Научная статья на тему 'MEDIA EDUCATION IN KAZAKHSTAN'

MEDIA EDUCATION IN KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
media education / educational process / media technology / media literacy / integration of media education / mediata'lim / o'quv jarayoni / media texnologiyalar / mediasavodxonlik / mediata'limning integratsiyasi

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — J. S. Sikhynbaeva, S. E. Manabaeva, G. B. Maulenberdieva

The article "Media Education in Kazakhstan" explores the development of media education in the context of the Kazakh educational system. The authors analyze the current state of media education, identify its main problems and achievements. The article highlights the key aspects of the integration of media education into school and university programs, as well as considers ways to improve teaching methods and the use of media technologies in the educational process. The authors offer recommendations on improving the quality of media education in Kazakhstan and emphasize its importance in the formation of information and media literacy among young people in the modern information society.

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"Qozog'istonda Media ta'limi" maqolasi Qozog'iston ta'lim tizimi kontekstida media ta'limining rivojlanishini o'rganadi. Mualliflar media shakllanishining hozirgi holatini tahlil qiladilar, uning asosiy muammolari va yutuqlarini aniqlaydilar. Maqolada media ta'limining maktab va universitet dasturlariga integratsiyalashuvining asosiy jihatlari yoritilgan, shuningdek o'qitish usullarini takomillashtirish va o'quv jarayonida media texnologiyalaridan foydalanish usullari ko'rib chiqilgan. Mualliflar Qozog'istonda media ta'limi sifatini yaxshilash bo'yicha tavsiyalar berishadi va uning zamonaviy axborot jamiyatida yoshlar o'rtasida axborotmedia savodxonligini shakllantirishdagi ahamiyatini ta'kidlaydilar.

Текст научной работы на тему «MEDIA EDUCATION IN KAZAKHSTAN»

O'zbekiston Milliy Universiteti O'zbekistonda mediata'lim:muammolar, yechimlar va istiqbollar



J. S. Sikhynbaeva

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

S. E. Manabaeva

Senior lecturer, Miras University, Republic of Kazakhstan

G. B. Maulenberdieva

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor [email protected]


The article "Media Education in Kazakhstan" explores the development of media education in the context of the Kazakh educational system. The authors analyze the current state of media education, identify its main problems and achievements. The article highlights the key aspects of the integration of media education into school and university programs, as well as considers ways to improve teaching methods and the use of media technologies in the educational process. The authors offer recommendations on improving the quality of media education in Kazakhstan and emphasize its importance in the formation of information and media literacy among young people in the modern information society.

Keywords: media education, educational process, media technology, media literacy, integration of media education.


"Qozog'istonda Media ta'limi" maqolasi Qozog'iston ta'lim tizimi kontekstida media ta'limining rivojlanishini o'rganadi. Mualliflar media shakllanishining hozirgi holatini tahlil qiladilar, uning asosiy muammolari va yutuqlarini aniqlaydilar. Maqolada media ta'limining maktab va universitet dasturlariga integratsiyalashuvining asosiy jihatlari yoritilgan, shuningdek o'qitish usullarini takomillashtirish va o'quv jarayonida media texnologiyalaridan foydalanish usullari ko'rib chiqilgan. Mualliflar Qozog'istonda media ta'limi sifatini yaxshilash bo'yicha tavsiyalar berishadi va uning zamonaviy axborot jamiyatida yoshlar o'rtasida axborot-media savodxonligini shakllantirishdagi ahamiyatini ta'kidlaydilar.

Kalitso'zlar: mediata'lim, o'quv jarayoni, media texnologiyalar, mediasavodxonlik, mediata'limning integratsiyasi.


May 2024

O'zbekiston МУИу Universiteti О'^екЫо^а mediata'lim:muammolar, уесМт1аг va istiqbollar


В статье «Медиаобразование в Казахстане» исследуется развитие медиаобразования в контексте казахстанской образовательной системы. Авторы анализируют современное состояние медиаобразования, выявляют его основные проблемы и достижения. В статье освещаются ключевые аспекты интеграции медиаобразования в школьные и вузовские программы, а также рассматриваются пути совершенствования методов обучения и использования медиатехнологий в образовательном процессе. Авторы предлагают рекомендации по повышению качества медиаобразования в Казахстане и подчеркивают его значение в формировании информационной и медиаграмотности молодежи в современном информационном обществе.

Ключевые слова: медиаобразование, образовательный процесс, медиатехнологии, медиаграмотность, интеграция медиаобразования.

The issue of developing information and media literacy is currently conscious and necessary due to the intensification of information flows that have overwhelmed society in the 21st century. The organization and conduct of thematic events, as well as the development of textbooks and teaching aids on media education, media and information literacy in the system of school and university education in Kazakhstan emphasizes the readiness to introduce the described technologies into the educational process. The use of digitalization technologies and critical thinking within the framework of media and digital literacy is possible in the study of many subjects [1].

The issue of information and media literacy in the 21st century is urgent and relevant. We live in an endless information flow, which, unfortunately, we cannot always navigate competently, since most of society has not developed the skills to recognize the quality of information. Very often, people tend to believe any information, and especially that which is given to us by official sources, as well as various types of media. But information may not always be true, it may be beneficial or disadvantageous to someone, and finally, it may be outright false and fake. It can serve not only the purposes of an objective reflection of reality, but also be a tool of propaganda and manipulation of public consciousness.

In the last two decades, the ideas of civic education have been actively developing in the CIS countries, and UNESCO plays one of the leading roles in this process. Under its auspices, large-scale media education projects are being implemented in the former Soviet republics. The recommendations offered by UNESCO and other international organizations have some common "mechanisms" that are implemented by non-governmental, non-profit organizations. With the support of UNESCO, the Council of Europe, IREX Europe, USAID (US Agency for

May 2024


O'zbekiston Milliy Universiteti O'zbekistonda mediata'lim:muammolar, yechimlar va istiqbollar

International Development), UK Aid (UK Department for International Development - R.S.), European funds (Germany, the Netherlands), non-governmental organizations were opened in the CIS countries: - Internews (Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine); - Center for Media Initiatives (Armenia); - G-MEDIA (Georgia); - Center for Independent Journalism (http://media-azi.md/ru/) (Moldova); - Kazakhstan School of Socially Responsible Journalism (http://unesco-kaznu.ucoz.kz/) and others [2].

They conduct trainings on media education (development of critical thinking, information/digital literacy) for schoolchildren, students, school teachers, college and university teachers. The idea of civic education underlies the concept of trainings, in which the development of critical thinking is carried out based on the formation of students' ideas about the role and functions of media in society. As material for analysis, students are offered examples of various options for propaganda, dissemination of false (fake) news, techniques for manipulating the audience, etc.

Meanwhile, the national characteristics of the sociocultural and pedagogical sphere of the CIS countries leave their mark on the development of media educational projects offered by the above organizations. The differences in their implementation are especially noticeable between the countries of Eastern Europe (Moldova, Ukraine), the Caucasian countries (Armenia, Georgia) and the countries of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan).

2015 has gone down in the history of the state as the year of the beginning of five Presidential reforms - the strategy of our state - and one hundred specific steps -as a solution to the problems of reform - our tactics for the following years. In a hundred specific steps, as a scientist, I paid attention to step 76, where we were talking about 12-year education. During our independence, a lot has definitely been done in education. We are constantly moving forward. Yes, the Soviet school of education, as it turned out, was the best in the world. And we know it. But it was the best school and education in the world of the twentieth century. Over the years of Independence, we have signed many international documents in promoting the educational process, in solving joint problems with most countries of the world. Through the Bologna process, we became one of the first in the post-Soviet space to introduce bachelor's and master's degrees, PhD, and introduce 12-year education. Naturally, this transformation is not a process of one year, or even a decade. A difficult and complex process that has been going on since the late 90s of the last century. The result does not come immediately, but the slogan "Learning for life" gives results today.

In fact, the creation of a multicultural information society creates new ways, technologies, and methods of disseminating information. The global development of

May 2024


O'zbekiston Milliy Universiteti O'zbekistonda mediata'lim:muammolar, yechimlar va istiqbollar


electronic and online media dictates fierce competition both among mass media employees and the media themselves. It is quite obvious that education in the modern period is becoming a branch of the economy. That is, the main resource for economic development is the human factor - the person who is most valued is the one who can discover and create something new in production, science, culture, etc. And therefore, the most important mission of higher education in Kazakhstan is to prepare a generation of highly moral, intellectually developed, creatively working professionals

- citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The higher education system today faces fundamentally new tasks, the main of which was outlined by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in the national project "Intellectual Nation

- 2020" initiated by him: "raising Kazakhstanis in a new formation, transforming Kazakhstan into a country with competitive human capital" 1. The "Intellectual Nation" project should take into account three potential points: the birth of new solutions, technologies and innovations; information revolution; spiritual education of youth. Kazakhstan today has enough opportunities to take a worthy place in the field of training competitive specialists on the world stage[3]. Nazarbayev N. A. Intellectual Nation - 2020.

In solving this strategic task, the most important place belongs to the leading and largest university of the republic - Miras University, which should not only become the locomotive of development of the country's higher education system in accordance with modern international requirements, but also make a significant contribution to the development of society - science, culture, spirituality, social sphere, innovative economy. Education in the modern period should not be reduced solely to the transfer of knowledge and retraining of people. It should change a person's attitude towards the social, cultural and geographical environment around him, ensure a person's suitability for activities in changing working and production conditions, promote the formation of flexible thinking and attitudes towards dialogue and cooperation. Remembering that universities have always been the supporting sociocultural points of the historical process, we must educate future specialists capable of considering their activities from a universal human point of view, from the position of global world sociocultural and technological processes, from the position of global cooperation and the rapprochement of peoples and cultures.

In turn, changes in the system of social relations affect education and require it to be mobile and adequately respond to the challenges of the new historical stage and must meet the needs of the development of the economy as a whole. It is clear that the creative potential of staff can only be revealed where the necessary conditions for this have been created. Their formation is possible only in an atmosphere of a single value field and a climate of trust. Mastering international experience in personnel

May 2024


O'zbekiston Milliy Universiteti O'zbekistonda mediata'lim:muammolar, yechimlar va istiqbollar


engagement, quality management and creating a Kazakh national system that stimulates the implementation of the optimal standard in practice is an urgent task. Its solution will allow the Republic of Kazakhstan to effectively implement the tasks of integration into the world community, including in the field of higher education.

Kazakhstan keeps pace in the modern world in developing the theory and practice of new media technologies. Our tasks today are issues of media literacy, primarily for children and youth. Issues of media education in Kazakhstan today are most likely debatable among scientists, bloggers, members of social networks, and people advanced in the field of new technologies. Everyone understands that this is necessary. However, so far, they have not paid much attention to such questions. The problem of media education and media education in Kazakhstan, as elsewhere, has two directions. 1. Media education in universities at faculties and departments of journalism. 2. Media literacy of society. And here, in my opinion, there are mandatory divisions into: a) training in the teaching environment of universities and school teachers; b) training the Kazakh community as a whole; c) teaching children in schools and secondary educational institutions. There is another problem in our community [4].

We can work with Russian scientists who have already produced large and high-quality volumes of materials on media education. However, we must have a mandatory adaptation to Kazakhstani realities. This applies to issues of schools with Russian language of instruction. But the issues of schools with Kazakh language of instruction are much more complicated than the realities of today. We have a large layer of Kazakh media space. There cannot be mechanical translations of textbooks into the Kazakh language. We need our own original Kazakh textbooks, created on the basis of studying the Kazakh media space, including the electronic one, using IT technologies and new challenges of the time. We see a picture that for the first-time theory follows practice. Today, Kazakhstani scientists are working on fundamental projects in this area, as well as scientists all over the world.

In 2012, we have already carried out the following types of work in accordance with the set goals and objectives reflected in the project calendar plan:

- a scientific research program has been prepared aimed at developing a conceptual framework for media education programs intended for various target groups and reflecting the significance of Kazakhstan and international experience in the development of information technology and media in the context of media education;

- the philosophical and methodological foundations, the main historical stages in the development of media education are analyzed and their characteristic features are determined. The main structural components of the media space of the Republic

May 2024


O'zbekiston Milliy Universiteti O'zbekistonda mediata'lim:muammolar, yechimlar va istiqbollar


of Kazakhstan are presented in terms of quality, sufficiency, adequacy of perception and objectivity of presentation of information in both technical and content aspects;

- the interpretations of the most important concepts for media education that have become widespread at different stages of the development of Kazakhstani media pedagogy have been clarified: "audiovisual literacy", "media", "media culture", "media education", etc. A short dictionary of media education terms has been compiled. The project examined the capabilities of national information resources in providing citizens with socially significant information and developing independent media in the information age;

- the main directions of media education that have become most widespread are identified - based on the material of the press, cinema, radio, sound recording, television, video and computer communications, including the Internet.

We actively participate in the Facebook group created by UNESCO representatives - "Media and Information Literacy (MIL)"[5], where we are its moderators. The project's scientists have different humanities specialties - media, languages, sociology, philosophy, political science, pedagogy, public relations, etc. This allows us to work in different directions. We have established contacts with colleagues from Russia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. Together and in partnership we can do a lot. However, we still see that there is still a lot of work ahead.


1. Akhmetova, L.S. Media literacy and media education in the context of protecting national security // Narrow problems of media legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Digest of articles. - Almaty, 2012 - pp. 29-32;

2. Akhmetova L.S. Social networks: history and experience // Materials of Rep. scientific-practical conf. "M. Barmankulov is the founder of the theory and practice of television journalism in Kazakhstan." Almaty, November 27, 2012 - Almaty: Kazakh Universities - 2013. - 183 p.

3. Verevkin A.V., Lifanova T.Yu. Self-regulation of the media: needs and priorities -Vestnik KazNU. Series "Sociology. Psychology". - 2012. - No. 2 - P. 46-51;

4. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - http://www. facebook.com/groups/295672907171311.

5. Website of the Kazakhstan school of socially responsible journalism -http://unesco-kaznu.ucoz.kz // New training programs in journalism -http : //mo delcurricul a. org/home.html.


May 2024

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