TRILINGUAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zakirova D.F., Zhandaeva U.Z.

The іntroductіon of іnnovatіve methods of teachіng the Englіsh language іs becomіng topіcal and of great practіcal іmportance. The skіllful combіnatіon of tradіtіonal teachіng methods wіth modern technology capabіlіtіes helps to make the atmosphere іn the creatіve audіence and enhances the motіvatіon of students. The artіcle gіves a brіef overvіew and analysіs of trilingual education development in Kazakhstan.

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Внедрение инновационных методов преподавания английского языка становится актуально и имеет большое практическое значение. Умелое сочетание традиционных методов обучения с современными возможностями технологии помогает сделать атмосферу в аудитории креативной и повышает мотивацию студентов. В статье дан краткий обзор проблем развития трехязычного образования в Казахстане.


УДК 371.3:81'246.3 (574)


Закирова Д.Ф., Жандаева У.Ж. Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. Внедрение инновационных методов преподавания английского языка становится актуально и имеет большое практическое значение. Умелое сочетание традиционных методов обучения с современными возможностями технологии помогает сделать атмосферу в аудитории креативной и повышает мотивацию студентов. В статье дан краткий обзор проблем развития трехязычного образования в Казахстане.

Ключевые слова: английский для специальных целей, информационно -коммуникативные технологии, мультимедийные технологии, вебквест, высшее профессиональное образование.


Ацдатпа. Агылшын тшш о^ытудыц инновациялыщ эдю-тэшлдерш енпзу езекп де Yлкен практикальщ мэнге ие болып отыр. ДэстYрлi о^ыту эдiстерiн технологиялардыц заманауи MYMKiH^KrepiMeH iскерлiкпен Yйлестiру ар^ылы дэрюхана атмосферасын креативтi етiп, студенттердщ ынтасын арттыруга кемектеседi. Ма^алада Yштiлдi бшм берудi Каза^станда дамытудыц талдауы мен ^ыс^аша шолуы керсетiлген.

Кiлттi сездер - арнайы ма^саттагы агылшын тш, а^параттыщ- коммуникациялыщ технологиялар, мультимедиялыщ технологиялар, вебквест, жогары кэсiби бiлiм.

UDC 371.3:81'246.3 (574)


Zakirova D.F., Zhandaeva U.Z. Abay Myrzahmetov Kokshetau University

Abstract. The introdu^^n оf тпоуайуе mettods оf teасhing the English ^g^ge is beсоming tорiсаl аиё оf greаt рrасtiсаl imроrtаnсe. The skillful сотЫпайоп оf trаditiоnаl teасhing methоds with mоdern teсhnоlоgy сараbilities helрs tо mаke the аtmоsрhere in the сreаtive аudienсe аиё enhаnсes the mоtivаtiоn оf students. The аrtiсle gives а brief оverview аnd аnаlysis оf trilingual education development in Kazakhstan.

Key words: English for sрeсiаl рurроses(ESР), infоrmаtiоn аnd соmmuniсаtiоn teсhnоlоgies, multimediа teсhnоlоgies, webquest, аnd higher рrоfessiоnаl eduсаtiоn.

The рolitiсal, teсhnologiсal, e^nomk and soсial realities of the modern world have led to more ^ntart between more рeoрle of different linguists and си^ита! baсkgrounds than ever before, seating the need for new рoliсies on different levels and in different fields. One s^h field is ed^a^on, and where language works a atrial рart.

Concerning this, our Рresident, N.A.Nazarbaev, said: «To be suссessful a modern Kazakh рerson is required to know three languages».

Based on the analysis of foreign and Russian studies, as well as our own рedagogiсal exрerienсe, we developed the following рedagogiсal рrinсiрles of the CLIL method:

1. The рrinсiрle of using a rich, from the cognitive рoint of view, authentiс educational material. The basic requirements for educational materials are authenticity, information richness and a certain degree of cognitive load.

2. The principle of active support and assistance of the teacher in the learning process. For successful achievement of the set goals the student needs to receive support from the teacher. With the development of his foreign language competence, the amount and intensity of assistance from the teacher gradually decreases. Using this principle will reduce cognitive and linguistic loads when studying unfamiliar content in a foreign language.

3. Principle of intensive and productive possession of a foreign language. Problem training offers a large number of methodical techniques and is aimed at the active use of authenticcommunication within the framework of a training session, since instruction in foreign languages is most successful in the presence of communicative goals and a meaningful communication situation.

4. Principle of multiculturalism. The CLIL methodology makes it possible to consider all sorts of topics from different cultural positions, taking into account the differences in the perception of many things among representatives of certain cultures.

5. The principle of development of higher-order thinking skills. The development of higher-order thinking skills is the key to success in the modern information society. This groupcan include issues beginning with the words why and how, which mean when formulating answers using more complex language structures. The interaction of content, thinking and language, the ability to adequately verbalize complex thought processes is not automatically formed, but requires systematic development and training, both in native and in the studied foreign language.

6. The principle of sustainable learning. Stable training is understood as follows: the teacher should make sure that during the learning process the long-term memory of students has been activated and the knowledge that they received during the lesson will pass from the passive to the asset. In the same way, the teacher needs to develop ways of testing and assessing the ability of students to adequately communicate on professional topics in the first (L1) and second language (L2).

The innovative activity of the teacher in modern education is an important component of the educational process. Practically all teachers see in this concept two main components: it is something new in comparison with the previous one, and this new one is aimed at improving the quality of education. In general, the essence of the definition is indicated quite correctly. In modern understanding, innovation is "the manifestation of new forms or elements of something, as well as a newly formed form, an element." A synonym for innovation is the notion of "innovation". In pedagogy, the concept of "innovative activity" is considered a little deeper and has a wide sense range.

This purposeful pedagogical activity based on comprehension of own pedagogical experience by means of comparison and studying of educational process with the purpose of achievement of higher results, reception of new knowledge, introduction of new pedagogical practice, is a creative process on planning and realization of the pedagogical innovations directed on quality improvement Education. This is a social and pedagogical phenomenon reflecting the creative potential of the teacher. As a pedagogical category this term is relatively young, and this is one of the reasons that there are different approaches to the definition of this concept. The modern dictionary on pedagogy treats this term as follows: "Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in pedagogical activity, a change in the content and technology of teaching and upbringing aimed at increasing their effectiveness." Innovative activity and its process largely depend on the innovative potential of the teacher. Therefore, there is a need to consider this category .

In terms of content and functionality, the pedagogical experiment can be educational, didactic, and research. In general, the experiment in the field of education is interpreted as a method of cognition, with the help of which a pedagogical phenomenon is studied in natural or artificially created, controlled and controlled conditions, a new, more effective method for solving the pedagogical problem continues; The

method of research, which provides for the identification of significant factors that affect the results of pedagogical activity, makes it possible to vary them for achieving optimal results.

The strategy of the innovative activity of the pedagogical collective, of individual teachers in each specific situation has its time limitations, which depends on the scale of the innovation, on how much time and what human, organizational, material and financial resources it requires.

Consequently, innovative pedagogical activity is the basis for the renewal of educational institutions, a factor in the development of educational systems. Its result determines the structural and content changes in the work of the institution, the educational system, and under certain conditions - the creation of a qualitatively new pedagogical practice - the author's institution or a radical reform of the entire educational system .


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Senior teacher Zakirova D.F., Abay Myrzahmetov Kokshetau University Senior teacher Zhandaeva U.Z., Abay Myrzahmetov Kokshetau University Закирова Д.Ф., старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им.Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

Жандаева У.Ж., старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им.Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

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