Научная статья на тему 'Исследование особенностей самооценки детей старшего дошкольного возраста'

Исследование особенностей самооценки детей старшего дошкольного возраста Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
самооценка / диагностика самооценки / дети старшего дошкольного возраста / условия развития самооценки / self-assessment / diagnosis of self-esteem / older preschool children / conditions for the development of self-esteem

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Римашевская Лариса Сергеевна, Гультяева Ольга Александровна

Актуальность тематики статьи. Способность оценивать себя, собственные достижения – одно из новообразований личности ребенка, появляющееся в дошкольном возрасте. Важность развития этой регуляторной способности для дошкольника в том, что она оказывает влияние на успешность ребенка в различных видах деятельности. Многочисленные исследования посвящены вопросам изучения самооценки в дошкольном, младшем школьном возрасте. Но в их содержании практически не раскрываются качественные характеристики самооценки старших дошкольников. Проведенный анализ детских суждений позволяет глубже понять современного ребенка в пространстве оценки и самооценки, исследовать своеобразие оценочного поля, в котором он развивается, а также переосмыслить способы поддержки положительной самооценки в педагогическом процессе ДОО. Целью исследования стало выявление особенностей самооценки старших дошкольников группы с нормой развития и ОНР. Описание хода исследования. В исследовании приняли участие 50 детей 6–7 лет. В каждой из обследованных групп приблизительно одинаковое количество мальчиков и девочек. Основную группу методов, которые использовали педагоги, составили беседы и метод включенного наблюдения за детьми в организованной деятельности на занятиях, естественной обстановке (играх, разговорах со сверстниками, на прогулке). Были составлены карты наблюдения, модифицированы существующие диагностические беседы, определены образовательные ситуации для оценивания. Фиксировалась выраженность и характер оценки детьми собственной деятельности. Дополнительная группа методов включила в себя экспериментальные методики по выявлению самооценки: В.Г. Щур «Лесенка», «Проба де Греефе», «Нарисуй себя» А.М. Прихожан, З. Василяускайте, «Какой я?», шкалы «Дембо – Рубинштейн». Результаты исследования. На основе результатов проведенных диагностик у большинства детей была обнаружена возрастная норма уровня самооценки. Неадек­ватно завышенная или заниженная самооценка была отмечена у детей, имеющих низкий уровень развития когнитивного компонента самооценки, с недостаточно развитым рефлексивно-критическим отношением к себе. Речевые нарушения (ОНР) не имеют особого влияния на уровень самооценки старших дошкольников. При рассмотрении качественных характеристик самооценки воспитанников было выявлено, что оценочные высказывания в повседневной речи детей редки и содержательно обеднены. Дети недостаточно владеют умениями оценки и самооценки. Естественная речевая среда не всегда обеспечивает ребенка в достаточной степени ни средствами выражения оценки, ни представлением о структуре оценочного высказывания, поэтому оценки детей шести-семи лет отличаются категоричностью и двухмерностью: делаю / не делаю, хорошо / плохо, нормально / ненормально, любят/ не любят и т.п. Выводы. Проведенный анализ суждений детей позволяет сделать вывод о значительно ограниченных представлениях дошкольников о себе, трансляции, повторении однообразных суждений взрослых. Образ ребенка-дошкольника обедняется, замыкается на послушании прилежании, неконфликтности, лишен ценностной ориентации, содержательности, многообразия.

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The Study of the Features of Self-esteem of Older Preschool Children

The relevance of the article’s topic. The ability to evaluate oneself, one’s own achievements is one of the new formations of a child’s personality that appears at preschool age. The importance of the development of this regulatory ability for a preschooler is that it affects the child’s success in various activities. Numerous studies are devoted to the study of self-esteem in preschool, primary school age. But their content practically does not reveal the qualitative characteristics of self-esteem of older preschoolers. The analysis of children’s judgments allows a deeper understanding of the modern child in the space of evaluation and self-esteem, to explore the uniqueness of the evaluation field in which he develops, and also to rethink the ways to support positive self-esteem in the pedagogical process of preschool education. The aim of the study was to identify the features of self-esteem of older preschoolers in the group with the norm of development and general underdevelopment of speech. Description of the research progress. The study involved 50 children aged 6–7 years. There are approximately the same number of boys and girls in each of the surveyed groups. The main group of methods used by teachers were conversations and the method of participant observation of children in organized activities in the classroom, in a natural setting (games, conversations with peers, on a walk). Observation maps were compiled, existing diagnostic conversations were modified, and educational situations for assessment were identified. The severity and nature of the children’s assessment of their own activities were recorded. An additional group of methods included experimental methods for identifying self-esteem: V.G. Schur “Ladder”, “Test de Greefe”, “Draw yourself” A.M. Parishioners, Z. Vasiliauskaite, “What am I?”, Dembo-Rubinstein scales. The results of the study. Based on the results of the diagnostics, the age norm of the level of self-esteem was found in most children. Inadequately overestimated or underestimated self-esteem was noted in children with a low level of development of the cognitive component of self-esteem, with an insufficiently developed reflective-critical attitude towards themselves. Speech disorders do not have a particular impact on the level of self-esteem of older preschoolers. When considering the qualitative characteristics of self-esteem, it was revealed that evaluative statements in children’s everyday speech are rare and meaningfully impoverished. Children do not have enough assessment and self-assessment skills. The natural speech environment does not always provide the child with sufficient means of expressing an assessment or an idea of the structure of an evaluative statement, therefore, the assessments of six-seven-year-old children are categorical and two-dimensional: do / don’t do, good / bad, normal / abnormal, love / don’t love etc. Conclusion. The analysis of children’s judgments allows us to conclude that preschoolers have significantly limited ideas about themselves, translation, and repetition of the monotonous adult’s judgments. The image of a preschool child is impoverished, is closed on obedience, diligence, non-conflict, is devoid of value orientation, content, diversity.

Текст научной работы на тему «Исследование особенностей самооценки детей старшего дошкольного возраста»

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����� �������� ����������.��� �����������: ����������� �.�., ��������� �.�. ������������ ������������ ��������-�� ����� �������� ����������� �������� // ����������� ���������� �����������. � 2022. � �3(111). � �. 26�35. DOI: 10.24412/2782-4519-2022-3111-26-35

��������� ������ �������� 14.02.2022.


��������: larisarimash@yandex.ru

UDC 373.2 DOI: 10.24412/2782-4519-2022-3111-26-35

The Study of the Features of Self-esteem of Older Preschool Children

Larisa S. Rimashevskaya,* Olga A. Gultyaeva

Institute of Childhood, Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia

The relevance of the article�s topic. The ability to evaluate oneself, one�s own achievements is one of the new formations of a child�s personality that appears at preschool age. The importance of the development of this regulatory ability for a preschooler is that it affects the child�s success in various activities. Numerous studies are devoted to the study of self-esteem in preschool, primary school age. But their content practically does not reveal the qualitative characteristics of self-esteem of older preschoolers. The analysis of children�s judgments allows a deeper understanding of the modern child in the space of evaluation and self-esteem, to explore the uniqueness of the evaluation field in which he develops, and also to rethink the ways to support positive self-esteem in the pedagogical process of preschool education.The aim of the study was to identify the features of self-esteem of older preschoolers in the group with the norm of development and general underdevelopment of speech.Descriptionoftheresearchprogress. Thestudyinvolved50childrenaged6�7years.Thereareapproximately the same number of boys and girls in each of the surveyed groups. The main group of methods used by teachers were conversations and the method of participant observation of children in organized activities in the classroom, in a natural setting (games, conversations with peers, on a walk). Observation maps were compiled, existing diagnostic conversations were modified, and educational situations for assessment were identified. The severity and nature of the children�s assessment of their own activities were recorded. An additional group of methods included experimental methods for identifying self-esteem: V.G. Schur �Ladder�, �Test de Greefe�, �Draw yourself� A.M. Parishioners, Z. Vasiliauskaite, �What am I?�, Dembo-Rubinstein scales.The results of the study. Based on the results of the diagnostics, the age norm of the level of self-esteem was found in most children. Inadequately overestimated or underestimated self-esteem was noted in children with a low level of development of the cognitive component of self-esteem, with an insufficiently developed reflective-critical attitude towards themselves. Speech disorders do not have a particular impact on the level of self-esteem of older preschoolers. When considering the qualitative characteristics of self-esteem, it was revealed that evaluative statements in children�s everyday speech are rare and meaningfully impoverished. Children do not have enough assessment and self-assessment skills. The natural speech environment does not always provide the child with sufficient means of expressing an assessment or an idea of the structure of an evaluative statement, therefore, the assessments of six-seven-year-old children are categorical and two-dimensional: do / don�t do, good / bad, normal / abnormal, love / don�t love etc.Conclusion. The analysis of children�s judgments allows us to conclude that preschoolers have significantly limited ideas about themselves, translation, and repetition of the monotonous adult�s judgments. The image of a preschool child is impoverished, is closed on obedience, diligence, non-conflict, is devoid of value orientation, content, diversity.

Keywords: self-assessment, diagnosis of self-esteem, older preschool children, conditions for the

development of self-esteem.For citation: Rimashevskaya L.S., Gultyaeva O.A. (2022). The study of the features of self-esteem of older preschool children. Preschool Education Today. 3:16, 26�35 (in Russian). DOI: 10.24412/2782-4519-2022-3111-26-35

Original manuscript received 14.02.2022.


Contacts: larisarimash@yandex.ru

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Information about authors

Larisa S. Rimashevskaya, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Institute of Childhood, Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia, ORCID 0000-0003-4525-1295, larisarimash@yandex.ru

Olga A. Gultyaeva, PhD in Psychology, methodologist, St. Petersburg, Russia, ORCID: 0000-0002-9967-0754, gultiaeva_o_a@list.ru



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