CYBERSPACE AS A SOURCE OF THREATS IN THE SPHERE OF YOUTH SOCIALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Dariusz Sarzała

The aim of the study is to analyze, from the point of view of socialization, a new area of social activity of youth and children, which is cyberspace, the most important sphere of a new form of communication and social functioning of a modern man. The analysis of the specific nature of cyberspace shows the risks associated with its use, those risks interfere with the process of socialization and lead to many pathological behaviors. It also identifies the need to prevent negative influence of cyberspace, which can be seen in the sphere of education Summary The analysis leads to the conclusion that beside positive, undisputed aspects of cyberspace, there can also be indicated a number of dangers associated with its use. The risk faced by users of cyberspace is a serious problem not only in the sphere of socialization and education, but it also relates to a broader security context of modern individual and his mental hygiene. Therefore, the potential risk faced by users of cyberspace is a serious problem, especially in the sphere of education, socialization and upbringing. This problem requires in-depth research on the basis of interdisciplinary sphere and is a big challenge for the specialists of many disciplines, especially psychologists and pedagogues who beside the parents play a key role in the sphere of socialization and education of children and youth

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себя ассессмент-центр, задействовав собственных специалистов по персоналу. Мы убедились в этом в процессе проведения нашего исследования и организации ас-сессмент-центра для отбора наиболее походящей кандидатуры среди будущих менеджеров по продажам.

Основным принципом составления программы ас-сессмент-центра является оценивание каждой компетенции в нескольких упражнениях, и в каждом упражнении -ряда компетенций. Некоторые компетенции дополнительно оцениваются при помощи психологических и профессиональных тестов до активной части ассессмент-цен-тра, а также при проведении различных типов собеседования с каждым кандидатом - до и после.

Вся процедура организации ассессмент-центра предполагает обязательную стандартизацию, подразумевающую наличие определенных нормативов проведения каждого этапа и системы оценок с разработкой критериев и шкал оценки, что делает ее близкой к методу испытаний. Но проведенные нами диагностические методики и интервью по компетенциям, являющиеся порой основными и единственными применяемыми методами при сборе информации о кандидатах, не дали нам по отдельности наглядных представлений о поведении кандидатов в реальных условиях его предполагаемой деятельности, а также не позволили предсказать их будущую профессиональную успешность. Только после проведения активной части ассессмент-центра мы смогли выявить 2 кандидатуры, действительно подходящие на должность менеджера по продажам, из отобранных 6 человек в процессе психологического тестирования, полностью соответствующих модели компетенций, составленной нами во время подготовительной части организации ассессмент-центра, и отвечающие всем предъявленным нами требованиям.

Таким образом, главное преимущество ас-сессмент-центра проявляется в том, что кандидаты в процессе активной части не просто рассказывают, как они поступят в том или ином случае, как, например, в интервью по компетенциям, а взаимодействуют друг с другом в режиме реального времени, имея возможность продемонстрировать такие характеристики, как стрессоустойчи-вость, умение наладить контакт и выявить потребности клиента.

Для выявления взаимосвязи между экспертными оценками и результатами тестирования был применен корреляционный анализ, данные которого показали, что все компетенции, оцениваемые в ходе активной части ас-сессмент-центра, связаны с некоторыми индивидуально-личностными характеристиками кандидатов. Наиболее часто встречающейся стала положительная корреляция всех компетенций со значениями эмоциональной устойчивости (фактор С), смелости (фактор Н), коммуникативных и организаторских способностей. То есть, чем выше

уровень развития ключевых компетенций кандидата, тем выше значения по перечисленным качествам.

Полученный объем данных в ходе такой комплексной оценки позволил нам сравнить все три метода сбора информации о кандидатах, используемых при отборе кандидатов по ее полноте, а также выявить связь между уровнем развития каждой компетенции с определенными индивидуально-личностными характеристиками кандидатов.

В ходе эмпирического исследования было установлено, что другие методы сбора информации о кандидатах, такие как собеседование и тестирование не всегда могут дать объективную информацию о его качествах и компетентности. В результате тестирования и собеседования мы отобрали 6 кандидатов на вакантную должность, в то время как после активной части ассессмент-центра мы смогли выявить только 2 кандидатуры полностью подходящих по предъявленным к должности требованиям.

Таким образом, данные исследования имеют широкую практическую значимость и могут быть использованы в работе специалистами кадровых служб организации не только для улучшения качества укомплектованности кадрами и для оценки действующих сотрудников, но и для определения потенциала претендующих на должность менеджера по продажам кандидатов.


1. Барышникова Е.И. Оценка персонала методом ас-сессмент-центра. Приложение / Елена Барышникова. - М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2013. - 28 с.

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4. Рыжова Н. Е., Михеев Ю. А. Центр оценки шаг за шагом. Навигатор по разработке и проведению. / Н. Е. Рыжова, Ю. А. Михеев, под ред. Н. Е. Рыжовой - ГК «Институт Тренинга - АРБ Про» - 1-е изд.

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6. Райгородский Д.Я. Практическая психодиагностика. Методики и тесты. Учебное пособие / под ред. Д. Я. Райгородского. - Самара: Бахрах-М, 2001.

- 672 с.


Dariusz Sarzaia

PhD in humanities, Assistant Professor, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


The aim of the study is to analyze, from the point of view of socialization, a new area of social activity of youth and children, which is cyberspace, the most important sphere of a new form of communication and social functioning of a modern man. The analysis of the specific nature of cyberspace shows the risks associated with its use, those risks interfere with the

process of socialization and lead to many pathological behaviors. It also identifies the need to prevent negative influence of cyberspace, which can be seen in the sphere of education.

Keywords: socialization, upbringing, cyberspace


The analysis leads to the conclusion that beside positive, undisputed aspects of cyberspace, there can also be indicated a number of dangers associated with its use. The risk faced by users of cyberspace is a serious problem not only in the sphere of socialization and education, but it also relates to a broader security context of modern individual and his mental hygiene. Therefore, the potential risk faced by users of cyberspace is a serious problem, especially in the sphere of education, socialization and upbringing. This problem requires in-depth research on the basis of interdisciplinary sphere and is a big challenge for the specialists of many disciplines, especially psychologists and pedagogues who beside the parents play a key role in the sphere of socialization and education of children and youth.

The rapid development of interactive and mobile information technology, in recent years, has led to the creation of a new area of social communication and human functioning, called: cyberspace which usually is referred to as a virtual space of the Internet and other digital media. It exists as a result of functioning of various types of devices which are not only computers and the Internet, but also television, radio, mobile phones, music and multimedia devices, game consoles, professional and home multimedia centers.

Generally, we can say that cyberspace is consisted of elements that we can see and hear, but they are not physical objects and do not constitute the representation of such. The essential component of cyberspace is also information coming not only from activities in the area of the physical world, but they are also the result of the accumulation and sharing the knowledge resulting from human activity, especially at the level of science, culture, and arts.

The specificity of cyberspace was pointed out by many researchers dealing with these issues [1]. We can find in literature at least four definitions of the term "cyberspace", in which it is referred to as:

• space of open communication via the Internet or other networks, which creates a system of computer links to help users to contact one another, including contacts in real time (in the context of this definition the cyberspace is seen as a channel for the exchange of information.)

• space created by computer graphics in personal computers.

• virtual reality (here, is assumed the interchangeability of these two terms).

• environment creating the conditions for interaction between the various media, enabling the construction of a work of art (this is a comprehensive set of data to create the artwork).

In the context of the presented definition, the cyberspace can be defined as an open space of electronic communication, created by the Internet connections, which would, apart from openness, be characterized by processability of information, computability, hypertextuality, plasticity, fluidity and interactivity.

Cyberspace offers new, previously unknown and basically not limited possibilities to affect people. It affects even the sphere of beliefs and moral views, for many people it becomes an authority [2, p. 406]. Using the resources of cyberspace is now not only the need associated with job and school activity, but it is becoming almost indispensable in almost all dimensions of human functioning. As a result, the cyberspace is an element of reality that changes the image of culture and social life [3].

The widespread adoption of digital technology is considered to be extremely important for the structure of relationships [4]. Everyone, even the children, use it in order to maintain or establish some form of contact - communication with others. Let us note, however, that cyberspace beyond the opportunities in the sphere of communication, research, education, activity, relaxation and the possibilities of rapid development of civilization, has become the source of many threats. The cyberspace users can hold various types of relationships and they face many pathological phenomena and the contents, but they also are engaged in a number of other forms, not always positive activities. As a result, cyberspace not only shapes (not always positive) model of functioning of an especially young man, but at the same time it becomes a source of: aggression, violence, substance abuse, manipulation, propaganda, disinformation, and a place of spreading many other types of phenomena of social pathology, especially such as: crime, cyber-terrorism, hacking, pedophilia, gambling, etc., the list is still growing. The negative impact of cyberspace on a man can be presented in categories of threats that concern the following areas:

• cognitive: uniformity or reduction of experience, limits in the teaching of perception of problems and creative thinking; the dominance of image over content and so-called verbal content, so-called information flood

• emotional: the problem of addiction to the Internet (the excessive use can lead to so-called Internet addiction)

• will and reflexion: atrophy of autonomy and a sense of subjectivity; manipulating one's own identity)

• interpersonal relations: a gradual reduction of teacher-student relationship; impoverishment of direct social contacts, triggering aggressive behavior (i.e. cyber aggression [5] and cyber bullying) [6, p. 74-81]. Pointing to the positive dimensions of cyberspace, we

must also point out that it not only strengthens the cognitive and educational opportunities and enables rapid development of civilization, but it also becomes a place of various risks, among other things, unfavorable to the proper development of children and youth. Today's young people as "digital natives" [7, pp. 1-6] live in the virtual space in which adults are merely guests or inspectors [8]

The range of issues concerning the participation of cyberspace in socialization is very wide and can be seen in many contexts. The most important of them are presented in the table below, and they concern and address the differences that exist between the classic space of socialization and socializing dimension of cyberspace.

Table 1

The main differences between the classical space and cyberspace in the context of socialization

Space type / eatures Classical communication space The new communication space Cyberspace

Existing limits of cognition and communication • Limited time, space, financially, linguistically. • Limited communication. • Limited access to knowledge and often its elitism • Theoretical lack of any cognitive boundaries. "Cheap" knowledge. • There are no geographical boundaries. • The time to cross space has been reduced to a few seconds. • There is a possibility of quick translation of a language. • Unprecedented elsewhere the possibility of quick comparisons. • Knowledge is selective • Instant communication and information overwhelming the knowledge

Content • Constrained ideologically, politically, technically, administratively. • Barriers and learning modes of knowledge created by parents and teachers • Minimal restrictions in access to all content and communication (there are only technological and financial constraints - access to the network is almost unlimited). • New symbols, patterns, standards, new forms of communication

Access to knowledge and communication • Easy distribution system of communication and knowledge tailored to personal and physical development • Theoretical lack of limits to knowledge and communication (in Poland approx. 4% of home computers have parental filters). • There is access to knowledge and communication exceeding the emotional preparation of a child and a young man

Existing social control • Multivariate and multidimensional • Extremely limited, and since the high school level or even earlier, for the most part of the young generation even absent.

On the basis of above-mentioned differences occurring between classical socialization space and cyberspace, we can conclude that traditional educational institutions are now able to completely restrict the younger generation's access to undesirable or even downright harmful information to the child care - the socialization point of view [9]. We need to pay particular attention to the fact that in cyberspace, one can face content about every area of knowledge and life of a man, both positive and negative. As a result of this situation we deal, as emphasized by some researchers of this issue, with a specific "confusion between good and evil". This state of affairs leads in turn to chaos in the mind of the individual who is cognitively immature and it creates a number of other threats to the development, such as: typical consumer dimension and propaganda, including information which often serves as a profitable and attractive product having little to do with authenticity [10, p. 239].

Communication mediated by the computer frees you from the constraints that exist in the real, social contacts. It gives the impression of anonymity and does not threaten sanctions when the standards are often exceeded [11, p. 6381]. In such circumstances various temptations arise: to experiment with something new and forbidden, to act out one's own fears, anxieties and experienced humiliations or rejections, self-presentation impossible to implement in the real world. Most of them are of unconscious and uncontrollable character. As a result, cyberspace plays an increasingly important, not always positive, role in shaping attitudes and behavior of children and adolescents [12, p.113-124].

It should be emphasized, however, that the analyzed issue is quite complicated because the cyberspace is both a

source of many hazards and at the same time, it contributes to the progress of civilization. The idea of this study is not about criticism of cyberspace, but primarily about signaling the dangers posed by improper use of its resources. It should be stressed, however, that cyberspace cannot be seen only in a negative way and "blamed" for appearing in it the pathological phenomena. Not everything in the mass communication is manipulation, seduction and deception, but we should be aware of the existing dangers, we should prevent them and benefit from the opportunities posed by the mass media.

Please note that cyberspace plays a very important role in education in various forms of schooling. Therefore, we must ensure that that cyberspace does not become a source of deviant behavior, particularly, a substance of abuse and violence, but a positive and creative space of socialization and education, favoring the full and harmonious development of a man. It is one of the most urgent tasks that stands especially before the major educational environments, namely the family and the school, in the era of rapid development of cyberspace.


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Цопанова Анжела Владимировна

кандидат психологических наук, научный сотрудник отдела социально-политических исследований Северо-Осетинский институт гуманитарных и социальных исследований им. В.А. Абаева Владикавказского научного центра Российской академии наук и Правительства РСО - Алания, г. Владикавказ

Цопанов Уырызмаг Владимирович студент 5 курса, Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академия, Минздрава России

г. Владикавказ


Tsopanova Anzhela Vladimirovna, PhD in psychology, Scientific researcher, Department of social and political studies North Osetian Institute of humanitarian and social studies name V. A. Abaev of Vladikavkaz scientific centre, Russian Academy of Sciences and the government of RNO - Alania, Vladikavkaz

Tsopanov Uyryzmag Vladimirovich, 5th year student, North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Russian Ministry of Health Vladikavkaz


В статье рассматривается проблема современного религиозно-политического экстремизма. Описывается предложенная автором теория формирования экстремистского поведения. Проводится краткий анализ причин возникновения экстремизма в России на Северном Кавказе в целом и в РСО - Алания, в частности. Перечислены основные меры противодействия религиозно-политическому экстремизму и их психологические аспекты. ABSTRACT

Tthe article is devoted to the problem of modern religious-political extremism. Describes the author's proposed theory of the formation of extremist behavior. A brief analysis of the causes of extremism in Russia in the North Caucasus in General

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