Научная статья на тему 'Self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of the student’s individuality under credit technology of education'

Self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of the student’s individuality under credit technology of education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Neschadim Olga Vladimirovna, Akhetova Adya Aidarkhanovna

The article is aimed at clarifying the necessity of modernization of the educational systems and building a new model of education based on self-development, self-realization and self-improvement. Using of ICT is an essential way to achievespecific pedagogical purposes under the credit technology of education.

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Статья направлена на разъяснение необходимости модернизации образовательных систем и построения новой модели образования на основе саморазвития, самореализации и самосовершенствования. Использование ИКТ также является важным способом достижения конкретных педагогических целей в условиях кредитной технологии образования.

Текст научной работы на тему «Self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of the student’s individuality under credit technology of education»


Нещадим Ольга Владимировна

магистр педагогики и психологии, старший преподаватель английского языка, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова, Ауэзова

189а, 020000, город Кокшетау, Казахстан Ахетова Адия Айдархановна

магистр педагогических наук по специальности «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка», преподаватель английского языка, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова, Ауэзова 189а, 020000, город

Кокшетау, Казахстан

The article is aimed at clarifying the necessity of modernization of the educational systems and building a new model of education based on self-development, self-realization and self-improvement. Using of ICT is an essential way to achieve specific pedagogical purposes under the credit technology of education.

Статья направлена на разъяснение необходимости модернизации образовательных систем и построения новой модели образования на основе саморазвития, самореализации и самосовершенствования. Использование ИКТ также является важным способом достижения конкретных педагогических целей в условиях кредитной технологии образования.

Key words: self-development, self-improving, self-realization, credit technology, ICT.

Ключевые слова: саморазвитие, самосовершенствование, самореализация, кредитная технология, ИКТ.

There is no doubt that the university is a citadel of learning. It is a place where people of different cultures, religion and background come together with the major purpose of acquisition of knowledge. Universities offer the highest level of education as well as valuable degree required for them to build their careers. University degrees are essential for the job market. However, a university it's not the place only to gain information that will better equip you for your future ambition, it is an educational institution where future specialists will prepare for their prospective career, have new experience, increase knowledge, learn how to set goals, have the opportunity to plan the sequence of educational trajectory themselves. All the above mentioned objectives are achieved thanks to the credit technology of education, which was instituted in Kazakhstan in 2002 and substituted the linear one. We completely agree, that the credit system of education is aimed at increasing the level of self-education, self-development and creative development of the knowledge-based individualization of student training.

Let consider the goal of the credit system of education of the universities in Kazakhstan and particular Kokshetau Abay Myrzakhmetov university. The purpose of the setting up of the credit system of education is to increase the level of students training, assist their individual creative abilities development and their capabilities. To achieve this goal completely, Academy reformed teaching process, providing it with a new planning and regulatory documentation. In particular, in the curricula there was introduced a system of compulsory and elective courses. Elective subjects make up more than 40% of all subjects included in the curriculum. Freedom of choice is one of the main advantages of the credit system of education. According to it students should be given the opportunity to choose both teachers and shape their educational trajectory. In this regard, along with the standard and individual work, plans are implemented defining the content of education, organization of training and the curriculum. As for the choosing a preferable lecturer to attend, this aspect is difficult to be done yet, due to the fact that our university is a young one and we are on the way to it. In order to achieve this goal the university sets the following objectives: to orient the students for the future, to enhance their mental, cognitive activity, form the mental characteristics of a man, to cultivate new cultural values among students. Thus, the training and educational process in high schools should be parallel, along with the training and education of the young man as a specialist, and great attention should be paid to the formation and development of a full-fledged personality. Cognitive and practical activities are to complement each other; they should contact, mutually enriching; this knowledge must conform to the specific requirements of a modern society. The proper level of social status of scientists, teachers should be raised. The access to cultural values of humanity should be provided, not to lose touch with the social consciousness of previous generations with the help of the further development. And finally, the main principle of the credit technology of training is: the volume of the educational work of the student is measured in credits, a student independently chooses the subjects, included in the work plan, creating individual educational plan.

There is a necessity of modernization of the educational systems and building a new model of education based on self-development, self-realization and self-improvement. The faculty stuff's work of our university is directed at it, using the experience of the leading universities and the world practice. In new conditions it is extremely important for a teacher to adequately implement a role of the intermediary for the student to acquire knowledge. The development of a methodological basis of improvement of information competence of a teacher is a significant problem. On the basis the study of pedagogical theory and practice we have identified 4 major components in the structure of the information competence: 1) Motivating-objective component of informational competence presupposes the existence of a motive for achieving an aim, an interest of using informational technologies in the process of work, understanding of the objectives of information activities. 2) Under cognitive component we understand the knowledge of principal features of existing software, the ability to organize

and analyze new information technologies. 3) Operational activity component includes the skills of using information technology in practice, the effectiveness of the search, collection, storage and transmission of information by technical means. 4) Reflexive- is characterized by the ability of independent creative solution of arising problems on the basis of analysis of own informational activity [1]. So, in the development of didactic material of the training course the lecturers of our university use standard office editors (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point), as well as, various multimedia applications and benchmarks (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw). For implementation of the feedback from the students the teachers use e-mail. In addition, to work with all types of media, with a personal computer, copying devices the teacher needs the skills of work with technical means, serving the information processes. A good idea for our university lecturers would be also to create a personal web site to communicate with students.

The use of ICT help to achieve specific pedagogical purposes, and allow the teacher to intensify the learning process, immerse students into effective creative work in the lab, organize the efficient work at the seminars and lectures and student individual work. Working with ICT helps students quickly and efficiently master the specific set of professional vocabulary units, special terminology in the foreign language required for a future specialist. The most popular sites we use in our work with students are: www.britishcouncil.kz; www.ted.com;http://www.ieltsbuddy.com/free-university-education.html; https://www.youtube.com/ and others.

In classes of "Foreign English B2", "Practical course of the English language" for specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" and "Professionally-oriented foreign language" students of language and non-language specialties are offered to use www.britishcouncil.kz site [2]. The site offers a large number of articles for the listening and reading the following subjects: science and technology, modern technology, the education system, cultural life, the media and the press, environmental issues, society, social and political problems, etc.

"Telephone English" by Chris Rose can be used to work with students of specialty "Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation". Texts "Mergers" by Margaret O'Keeffe, "E-commerce" by Graham Bradford, "Knowledge management" by Alison Driver "," Microcredits "by Carolyn Hardwick," Change management "by Graham Bradford," Business and ethics "by Carolyn Hardwick, "Leadership" by Graham Bradford, "Logistics" by Chris Rose "can be used to actively work with students of specialties" Finance "," Accounting and auditing ". The site also offers a huge amount of articles of a professional character to work with students of specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Environment" and others. The texts are provided with a number of tasks for the preliminary work with them, as well as all sorts of exercises and tests. Prior to working with the text, students are offered questions which direct them to the main idea of the article. After reading the text, students perform exercises to consolidate the vocabulary to understand the main ideas of the text.

Texts have professional vocabulary and terminology, and the work to consolidate them should also be carried out after the execution of all tasks. Using multimedia technology enhances the quality of education, and helps to develop cognitive interests of students, increases the rate of studying educational material and can significantly increase productivity of independent work in the classroom. This learning environment creates additional opportunities for the development of creativity of students, stimulate their curiosity, instilling interest in learning a foreign language, as well as forms and develops computer skills in the search for information and its processing.

Site www.ted.com is effective for the work with students of "Foreign language: two foreign languages", "Translation studies", "International relations" specialties. For instance, for the workshops of "consecutive translation" students of the specialty "Translation Studies" are offered consecutive interpreting of "the TED" - conferences. Topics of lectures are varied: science, art, design, politics, culture, business, global issues, technology and entertainment, which allows to achieve the objectives of the discipline and develop the main translation competence of the future translators. «TED» - conference offer subtitled texts and lectures [3]. To work with materials of TED- conference the following steps, depending on the objectives of the session may be proposed: For example -"Climate change is happening. Here is how we adapt "by Alice Bows-Larkin.

1. Pre-translating task:

What have you heard about climate change? What are the effects of Global warming? What do climate analysts feel about the recent changes in the environment? (questions)

2. Work with the vocabulary to the lecture in pairs (prepared by the teacher beforehand);

3. Listen to the lecture;

4. Give the main idea of the lecture;

5. Translate the lecture in turn (without subtitles).

Students may be asked to transfer the task of the lecture without preparation, for example: Alyson Mc Gregor: Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women.

1. Pre-translating task: What do you think about modern medicine? Have you heard that many of the medicines we take - common drugs like Ambien and everyday aspirin - were only ever tested on men? What is a side effect?

2. Translate the lecture in turn (with subtitles or without them);

3. Give the main idea of the lecture;

4. Find and put down the unknown words using the text of the lecture; https://www.youtube.com/ is essential as well [4]. It can be used while lecturing "Basic theory of the language" and others. It offers the whole range of video materials. As for http://www.ieltsbuddy.com/free-university-education.html it is used by me for the discipline "Practice of written speech" [5].According to the program the students have to write essays and reproductions in class. The site is rich in different types of essay samples, linking words, word combinations for

completing written papers. The samples can be offered to the students to perform their individual work in class and home task as well.

While conducting lectures we prepare presentations in Power Point, it's a very simple but helpful visual aid for perceiving new theoretical material. We can make simple presentations and also use character graphics, text decoration. The students are offered to get the presentation home and look it through again. When they are given a task to make reports on a certain additional material they also do it with presentations in Power Point. Google is popularized for searching information. And also such e-dictionaries as Multitran, ABBY Lingvo are used by us approximately during each class by students of language specialties.

The lecturers of my department are to start making video lectures for distant-learning courses in order to provide these students with the video course of some theoretical disciplines. We are getting ready to make a video lecture on Theoretical Phonetics. It would be nice to involve the students in E-learning and expand their competences and also to complete a certified course myself. The opportunity to get skills in making podcasts, snapshots, screenshots and other new technological innovations is great and inappreciable.

By way of conclusion, in conditions of increasing individualization and the role of self-education of a student, he is becoming the central figure of educational process, which fundamentally changes the role of the teacher - he becomes an innovative advisor, tutor and consultant.


1. Шамсутдинова Т.М. Информационная компетентность как аспект информационной культуры студентов // Электронный научно-практический журнал Культура и образование. 2014. № 1 (5). С. 41.

2. https: //www.britishcouncil .kz

3. https://www.ted.com

4. https: //www.youtube.com/

5. http://www. ieltsbuddy. com/free-university-education.html

6. Зимняя И.А. Личностная и деятельностная направленность компе-тентностей как результат современного образования // Компетентность и проблемы ее формирования в системе непрерывного образования (школа -вуз - послевузовское образование): материалы XVI науч.-метод. конференции «Актуальные проблемы качества образования и пути их решения» /науч. ред. И.А. Зимняя; Исслед. центр проблем качества подготовки специалистов. М., 2006.

7. Brookfield, Stephen. Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. San-Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1995.

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