THE ESSENCE, CLASSIFICATION AND DIRECTIONS OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Semkin A.V., Abisheva N. G.

In this article, we will look at the question of new innovations, how they affect and how they have changed our lives. Innovative technology should answer the following questions: what is the best way to organize and manage educational (collective) activities in order to achieve the set goals; what should the subjects of pedagogical interaction be able, know and have in order to ensure successful activities.

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Сёмкин А.В., Абишева Н.Г. Кокшетауский университет им.Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. В этой статье мы рассмотрим вопрос о новых инновациях, как они влияют и как они изменили нашу жизнь. Инновационная технология должна отвечать на следующие вопросы: как лучше всего организовать и управлять образовательной (коллективной) деятельностью для достижения поставленных целей; что должны уметь, знать и иметь субъекты педагогического взаимодействия, чтобы обеспечить успешную деятельность.

Ключевые слова: рациональные способы и методы обучения, система принципов, образовательный процесс, инновации.



Semkin A.V., Abisheva N. G. KU named after Abay Myrzakhmetov (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan)

Annotation.In this article, we will look at the question of new innovations, how they affect and how they have changed our lives. Innovative technology should answer the following questions: what is the best way to organize and manage educational (collective) activities in order to achieve the set goals; what should the subjects of pedagogical interaction be able, know and have in order to ensure successful activities.

Key words: rational ways and methods of teaching, a system of principles, educational process, innovation.

This is the totality and system of functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological tools used to achieve pedagogical goals. It acts both as a science that studies the most rational ways and methods of learning, and as a system of principles, algorithms and regulators used in the educational process, and as a real educational process.

The concept of innovation in pedagogical science. In these conditions, the teacher, the head (technologist) of the educational process needs to be guided in a wide range of innovative technologies, ideas,schools, directions, not to waste time on the discovery of the already known. Today, it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire vast arsenal of educational technologies. Currently, a lot of

attention is paid to innovative educational technologies. What does this terminology mean?

Innovations are changes within the system. In the pedagogical interpretation and in the most general sense, innovations mean innovations in the pedagogical system that improve the course and results of the educational process.

Explanations of the essence of pedagogical innovations are very contradictory. In "Professional Pedagogy", the following definition is given: "Innovation is a complex process of creating, distributing and using a new practical tool (innovations, innovations) in the field of engineering, technology, pedagogy, scientific research".

It turns out that there is no new practical means-there is no innovation. However, it's not that

simple: There are not so many" new practical tools " in pedagogy. This means that innovation cannot be reduced to the creation of funds only. Innovations are both ideas, processes, means, and results taken in the unity of the qualitative improvement of the pedagogical system [1, 44].

The objects of innovation are the following problems: how to increase the motivation of educational activities; how to increase the amount of material studied in the classroom; how to speed up the pace of learning; how to eliminate time loss, etc.

The introduction of more well-thought-out methods of using active forms of the educational process, new technologies of training and education are constant areas of development of innovative ideas.

The analysis of a large number of general and private innovative projects according to the criterion of compliance with the level of development of the proposed ideas in pedagogical science (selection on the principle of "known-unknown"), as well as use in pedagogical practice (selection on the principle of "was - was not") allowed us to refer to general pedagogical innovations:

1. not a new, but constantly relevant and far from exhausted general idea, and a practical technology for optimizing the educational process, covering the system of pedagogical science and pedagogical practice;

2. humanistic pedagogy in the totality of its theoretical provisions and practical technologies;

3. approaches to the organization and management of pedagogical processes based on new ideas;

4. technologies based on the application of new ideas and means of informatization, mass communication [2, 24].

At the moment, among the means of developing the educational process, first of all, it is necessary to distinguish the transition from intuitive development to the scientifically based creation of a pedagogical project, to the validity of each element and stage, the focus on an objectively diagnosed end result, as well as its implementation in practice.

The main question of pedagogical technologies is as follows: how to get a guaranteed result? The level of performance is directly related to the level of professionalism, the highest

manifestation of which is its technological effectiveness.

We can identify the following reasons that have generated a close interest in pedagogical technologies today.

First, the need to introduce a system-activity approach to pedagogy.

Secondly, the need to implement the individualization of the educational process and individually-developing training.

Third, to exclude ineffective verbal methods of knowledge transfer.

Fourth, to motivate the design of the technological chain of procedures, techniques, forms of interaction between teachers and students that guarantee educational results and reduce the negative consequences of the work of low-qualified teachers.

The concept of "technology" has a regulatory impact, which is that it encourages scientists and practitioners [3, 201]:

1) find the basis for effective activity;

2) build it on an intensive, i.e. as scientific as possible, and not extensive (leading to unjustified expenditure of effort, time, and resources) basis;

3) to mobilize the best achievements of science and experience to ensure the desired result;

4) based on forecasting and design, ensure the achievement of the planned results.

Technologicality is now becoming the dominant characteristic of the teacher's activity, which means the transition to a qualitatively new level of efficiency, optimality, and knowledge intensity. "Technology is not a fashion statement, but the style of modern scientific and practical thinking»

What is the difference between the methodology and the technology? If the methodology in most cases is a set of recommendations for the organization and conduct of the educational process, then the pedagogical technology is distinguished by two fundamental points:

1. Technology is a guarantee of the final


2. Technology is a project of the future educational process.

Thus, technology is a hierarchical and ordered system of technological procedures for designing the educational process, the strict implementation of which guarantees the achievement of the planned result.

Any pedagogical technology meets a number of methodological requirements (technological criteria) [3, 37]:

- conceptuality (scientific grounds);

- consistency (consistency);

- controllability (availability of feedback);

- reproducibility (presence of an invention);

- efficiency (achievement of planned results).

Pedagogical technology should have a

scientific basis, be based on a certain scientific concept, and scientifically substantiate educational goals. The pedagogical technology should have all the signs of the system: the breaking of the process, the relationship of all parts, integrity.

V. P. Bespalko in his work "The components of pedagogical technology" writes: "A good, scientifically based technology of teaching and upbringing is pedagogical skill" [4, 63].

What does science-based learning technology mean? This means that it is based on a scientific analysis of the student's activities, the selection of those qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities that will be necessary for him in further educational activities: the analysis and clear selection of educational information, i.e. the content of educational material intended for teaching and monitoring its assimilation; the analysis of means of pedagogical communication (textbook, manual, TSO and methodological instructions to them, etc.; the choice of forms and methods of teaching, education and development of students); the specification of the activities of the teacher and students. After the scientific analysis of all the above, the stage of developing the technology of teaching itself on the basis of the pedagogical system, where all the components are interconnected and work as a whole, follows. This is followed by testing the developed technology in experimental training, its correction, addition and modification, if necessary, and only then-the stage of its implementation in natural learning conditions. It should be noted that pedagogical technology is not something frozen and given for all time. It can be improved or changed depending on the changing learning environment.

Learning is a purposeful process by its nature, constantly monitored, and the diagnosis of learning outcomes is often expressed in criteria-measured characteristics.

The structure of the educational process in technological terms can be represented as a unity of the following stages: goal setting - design of the

content and logical structure - actual training (project implementation) - control - correction.

In the modern educational process, the most developed link is "proper training", and the efforts of teachers are aimed precisely at improving it. However, this approach contains costs, since without a clearly defined goal and well-thought-out options for learning models and objective control of the degree of achievement of the goal, no interventions in the traditional educational process will yield results.

The expected results or targets are set for us by subject programs and State Standards, and the conditions for the course are also approximately the same-within the framework of a class-based system. The training model remains. The teaching model can be divided into two tiers: the upper-methods and forms, the lower-pedagogical techniques (tools and techniques). At the same time, all this is organized in a certain way thanks to algorithmization.

Thus, the difference between technologies lies in the methods used, the algorithm, the forms of work, i.e., the procedural components. So, in problem-based learning, the main method of cognition is problem-based, the essence of which is to create a state of intellectual difficulty that encourages cognitive activity. In programmed learning-a step-by-step method with strict algorithmization; business games - a method of modeling learning situations, etc.

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Сёмкин Алесандр Владимирович, кандидат педагогических наук, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

Абишева Наталья Геннадьевна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

e-mail: ivanchenko-v@mail.ru

Дата поступления статьи: 24.03.2021

© Семкин А.В., Абишева Н.Г., 2021

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