бы улучшить демографическую ситуацию, стабилизировать численность населения за счет увеличения средней продолжительности жизни, повысить в перспективе показатели рождаемости и обеспечить снижение показателей смертности населения.
Список литературы
1. Алиев К.А. Демографическая политика // Вестник КРСУ. 2013. №10.
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3. Распоряжение Правительства Российской Федерации от 24.09.2001 №1270-р «О Концепции демогра-
фического развития Российской Федерации на период до 2015 года» // Собрание законодательства РФ, 01.10.2001, №40, ст. 3873
4. Региональная экономика. Демографическая и миграционная политика: учебное пособие / В.Г. Глуш-кова, О.Б. Хорева. - М.: КНОРУС, 2013.
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6. Тупахина Н.С., Аксененко А.А. Современная демографическая политика в России и пути ее реализации // Научные итоги 2013 года. 2014. №1.
7. Федеральная служба государственной статистики. // [Электронный ресурс] // Демография. - Электронные данные. - М., 2014.
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Wojciech Piestrzynski
PhD in humanities, Assistant Professor, University of Security in Poznan
The article touches on issues concerning the quality of life of the elderly. The aim of this article is to point out the need for creation of, in contemporary social reality, the possibilities for further activity, especially in terms of acquiring new knowledge, interpersonal relations and opportunities for further development for older people. The need of motivation to undertake such actions is also mentioned. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the activation of older people allows to recognize old age as a natural period in human development, in which they still may use their own potential and integrate in the social dimension.
Key words: elderly, society, education, activation
The population of the elderly is a dynamic collectivity which will increase, and thus, its role and importance will increase. Therefore, we must endeavor for the widest possible dissemination of issues related to this phase of human life, act against negative stereotypes associated with perception of old age and assist these individuals in entering in all sorts of social activities. It is one of the most important tasks of modern societies. Through this approach we will gain double benefit. Firstly, including older people in the active life, we will certainly stir them for further development, increased activity and a sense of competence, while providing them with self-esteem and social integration. Second, we can use their experience and wisdom.
We cannot identify old age exclusively with the restrictions, disability, or limited horizons of thought. Old age should be treated as a natural period in human development, where one can be just as, and perhaps even more involved in social and educational activities than younger people.
Aging is an inevitable and irreversible process. We usually talk about age in a context, for example, a desire to stop time, its manifestations or to prevent its effects or even minimize them. Old age is called the late adulthood or the third age, and it is unavoidable [1, p. 1]. It is the "final stage in human life starting with the reaching of conventionally determined "threshold of old age." Old age is a dynamic and synergistic relationship of biological and psychological processes and changes in the social activity of the individual "[2, p. 3334].
It is assumed that the period of late adulthood begins after 60 years, although sometimes 65 years is considered as the threshold. The World Health Organization (WHO) divides the late adulthood period into four phases: the pre-elderly age (45-59 years of age); aging age (early old age - the so-called young-old; 60-74 years of age); old age (late old age -the so-called old-old; 75-89 years of age) and longevity (the so-called long life - at least 90 years of age) [3, p. 131-139].
The increase in the number of people in the retirement age, lengthening of the average duration of human life and
the decline in the birth rate are the most characteristic features of today's world population, especially in the so-called well developed countries. As shown by the projections, by the year 2050 there will be an increase in the percentage of people in the retirement age (60 years or more for women and 65 years and more for men) from 11% to 25% on a global scale, in Europe alone from 27% to 51% [4, p. 9].
The most visible signs of aging are: systematically decrease in interpersonal interactions, the reduction or cessation of work, weakness or even complete loss of social contacts and a withdrawal from participation in social life. One of the characteristics of the aging process is gradual narrowing the field of what is close to someone's heart. Older people limit their contacts with others and gradually withdraw from social life. At the age of late adulthood a process of expiration of certain social roles previously performed, can be observed. Older people usually stop their economic activity, which involves not only the cessation of being a worker, but very often also the employer. At this stage, they reduce at the same time many other activities, like social contacts associated with
their professional life. The importance of parental roles is being also lessened, due to the fact that the children move out of the house and set up their own families. At the same time, however, the new roles appear - of a pensioner, a grandmother or a grandfather.
During the elderly phase, the importance and the intensity of the particular needs are changing. Particularly the psychosocial needs and their intensity change as a result of decreasing possibilities to satisfy them that are due to the specific circumstances of the elderly age group [5, p. 10]. The needs are becoming more intense.
An older man feels particularly strongly:
- The need for security (because in this age, the unrest and insecurity intensify)
- The need for being a part of a group (as in old age the number of contacts drastically reduces and the main problem is the loneliness)
- The need for independence (which is threatened both by biological as well as economic factors)
- The need for dependence, but understood as seeking care and the perception of it as a duty of the environment towards the elderly,
- The need for usefulness (which is particularly at risk in today's rapidly modernizing society).
- The need for prestige (due to the fact that today, gray hair is a symbol of awakening estimate of wisdom). The condition for satisfying the majority of the above
mentioned needs in this period of life becomes taking by elderly people various activities, in a way to replace professional work: recreation - hobby, receptive (watching TV, reading books and newspapers, listening to the radio), socially oriented (social, political activity), integration (social gatherings, charity). These forms of activities enable an older person to maintain a sense of meaning, self esteem, satisfaction with life, axiological reflection [6, p. 37 - 46], satisfaction, as well as the possibility to maintain control over their lives [7, p. 88].
It should be emphasized, that it is the active aging that allows elderly people to interact and communicate with others, it provides satisfaction, allows for playing social roles and thereby functioning in a group and in the society. Therefore, it is essential to help the older people to find new forms of activity and motivate them to undertake these activities, which will allow them to live their old age actively and successfully.
Very often the only space of functioning of an elderly person becomes their own home and close to home environment. Usually in this area, an older man realizes almost all of his needs, takes on various forms of activities depending on his current capabilities. Let us note, however, that the contemporary reality creates more and more opportunities for further development of older people, allows them to acquire new knowledge and active leisure. The old age when put to good use to realize ambitions, may give a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. A chance of more interesting, and thus "healthier" old age is primarily posed by meeting with others, openness to the world, the realization of one's own interests and plans, contacts with the natural world [8, pp. 93 - 103].
It is important to create conditions for older people's further social activity and to motivate them to take action. All kinds of formal and informal institutions which aim is to help in the active experience of old age can play an important role in this regard.
The participation in organized activities requires a multi-activity of seniors. First and foremost, it becomes easier for them to adapt to changes in both biological - related to
age, cultural - related to technology development and the society. The particular attention should be paid to the so-called Universities of the Third Age which functions are "not focused" on the deficits of old age, but it is primarily concentrated on the preserved potential of seniors in terms of mental, physical, artistic, and social activity [9, p. 93]. In addition to providing education, these universities offer opportunities for environmental integration, shaping and deepening student's own interests, as well as the intellectual and physical contribution [10, pp. 49-55]. Participation in the activities of the University of the Third Age allows the elderly to maintain a long and dignified life and perform social activities.
An important for older people as a form of leisure activities are organized, senior clubs - places where elderly can spend their free time in an interesting and active way. Such clubs can offer them various activities (art, music, computer science). Such activities allow seniors to make new social contacts, interesting leisure activities and develop or maintain interests. The senior clubs can also offer specialist advice (for instance, legal advice) and various forms of physical activities and recreation. Senior Clubs as self-help centers of social, cultural, educational and welfare can have a significant impact on improving the quality of life of elderly and lonely people through their integration into the local environment. At the same time the clubs meet the elderly need for social contact, leisure and entertainment.
Attention should also be paid to the need for building good relations in the family (parents - children -grandchildren), which in old age play a particularly important role. In the old age the value of the family increases [11, p. 89] which is, among others, the result of withdrawing from the wider society. In the life of an elderly, the family is the most important environment and also a reference group.
In addition to possibilities presented here, there is a number of other opportunities of activation in the old age, for example, prayer groups, Social Welfare Department and all kinds of forms of recreational activities, such as sanatoria and excursions. A particularly important task is to create opportunities for older people to take on new social roles or not to withdraw from the old ones - only slightly modifying their functioning in the same framework (for example, new ways of realizing parental role). It is also important for these to be the roles of "positive" meaning, presenting an opportunity for further development, increased activity and a sense of competence.
It should also be noted that regardless of creating the opportunities for social mobilization of the elderly, we have to remember to provide them with decent financial conditions [12, pp. 52-54], good health and social care and support in the community and the local neighborhood.
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Dariusz Sarzata
PhD in humanities, Assistant Professor, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
The aim of this article is to present the most important challenges faced by education in relation to the growth of globalization of the contemporary world. The analysis of the source material, carried out by the author, indicates that in the era of globalization the need upbringing and education appears in a new light. The author concludes that a particularly important task, on the ground upbringing and education is to prepare people not only to benefit from the achievements of modern civilization, but also to creatively participate in the process of education's continued existence and development. The reflections included in the article are addressed to teachers and all those who have any influence on the formation of philosophy, as well as specific strategies of modern education.
Keywords: education, globalism, pedagogy, upbringing.
Changes in globalization of the modern world put education in the face of the challenges it did not have to wrestle ever before. In past eras upbringing and education focused primarily on employing young people to function in the existing order and passing the available knowledge according to its current stage of development. But now, in the era of globalization the formula of training people only to fulfill a clearly defined function in the labor market, educating experts in a narrow field is not sufficient. Skills and qualifications cannot obscure preparation for critical thinking, formulating one's own opinions and creative, active involvement in the social life. The main task of education is to prepare young people to consciously create the future and attitudes that will allow them to understand themselves and others and to cope in a complex social situation of the globalized world.
In recent years, at the turn of the twentieth / twenty-first century, more and more often we have been hearing about the processes of globalization understood as the formation of "one world" and one society as a result of the processes leading to the increase of interdependence and integration between the countries, societies, economies and cultures [1, pp. 1-16]. The characteristic of this kind of processes is globalization of social, political, economic, cultural, environmental phenomena and many other dimensions of life of modern societies.
The researchers dealing with this issue emphasize that globalization is a process of thickening and intensifying the economic, financial, political, military, cultural and ideological connections and relationships between societies, that is gaining more and more momentum and it is now one of the dominant trends in creating events in the world [2, pp. 74-76]. It is a process of intercultural interaction, exchange and transformation [3, p. 15]. Globalization is seen as the phenomenon
which is becoming the dominant character of the world's political, cultural, economic and natural environments [4].
While analyzing the process of globalization the attention should be paid to its multidimensionality. Contemporary globalism is not limited merely to the political and economic dimension; but it is a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon [5]. It is not only the economic doctrine of free markets, but it is also a political principle aimed to unite countries at international level. Globalism is based on the philosophical and ideological assumptions and it also has prospective targets of civilization character. An important approach for "making the social world one" is a complex network of economic, political and cultural links [6, p. 583]. The important "flow channels" of globalization aimed at unifying the world are not associated with a particular country as, for example, emerging at a rapid pace, transnational organizations which are taking over parts of the sovereignty of nations. Therefore, according to some authors, the globalization means a weakening the state sovereignty and state structures [7, p. 86]. "Globalization -