this work, the issue of translation of phraseological units is emphasized by the author's style, emphasizing the specific place of these means of expression in his artistic style, using the possibilities of translation to translate them into another language, especially taking into account the national identity. In addition, the study also shows that in the translation of phraseologies, the stable compound, proverb and idiomatic expressions of the original must be translated while preserving their object.

Typically, phrases and sentences are formed from the combination of words in the speech process while maintaining semantic independence in the free connections of words. Such connections are therefore not retained in the whole case because they are formed in direct speech on the basis of the grammatical rules of a particular language with the requirement of expressing a particular concept or idea. Stable compounds do not have independence in the meaning and grammatical relationship of the words that make up stable word combinations. They can also be equivalent to a single word that means a whole. Therefore, such compounds do not form in the speech process, but exist as a whole in the pre-speech language system. Thus, a phraseological compound is a linguistic unit that is structurally equivalent to a phrase or sentence, meaning a whole, generalized meaning by content, not formed in the process of speech, but ready to be introduced into speech [6]- Consequently, it is the unification of the words in the event that make them a whole that comes together into a single semantic center.

The semantic independence of the words that make up phraseological combinations is not preserved, they have a portable meaning as a whole. Therefore, such compounds can be well preserved in human memory. Thus, phraseological combinations are not limited to naming reality, but also represent a figurative meaning. Therefore, phraseological combinations increase not only the artistic, but also the expressiveness, symbolism, emotionality, expressiveness of the sociopolitical text, speech in general. In this regard, A. Ab-dullayev describes them as "special speech figures consisting of nominative meaning and an integral unit of additional units" [5].

As noted above, phraseological units are used for a specific purpose while increasing the expressiveness,

sensitivity, and impact of socio-political speech. Consider the following example in the original:

«Tarix o'z hukmini chiqarar ekan, hamma vaqt ham sholini kurmakdan ajratadi va g'arazli, xudbin maqsadlarni ko'zlab, xalq manfaatlarini niqob qilib oluvchi shaxslarning o'zlarini oqlash uchun keltiradi-gan kibr-havodan iborat dalillarini qabul qilmaydi»[3].

In this text, the author expresses his thoughts vividly, working in a unique style, using a phraseological unit consisting of words familiar to the average Uzbek readers, based on Uzbek national customs, traditions, as well as everyday life. In fact, the word "rice" means "a grain plant that grows in swamps in hot countries, where rice is grown on its ears, an unbleached, unpolished product of this plant." It is used by people for national food "Palov" of Uzbeks. Growing it is also unique, of course, in order to grow it beautifully, deli-ciously and whole, it must first be cleaned from the another wild plants. The word "kurmak" means "a wild plant that usually grows abundantly in rice pole and its dark grain as 'tank'". The author expresses his opinion in an impressive and symbolic way, describing the situation in a way that is understandable to everyone living in Uzbekistan, who can distinguish between rice and wild plant as "kurmak". The rice is cleaned from drying until it is ripe. In the preparation of "palov", the Uzbek national dish, rice is also cleaned from rice husks. Just as a cook or a rice grower never mixes to put rice in it, so the next generation will separate and never forgive those who don't want our development, our independence, our peace today. Based on the above considerations, the author uses the phrase "distinguishes good from bad" through the phraseological phrase "separates grain from the husk" in a symbolic and expressive language that can be easily understood even by ordinary people, rice farmers. Let us consider how this phraseological unit was translated into English:

"History, when making its final decisions, always separates the husk from the grain and does not accept justifications like the ambitions of certain individuals who hide their own malignant wishes behind the alleged interests of the whole nation" [1].

This text is expressed in the Russian version of the work as follows:

«История, верша свой суд, всегда отделяет зерна от плевел и не принимает в качестве оправ-

даний амбиции личностей, прикрывающихся интересами народа ради собственных узкокорыстных целей» [2].

The translators use the principle of "separates the husk from the grain" in English and "отделяет зерна от плевел" in Russian. We think this is definitely the right thing to do.

Every nation will have its own proverbs and sayings. Through translation, other nations can also benefit from them. The wise phrase about rice given in the Uzbek text really has a national color. Because we Asians really consume more rice than Europeans. This product has penetrated not only into food, but also into our folk wisdom. And in English or Russian, it is also true that grain or wheat is more active than rice. In this sense, translation is an alternative to the original.

From the above, it can be seen that the translators of the work managed to preserve the meaning and style by replacing the phraseological unit originally used with the existing alternative in the language of translation. At the same time, the traditions and nationality of the people who have the language of translation were not ignored. In the same example, the author expressively and impressively portrays that some people who

do not want peace and progress today, no matter how hard they try to justify themselves, cannot deceive the next generation.


1. Karimov I. Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century. G.B.: Curzon Press, 1997.

2. Каримов И. Узбекистан на пороге XXI века: угрозы безопасности, условия и гарантии прогресса, М.: «Дрофа», 1997. -С. 21.

3. Karimov I. O'zbekiston XXI asr bo'sag'asida..., -Т.: "O'zbekiston" nashriyoti, 1997, -B.22.

4. Salomov G'. Language and translation. Lexical and phraseological problems of translation. Fan Publishing House, -T.: 1966.

5. Hojiev A. Annotated Dictionary of Linguistic Terms. -T.: 1985.

6. Abdullaev A. "Expression of expressiveness in the Uzbek language", -T.: "Science", 1983.

7. Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language, -M.: "Russian language" publishing house, 1981, volume 2.



Kholmirzaev B.

Ph.D, Gofurova M.


Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Namangan, Uzbekistan


As we know author's style is very important thing in translation, especially in translation of socio-political works. Every writer has his own method and writing style. Its very important to reflect authors own method in translation. This article discusses the problems of reflecting the method or style of socio-political works.

In science, the method of figuratively, esthetically influencing reality to the reader is called literary style. In this style, there are many cases of emotional expressiveness. Alternatively, such language units are used effectively in a public (journalistic) style. The public method is actually used in the conduct of propaganda work. Simplicity, comprehensibility, expressiveness, adherence to the norms of literary language are the main features of the this style. It actively uses socio-political words and phrases. In addition, words and phrases, proverbs and sayings are often used to make speech effective.

Keywords: socio-political, author's style, means of image, translation, method, tradition, history, humanity, author of the work, originality, expressiveness, philosophical meaning, journalistic style.

Methods, ways of using language units in speech, features of the use of phonetic, lexical, phraseological and grammatical units are studied in the methodological section of linguistics. Through style, the speaker expresses his attitude to the person, to the objects, to the events taking place around him. The Uzbek literary language has the following main speech styles: conversational style, artistic style, formal style, public (journalistic) style, scientific style. In turn, the socio-political style can be called a journalistic style.

In science, the method of figuratively, esthetically influencing reality to the reader is called literary style. In this style, there are many cases of emotional expressiveness. Alternatively, such language units are used effectively in a public (journalistic) style. The public method is actually used in the conduct of propaganda

work. Simplicity, comprehensibility, expressiveness, adherence to the norms of literary language are the main features of the this style. It actively uses sociopolitical words and phrases. In addition, words and phrases, proverbs and sayings are often used to make speech effective.

Well-known translator scholar G. Salomov described the style as follows: "Style is the general tone and color of a work of art, the method of image analysis, the artist's attitude to reality, the principle. These appear in the play as a feature that fully reflects the main aspects of the form at the final stage of the artistic process. Style is a set of basic, typical ideological and artistic features of a writer's work that are repeated in his works. The writer's worldview and the main ideas related to the content of his works, the series of plots

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