DIABETES AND COVID-19 Tursunov Feruz O'ktam o'g'li Raximova Gulchiroy Olim qizi Isroilova Umidaxon Turayeva Shaxnoza Samarkand State Medical University https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo. 749 7878
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus - this is a chronic disease accompanied by metabolic diseases in children or adults, which consists of an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, as well as a lack of its own insulin. The disease is complicated by weakness, constant thirst, poor healing of skin wounds, decreased immunity, obesity, arterial hypertension, heart and kidney failure.
Not only does diabetes increase the risk of complications from the coronavirus, but it is also believed to be the cause of a severe progression of the disease from COVID-19.
Key words: Diabetes, COVID-19, blood, urine, glucose, type 2 diabetes.
Aннотация: Сахарный диабет - это хроническое заболевание, сопровождающееся нарушением обмена веществ у детей или взрослых, заключающееся в повышении количества глюкозы в крови, а также в недостатке собственного инсулина. Заболевание осложняется слабостью, постоянной жаждой, плохим заживлением кожных ран, снижением иммунитета, ожирением, артериальной гипертензией, сердечной и почечной недостаточностью.
Диабет не только увеличивает риск осложнений от коронавируса, но также считается причиной тяжелого прогрессирования заболевания от COVID-19.
Ключевые слова: сахарный диабет, Covid-19, кровь, моча, глюкоза, сахарный диабет 2 типа.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) adversely affects patients with COVID-19, associated with high mortality, complications, and the need for intensive care [1]. This problem is also relevant for the whole world, since a quarter of patients with COVID-19 have diabetes at the same time [2] and their death, according to the Who diabetes registry, is 15 reaches 2% [3].
The pathophysiological causes of the severe course of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection in diabetes are being actively studied and include:
1) negative effect of hyperglycemia on any infection process [4].
2) beta-cell damage in COVID-19 with further increase in hyperglycemia and additional activation of anti-inflammatory mechanisms [5].
3) overlap and exacerbation of systemic inflammatory changes, including disturbances in cytokine production and destruction of microorganisms, characteristic of diabetes and COVID-19 [6].
4) The effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, the balance of angiotensins was disturbed and insulin resistance increased [7].
Identifying the common links between the pathogenesis of diabetes and COVID-19 and the mechanisms of their mutual aggravation is a key factor for predicting complications and
justifying the optimal treatment of co-pathology. From this point of view, studying the clinical and metabolic characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection against the background of diabetes is an urgent scientific task [8].
The aim of the work is to study the covid-19 study, carbohydrate metabolism and systemic inflammatory disorders, which are accompanied by diabetes, to evaluate the impact of joint pathology severity.
Diabetes mellitus at the multidisciplinary clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy as a research object 100 treated with type 2 and diagnosed with Covid 19 examination of the patient's medical history . Patients are divided into the following groups:
1) positive for COVID-19 by nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs and 2) viral pneumonia by computed tomography (CT). All patients were divided into two groups.
-primary (57 cases of diabetes associated with COVID-19)
- control (43 patients without diabetes).
The criteria for inclusion of patients in the main group were the presence of diabetes mellitus or the presence of glucose hemoglobin (HbA1c) above the upper limit of the accepted norm.
The design of the study included a comparative assessment of the initial clinical and metabolic parameters of patients in both groups and their follow-up during hospitalization.
In comparison of initial demographic parameters, of patients with diabetes mellitus
- average age (53.90 ± 15.52 years)
- body mass index BMI (29.60 ± 4.81 kg / m2).
Gender between control and main groups (52 women and 48 men).
The main and control groups will determine the amount of glucose in blood and urine samples during the treatment .
Main and control groups Results from blood samples (glucose mmol/l).
-16.9±3.2 mmol/l in the main group, 8.2±2.4 mmol/l in the control group on day 1-4.
- 13.4±2.9 mmol/l in the main group, 6.1±1.8 mmol/l in the control group on day 5-8.
- 11. 9±3. 1 mmol/l in the main group, 5.5±1.5 mmol/l in the control group on days 9-12.
Results (glucose%) obtained from urine samples of the main and control groups .
- 3.2%±0.2% in the main group on day 1-4, control 1.4%±0.4%.
- 2.1%±0.15% in the main group, control 0.4%±0.3% on the 5-8th day.
-1.4%±0.1% in the main group on the 9-12th day, control 0.0%.
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most important diseases that enhance SARS-CoV-2 viral infection. Against the background of diabetes, the exacerbation of viral pneumonia, oxygen saturation and hyperglycemia are associated with the severity of systemic inflammatory changes.
Diabetes simultaneously accelerates inflammatory changes and prolongs their normalization time.
Conducting clinical diagnostic analyzes in a timely manner can prevent severe cases of the disease.
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