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Dariusz Sarzata
PhD in humanities, Assistant Professor, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
The aim of this article is to present the most important challenges faced by education in relation to the growth of globalization of the contemporary world. The analysis of the source material, carried out by the author, indicates that in th e era of globalization the need upbringing and education appears in a new light. The author concludes that a particularly important task, on the ground upbringing and education is to prepare people not only to benefit from the achievements of modern civilization, but also to creatively participate in the process of education's continued existence and development. The reflections included in the article are addressed to teachers and all those who have any influence on the formation of philosophy, as well as specific strategies of modern education.
Keywords: education, globalism, pedagogy, upbringing.
Changes in globalization of the modern world put education in the face of the challenges it did not have to wrestle ever before. In past eras upbringing and education focused primarily on employing young people to function in the existing order and passing the available knowledge according to its current stage of development. But now, in the era of globalization the formula of training people only to fulfill a clearly defined function in the labor market, educating experts in a narrow field is not sufficient. Skills and qualifications cannot obscure preparation for critical thinking, formulating one's own opinions and creative, active involvement in the social life. The main task of education is to prepare young people to consciously create the future and attitudes that will allow them to understand themselves and others and to cope in a complex social situation of the globalized world.
In recent years, at the turn of the twentieth / twenty-first century, more and more often we have been hearing about the processes of globalization understood as the formation of "one world" and one society as a result of the processes leading to the increase of interdependence and integration between the countries, societies, economies and cultures [1, pp. 1-16]. The characteristic of this kind of processes is globalization of social, political, economic, cultural, environmental phenomena and many other dimensions of life of modern societies.
The researchers dealing with this issue emphasize that globalization is a process of thickening and intensifying the economic, financial, political, military, cultural and ideological connections and relationships between societies, that is gaining more and more momentum and it is now one of the dominant trends in creating events in the world [2, pp. 74-76]. It is a process of intercultural interaction, exchange and transformation [3, p. 15]. Globalization is seen as the phenomenon
which is becoming the dominant character of the world's political, cultural, economic and natural environments [4].
While analyzing the process of globalization the attention should be paid to its multidimensionality. Contemporary globalism is not limited merely to the political and economic dimension; but it is a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon [5]. It is not only the economic doctrine of free markets, but it is also a political principle aimed to unite countries at international level. Globalism is based on the philosophical and ideological assumptions and it also has prospective targets of civilization character. An important approach for "making the social world one" is a complex network of economic, political and cultural links [6, p. 583]. The important "flow channels" of globalization aimed at unifying the world are not associated with a particular country as, for example, emerging at a rapid pace, transnational organizations which are taking over parts of the sovereignty of nations. Therefore, according to some authors, the globalization means a weakening the state sovereignty and state structures [7, p. 86]. "Globalization -
however the word is understood - implies the weakening of state sovereignty and state structures.".
Globalization also favors the use of modern multimedia technologies that enable immediate and virtually unrestricted flow of information across the world (i.e. via the Internet, regardless of what place in the world the broadcast receiver is located). Similarly, the other mass media, especially television, radio or newspapers enable people from different parts of the world simultaneous, „virtual" participation in "global" events [8, p. 582]. Therefore, a general concept of globalization can be stated as the intensification of worldwide relations linking various parts of the globe [9].
The process of globalization leads to a gradual uniformity and standardization of culture and the development of contacts and social ties, solidarity and identity in the supra-local and transnational scale [10, p. 598]. Some authors also point out that the so-called human resources began to take the place of the personal community - the nation [11].
Globalization, which in its assumptions was not to create divisions, but new growth opportunities and ensure equal opportunities to all people, turns out to be also the source of the discrepancies and threats on many levels. The attributes of a man living in the era of globalization have become scope of having power, proper occupation, income level, social status and being competitive in different areas. Its becomes the marginalization of certain social groups who cannot find their way in the following changes in lifestyle caused by the processes of globalization (unemployed and incapable of gainful employment).
The process of globalization, in addition to the benefits associated with the development of civilization, also brings an increase in economic inequality, which leads to a huge part of the world's population being pushed to the margins and being deprived of opportunities for fuller participation in the processes of economic and social life. It should be noted, that as a result of globalization the differences in the educational opportunities of many young people are deepening.
As a result, globalization as a diverse and multithreaded phenomenon creates not only new opportunities but it also causes unpredictable range of risks, including such as: [12, p.261]
• increase in social inequalities in local and global scale,
• disappearance of the nation-state category,
• increase in the pace of communication based on advanced information technologies, uniformity and simplification of culture,
• making the economy worldwide,
• spread of the consumer lifestyle and surrendering the ideals of upbringing and education purposes to that lifestyle.
• increase of the importance of transnational corporations [13, p. 93]
Some researchers also point out, that globalization of the modern world is primarily a process of concentration of capital, resources and mechanisms to multiply it, which can be seen not only as a freedom of action, but also as the monopolization of opportunities. It is also indicated that "(...) as a result of globalization, the rich get richer, the poor, even if they do not fall into a greater poverty, recognize that the economic gap between them and the people materially privileged is constantly growing." [14, p. 6]
The ongoing process of globalization is becoming a kind of a paradox - by accelerating the progress of civilization and bringing economic benefits at the same time it pushes large numbers of people to the margins, in areas of poverty and deprivation [15] and deprives them of opportunities to
fully participate in society. In addition, putting in the first place accumulating money (getting rich) in the hierarchy of goods and objectives of international and interpersonal relations, causes shallowness of purpose of human life. The means which are tangible, become a goal.
In the context of the indicated problems it can be said that globalization poses education with new tasks on both, continental and global levels. These relate to social issues, for example, social inequality, human rights, the phenomena of uneven income distribution, unequal access and use the planet's resources including access to water, food, natural resources, but also access to knowledge and threats such as: ecological threat, wars, consumer lifestyle, problems resulting from the economic and political migration, etc.
As a result, globalization forces new changes in the educational system. In the words of F. Mayor "(...) classical forms and systems of education have lagged behind economic and social realities" [16, p. 378]. Traditional school is not, however, fully prepared to take up the challenges of modern civilization in a globalized world, it reacts too slowly to changes. Difficulties arise primarily from the fact that educational systems have remained focused on meeting the educational needs of agricultural and industrial societies [17, p. 35]. Mass schooling system, in its current form, is not able to provide conditions for comprehensive development of a student functioning in the new globalized reality.
On the basis of education and upbringing people must be prepared, not only to benefit from the achievements of modern civilization, but also to creatively participate in the process of its continued existence and development. Schools [18] and the family [19] must help students in the critical perception of reality, in discovering, analyzing and interpreting the concepts and meanings The young person must be helped in finding himself in a globalized world of contemporary culture [20, p. 117]. Education and upbringing should primarily focus on providing skills, predisposing for self-reflection and the shaping of attitudes based on a stable structure of values and the ability to critically analyze contemporary reality of the global world.
Efforts should be made to facilitate the integral development of the young man in mental, physical [21], affective, moral and spiritual dimension. The process of education must include not only the transmission of knowledge and skills, broad cultural value but also inspire creative attitudes, open, independent thinking and inspire motivation to self-education [22, p. 141]. At the same time, it should be emphasized that one of the most important challenges in the era of globalization is the equality of educational opportunities for children from families with high and low economic status.
It ought to be also emphasized that education on a global scale is linked to local education, showing the interdependence between the world of global and local levels, between globalization and territorialisation, between freedom of action and redistribution of sovereignty, in essence the sides of the same process in which the educator and also every man must make choices. In the era of globalization modern education should also be introduced to a greater extent of category of dialogue, cultural pluralism, intercultural awareness, in order to modify any of myths, prejudices, stereotypes and also promote the need for noticing and learning differences, understanding and cooperation with others, mutual providing support and assistance [23, p. 919].
These dilemmas have arisen to the rank of major problems and challenges for education and they concern patterns of thinking and modes of conduct of modern people, shaped by many sources of influence, both local and global. There is also a need for global (planetary) education, oriented towards
integrated pacific coexistence of mankind in the international and intercontinental perspective, which becomes the most momentous, pedagogical and educational challenge of the twenty-first century [24, p. 145].
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Федорова Анна Валерьевна, Хорольцева Елена Борисовна
кандидаты философских наук, доценты кафедры социальных коммуникаций, Поволжский институт
управления им. П.А.Столыпина - филиал РАНХиГС, г. Саратов
Fedorova Anna Valeryevna, Candidate of Scienes (Philosophy), docent Social Communications Chair, Stolypin Volga Institute of Administration of the Russian Presidentional Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Saratov Khorotlceva E.B., Candidate of Scienes (Philosophy), docent Social Communications Chair, Stolypin Volga Institute of Administration of the Russian Presidentional Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Saratov АННОТАЦИЯ
Изменяющиеся конфигурации внешней и внутренней среды организации требуют переосмысления как базовых процессов современных организаций, так и процессов, связанных с организационным развитием. Основными методами организационных изменений становятся аналитика и систематика рисков и конфликтов в процессах оценки организационной деятельности. А вспомогательными методами являются - конфликтологическая экспертиза, практическая рефлексия и матрица рисков для повышения системной эффективности организационной деятельности.
The changing configurations of the external and internal organizational environment demand reconsideration of both basic processes of modern organizations, and organizational development processes. The analytics and systematization of risks