VULNERABILITIES ADOLESCENCE TO ATTRACT COMMERCIAL SEX Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Sciences of Europe
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Melnychuk V.

The concept of «children», «adolescent», «adolescence», «age limits of adolescence» is described. Periods of adolescence are highlighted, key neoplasms and leading activities typical of adolescents of a certain age are summarized. The article draws attention to the features of adolescence, which may be a reason to attract adolescents to commercial sex. The characteristics of the personality of minors, which are due to the peculiarities of adolescence, are described. The problems of prevention of deviant behavior of children and adolescents are considered. It is proved that the problem of sexual demoralization of adolescents is one of the forms of deviation. It is noted that in adolescence the appearance, physical condition of a young person, his body changes, there is an acquaintance with the sexual sphere of life. It is emphasized that sexual hyperactivity in adolescents often has a neurotic nature, manifested by emancipation. The factors influencing the formation of adolescent consciousness are identified. Approaches to the problem of prostitution as a kind of deviant behavior caused primarily by the shortcomings of family upbringing, disruption of the socialization process, as well as in the light of the phenomena of human trafficking and exploitation of children are described. It is emphasized that the personality characteristics of minors are due to the peculiarities of adolescence, which is characterized by active physical development, energy, irritability, imbalance, impulsive behavior, feelings of adulthood, individualism, desire to fulfill their desires against sexuality, society, conflict.

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Sciences of Europe # 51, (2020)_M


Мельничук В. О.

наукова спгвробтниця сектору тщально-педагог1чно1 роботи Державноï науковог установи «1нститут модертзаци змгсту освгти»,

Украша, Кшв


Melnychuk V.

researcher of the sector of social and pedagogical work State Scientific Institution «Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education»,

Ukraine, Kyiv


Охарактеризовано поняття «дти» «тдлгток», «пвдлгтковий bîk», «bîkobî меж1 тдлгткового вшу». Ви-дшено перюди пiдлiткового вшу, узагальнено kto40bî новоутворення та провiднi види дiяльностi, що при-таманш пiдлiткам певного вшу.

У статтi звернуто увагу на особливостi пiдлiткового вiкy, що можуть бути приводом для залучення пiдлiткiв до комерцiйного сексу. Описано характеристики особистосп неповнолiтнiх, що обумовлеш осо-бливостями пiдлiткового вiкy. Розглянуто проблемами профiлактики девiантноï поведiнки дней та тдль тк1в. Доведено, що проблема статевоï деморалiзацiï пiдлiткiв е однieю iз форм девiацiï.

Означено, що в шдлгтковому вiцi змiнюеться зовнiшнiсть, фiзичний стан молодо1 людини, ïï тiло, вь дбуваеться знайомство iз сексуальною сферою життя. Шдкреслено, що сексуальна гiперактивнiсть пвдлгт-шв часто мае невротичну природу, що проявляеться емансипацiею. Визначено фактори, як впливають на формування свiдомостi тдлгтка.

Охарактеризовано пiдходи до проблеми проституцп як рiзновидy девiантноï поведiнки, зумовлено1' передyсiм недолiками сiмейного виховання, порушенням процесу соцiалiзацiï, а також у ру^ явищ торп-влi людьми й експлуатаци дiтей.

Наголошено, що характеристика особистосп неповнолiтнiх обумовлена особливостями пiдлiткового вiкy, який вiдзначаеться активним фiзичним розвитком органiзмy, енергiею, тдвищеною збyдливiстю, не-врiвноваженiстю, iмпyльсивнiстю поведшки, почуттям дорослостi, iндивiдyалiзмом, прагненням викону-вати сво1' бажання всупереч вимогам близьких, суспшьства, конфлiктнiстю, пiдвищеним сексуальним потягом.


The concept of «children», «adolescent», «adolescence», «age limits of adolescence» is described. Periods of adolescence are highlighted, key neoplasms and leading activities typical of adolescents of a certain age are summarized.

The article draws attention to the features of adolescence, which may be a reason to attract adolescents to commercial sex. The characteristics of the personality of minors, which are due to the peculiarities of adolescence, are described. The problems of prevention of deviant behavior of children and adolescents are considered. It is proved that the problem of sexual demoralization of adolescents is one of the forms of deviation.

It is noted that in adolescence the appearance, physical condition of a young person, his body changes, there is an acquaintance with the sexual sphere of life. It is emphasized that sexual hyperactivity in adolescents often has a neurotic nature, manifested by emancipation. The factors influencing the formation of adolescent consciousness are identified.

Approaches to the problem of prostitution as a kind of deviant behavior caused primarily by the shortcomings of family upbringing, disruption of the socialization process, as well as in the light of the phenomena of human trafficking and exploitation of children are described.

It is emphasized that the personality characteristics of minors are due to the peculiarities of adolescence, which is characterized by active physical development, energy, irritability, imbalance, impulsive behavior, feelings of adulthood, individualism, desire to fulfill their desires against sexuality, society, conflict.

Ключовi слова: дгти, тдлгток, тдлгтковий вш, вiковi меж тдлгткового вшу, «криза 13 рошв», криза самоощнки, тслякризовий перюд, акселеращя фiзичного та статевого дозрiвання, новоутворення щдлгт-кового вшу, комерцшний секс, проституция, девiацiï, статевi девiацiï, «Я-концепщя», статева деморалiза-щя.

Keywords: children, adolescent, adolescence, age limits of adolescence, self-esteem crisis, post-crisis period, acceleration of physical and puberty, neoplasms of adolescence, commercial sex, prostitution, deviations, sexual deviations, «I-concept», sexual demoralization.

Formulation of the problem. The rapid development of society and its social instability, uncontrolled media, the processes of accelerating the growth and development of children (acceleration) are favorable factors for the emergence of certain negative trends in modern society. Such negative trends include the involvement of children, especially adolescents, in commercial sex.

Among the scientific works on the problems of adolescence, it is worth noting the works of L. Bozhovych, O. Bedlinsky, I. Bulakh, L. Zasekina, P. Kolyada, V. Krutetsky, G. Milchevska, N. Tokareva, V. Polishchuk, B. Teplova , D. Scheffer, V. Stern, L. Yasyukov, S. Yachin and others. Scientists from various fields of science and practice - psychology, social pedagogy, sociology, narcology, law, medicine - dealt with the problems of prevention of deviant behavior of children and adolescents. Among them are V. Afanasyev, O. Balakireva, O. Bezpalko, S. Belicheva, M. Vovkanych, J. Gilinsky, M. Horska, A. Danilin, A. Dolgova, I. Dubrovin, I. Zvereva, E. Zmanovska, A. Kapska, Y. Kleiberg, A. Lichko, V. Orzhekhovska, Y. Popov, S. Smagin, A. Shidelko, L. Schneider and many others.

The purpose of the article: analysis of the features of adolescence, which may be a reason to involve adolescents in commercial sex.

Presenting main material. Adolescents are one of the largest groups in the world, numbering more than a billion. In Ukraine, as of January 1, 2016, adolescents accounted for 9.1% of the population (3,872,069 people) [2]. The population estimate conducted at the end of December 2019 does not make it possible to determine the number of adolescents in Ukraine, because the study did not identify this category of respondents (collected data by category: children (from 0 to 14 years) -5 million 756 thousand. and persons of early working age (15-24 years) - 3 million 584 thousand) [3]. That is, there are currently no data on the number of adolescents in our country.

Regarding the understanding of the concepts of «adolescent», «adolescence», «age limits of adolescence», we can distinguish several approaches. Let's start with the fact that in international documents the term «adolescents» means the age group from 10 to 19 years. In particular, the WHO Committee of Experts proposed the following terminology: children - persons under 18 years of age, adolescents - persons aged 10 to 19 years (including younger, middle and older adolescents) [4].

In Ukrainian law, the age group under 18 is defined as «children», and the age group from 14 to 35 -as «youth». Thus, in the realities of Ukraine, the population aged 10 to 19 consists of two subgroups: one -from 10 to 18 years - is the category of «children» with incomplete legal capacity; the second - 18-19-year-olds - belong to the category of adults with full capacity. At the same time, the legislation distinguishes the legal status of children, ie persons under 18 years of age, according to the criterion of reaching 14 years of age: before reaching 14 years of age a child is considered a minor (such persons have partial civil capacity); from 14 to 18 years of age the child is considered a minor (have incomplete civil capacity) (Article 6 of the Family Code of Ukraine) [5].

Regarding the normative definition of age limits for adolescents, they are contained only in the Orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated June 2, 2009 № 382 and dated December 12, 2002 № 465, ie bylaws, and cover children aged 10 to 18 years.

Thus, we can state that in Ukraine such a category of persons as teenagers is not legally separated, and those norms concerning adolescence do not meet international standards.

In modern psychology there is no single view on the boundaries of adolescence. Most researchers (L. Vygotsky, D. Elkonin, V. Polishchuk) consider 10-12 years to be the beginning of adolescence. The issue of the upper limit of adolescence is debatable. Young people aged 15-17 are classified by different authors into different age groups. D. Elkonin calls the period from 11 to 17 years adolescence, and L. Bozhovich refers to senior school age to early adolescence [6].

In English, the word «adolescent» can be translated as «teenager» and «young man». The term «teenager» (teenager) covers young people from 13 to 19 years (from the end of teen). N. Tokareva's monograph provides a periodization of adolescence in foreign psychology, namely the division into early adolescence (usually from 11 to 14 years); middle (or senior) adolescence (15 to 19 years) [7].

Taking into account international approaches to determining the age limit, in particular those formed in international law on the rights of the child, in our study we consider adolescents to be persons aged 10 to 19 years.

Based on the research of O. Bedlinsky [8], we have identified the periods of adolescence, generalized the key neoplasms and leading activities that are inherent in adolescents of a certain age. The age development of the adolescent is presented in table 1.

Table 1

Age development of the teenager

Period, years of life Leading activity Neoplasm

First teenage transition 10 - 11 years testing a conscious level of arbitrariness in the form of autonomous social behavior the need to be and appear to be an adult on the basis of conscious autonomous action

Younger teenager 10-11 - 12-13 years communication and interaction with peers based on the construction and testing of social relations the experience of adulthood is given by its mythologized ideal

Second teenage transition 12-13 years constructing the ideal of future adulthood in the process of formal and informal communication awareness and improvement of one's own ideal of future adulthood

Senior teenager 12-13 - 15-16 years quantitative accumulation of experience in constructing the material and spiritual world (communication performs the function of verification at all stages) the feeling of adulthood is given by one's own ideal future, «I-concept», feelings of loneliness

Third adolescent transition period 15-16 years communication and interaction based on the construction of worldview awareness of the personal level of adulthood, the formation of worldview, understanding of capacity

Post-adolescent (juvenile) period 15-16 -19 years intimate-personal communication based on the construction of significant social relations and subjects in the process of professionally oriented educational activities readiness for self-determination based on worldview, self-awareness of their sexuality

Scientist I. Bulakh says that adolescence is «a time of achievement, and a time of certain losses» [9]. After all, the achievements of the individual in this period are associated with a rapid increase in the amount of knowledge, skills, knowledge of their "I", mastering a new social position and the formation of morality. While the losses of this age are considered from the standpoint of the disappearance of children's worldview, carefree and irresponsible lifestyle. Also noteworthy are the key features of the modern adolescent, which are defined by this author: increased sensuality in relationships with others; instability of self-esteem; selectivity in assessing the qualities of another person; manifestation of straightforward and critical judgments; demanding of peers and adults in keeping the word; great importance of the opinions of the reference group about one's own personality; the emergence of such a neoplasm as role self-determination (awareness of their place in society); the desire to be significant among peers; the need for intimate personal communication with significant peers; the desire for autonomy and independence of behavior from the advice of adults; desire to take a new social position, to be and be considered an adult; ability to self-development, etc. [10].

Another aspect in the neoplasms of adolescents is the formation of moral feelings. Thanks to them, the norms of behavior learned by teenagers become an effective guide to action. However, the behavior of people of this age does not always combine words, feelings and deeds. Some adolescents do not realize the connection between the general norms they know and their own behavior in a particular situation. Knowing these norms, they sometimes remain indifferent to violations of discipline, rudeness of their peers, grief, the feelings of others, they themselves show anger, aggression, etc. [11]. Sometimes such behavior grows into deviant, ie into one that contradicts accepted norms in society and

manifests itself in the form of unbalanced mental processes, maladaptation, violation of self-actualization and evasion of moral and ethical control of the individual over their own actions.

L. Schneider notes that deviant behavior, predisposition to it is a manifestation of the inner state of the adolescent's personality, which is determined by the following conditions and factors: the desire to get strong impressions; the child's disease; increased excitability, inability to control themselves; unfavorable situation in the family, single-parent families; desire for independence and independence; lag in learning; contempt from peers; adults' misunderstanding of children's difficulties; lack of self-confidence of the child; negative adult assessment of children's skills; stressful life situations; tense socio-economic situation in the child's life (poor security, parental unemployment); examples of violence, cruelty, impunity obtained from the media; excessive employment of parents; conflicts with parents; excessive prohibitions by parents (teachers); constant reproaches, insults in the family; weakness of the child's intellectual sphere; low level of emotional and volitional control in children; loneliness, misunderstanding of others; excessive control, authoritarianism of parents (teachers); inability of children to resist harmful influences; genetic predisposition; uneven psy-chophysical and puberty; lack of social behavior skills; reduction of culture, intellectual level; mass of free time; boredom; desire to attract attention; street influence [12].

A. Shidelko believes that the problem of sexual demoralization of adolescents is a form of deviation [13].

Note that in adolescence changes the appearance, physical condition of a young person, his body, there is an acquaintance with the sexual sphere of life, and another neoplasm of this period is the self-awareness of sexuality. According to a study by M. Vovkanych [14],

for adolescents the issue of self-awareness of their sexuality is very important. However, the form of actualization of sexuality, they choose impulsively and im-maturely imitating adult behavior. The scientist identified the factors that influence the formation of such consciousness. Let's analyze them.

1. Development of communication technologies. Adolescents now have access to an excessive amount of information, including sexual content, which, of course, does not contribute to the formation of healthy sexual behavior. According to a sociological study conducted within the international project «Health behavior schooled children» (hereinafter - the HBSC study) in 2018, the main source of knowledge about sexual relations for students regardless of age was the Internet: more than half (58.4%) indicated the world wide web, a place where the necessary information was searched and found [15].

2. Decrease in age of sexual maturity. Reproductive maturity in women is characterized by a regular ovulatory cycle at 11-14 years, and in men - regular production of mature full-fledged sperm at 13-16 years. The average age of first sexual intercourse decreases. According to the HBSC survey, almost one in ten (9.2%) of those who stated that they had sexual intercourse, admitted the age of sexual debut 12 years and younger (12.1% of boys and 3.5% of girls), 66.8% respondents gained experience of adult life after reaching 15 years [15]. However, adolescents often do not have sufficient knowledge about the health consequences of early sexual intercourse.

Some researchers have correlated between the age of onset of sexual life and the personal characteristics of adolescents [16]. In this case, the early onset of sexual activity is most often observed in active adolescents who are easy to communicate, sociable, but at the same time show a strong desire for risk, adventurous behavior, they are conflicted with adults, prone to alcohol and drugs. Late onset of sexual activity is most often observed in people with a more developed sense of responsibility, who adhere to certain moral norms and at the same time are uncommunicative, insecure and anxious.

3. The influence of social norms and rules on sexual behavior of adolescents. Sexual morality is what society can or cannot do according to the rules of society, and sexual norms are what is expected and desired. However, in our opinion, due to the fact that the reference group for adolescents is their environment, the general norms of morality, rules and norms do not sufficiently regulate their sexual behavior. More in this matter is just a small social group in which a young person is, and the rules of which he perceives as permissive and prohibitive.

It should be emphasized that adolescent sexual hyperactivity often has a neurotic nature, which is manifested by emancipation. They try to free themselves from adult control, guardianship and management. Such a reaction can be violent in the form of antisocial behavior. One of the manifestations of such behavior, which is inherently deviant, is the entry of adolescents into commercial sexual relations.

Looking for an opportunity to look at such a complex problem as prostitution from different angles, based on the study of O. Kushnirchuk, we have identified the following provisions:

• historically, prostitution is recorded at all stages of society;

• in the context of the sociological approach, prostitution is defined as a form of deviant, usually female behavior;

• in the legal aspect, prostitution is referred to as delinquent behavior that violates current legislation;

• in medicine, prostitution is considered a factor in the spread of various diseases, including HIV and hepatitis B and C;

• psychological approach defines prostitution as a form of sexual deviation caused by violations in the dis-positional system and deviations from certain criteria and indicators of the sexual norm;

• in the socio-pedagogical aspect, prostitution is considered as a kind of deviant behavior caused primarily by the shortcomings of family upbringing, violation of the socialization process, as well as in the light of the phenomena of human trafficking and exploitation of children [17].

Sociological research provides important information on the prevalence of commercial sexual relations between adolescents. Unfortunately, no large-scale work has been done to investigate the problem of commercial adolescent sex in recent years.

Among the earlier studies is the UNICEF project «HIV Prevention among At-Risk Adolescents in Ukraine and South-Eastern Europe», which was implemented during 2007/2008. Its report summarizes the survey of 1,600 Ukrainian boys and girls - adolescents aged 10 up to 19 years old, who lived on the street at that time. Among all the statistical material, we highlight the key provisions that are interesting for our study: 1) the average age of commercial sexual debut of these individuals is 16 years (minimum age - 12 years, and maximum - 19 years); 2) 70% of respondents started providing sexual services at the age of 1517, and 15% before the age of 15 [18]; 3) the average age of commencement of sexual services for remuneration is 14 years; 4) 28% of surveyed adolescents living or working on the street had experience in providing sexual services for a fee (money, food, clothing, drugs, etc.), with 57% of girls selling sexual services and 17% of boys buying such services ; 5) according to the results of focus group research, commercial sex is considered as a more effective means of earning money among girls than begging or hard physical labor [19].

According to a 2010 survey by the Nobody's Children Foundation, 24% of respondents aged 15-18 said they personally knew at least one person who had been in contact with or had sex with money last year. or other gifts [20].

The following figures are also impressive. According to sociologists, in 2011 in Ukraine an average of 50,000 women were involved in commercial sex, every sixth or seventh of them - a minor [21].

According to biobehavioral research of the Ukrainian Institute for Social Research. O. Yaremenko and UNICEF (2013/2014) among 123.5 thousand children at risk and street children, the number of girls who provide sexual services on a commercial basis was 5.5 thousand, the number of boys adolescents who had sex with men amounted to 13 thousand people. [21].

O. Kushnirchuk, L. Volnova conducted a study of behavioral practices as a basis for the formation of the target group of socio-pedagogical prevention of prostitution of minors, which was conducted [23]. It matched values, predisposition to deviant behavior, the facts of violence by adult sexual behavior, attitude to prostitution educational institution students and pupils of the

boarding school.

In January 2020, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union published a study entitled «The Impact of the Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine on Commercial Sex Workers» [24]. Unfortunately, teenage prostitution was not studied in this study, as the age of the survey participants ranged from 21 to 48 years. However, the report summarizes analytical materials on the impact of wars on the commercialization of sexual relations, and in Ukraine in particular.

Conclusions. Thus, conducting a scientific analysis of adolescence, which may be a reason to involve adolescents in commercial sex, we note that the characteristics of the personality of minors due to adolescence, which is characterized by active physical development, energy, irritability, imbalance, impulsive behavior, behavior, individualism, the desire to fulfill their desires contrary to the requirements of loved ones, society, conflict, increased sexual desire. Adolescents are too dependent on external influences, both positive and negative. Sensitivity and vulnerability are those internal conditions that contribute to the formation of the foundations of worldview, character traits, properties and personality traits. Excessive self-criticism, self-dissatisfaction and inadequate assessment lead to moral instability of adolescents, which reduces the effectiveness of social regulation of behavior and complicates the formation of socially useful attitudes and adaptation in society, which negatively affect the life of individuals and society as a whole.


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Небесаева Ж.О.,

PhD доктор, декан факультета Дизайн и искусства, Университет Сырдария, Жетысай, Республика Казахстан Аханов Б. Ф.,

кандидат педагогических наук,университет Сырдария, член Союза художников Казахстана,

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Жетысай,Республика Казахстан Кунжигитова Г.Б.,

старший преподаватель, Кафедра изобразительное искусство и дизайн, Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет имени М. Ауезова, Шымкент, Республика Казахстан

Рсмаханбетова Ш.Е.,

магистр педагогических наук, старший преподаватель, Кафедра изобразительное искусство и дизайн, Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет имени М. Ауезова, Шымкент, Республика

Казахстан Джартыбаева Ж.Д.

магистр педагогических наук, старший преподаватель, Кафедра изобразительное искусство и дизайн, Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет имени М. Ауезова, член Союза художников

Казахстана, Шымкент, Республика Казахстан


Nebessayeva Zh.,

PhD, Dean of the Department of Design and Art, Syrdaria University, Zhetysai, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ahanov B.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Syrdaria University, Member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan,

Zhetysai, Republic of Kazakhstan Kunzhigitova G.,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Art and Design, South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov,

Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan Rsmakhanbetova Sh.,

Master of Education, Senior Lecturer, Department of Art and Design, South Kazakhstan State University

named after M. Auezov, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan

Jartybayeva Zh.

Master of Education, Senior Lecturer, Department of Art and Design, South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, Member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan,

Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan


Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме современности - готовности студентов заниматься профессиональной деятельностью в современном образовании. Автор рассматривает особенности и свойства образовательной системы и обновляет ее особенности, которые в более широком масштабе определяют готовность будущих учителей работать с детьми и молодежью в современных условиях. ABSTRACT

The article is devoted to the urgent problem of the present - students' willingness to engage in professional activities in modern education. The author considers the features and properties of the educational system and updates its features, which on a wider scale determine the willingness of future teachers to work with children and youth in modern conditions.

Ключевые слова: гуманизация образования, поликультурное образование, начальное образование, педагогическое обучение, этап квалификации.

Keywords: humanization of education, multicultural education, primary education, teacher training, qualification stage.

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