THE FUNCTIONING OF ELDERLY WOMEN IN PSYCHOSEXUAL DIMENSION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Wojciech Piestrzyński

A man already in the prenatal period starts his functioning in the personal, physical, emotional, psychosexual and social sphere. All of these spheres may grow through the proper symbiosis mother’s body with a child in her womb. Also the mother’s diet and her social contacts are important for the development of the child. Relations with others that cause maternal discomfort are automatically a burden of anxiety on the child. Fully accepted children, also because of their gender, grow better and after their birth the chance increases that in the sexual sphere they will accept themselves throughout their lives, well into the old age. Quality of psychosexual life in old age depends on the course of human life at earlier stages of development. SUMMARY Human sexuality should be understood as an integral part of his being. Hence, it is not surprising that a lot of older women want to remain sexually active. However, it has to be remembered that with age, there is a change in form and style of sexual activity. It cannot be always associated with a full sexual intercourse. Thus, kissing, mutual massage of the entire body or holding hands may be its expressions. Sexuality, among other things, is associated with human emotional states. Sometimes, to satisfy the sexual needs it is sufficient to live in the belief that someone sees us as an attractive person, for whom they would still be able to lose their head.

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Wojciech Piestrzynski

PhD in Humanities, Assistant Professor, University of Security in Poznan


A man already in the prenatal period starts his functioning in the personal, physical, emotional, psychosexual and social sphere. All of these spheres may grow through the proper symbiosis mother's body with a child in her womb. Also the mother's diet and her social contacts are important for the development of the child. Relations with others that cause maternal

discomfort are automatically a burden of anxiety on the child. Fully accepted children, also because of their gender, grow better and after their birth the chance increases that in the sexual sphere they will accept themselves throughout their lives, well into the old age. Quality of psychosexual life in old age depends on the course of human life at earlier stages of development.

Keywords: psychosexuality, old age, woman


Human sexuality should be understood as an integral part of his being. Hence, it is not surprising that a lot of older women want to remain sexually active. However, it has to be remembered that with age, there is a change in form and style of sexual activity. It cannot be always associated with a full sexual intercourse. Thus, kissing, mutual massage of the entire body or holding hands may be its expressions. Sexuality, among other things, is associated with human emotional states. Sometimes, to satisfy the sexual needs it is sufficient to live in the belief that someone sees us as an attractive person, for whom they would still be able to lose their head.

Sexual activity of older people

The issue of aging in the sphere of intimacy and emotions is being increasingly noticed by various members of the public. These include sexologists, the creators of world literature, movies, theater, and also photographs. [1]

Persson's studies show that among seventy-year-old people, both men and women, 76% of men and 16% of women are sexually active on a regular basis. Whereas, the National Council on the Aging - NCOA reports that around 80% of people who are aged between 60 - 90 years have sex at least once a week. Lew-Starowicz's survey results say that 64, 2% of Polish women aged between 50 - 54 years are sexually active, of them 11% have sexual relations at least several times a week, 20, 4% - once a week, 35% - several times each month, and 31% very rare. Moreover, 20% of the respondents of the surveyed men, aged between 55-60 years old have sexual contacts once a week, 11% have intercourse at least several times a week, while 35% several times a month and 31% very rare. Perhaps this is a result of the changes in the category of health problems. [2] Psychosexuality of elderly women Psychosexual development - it should be understood as "one string, one life made up of several stages, each of which performs other developmental tasks and each is a result of the course of previous one and preparation for entry into the next one. Sexual development, presented in such a way, is not a separate part of life. Taking into account its own specific characteristics, it is integrated in the widely recognized development of the individual, rooted in cultural heritage of the group from which the individual derives (family, nation, state)".[3] However, according to Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz, the sexual development lasts from conception to old age. At every stage of life it is characterized with different kinds of tasks and functions, its considerations and consequences differ. [4]

It is difficult to put a clear boundary between middle age and old age of an individual. It has been changing over generations and is still changing nowadays, the most rapidly since the beginning of human history. Old age does not appear suddenly, it is the result of a physiological process which is long and irreversible. The human metabolism also plays an important role here. Aging has genetic, biological and finally environmental predisposition, moreover, at various stages of life, in the various areas this process may be subject to acceleration or slowing down. On the other hand, men and women entering the aging process are not a homogeneous group. This applies to both, their health and the baggage of life experience. Without a doubt, the end of old age is death. In contrast, it is difficult to indicate the beginning of old age, for some researchers, the beginning of old age appears at the

age of 55, and for others it may be a phenomenon associated with exceeding even the age of 70 years.[5]

"Sexual life has good and bad sides for old people. The good side is maintaining a sense of youth and increasing secretion of sexual hormones. On the other hand, sexual intercourse is cause of considerable expenditure of energy, increased blood pressure and heavy burden on the heart, brain and blood, which for older people, especially men, can be dangerous." [6]

It is worth remembering that "sexuality is not only physical, but also, and perhaps above all, a mental sphere. Introduction of desire into the model of sexual reaction, however, has not resolved many diagnostic problems. According to the population study of Laumann and others, it is apparent that approximately 30% of sexually active women do not experience any sexual desire and sexual fantasies". [4] The most important causes of disturbances in the sexual sphere of older women include breast cancer, cervical cancer and vaginal dryness associated with chemotherapy. For this reason, among other things, older women have a lower frequency of sexual contacts, however, it is not synonymous with less desire for sex. [7]

The radical extension of human life and the achievement of the autumn of life by the generation of sexual revolution decided about changes in the lifestyle of the elderly, the model of love and forms of satisfying the psychosexual needs. Currently, women - seniors live longer than their parents and grandparents, they are open to sports, make use of healthy diet, are the recipients of entertainment. They also travel around the world and can be found in the virtual space, often for socializing and marriage.

Sexual activity of older women has been revealed in 26 cultures. It is estimated that reduced level of sexual activity among women is affected by large number of psychological factors which are the result of occurring biological changes. The reduced self-esteem of partners is often the result of the aging process. A large percentage of women do not show interest in sex, they consider themselves not attractive enough for their sexual partners. At the same time, there is also a group of older women who exhibit sexual interest and are ready to achieve the psychosexual satisfaction. It may be that older women have reduced requirements and expectations which they guide towards themselves and their partners, also, they assess their own attractiveness and attractiveness of the partner in a more gentle way. What is more, they possess fuller skills of caring for partner's satisfaction and thus, they themselves achieve faster and greater satisfaction from the intercourse, they perceive their lives as a second youth which gives them inner consent to a sexual interest in their lives. [8]

Men slightly better than women deal with having fully satisfactory sexual intercourse, because they can retain the ability to ejaculate even when they exceed eighty years of age. Extension of the life expectancy, and the social factors such as: increased activity of older people and awareness of their needs, help to change the traditional image of old age also when it comes to the realization of sexual needs, because older people want sexual relationships and acceptance of their sexual activity. [7]

Sexual activity of women - seniors depends on their physical condition and their state of mental and physical health. Various diseases, often difficult to diagnose, which are also characteristic of the last stage of life, impaired mobility, side effects of the use of pharmacological agents, which are often crucial to lowering the libido, problems specific to women such as vaginal dryness may contribute to the occurrence of sexual frigidity. Also, the evaluation of changes in physical appearance has negative significance. Moreover, a sexual act in this age may be too intense physical exertion. [6] Most often, the decline in women's desires and aspirations to induce sexual response begins during menopause. The amount of secreted hormones begins to decrease as much as 10 - 15 years before the disappearance of menstruation, which occurs usually between 40 and 50 years of age. It also happens that few women have it a few

years longer. Many women, even those that have had regular and successful sex life begin to suffer from a loss of interest in sexual contacts and start to have difficulties in achieving orgasms. [9]


5. Gowkier A., Zycie intymno-emocjonalne osob starszych, Krakow 2010.

6. Lew-Starowicz Z., Seks w jesieni zycia, Warszawa 2000.

7. Beisert M., Seksualnosc w zyciu cztowieka, Poznan 2004.

8. Lew - Starowicz, Skrzypulec V., Podstawy Seksuologii, Warszawa 2010.

9. Sarzata D. Dewiacje seksualne, in: Z. Kosyrz (ed.). Cztowiek w sieci zniewolonych drog. Warszawa, 2009.

10. Harwas - Napierata B., J. Trempata (red.), Psychologia rozwoju cztowieka. Charakterystyka okresow zycia cztowieka, tom II, Warszawa 2006.

11. Wisniewska-Roszkowska K., Nowe zycie po szescdziesigtce, Radom 2003.

12. Krzyzowski J. Psychogeriatria, Warszawa 2004.

13. Cichocka, M. (2004). Starosc i seks. in: M. Beisert (ed.). Seksualnosc w cyklu zycia cztowieka.

14. Kijak R., Szarota Z., Starosc Mi^dzy diagnozg a dziataniem, Warszawa 2013.


Петрова Елена Сергеевна

Студентка 4 курса факультета психологии, Астраханский государственный университет, г. Астрахань ORGANIZATION OF ASSESSMENT CENTER FOR THE SELECTION OF SALES MANAGERS

Petrova Elena, 4th year student of the Department of Psychology Astrakhan state university, Astrakhan, Russia АННОТАЦИЯ

Данная статья посвящена исследованию современного и эффективного метода найма персонала. В работе обосновывается актуальность исследования и описываются этапы организации ассессмент-центра при отборе кандидатов в должность менеджера по продажам среди студентов-менеджеров. Большое значение уделяется составлению программы ассессмент-центра, позволяющей прогнозировать эффективность деятельности будущих менеджеров по продажам с наибольшей степенью вероятности с учетом специфики Астраханского региона. ABSTRACT

This article is devoted to the study of modern and effective methods of recruitment. The paper substantiates the relevance of the study and describes the steps the organization of assessment center in the selection of candidates for the position of sales manager among students-managers. Great importance is given to the compilation of the programme assessment center, which allows to predict the efficiency of future sales managers with the highest probability level, is of great importance. The programme is based on the specific of Astrakhan Region.

Ключевые слова: ассессмент-центр; организация ассессмент-центра; найм персонала; менеджер по продажам.

Keywords: assessment center; organization of assessment center; recruitment; sales manager.

Современные организации в последнее время все чаще сталкиваются с проблемой дефицита талантливых и компетентных менеджеров, которая обнаруживается на всех уровнях управления. Её решение кроется не только в выявлении эффективных управленцев среди существующих менеджеров, но и в возможности максимально полно и эффективно использовать кадровый резерв компании для её успешного развития. На сегодняшний день наиболее эффективным методом найма персонала и

оценки сотрудников при планировании их карьеры считается ассессмент-центр, который существует уже порядка 80 лет.

Ассессмент-центр - это метод комплексной оценки персонала, основанный на использовании взаимодополняющих методик и форм диагностики, ориентированных на оценку реальных качеств сотрудников в каком-либо вопросе, их психологических и профессиональных особенностей, соответствия требованиям должностных позиций,

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