Научная статья на тему 'Interpretation and application of legal English language units in practice'

Interpretation and application of legal English language units in practice Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Semenova E.V., Essina I.Y.

In this article the variety of borrowings, internationalisms, phraseological units, idioms in the professional-oriented texts is considered. It opens an opportunity to understand the statement of a thought and laconicism of its expression, including the field of jurisprudence. The research objective is demonstration the ways of interpretation and application of legal English language units in practice through characteristic features of English legal terminology. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of phraseological units and their translation in oral and written speech.

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В статье рассматривается разнообразие заимствований, интернационализмов, фразеологических единиц, идиом в профессионально-ориентированных текстах. В свою очередь, это открывает возможность понять изложение мысли и лаконичности ее выражения, в том числе в области юриспруденции. Целью исследования является демонстрация способов толкования и применения разнообразия лексических единиц юридического английского языка на практике в связи с характерной чертой английской юридической терминологии. Особое внимание в статье уделяется фразеологическим единицам и особенностям их перевода.

Текст научной работы на тему «Interpretation and application of legal English language units in practice»

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18454/RULB.9.14 Семенова Э.В.1, Ессина И.Ю.2

1Кандидат педагогических наук, 2доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, Саратовская государственная

юридическая академия




В статье рассматривается разнообразие заимствований, интернационализмов, фразеологических единиц, идиом в профессионально-ориентированных текстах. В свою очередь, это открывает возможность понять изложение мысли и лаконичности ее выражения, в том числе в области юриспруденции. Целью исследования является демонстрация способов толкования и применения разнообразия лексических единиц юридического английского языка на практике в связи с характерной чертой английской юридической терминологии. Особое внимание в статье уделяется фразеологическим единицам и особенностям их перевода.

Ключевые слова: заимствования, интернационализмы, фразеологизмы, профессионально-ориентированный текст, терминология, юридическая терминология.

Semenova E.V.1, Essina I.Y.2

1PhD in Pedagogy, 2Associate professor, PhD in Pedagogy, Saratov State Law Academy INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION OF LEGAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNITS IN PRACTICE


In this article the variety of borrowings, internationalisms, phraseological units, idioms in the professional-oriented texts is considered. It opens an opportunity to understand the statement of a thought and laconicism of its expression, including the field of jurisprudence. The research objective is demonstration the ways of interpretation and application of legal English language units in practice through characteristic features of English legal terminology. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of phraseological units and their translation in oral and written speech.

Keywords: borrowings, internationalisms, phraseologisms, professional-oriented text, terminology, legal terminology.

Почта авторов / Author Email: esemenova2604@gmail.com, essina@rambler.ru

English language is a link of a single corporation millions of people worldwide. However, to get into this space, it is necessary to know all the rules, all the subtleties of life. There is a specificity of "being" in modern English, especially written, professional-oriented speech, as well as the basic laws for the translation and preparation for presentation of work.

Legal language represents not only a system of language units, but also expresses professional and significant concepts and national and legal culture. The complexity of professional-oriented texts interpretation is that the codified law has its own logic, which is different from logic of ordinary moral and legal representations. The logic of national law is specific, though has universal features [7, P.105-109].

The specificity of legal language requires its correct and exact interpretation, i.e. transfer of the thought through the special term, rather than the common word, which unlike special terms allows a polysemy [6, P. 42-45].

It is necessary to mention that the specificity of any text interpretation, is, first and foremost, dealing with a particular area of human activity - different areas of any professional-oriented field, for the expression of which there are certain stylistic, grammatical, lexical language features which correspond to specific legal functional style [1, P.26-29].

Functional style of professional-oriented texts manifests itself in oral and written forms. The border between them is arbitrary, although each has its stylistic traits. Therefore, the transfer of the professional-oriented text should take into account three main provisions such as translation is a linguistic category; translation is closely associated with a particular area of knowledge; translation requires precise knowledge of the techniques and technology transfer. The objective content of the text for clear transmission and playback should relate to the plan of linguistic expression [2, P. 26-32].

It should be noted that there is invariant way using certain traditionally contained language means and methods

of presentation in the professional- oriented texts. However in the field of jurisprudence there is a completely another kind of specific techniques rules of translation. These texts are enriched with complex and certain concepts that are expressed in the respective ad hoc terminology, the replacement of which can lead to inaccuracies in language and expression of the legislator. In particular, legal terminology is the introduction and dissemination of the languages of the borrowing, the emergence of various international words and phrases.

Terminology is a set of terms of certain activities, forming a special layer of vocabulary available regulation and systematization. Characteristic feature of English legal terminology formation is significant influence borrowing. These borrowings have received limited status in professional application. A fundamental condition for the influence of one language to another is not the nature and reason for borrowing, but its assimilation into the language [4, P. 142144]. Borrowing, as one of the important ways to enrich the language, can be accepted from various reasons in its vocabulary and is developed differently. The nature of legal terminology defines social significance, its historical development and the relationship with the cultural, national and religious aspects. Following that, within professional communication in the field of law, we should take into account not only the cultural specificity of common basic legal concepts and special terms, but terminological dimension [5, P. 270-272].

Legal terminology includes not only internationalisms and borrowings, but also phraseological units. Professional-oriented texts require allocation of phraseological units in context. In particular, there are three types of phraseological units: phraseological combinations, unities and fusions.

Phraseological unit is the set expression possessing either a partial or full figurative sense. Specifics of phraseological unit are defined by discrepancy of the plan of contents to the plan of expression. Having given special expressiveness to contents, phraseological units provide some cultural

associations. The complexity for the translation of phraseological units consists, first of all, from definition and his recognition in the text or the statement. It should be noted, that there are several levels of phraseological units:

• recorded by the dictionary and known for all;

• going out of using, but noted by the dictionary;

• known for everything, but not recorded by the dictionary;

• known to separate public groups [3, P. 130].

Frequently, the using of phraseological units is assigned

to a certain social-cultural or narrowly professional segment of the population. One of the most difficult aspects in practice is ability to analyze the stylistic, cultural and historical, professional-oriented aspects of initial material.

Phraseological units - phrases that have integral, indivisible value on semantic relevance. For example: angel of light; lion's share; to throw dust into smb. 's eyes; to throw mud at smb.; to hold one's cards close to one's chest.

Phraseological combinations-phrases - words that are connected only with a specific composition of word. For example: bad actor, to pay attention to smb; rack one's brains. Translation opens a different format of life, a different mentality and social experience.

Phraseological units inherent in diversity. A brief compilation of selected work, also illustrates the vocabulary choice and phraseologisms with a meaning of colour that, in turn, will help to determine the socio-professional status or involvement with specific events, evaluation of moral phenomena or functional style.

One can exemplify the following phraseologisms in professionally-oriented texts and legal documents: act of grace, back order, best right, bullet proof, person of law, open marriage, blue law, sucker list, think tank, red alert, bolt out of the blue, out of red, a black hen lays a white egg, show your true colours, a horse of different colour, to make the air blue, the men in gray suits, blue-collar worker, roll out the red carpet, give someone a black eye, between the devil and deep blue sea, born with silver spoon in your mouth, brown power, eat for the bar, joy driving, make a killing, kill the bill, kiss the book, angel of light, lion's share, bad actor, the clown foot, to bear one's cross, to condemn oneself out of one's mouth, to escape by the skin of one's teeth.

Phraseological fusions are word groups with really changed meaning. In contrast to the units they are demotivated, so the meaning cannot be deduced from the meaning of the basic parts. The most difficult way of

translation is anagrams based on modern realities. Comparison of characteristics of phraseological units in texts such as Russian and English showed that full and partial equivalents have shown similar semantic ability.

Idioms represent set word combinations, have lost fully semantic autonomy. For example: to rain cats and dogs; to kick the bucket; to be at smb. 's beck and call. Idioms create and communicate cultural information by their imaginary meaning. They are used in all types of language in spite of formal and informal, written or spoken. Idioms are attractive for every person who linguistically minded. They develop confidence in studying English. The main problem is translation or to guess the meaning of an idiom from the words it contains.

Part of the modern English language thesaurus is constantly updated with new units as a result of changes in the living conditions of society, communication algorithms, that gives the opportunity to search for new means of expression. We should bear in mind that phraseological units, idioms may be motivated or non-motivated or subdivided into fusions, unities, collocations and so on.

The following groups of words illustrate this phenomenon. The first - phraseological units: black and blue (badly bruised), black and white (print or writing), blackout (a cessation of news by the mass media). The second -phraseological fusions: a black day (a day of great unhappiness; a disaster), a black mark (a note of a person's misdemeanour or discreditable action), a golden boy/girl (a very popular or successful young man or woman). The third -phraseological combinations: a black hen lays a white egg (out of evil comes good, through the great goodness of God), as black as a crow (dark black in color, pitch black), as white as a sheet (a bad shock can make somebody go as white as a sheet or very white or pale, as if suffering from shock). Idioms: give someone a red face (feelings), scream blue murder (behaviour), catch someone red-handed (activities), between the devil and deep blue sea (situations), be as brown as a berry (condition), black sheep in the family (attitude), blooded (physical condition- red).

Therefore, language units (such as internationalisms, borrowings, phraseologisms) are developed continuously and they are a huge source of extensive linguistic research. Phraseologisms, being steady unit of language, reflect the nation's history, culture and life. A reasonable study of them opens an opportunity to raise figurative expression of thought, grasps the national and legal culture of different countries.

Список литературы / References

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Список литературы на английском языке / References in English

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7. Khizhnyak S .P. The system of lexical units in legal terminology / S. P. Khizhnyak // Russian linguistic Bulletin. -2015. - № 4 (4). - P. 13-14. - DOI: 10.18454/RULB001

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